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2nd Semester, Academic Year 2020-2021

Assessment of Learning 2
Test I. Multiple Choice.
1. An evaluation based on concrete evidences and data to support the inquiry process.
a. integrity c. respect for people
b. competence d. systematic inquiry
2. Guiding principles for evaluator who are generally acknowledged in their field of expertise.
a. integrity c. respect for people
b. competence d. systematic inquiry
3. Evaluators ensure the honesty of the entire evaluation process.
a. integrity c. respect for people
b. competence d. systematic inquiry
4. Evaluators must listen patiently to the accounts of the entire evaluation process.
a. integrity c. respect for people
b. competence d. systematic inquiry
5. The process of evaluating the instruction of a given course.
a. performance evaluation c. program evaluation
b. course evaluation d. educational evaluation
6. An evaluation conducted specifically in an educational setting.
a. performance evaluation c. program evaluation
b. course evaluation d. educational evaluation
7. A term that stands in contrast to competence evaluation.
a. performance evaluation c. program evaluation
b. course evaluation d. educational evaluation
8. A set of philosophies and techniques to determine if a program works.
a. performance evaluation c. program evaluation
b. course evaluation d. educational evaluation
9. Process of gathering information and analyzing specific information as part of an evaluation.
a. immanent evaluation c. evaluation
b. assessment d. competency evaluation
10. A systematic and comprehensive process of determining the progress of the students.
a. immanent evaluation c. evaluation
b. assessment d. competency evaluation
11. Opposed by Gilles Deleuze to value judgement.
a. immanent evaluation c. evaluation
b. assessment d. competency evaluation
12. An evaluation done by teacher to determine the ability of their students aside from
standardized test.
a. immanent evaluation c. evaluation
b. assessment d. competency evaluation
13. The best approach for determining causal between variables.
a. experimental research c. decision-oriented
b. content analysis d. accreditation
14. A quasi-evaluation approach based on value statements.
a. experimental research c. decision-oriented
b. content analysis d. accreditation
15. This approach requires the close collaboration between an evaluator and decision maker.
a. experimental research c. decision-oriented
b. content analysis d. accreditation
16. These are based on self-study and peer review of organization, program, and personnel.
a. experimental research c. decision-oriented
b. content analysis d. accreditation
17. An evaluation that promotes positive or negative view of an object regardless of what the
value actually might be.
a. consumer-oriented c. true evaluation
b. pseudo evaluation d. quasi evaluation
18. An evaluation which includes approaches that might or might not provide answer related to
the value of an object.
a. consumer-oriented c. true evaluation
b. pseudo evaluation d. quasi evaluation
19. An evaluation to determine the value of some object.
a. consumer-oriented c. true evaluation
b. pseudo evaluation d. quasi evaluation
20. These studies on an objectivist epistemology.
a. consumer-oriented c. true evaluation
b. pseudo evaluation d. quasi evaluation
21. Grades may reflect relative performance wherein score is compared to other students by
a. pass-fall
b. criterion referenced
c. checklists
d. norm-referenced
22. Grades which reflect absolute performance compared to specified performances standards.
a. pass-fall c. checklists
b. criterion referenced d. norm-referenced
23. A grading system which utilizes a dichotomous grade system.
a. pass-fall c. checklists
b. criterion referenced d. norm-referenced
24. In this system, the objectives of the course are enumerated.
a. pass-fall c. checklists
b. criterion referenced d. norm-referenced
25. Measurement and ______ of learning are the first two steps in the learning process.
a. assessment c. reporting
b. evaluation
c. reporting
d. performance

Test II. True or False.

1. Utilitarianism is one form of objectivist which what is good is defined as that which maximize
the happiness of a society as a whole.
2. The objectivist epistemology is associated with the utilitarian ethics.
3. The subjectivist epistemology is associated with the utilitarian ethics.
4. According to the Stufflebeam, liberal democracy is a common ideology that serve as major
evaluation approaches.
5. The ten commandments of God is an example of utilitarianism.
6. In pluralist form, no single interpretation of “the good” is assumed and this interpretation need
not be explicitly stated.
7. Evaluation is methodologically diverse using both qualitative and quantitative methods.
8. The adversary approach focuses on drawing out the pros and cons of controversial issues
through client centered approach.
9. House developed a very useful approach in educational evaluation known as CIPP.
10. Question like “is there a need for the course falls under inputs.
11. Question like “Are the aims suitable?” falls under context.
12. “Is there any informal assessment?” falls under product.
13. “What is the workload of students?” is a question under product.
14. “How do students use what they have learned?” is a question under product.
15. Question like “Is the course relevant to job needs?” falls under context.
Prepared By: Reviewed By: Approved By:


Professor /Instructor DEAN, COLLEGE OF EDUCATION VP for Academic Affairs

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