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S.Y. 2019-2020
Name: ____________________________ Date: ______________
Grade& Section: ____________________ Score: ______________

I. Multiple Choice: Read each item carefully. Shade the circle

containing the letter of the correct answer.

1. As a Grade 9 student, you want to plan out the things you

want to do after graduating in Junior High School. Which
among the choices below is the first thing that you need to
 Goal Setting
 Values Inventory
 Interest Inventory
 Personality Inventory
2. What element of good goals deals with setting a time frame
in achieving one’s goals?
 Action-oriented  Relevant
 Prioritizing  Time-bounded
3. Ellis is trying to set his goals for his career in the future.
What are the things he needs to consider in setting his goals

1. Financial Status 4. Family

2. Other’s Expectation 5. Health
3. Weakness

 1,2,3,5  1,3,4,5
 1,2,3,4,5  1,2,4,5
4. These are the following ways to make your work enjoyable
 Learn to relax
 Get motivated to face the day
 Keep your work in indifference
 Delegate whatever is appropriate
5. You want to assess your traits, motivational drives, needs,
attitudes, and behaviors in order to choose the right job.
What assessment should you take?
 Skill Inventory  Interest Inventory
 Values Inventory  Personality Inventory

6. What would you do if you are still confused with the course
you want to choose?
 Choose what your friends like for you.
 Read and take time to think and plan.
 Stop and continue it for the next school year.
 Ask help from your relatives and rely on their decision.
7. This course deals with the fundamental concepts, principles,
and practices of ethical standards in the business
environment. It combines the theoretical foundations of
setting up business enterprises with the conduct of
entrepreneurial activities in the context of one’s
accountability and social responsibility.
 Science, Technology, Engineering and
Mathematics (STEM)
 Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM)
 Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS)
 Technical- Vocational (Tech-Voc)
8. This track in the Senior High School is taught in the form of
Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE) subject. It has
the role of preparing the students for the work.
 Science, Technology, Engineering and
Mathematics (STEM)
 Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM)
 Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS)
 Technical- Vocational (Tech-Voc)
9. This is an educational program which aims to foster
inquiring minds, logical reasoning, and collaboration skills.
 Science, Technology, Engineering and
Mathematics (STEM)
 Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM)
 Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS)
 Technical- Vocational (Tech-Voc)
10. Aira took the Multiple Intelligences Survey to know her
strengths and in what field she is good at. What type of self-
assessment did she take?
 Skill Inventory  Interest Inventory
 Values Inventory  Personality Inventory
11. It is one of the self-inventory tools which refers to the things
that are important to you.
 Skill  Interest
 Values  Personality

12. Miriam wants to graduate in Junior High School with High
Honors. What kind of goal did she set?
 Short Term Goal  Realistic Goal
 Long Term Goal  Time-Bound Goal
13. Myka is gathering information about herself and weighing
her strengths and weaknesses in order to derive what
course or career she can get in College. What technique did
she do?
 Self-Assessment
 Skill Assessment
 Personality Inventory
 Multiple Intelligence Survey
14. The following are the things you need to consider in
choosing a school to enroll in college, EXCEPT _________.
 Facilities
 Student Population
 Requirements and standards
 Good qualifications of professors
15. Emma wants to take up Medicine in College but she is
worried of the possible local and global demands on the
field, that is why she thought of gathering information to
know the job opportunities that her chosen course may
bring. What do you call the process being done by Camille?
 Job Evaluation
 Career Orientation
 Professional Skills Assessment
 Environmental Career Scanning
II. MODIFIED TRUE OR FALSE: Read and understand each
sentence and decide if it is TRUE or FALSE. If it is true, draw a
smiley ☺ before the number. If false, draw a sad face before
the number and underline the word/s that made it wrong.

_____16. Solving problems, asking questions and working

with numbers are the interests of a Verbal-Linguistic
_____17. A Spatial Smart learns best through pictures, colors,
drawings and reading books.
_____18. SMARTA stands for specific, measurable, relevant,
time-bounded, and action-oriented.
_____19. Work is a kind of service where one uses his skills
and talents to achieve their goal.
_____20. The appropriate professions for an Intrapersonal
Smart person are psychologist, receptionist and

III. Answer the following questions comprehensively.

21-25. How will you use your skills and talents as a means of
service to others? Would it also be beneficial to you?

26-30. Simon is not yet sure on the course he will take in

College, and told you that he will just take Criminology
just for him to get a degree. Do you think he is making
the right choice? Why? Why not?

31-35. “Life is just like a journey. In taking a journey, one has

to carry a compass in order to take the right direction.”
How is this quotation related to goal setting?

IV. Illustrate your answers on the following questions.

36-40. How can you make your work enjoyable? Make a list of
ways through an acrostic with the word ENJOY.






41-50. Draw a symbol of the career you want, and answer the
questions that follow.

41-44. (4pts)

45-47. How can the career you have chosen help you in
developing your skills and talents as an individual?


48-50. Are you aware of the possible job demands align on that
career? What are these job opportunities? (3pts)


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