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This Deed of Donation is being executed this 11th day of June, 2022 at Barangay
163 Zone 14 District 2 Manila by and between:

Baby Ventura, of legal age, Married and with residence at

2414 Juan Luna St., Gagalangin, Tondo, Manila, hereinafter
called the “DONOR”,

in favor of Barangay Chairman Lourdes S. Gutierrez, (in an

official capacity as the Punong Barangay of Barangay 163
Zone 14 District 2 Manila) Filipino, of legal age, and with
residence at 762 Int. 16 J. Planas St., Gagalangin, Tondo,
Manila hereinafter called the “DONEE”.


That the DONOR is the owner in fee simple of that certain real property, situated in
2414 Juan Luna St., Brgy 163, Gagalangin, Tondo, Manila and more particularly described in
Original/Transfer Certificate of Title No. _______ and Title No._______ of the Land Registry
of __________, as follows, to wit:

Transfer Certificate of Title No. _____

“A parcel of land (DESCRIPTION OF LAND)”

That for and in consideration of the affection of by which the DONOR has for the
community of Barangay 163 Zone 14 District 2 Manila, the said DONOR by these presents
transfers and conveys, by way of DONATION, unto the said DONEE, her heirs and assigns,
the above-described real property with all the buildings and improvements thereon, free from
all liens and encumbrances, subject to the conditions that:

a. only a concreate barangay hall structure shall be built in the donated parcel of land
and is exclusively for the use as barangay multi-purpose hall;
b. the parcel of land shall not be used to structure residential/housing edifices;
c. and importantly, as exchange for the donated parcel of land, the donor may rightfully
use the portion or part of the land (as identified) fronting Juan Luna Street.

That in case of breach or failure to comply with any of the conditions above-stated,
this donation shall be deemed automatically revoked and rescinded, without need of judicial
declaration to that effect, and the ownership of the properties subject of this donation shall
automatically revert back to the DONOR or his successors-in-interest.

That the DONOR does hereby state, for the purpose of giving full effect to this
donation, that she has reserved for herself in full ownership sufficient property to support her
in manner appropriate to her needs;

That the DONEE, does hereby accept this donation of the above – described real
property, and does hereby express his gratitude for the kindness and liberality of the DONOR.

Baby Ventura Lourdes S. Gutierrez



(Family Member)

Signed in the Presence of:

_________________________ __________________________


Republic of the Philippines)

_________ City ) S.S

BEFORE ME, this ____________ day of _____ in ______ personally appeared:

Name ID Type /No. Date/Place Issued


such persons being known to me personally/through their IDs attached as the same person/s
who executed the foregoing instrument and they acknowledged to me that the same is their
free and voluntary act and deed.

This instrument, consisting of two (2) pages including this page where the
acknowledgment is written, is a Deed of Donation and has been signed by the parties and
their instrumental witnesses on each and every page hereof.

WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL on the date and at the place above written.

Doc No. _____;

Page No. _____;
Book No. _____;
Series of _____.

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