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1.1 Background to the Study
An antiseptic is a substance that is applied to lesions or wounds
of the skin to kill germs. Production of antiseptic is broader used in
many country especially when up-coming of corona virus that
includes Dettol soap and Dettol liquid. Many antiseptics and
disinfectants are used extensively in hospitals and other health care
centers to control the growth of microbes on both living tissues and
inanimate objects. They are essential parts of infection control
practices and aid in the prevention of nosocomial infections (Larson
and Morton, 1991). Antiseptics for the skin come as creams,
ointments, solutions, medicated powders and medicated soaps. They
may be put on:
some types of burns, to lessen the chance of infection
your skin before surgery, to reduce bacteria on the skin near the
operation site.
Antiseptics are also added to some hand cleansers, but plain soap is
just as effective. Antiseptic hand sanitisers are useful when it is not
possible to wash your hands using soap and water (the best way to
clean your hands). Read more about hand washing. Antiseptics are
not very useful for minor skin infections, cuts and grazes. Cuts and
grazes are best treated by cleaning the area with warm water and

covering it with a clean plaster or bandage. Covering the wound
prevents infections. There is no need to use an antiseptic as it may
damage your skin and slow healing. Read more about cut and grazers.
What are the side effects of antiseptics?
Antiseptics that are applied to your skin are mostly safe. However,
sometimes they can cause irritation and allergic reactions. There have
been reports of severe allergic reactions, including anaphylaxis from
chlorhexidine. If you notice a rash or your skin becomes itchy and
red, stop using the antiseptic and contact your pharmacist or doctor.
Is it safe to use diluted bleach (also called bleach baths) on the skn?
Yes, it is safe to use diluted bleach on your skin. Adding household
bleach to your bath or tub with warm water is used as an antiseptic to
decrease bacteria (bugs) on your skin. This can help improve eczema
and prevent skin infections. This is commonly called bleach baths and
it’s used no more than twice a week. If you have eczema and your
doctor has recommended bleach baths, then they may be used but
follow the instructions carefully. Bleaches come in different strengths.
When preparing a bleach bath, it is very important that the bleach is
diluted in the correct amount of water. Do not apply undiluted bleach
directly to the skin. This can cause severe burns and is very harmful.
Household bleach comes in different strengths, Here is guidance on
how to prepare a bleach bath.
Make sure you keep the bleach in the original container in a safe
place, out of reach and sight of children. Antiseptics used in the
mouth and throat. Antiseptic gargles are used for mild infections of
your mouth and gums. Sometimes an antiseptic gargle may be used to
rinse your mouth, instead of cleaning with a toothbrush, if brushing is
painful or not possible.
Antiseptic lozenges and throat sprays are available to relieve a sore
throat, but they may not be of benefit, and they can cause a sore
tongue and sore lips.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

The world experiences shorted antiseptic like dettol liguid or
soap in time of globally pandemic, some due to financial problem
while these problem can be solve through uses of local availability
material and produces the antiseptic of self. It is therefore for every
house hold to learn on, substance can be produced at cheaper rate in
order to be free from the nuisance caused by these microorganisms.

1.3 Scope and Limitation of the Study

This research work limited to the production of antiseptics

1.4 Objective of the Study

1 To uses this production as an opportunity to acquired skills and
knowledge in school, thereby creating jobs for the employed
and making them-self reliant.

2 To learn how to produces antiseptics in various homes rather
than going for commercial ones
3 To help solve the problem in buying antiseptics in higher
amount in local area.
4 To help in solving day to day problems of microorganism
controlled in our environment
5 To test the efficacy of the product (antiseptics) produced in this
research work.

1.5 Significant of the study

The result of this research work would is useful in the
production of antiseptics. It will equally serve as a guide to the
production of antiseptics as well as to learn.
1.6 Definition of Terms
Antiseptics: are antimicrobial substances that are applied to
living tissue/skin to reduce the possibility of infection, sepsis, or
Antimicrobial: is any substance of natural, semisynthetic or
synthetic origin that kills or inhibits the growth of microorganisms
but causes little or no damage to the host.
Disinfection: describes a process that eliminates many or all
pathogenic microorganisms, except bacterial spores, on inanimate
objects. Usually are disinfected by liquid chemicals or wet
Antibiotics: are a type of prescription medication that can treat
bacterial. They do this by killing the bacteria or by keeping them from
copying themselves or reproducing.

2.1 Introduction
To understand antiseptics, one should first understand the root
of the word. Consider the word “sepsis,” which is a medical term
meaning there are microorganisms alive in the blood and/or the
tissues of the body. If a person is septic, then he is in big trouble
because the infection is often global, meaning it is throughout the
body, having been carried by the circulatory system. Sepsis must be
treated very quickly and aggressively. “Aseptic” simply means “not
septic.” It is sometimes used as an adjective to imply the prevention
of sepsis. Consider the physician who is about to perform a
procedure. The doctor will wash his hands very well. He may place a
drape over parts of the patient that are near the area to be worked on.
If the procedure is a surgery, the doctor will cover his hair and mouth
and wear a gown that has been sterilized. These measures are known
as aseptic technique. Similarly, when biotechnologists work with
cells, we do so in a biological safety cabinet because it prevents room
air from delivering dust, lint, spores, or what-have-you into the cell
medium with which we are working. In addition, a person performing
cell culture in a biosafety cabinet will not move his hands or arms
over what is being worked upon, including any open containers,

because particles can fall off of the lab coat, the skin, or possibly the
gloves. The prevention of sepsis—the prevention of bacteria growing
in our cell cultures, in our mice, or in our patients—is known as
aseptic technique. Antiseptics are chemicals applied to body surfaces
to destroy or inhibit the growth of vegetative pathogens. Their use is
similar to disinfecting the skin. An example of sanitizing your skin
would be washing your hands under a faucet using regular hand soap.
You would be removing a great deal of bacteria. The use of an
antiseptic would be different— perhaps using a hand soap with
triclosan or swabbing the skin with an alcohol. Disinfectants and
antiseptics are different. Disinfectants are used on inanimate surfaces,
and antiseptics are for body surfaces like your skin. Disinfectants can
potentially be harsher than antiseptics because one does not have to
worry about the preservation of living tissue. To extend our
discussion, what would be the result of sterilizing your finger? Killing
every cell in your finger! Your cells are microorganisms too, so to
sterilize any part of your body would essentially mean to kill it.
Hydrogen peroxide is a very effective antimicrobial. In fact, what you
buy from the store—3%—is very effective, killing a broad spectrum
of microbes within 10-15 s. It is used as both a disinfectant and an
antiseptic. However, it is not the best agent to put onto a healing
wound because it can damage your own cells. Hydrogen peroxide
works by making hydroxyl oxygen radicals, which can oxidize DNA,
RNA, proteins, and membrane lipids. H O will serve to help clean a
fresh wound by killing microbes. When you first get an open wound,
you should clean out any debris, which includes dead cells, tissue,
dirt, and what-have-you. One could wash the wound with hydrogen
peroxide. However, after the healing process begins, hydrogen
peroxide will take away the body’s work in wound healing. At the end
of the day, you may have grown fresh granulation tissue to cover the
wound. You wouldn’t want to strip that away by killing those cells.
The healing process is complex, and what might work well on day 0
might not be the best agent on day 2 (W.T. Godbey, in An
Introduction to Biotechnology, 2014)

2.2 Antibacteria Soap Used Impacts Skin Microbial in Rural

Yu JJ, Manus MB, Mueller O, Windsor SC, horvath JE, Numnn
(2018) tells the skin harbors diverse community of microorganisms,
and alteration to these coummunities can impact the effectiveness of
the skin as a barrier to infectious organisms or injury. As the global
availability and adoption of antibacterial products increases, it is
important to understand how these products affect skin microbial
communities of people living in rural areas of developing countries,
where risks of infection and injury often differ from urban
populations in developed countries. We investigated the effect of
antibacterial soap on skin microbial communities in a rural malagasy
population that practices subsistence agriculture in the absence of
electricity and running water. We quantified the amount of soap used
by each participant and obtained skin swab samples at three points:
prior to soap use, immediately after one week of soap was
discontinued. Soap use did not significantly impact ecologically
measures of diversity and richness( Alpha diversity). However, the
amount of soap used was a predictor of coummunity - level change
(beta - diversity), with changes persisting for at least two weeks after
subjects stopped using soap. Our result indicate that the overall
species richness of skin microbial communities may be resistant to
short - term use of antibacterial soap in setting characteristic by
regular contact with the natural environment, yet these communities
may undergo shifts in microbial composition. Lifestyle changes soap
may therefore cause rapid alteration in skin microbial communities,
with the potential for effects on skin health.

2.3 Efficaccy Study of Some Antiseptic and Disenfectant

Raut Gargi, Pimpliskar Mukesh R, Vanmali HS and Jadhav
Rahul (2017) Antiseptics and Disinfectants are widely used in
hospitals and other health care centers to control the growth of
microbes on both living tissues and inanimate objects. Different
pathogens responded different antiseptics and disinfectants. The
phenol coefficient was also done to check comparative account with
antiseptic and disinfectant with reference to time of killing the
pathogens. Antibacterial effects of the antiseptics and disinfectants
were also concentration dependent.Over the last few years
alcohol-based hand disinfectants have become widely available
within health care, providing an alternative means of achieving good
hand de-contamination. In the hospital setting their advan-tage over
soap and water is that they can be applied in transit to the next patient
or task and therefore may help improve compliance with hand
decontamination. Within the community setting they provide a
suitable alternative to hand washing, particularly where there may be
inadequate hand washing facilities (Pratt et al., 2001). It is well
known that hand hygiene is a crucial factor in the control of health
care-acquired infections (HCAIs) (Boyce and Pittet, 2002). This is
because hands may readily beco-me contaminated with transient
micro-organisms during the delivery of health care. Transient flora
such as Staphylococcus aureus are microorgani-sms colonizing the
superficial outer layers of the skin, and may be readily removed by
hand washing (NDAC, 2005).

2.4 Surgical Antiseptics

Kathryn DeMallie, Kathryn Dzintars, PharmD, BCPS-AQID,
Melanie A. Gavin, MPH, M(ASCP) CMIfeoma N. Ibe, and PharmD
(2018) summarize that Surgical antisepsis plays an important role in
preventing postoperative wound infections by limiting the type and
number of microorganisms transferred into the wound during surgery.
Surgical hand preparation with either an ABHR or an antiseptic
solution can reduce the number of bacteria on hands before putting on
sterile gloves. Preoperative bathing of the patient before entering the
OT is good clinical practice. Alcohol-based chlorhexidine is
recommended for preoperative skin preparation in most situations.
Follow manufacturers’ instructions and consider patient and surgical
site factors when applying antiseptics. If not stored following
recommended procedures, antiseptics may become contaminated with
microbes, which can result in infection outbreaks

2.5 Antiseptic and Disinfectants Activity, Action and Resistance

Gerald McDonell and A. Denvel Rusell (2001) antiseptics and
disinfectants are extensively used in hospital and other health care
setting for a variety of topical and hard - surface applications. A wide
variety of active chemical agents (biocides) are found in these
products, many of which have been used for hundreds of years
including alcohol, phenols, iodine, and chlorine. Most of these active
agents demostrated broad - spectrum antimicrobial activity; hoever,
little is know about the made of action of these agents in comparision
to antibiotics. This review consider what is known about the mode of
action and spectrum of activity of antispetics and disenfectants. The
widespread use of these products has prompted some speculation on
the development of microbial resistance, in particular whether
antiotics resistance is induced by antiseptics or disinfectants. Known
mechanism of microbial resistance (both instrinsic and acquired) to
biocides are reviewed, with emphasis on the clinical implication of
these reports.

2.6 A History of Early Antiseptics

Melvin Mfw Dunker (1938) — A History Of Early Antiseptic.
Some medical historians are wont to divide surgical history into two
period, ‘’before Lister’’ and ‘’after Lister.’’ In this period ‘’after
Lister’’ we are accustomed to take for granted the germ theory of
disease and the limitless benefit of antiseptic methods. Such,
however, was not always the case. It is only within the past
three-quarters of a century that the causal relationship of
microorganisms to disease has been definitely and irrefutably
established and that truly antiseptic methods of surgery has been
established. ‘’before Lister’’ a hospital was by no means the safest
place in which to have an operation of even minor character
performed, and the larger the hospital, the less the chances for
surviving. Records from the ‘’before lister’’ period reveal that
following amputations of the arm, foram, thigh, or leg the mortality
from post –operative infection inEngland was forty –one percent. In
the large hospitals and eleven per cent. In country practice. In the
large Parasian hospital the mortality rate in similar instances was as
high as sisty –two percent. The death rate from wound infections in
field hospitals was even greater. Sir Charles Bell, a professor of
surgery at Edinburgh during the fist quarter of the nineteenth century,
gives the following picture of hospitals: you look ‘’upon limbs
variously wounded. But all of the lying out, swollen, suppurating,
fistulous, rotting in their own filth, having carious bones, bleeding
arteries amd profusion of matter; the patient exhausted in the
meanwhile, with diarrhea, fever and pain.’’ Wrench in hiss ‘’life of
lord lister’’ makes the statement that during periods such as wars and
epidemics, a hospital could be recognized at a distance because of ‘’
the stench of human putridity it contained.’’

All are more or less familiar with the brilliant re-searchess of

Pasteur, upon which are based the development of post-listeriann
antiseptic surgery and the tremendous progress since that time.
Perhaps a conception of the notions of infection, sepsis, and antisepsis
‘’ before lister’’ would be of value.

For present purpose, the term antiseptic will be employed in a

broad sense, to apply to any method used to check the effect or
counteract the influence of the agencies which produce sepsis or to
destroy them in both living and non-living matter. The methods may
be divided into two large classes – the physical and the chemical.
Some chemical materials have been used because of their physical
effects in altering osmotic pressure. Certain salts produced their effect
by desiccation rather than through any specific ion action.

The early attempts at what we call antisepsis were applied
chiefly to the preservation of foods. The process of desiccation is one
the oldest. As early examples of this, we have the dried flesh found in
the Egyptians mummies and the hay and dried fruits found in toms,
the smoking and drying of meat, and the drying of fish. In other case
the desiccation has been brought about by making use of the osmotic
pressure developed: e.g., from time immemorial, meat and fish have
been conserved with honey or sugar.

Within rather recent times ultra-violet light has been advocated

for the rapid sterilization of certain types of material and solutions.
Ultra-violet light, although not known as such, was recommended
more than twenty-five centuries ago, for in the Sankrit writing
‘’susruta Samluta’’ of about B.C. we rea, ‘’it is good to keep to keep
water in copper vessels and to expose it to sunlight and to filter
through charcoal.

It is quite certain that heat has long recognized as a means of

preventing bacteria decomposition, but definite references to its very
early use seem to be lacking. In the seventh century A.d., Paul
d’Egine recommended the treatment of abscesses with heat, while in
the tenth century; Albucasiss practiced the actual cauterization of
abscesses. Cauterization was also later employed in amputations. The
standard treatment for rabies in humans was the cauterization of all
teeth marks with a red hot iron. In the eighteenth centuty an Italian

priest by the name of Spallanzani was the first to show that heat killed
bacteria. About the year 1800, there appeared a monograph by Appert
entitled ‘’The Art of Preserving Animal and Vegetable substances.’’
The method consisted in placing the material in tightly corked or
stopped bottles and exposing these to the beginning of the nineteenth
century, damson and Symington recommended exposing the articles
of cloth-ing worn by sick people to rapid currents of air heated to a
temperature varying from 200 to 250 degeeF. In 1831, Dr. Henry of
Manchester advised the sterilization of clothing by heating it in a
copper vessel surrounded by steam.

2.6 The Antiseptic Properties of Surface Active Agent

Lawrence h. Flett (1945) Soap has always been and still is a

valuable antiseptic agent. Among the new synthetic detergents
products are available which can be used in neutral or acid solutions
to give a much stronger antiseptic action than is possible with soap
solutions. These new detergents are valuable because a really
worthwhile antiseptic action is obtained from products which are not
toxic. The new detergents are non-volatile so that they are stable
under storage conditions, and they dissolve rapidly to start their
sterilizing action. Further study of these products is worthwhile and
necessary because no antiseptic is of any value unless it is properly

used.Soap has always been and still is a valuable antiseptic agent.
Among the new synthetic detergents products are available which can
be used in neutral or acid solutions to give a much stronger antiseptic
action than is possible with soap solutions. These new detergents are
valuable because a really worthwhile antiseptic action is obtained
from products which are not toxic. The new detergents are
non-volatile so that they are stable under storage conditions, and they
dissolve rapidly to start their sterilizing action. Further study of these
products is worthwhile and necessary because no antiseptic is of any
value unless it is properly used.

2.7 Types of Antiseptics

Vanessa Ngan, Staff Writer, (2005) Antiseptics can be classified

according to their chemical structure. Commonly used antiseptic
groups include alcohols, quaternary ammonium compounds,
chlorhexidine and other diguanides, antibacterial dyes, chlorine and
hypochlorites, inorganic iodine compounds, metals, peroxides and
permanganates, halogenated phenol derivatives and quinolone
derivatives. The following table lists some of the agents within these


1.Ethyl alcohol 70%

2.Isopropyl alcohol 70%

3.Used as a skin disinfectant

4.Quaternary ammonium compound

Benzalkonium chloride


2.Methylbenzethonium chloride

3.Benzethonium chloride

4.Cetalkonium chloride

5.Cetylpyridinium chloride

6.Dofanium chloride

7.Domiphen bromide

8.Used as skin disinfectant, irrigation, and to preserve eye drops

Chlorhexidine and other diguanide

1.Chlorhexidine gluconate

2.Chlorhexidine acetate

3.Used as pre-operative skin disinfectant, to treat wounds, and for

bladder irrigation

Antibacterial dye

1.Proflavine hemisulphate


3.Brilliant green

4.Crystal violet

5.Gentian violet

6.Used as a skin disinfectant and to treat a wound or burn

Peroxide and permanganate

1.Hydrogen peroxide solution

2.Potassium permanganate solution

3.Benzoyl peroxide

4.Used as wound cleanser, gargle and mouthwash, for irrigation and

as a skin disinfectant

Halogenated phenol derivative




4.Hexachlorophane/hexachlorophene (no longer available)


6.Used as a skin disinfectant and in medicated soap and solution

Quinolone derivative

1.Hydroxyquinoline sulphate

2.Potassium hydroxyquinoline sulphate


4.Dequalinium chloride


6.Used to treat wounds, in throat lozenges and as a skin disinfectant


1.Burow's solution (aqueous solution of aluminium acetate)

2.Bleach baths

2.8 Antibiotics and antiseptics

Antiseptics Antiseptics have two major roles in veterinary dentistry

and oral surgery:
1. To reduce the number of bacteria in the oral cavity prior to and
during a procedure
2. To supplement mechanical plaque control.
It is good practice to rinse the oral cavity with a suitable antiseptic
prior to and during dentistry and oral surgery (Summers et al. 2000).
This reduces the number of potential pathogens, providing a cleaner
environment to work in and thus reducing the bacteremia induced by
dental procedures. It also reduces the number of bacteria in the
aerosol generated by dental equipment, e.g. ultrasonic scalers. This is
beneficial to the operator and assistant. Chlorhexidine gluconate, an
aqueous, non-alcohol-containing solution, is generally regarded to be
the oral antiseptic of choice in animals. The correct concentration
should be used. A 0.2% solution is generally recommended as being
safe, but a 0.05% solution may be indicated if the oral mucosa is
exposed to the solution throughout the procedure. Care should be
taken to avoid the eyes (Morgan et al. 1996). Numerous chemical
agents have been evaluated for the supplementation of mechanical
plaque control. Clinically effective antiplaque agents are
characterized by a combination of intrinsic antibacterial activity and
good oral retention properties. Agents that have been evaluated
include chlorhexidine, essential oils, triclosan, sanguinarine,
fluorides, oxygenating agents, quaternary ammonium compounds,
substituted amino-alcohols and enzymes. Of these, the greatest effect
on the reduction of plaque and gingivitis can be expected from
chlorhexidine. Chlorhexidine is the gold standard and the agent
against which all antiplaque agents are tested. Antiplaque agents
delivered from toothpastes, gels or mouth rinses can augment
mechanical oral hygiene to control the formation of supragingival
plaque and the development of early periodontal disease. It must be
emphasized that none of these agents will prevent gingivitis on their
own, i.e. in the absence of mechanical plaque removal. Moreover, all
these agents are associated with adverse side-effects. These effects
vary according to the chemical agent and include poor taste, a burning
and/or numbing of oral mucous membranes, staining of teeth and soft
tissues, and allergic reactions. The use of chemical antiplaque agents
should be seen as adjunctive to the mechanical removal of plaque.
Some examples of situations where adjunctive use of topical
chlorhexidine is useful are: Immediately postoperatively when
discomfort from treatment (deep subgingival debridement, multiple
extractions) may prevent mechanical plaque removal with a
toothbrush Intermittent use when an inflammatory process flares up,
e.g. cats with chronic gingivostomatitis Adjunct to toothbrushing
when toothbrushing is performed suboptimally, e.g. animal will not
allow proper brushing, or owner is not technically capable of efficient
brushing. Chlorhexidine gluconate is available as an aqueous solution
and as a semi-fluid gel. It can be applied with a syringe, a piece of
gauze or a toothbrush.

2.9 Antimicrobial

Jon B. Suzuki, Carl E. Misch (2018) Antiseptics are defined as

antimicrobial substances that are nondamaging to living tissue/skin
while reducing the possibility of infection, sepsis, or putrefaction.

There are several types of antiseptics ready for dental use: sodium
hypochlorite 1.0%, hydrogen peroxide 3.0%, chlorhexidine gluconate
0.12% (USA) or 0.2% (Europe, Asia, Canada), citric acid 40.0%,
EDTA 24%, povidone iodine 10%, phenols and essential oils. In
regards to peri-implantitis, several qualities are needed for antiseptics
to be effective: biofilm penetration, long substantivity, tissue
biocompatibility, and low resistance. For these reasons, we
recommend the use of citric acid. Removal of macro deposits should
be performed with scalers first. A cotton pellet is soaked with 40%
citric acid. It is gently dabbed to remove excess fluid then burnished
onto exposed implant surfaces for 30 to 60 seconds. Although there
are many other potential antiseptics such as povidone iodine,
hydrogen peroxide, chlorhexidine, and saline, citric acid has the most
biocompatible characteristics and ease of use. Citric acid is shown to
be able to reduce bacterial endotoxin, specifically Porphyromonas
gingivalis, by up to 90% with 2 minutes of contact. The body is
capable of handling minimal amount of bacterial colonies. With
mechanical and antiseptic use, it allows cells a chance to try to
regenerate onto clean implant surfaces. In regards to other antiseptics,
chlorhexidine applied on a cotton pellet and burnished against
machined surface has shown a 92.9% Pg endotoxin reduction but is
known to be toxic to fibroblasts. Povidone iodine has high antiseptic
capability but has a highly irritating effect if any residue comes in
contact with osseous structure. Bürgers et al studied several of the
antiseptics and their effectiveness on S. epidermis, C. albicans, and S.
sanguinis. While sodium hypochlorite was most effective in the
reduction of all three bacterial biofilms, it has the highest tissue
toxicity. Hydrogen peroxide was only active against C. albicans,
while chlorhexidine gluconate, phenols, and essential oils only had
activity against S. sanguinis and C. albicans, and S. sanguinis. While
sodium hypochlorite was most effective in the reduction of all three
bacterial biofilms, it has the highest tissue toxicity. Hydrogen
peroxide was only active against C. albicans, while chlorhexidine
gluconate, phenols, and essential oils only had activity against S.
sanguinis and C. albicans. Not enough supportive studies have
deemed any of the listed antiseptics as the clear choice, but 40% citric
acid is recommended for ease of use, tissue compatibility, and
effectiveness in reducing bacterial residue. Generally, antiseptics
should not be used in superficial wound. However recently octenidine
dihydrochloride (Octenivet Solution, Schülke & Mayr GmbH,
Norderstedt, Germany), a cationic antiseptic belonging to the
bispyridine class of chemicals and being effective against
gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria was introduced to the
veterinary market in Europe. Effectiveness could be shown in oral
hygiene by preventing plaque and gingivitis, as a whole body wash
for MRSA decolonization, and for skin disinfection of pre-mature

newborn infants. Currently, no veterinary literature is available but
clinical studies are under way.

Chlorhexidine (CHX) (commonly known by the salt forms
chlorhexidine gluconate and chlorhexidine digluconate (CHG)
or chlorhexidine acetate) is disinfectant and antiseptic that is
used for skin disinfectant before surgery and to sterilize
surgical instrument. It may be used both to disinfect the skin of
the patient and the hands of the healthcare providers. It is also
used for cleaning wouds, preventing dental plaque, treating
yeast infection of the mouth, and to keep urinary catheters from
blocking. It is used as a liquid or powder.
Side effects may include skin irritation, teeth discoloration, and
allergic reactions. It may cause eye problems if direct contact
occurs. Use in pregnancy appears to be safe.Chlorhexidine
may come mixed in alcohol, water, or surfactant solution. It is
effective against a range of microorganisms, but does not
inactivate spores.
Chlorhexidine came into medical use in the
1950s.Chlorhexidine is available over the counter (OTC) in the
United States.It is on the World Health Organization's List of
Essential Medicines.In 2017, it was the 286th most commonly
prescribed medication in the United States, with more than one
million prescriptions.
Chlorhexidine is used in disinfectants (disinfection of the skin
and hands), cosmetics (additive to creams, toothpaste,
deodorants, and antiperspirants), and pharmaceutical products
(preservative in eye drops, active substance in wound
dressings and antiseptic mouthwashes).A 2019 Cochrane
review concluded that based on very low certainty evidence in
those who are critically ill "it is not clear whether bathing with
chlorhexidine reduces hospital‐acquired infections, mortality, or
length of stay in the ICU, or whether the use of chlorhexidine
results in more skin reactions."

Use of a CHG-based mouthwash in combination with normal

tooth care can help reduce the build-up of plaque and improve
mild gingivitis. There is not enough evidence to determine the
effect in moderate to severe gingivitis. About 20 mL twice a day
of concentrations of 0.1% to 0.2% is recommended for
mouth-rinse solutions with a duration of at least 30 seconds.[20]
Such mouthwash also has a number of adverse effects
including damage to the mouth lining, tooth discoloration, tartar
build-up, and impaired taste. Extrinsic tooth staining occurs
when chlorhexidine rinse has been used for 4 weeks or longer.]
Mouthwashes containing chlorhexidine which stain teeth less
than the classic solution have been developed, many of which
contain chelated zinc.
Using chlorhexidine as a supplement to everyday mechanical
oral hygiene procedures for 4 to 6 weeks and 6 months leads
to a moderate reduction in gingivitis compared to placebo,
control or mechanical oral hygiene alone.
Chlorhexidine is a cation which interacts with anionic
components of toothpaste, such as sodium lauryl sulfate and
sodium monofluorophosphate, and forms salts of low solubility
and antibacterial activity. Hence, to enhance the antiplaque
effect of chlorhexidine, "it seems best that the interval between
toothbrushing and rinsing with CHX [chlorhexidine] be more
than 30 minutes, cautiously close to 2 hours after brushing".


Chlorhexidine gluconate is used as a skin cleanser for surgical

scrubs, as a cleanser for skin wounds, for preoperative skin
preparation, and for germicidal hand rinses. Chlorhexidine eye
drops have been used as a treatment for eyes affected by
Acanthamoeba keratitis.
Chlorhexidine is very effective for poor countries like Nepal and
its use is growing in the world for treating the umbilical cord. A
2015 Cochrane review has yielded high-quality evidence that
within the community setting, chlorhexidine skin or cord care
can reduce the incidence of omphalitis (inflammation of the
umbilical cord) by 50% and also neonatal mortality by 12%.[26]

Side effects
CHG is ototoxic; if put into an ear canal which has a ruptured
eardrum, it can lead to deafness.
CHG does not meet current European specifications for a hand
disinfectant. Under the test conditions of the European
Standard EN 1499, no significant difference in the efficacy was
found between a 4% solution of chlorhexidine digluconate and
soap.[19] In the U.S., between 2007 and 2009, Hunter Holmes
McGuire Veterans Administration Medical Center conducted a
cluster-randomized trial and concluded that daily bathing of
patients in intensive care units with washcloths saturated with
chlorhexidine gluconate reduced the risk of hospital-acquired

Whether prolonged exposure over many years may have
carcinogenic potential is still not clear. The US Food and Drug
Administration recommendation is to limit the use of a
chlorhexidine gluconate mouthwash to a maximum of six
When ingested, CHG is poorly absorbed in the gastrointestinal
tract and can cause stomach irritation or nausea. If aspirated
into the lungs at high enough concentration, as reported in one
case, it can be fatal due to the high risk of acute respiratory
distress syndrome.

Mechanism of action
At physiologic pH, chlorhexidine salts dissociate and release
the positively charged chlorhexidine cation. The bactericidal
effect is a result of the binding of this cationic molecule to
negatively charged bacterial cell walls. At low concentrations of
chlorhexidine, this results in a bacteriostatic effect; at high
concentrations, membrane disruption results in cell death



31. Research Design

The research design for this work is experimental research

3.2 Apparatus

▪ Measuring cylinder (10ml, 5ml, 100ml needs)

▪ Stir

▪ Bowl

▪ Conical flask

▪ Beaker

▪ Scissor

▪ Water

3.3 Reagent/ Materials

● Texapon

● Pine oil

● Chloroxylenol

● Isopropyl Alcohol(IPA)/Methanol

● Colour(Dettolcolour)
● Phenol (water based)

3.4 Amount needed in proportion of making 2 liters

▪ Pine 76ml
▪ Texapon 50ml
▪ Chloroxylenol 100ml
▪ Isopropyl Alcohol ( I.P.A)/ methanol 1500ml
▪ Colour depend

3.5 Procedure

Figure 1. Add 5ml of phenol and 50ml of Texapon into your main
mixing bowl or conical flask and stir it well to dissolve

Phenol and Teaxapon

Figure 2. Add 76ml of pine oil into the mixture and stir it well for
1 -2 minutes to blend.

76ml of pine oil

Figure 3. Mix your 100ml of Chloroxylenol again in you main

mixture and stir it well to blend.

100ml of chloroxylenol

Figure 4 Add 150ml of isopropyl alcohol (IPA) or methanol and

stir it well to blend.

150ml of methanol
Figure 5 Mix a little of your Dettol colour into your main mixture
bowl and stir it well until you get thed esire result.


Figure 6 Package your antiseptic for sale or uses at home or for

various uses like it in this study or research.
Color should be the last ingredient to be added

3.5 Caution
i. Use protective gloves on both hand and if you are allergic
to odour of chemical, use nose mask
ii. Do not make the production close to naked flames such as
unprotected candle flames or flames from any burning material.
This is because some of the chemical are inflammable
iii. Keep chemical out of reach of children

iv. Avoid direct contact of chemical with skin or eyes. In
case of any accident, wash immediately with plenty of water. If
symptoms persist please see your doctor
v. Do not taste any chemical



4.1 Result

Figure 1: A bowl with phenol

The above is 5ml of phenol added in bowl

Figure 2: A bowl with texapon and phenol

The above in the bowl is the well blended mixture of 50ml of
texapon and 5ml of texapon

Figure 3: A bowl with pine oil, Texapon, and Phenol

the above in the bowl is the mixture of 76ml pine oil, 50ml of
texapon and 5ml of phenol

Figure 4: A bowl with chloroxylenol, pine oil, Texapon, and


The above figure in the bowl is the mixture of 100ml of

chloroxylenol, 76ml of pine oil, 50ml of texapon and 5ml

Figure 5: A mixture of Methanol pine oil, Texapon, Phenol and

the above figure mixture in the bowl is the mixture of 76ml of Pine
oil, 50ml of Texapon, 100ml of Chloroxylenol, 5ml of Phenol and
150ml nethanol.

Figure 6: A bowl with Colour, Methanol pine oil, Texapon, Phenol

and Chloroxylenol

The above in the bowl is the mixture of Colour (depend), 150ml of
Methanol, 76ml of pine oil, 50ml of Texapon, 5ml of Phenol and
100ml of Chloroxylenol

Figure 7: Final product

The last of the final of the product of the mixture in the

production is now available as shown in figure below

4.2 Result Discussion

The finding from the result revealed that, the results are usually based
on figure illustration.
Phenol was added in the first figure to the bowl and phenol serve as
the chemical that kills bacteria and fungi in slimes, that what make
phenol to be used as an antiseptic of material in local and also in
commercial production.
Sodium lauryl ether AKA texapon or detergent that forms micelle
which allow non-polar substance like oil to be dissolved in water that
also what make the solution or mixture look like white honey and be
gum in stirring as show in figure 2 represented in the above
production of antiseptic steps.

Figure 3 shown that 76ml of pine oil after added that phenol and
Texapon the next to be follow was pine oil, Pine oil its antiseptic
agent that is used for production and pine brings out the scent in
dettol. In figure 3 the pine oil was added in small quantity about
76ml as shown above and the mixture changed to colourless small
stickled solution due to the presence of the other chemical such as
Texapon and phenol.
Para – chloro-meta- xylenol ( PCMX) is the anti-bacteria agent with
general formula C8H9OCl was used here as chloroxylenol and also the
one added in figgure four before methanol or isopropyl alcohol. After
the added of isopropyl alcohol / methanol and colour also the product
form as shown in the above figures.
- Does the dettol have efficient after production?
- Does it cause burn after finished?
- Who does wash his hand after the production?
Answered: Dettol is an efficient which moreover retains a high degree
of efficiency in presence of organic substance. Dettol is well tolerated
on the skin and tissue in high concentration, and it’s non toxicity offer
a safety to doctors, nurse and patient. The fact that dettol is well
tolerated by the tissue permits dilution to be recommended for clinical
purposes which provide a margin of safety even a reasonable amount
of organic material.

5.1 Conclusion
Considering the rate at which infections and disease causing
micro-organism are ravaging the health of people in our society,
hence the need for the production of antiseptics this project focus the
production of antiseptic for the reduction of microbes through the
availability of antiseptics in rural area, which will help in sanitizing
the surrounding.
The production of antiseptics involved the use of the following raw
material as active ingredient, methanol or isopropyl alcohol, pine oil,
Texapon, chloroxylenol and colourant in right proportion and proper

5.2 Recommendation
1. Attention should be given in encouraging young entrepreneurs
to acquire more skills in production of antiseptics.
2. More efforts should be geared by researchers in developing
different ways and formulation for the production antiseptics
3. Shill acquisition in production of antiseptics will create job
opportunities among the unemployed in our society.
4. I recommended government funding of small scale business and
provision of raw materials for the production of antiseptics.

5. I also recommended that antiseptic should be used for clinical
purposes which provide a margin of safety even a reasonable
amount of organic material.


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