LESSON 4 - Solidarity-Subsidiarity

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Solidarity & Subsidiarity
Common Good

Subsidiarity Solidarity
Principle of
The government is an instrument to
promote human dignity, protect
human rights and develop the
common good.

Principle of Subsidiarity
Subsidiarity holds such functions of government
that should be performed at the lowest level
possible if they can be performed adequately.
When they cannot, higher levels of government
must intervene.
Principle of Subsidiarity
This principle goes together with participation, the
principle that all people have a right to participate
in the economic, political, and cultural life of
society, and in the decisions that affect their
Principle of Subsidiarity
The principle of subsidiarity applies to business
entities that the bigger companies or corporations
take control and overpower the smaller business
Principle of Subsidiarity
The principle of subsidiarity holds that the state should
undertake only those tasks which are beyond the capacity of
individuals or private groups acting independently. While
providing aid to the needy when it is available by no other
means, governmental agencies and those in position of civil
authority should not intervene unnecessarily, always respecting
the basic rights of the members of the society.
Principle of Subsidiarity
Example in action:
There are a lot of big companies and factories residing in Pasig City. Bigger
businesses require more manpower, this results for them to hire more
people to work with them. But instead of hiring talented workers from other
places they instead choose to hire people who resides in Pasig and train
them to be the “talented” worker that they are looking for their company.
This is what subsidiarity is, bigger people helping smaller ones to attain
adequate and common good for everyone.
Principle of
Principle of Solidarity
The principle of solidarity is a principle that leads
to positive interaction with other people. “Other”
refers to people closest to you, your family, co-
workers, neighbors, and friends.
Principle of Solidarity
It means oneness, togetherness, or unity. It is
therefore needed that a family and the
community develop oneness, togetherness, and
unity to derive a fair sharing of responsibility.
Principle of Solidarity
Solidarity helps us to see “others”—whether a person, people,
or nation—not just as some kind of instrument with a work
capacity and physical strength to be exploited at low cost and
then discarded when no longer useful, but as our “neighbor,” a
“helper” to be made a sharer, on a par with ourselves, in the
banquet of life to which all are equally invited by God.
“When people live in a fair, caring
society, where everyone has equal
access to social goods, they don’t have to
spend their time worrying about how to
cover their basic needs day to day –
they can enjoy the art of living. And
instead of feeling they are in constant
competition with their neighbours, they
can build bonds of social solidarity.”
― Jason Hickel
Final Ptask
Digital Brochure
Create a digital brochure/pamphlet
summarizing the things you have
learned this quarter.
Divide your contents per
Use canva.com in making your
design (optional)

Go to your CL Course Materials.
Download and answer the template for
the activity.
Go to your CL Course Materials.
Answer the Quiz, "SHORT QUIZ
2: LESSON 3 & 4"
Thank You
For Attending!

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