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2nd Semester, Academic Year 2020-2021

Test I. Multiple Choice.
1. He identified six stages transitioning teachers into teacher leaders.
a. Donaldson
b. Killyon et al
c. Sanocki 2013
d. Alejado
2. Overcoming fears on leadership is _______ stage.
a. 2nd
b. 3rd
c. fourth
d. first
3. This stage is characterized by the teacher’s own reflection of the journey.
a. 2nd b. 3rd c. fourth d. first
4. Teachers as plain classroom teachers.
a. 2nd b. 3rd c. fourth d. first
5. Teacher leaders continue to perform her role in improving the community
a. 4th
b. 6th
c. 5th
d. first
6. In the ____stage, teachers gain confidence in doing their roles as they work with
a. 4th b. 6th c. 5th d. first
7. In the ____stage, teachers continue to perform their as they seek ways on how to
implement positive and essential reforms.
a. 4th b. 6th c. 5th d. first
8. He believes that it is important to assess the impact of teacher leadership.
a. Donaldson
b. Killyon et al
c. Sanocki 2013
d. Alejado
9. In a study conducted by _____(2007), teachers are confronted with issues that
revolved around the norms of the school culture.
a. Donaldson
b. Oracion
c. Sanocki 2013
d. Alejado
10. According to him, teaching position should be qualification rather than function.
a. Donaldson
b. Oracion
c. Sanocki 2013
d. Alejado
11. According to him, teachers are discouraged to be as promoted as leaders for fear of
doing their school responsibilities even at home.
a. Donaldson c. Sanocki 2013
b. Oracion d. Alejado
12. He identified various ways for school to become leaders.
a. Donaldson
b. Oracion
c. Killyon et al
d. Alejado

Test II. True or False.

1. The concept of culture can best determine the concept of teacher leadership.
2. Oracion in 2012 revealed seven teacher leadership attributes.
3. Personal attributes are essential in defining teacher leadership.
4. Not all teachers have the student’s best interest at heart.
5. Teacher leaders’ value others’ professional growth.
6. Years of experience is more important than completing a doctoral degree.
7. Every principal has his own way of interpreting distributed leadership.
8. To assume leadership roles, teacher leaders need someone to talk to.
9. Dissemination of information on matters that involves decision making is part of
10. An administration should empower teachers.
11. Respecting differences, does not signify acknowledgement of varying expertise.
12. Empowering of teachers mean a shift of roles between the administration and
13. In order to lead, teachers and administrators should work together.
14. In the Philippines, teacher leaderships are defined associated with its roles and
15. Culture and norms are formed by shared experiences stablished by teachers and
students alone.
16. Identified personal indicators which are aligned with the function of leaders should
be done semi-annually.
17. Personal and collaborative reflection of one’s practice improves school culture.
18. Teacher leaders should implement positive and essential reforms within the school.

Test III. Essay 10 pts.

1. Give two (2) roles of teacher leadership in school reforms. Discuss how these roles
contribute to be an effective teacher leader.

Prepared By: Reviewed By: Approved By:


Professor /Instructor DEAN, COLLEGE OF EDUCATION VP for Academic Affairs

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