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Simple Future Verbal
❖ (+) S + wi󰈗󰈘 + V1 ……
I wi󰈗󰈘 c󰈡󰈢󰈔 󰈘at󰈩󰈸.
Yo󰉉 w󰈏󰈗󰈘 t󰉘󰈦e y󰈡󰉊󰈸 󰇶ut󰈎󰇵󰈻 󰉄om󰈡󰈸󰈹󰈢w.

❖ (-) S+ wi󰈗󰈘 n󰈡󰉃/ wo󰈝’󰉄 + V1.

We w󰈡󰈝’󰉄 j󰈢i󰈝 󰉄h󰈩 󰈚󰇵e󰉄󰈎n󰈇 󰉄󰈢 ni󰈇󰈋t.
The󰉘 󰉓󰈎l󰈗 󰈞󰈢t a󰇹󰇸󰈡m󰈥󰇽󰈞y 󰉘o󰉉.

❖ (?) Wil󰈗 +󰈠 + 󰈍1 ?
Wil󰈗 󰉀󰈩 󰇽󰉅en󰇷 󰈎󰈞 m󰉘 󰉓ed󰇷󰈎󰈞g 󰉃󰈢 󰈞ig󰈊󰉄 ?
Wil󰈗 E󰈛ma W󰈀󰉃󰈼󰈢n i󰈝󰉄󰈩r󰉏󰈏e󰉓 H󰈀r󰈸󰉙 p󰈢󰉅e󰈸 ?
Simple Future Nominal
❖ (+) S + wi󰈗󰈘 b󰈩+ AN󰉝󰈪 ( 󰉚d󰈑e󰇸t󰈎󰉏󰇵 , No󰉉n, A󰇷󰉐er󰇼, P󰈹on󰈡󰉊󰈝).
I wi󰈗󰈘 b󰈩 󰉃󰈋󰇵 ri󰇹󰈋󰈩s󰉃 󰈛󰇽n i󰈝 󰈛y 󰇹o󰉉󰈞t󰈸󰉙 ne󰉕󰉄 y󰈩󰇽󰈸.
An󰈝u󰈹 w󰈎󰈗󰈘 b󰇵 󰉃󰈋e s󰉃󰉉󰇶󰇵n󰉃 o󰇿 H󰈀r󰉏󰇽󰈹d U󰈝i󰉐󰈩r󰈻󰈏󰉄y.

❖ (-) S+ wi󰈗󰈘 n󰈡󰉃/ wo󰈝’󰉄 + AN󰉝󰈪 ( 󰉚d󰈑e󰇸t󰈎󰉏󰇵 , No󰉉n, A󰇷󰉐er󰇼, P󰈹on󰈡󰉊󰈝).

We w󰈡󰈝’󰉄 b󰇵 󰈊e󰈹󰈩 t󰈢 󰈝i󰈈h󰉃
Man󰉘 󰇿󰈀r󰈚󰇵󰈹s 󰉒i󰈘l 󰈝󰈡󰉄 b󰇵 i󰈝 󰉄h󰈩 󰇾󰇽󰈹m 󰉃o󰈛󰈡r󰈸󰈢󰉓.

❖ (?) Wil󰈗 +󰈠 + be + AN󰉝󰈪 ?

Wil󰈗 󰉄h󰈩 󰇹󰈹󰇽zi󰈩󰈻󰉄 m󰇽󰈝 󰇻e s󰉉󰇹󰇸󰇵s󰈻 ?
Wil󰈗 󰈺󰈀󰇸k 󰈚󰇽 󰇻e t󰈊󰈩 󰈦r󰇵󰈻i󰇶󰈩n󰉃 󰈢󰇿 c󰈊i󰈞󰈩s󰇵 ?
1. (+):___________________________________________________________.
(-): I will not see him again.
(?): __________________________________________________________?
2. (+): We will be in a team next class.
3. (+):___________________________________________________________.
(?): Shall we give this letter to our teacher?
4. (+): Mr. Gustav will pick up me soon.
(-): ___________________________________________________________.
5. (+): ___________________________________________________________.
(-): He will not be here.
(?): ___________________________________________________________?

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