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P-ISSN : 2549-3043

E-ISSN : 2655-3201



Hamidah Sidabalok1 , Zunaida Sitorus2, Apriliana Wahyu 1

Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
Prodi Teknik Informatika, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Asahan.


This study aims at investigating the effect of Brainstorming Method in writing

exposition text. This study was conducted by experimental research. The sample of this
study was the students at grade XI Ak and XI RPL of SMK Swasta Tamansiswa
Sukadamai. The total number of the population was seventy eight students in four class.
There were 41 students chosen as the sample by using random sampling technique. The
sample was divided into two groups, namely control group and experimental group.
The experimental group was taught by using Brainstorming Method and control group
was taught without using Brainstorming Method. The instrument for collecting the data
was writing test. The data was analyzed by using t-test formula. The result of the
analysis shows that ttest value is higher than ttable (4,072>1,684) at level of significance
0.05 with the degree of freedom 39. It means that the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is
accepted and null hypothesis (H0) is rejected. Based on the findings of this study, it was
found that there is a significant effect of Brainstorming Method in writing exposition

Key Words: Brainstorming Method, Writing, Exposition Text.

Introduction with other people in order to deliver

thoughts and feelings.
English has become a very important Writing is one of the four skills in
language along with the development of learning English that has to be
science and technology. It is a way to get mastered by students. It is said that
into globalization. Good human writing is the most difficult
resources need English to compete in skill in learning
the world. The aim of teaching English English since it requires steps to
is to enable students to listen, speak, accomplish. In writing a text, students
read and write in English. In other need to take some steps. They need to
words, the students are engaged to be plan, draft, review and revise their
able to communicate in English. writing. It needs physical and
People use language to communicate mental action. Writing ability need to

Jurnal Pionir LPPM Universitas Asahan Vol. 8 71

No.2 Juli 2022
P-ISSN : 2549-3043
E-ISSN : 2655-3201

be developed in the world of education writing according to Astuti (2017 : 8) is

to train students to think critically in the process of converting spoken
responding to everything. messages into written language. It
The process of writing activities at entails an active process of organizing,
SMK Swasta Tamansiswa Sukadamai formulating, and developing ideas on
was not optimal, it was found that papers so that readers may follow the
students were less interested in writing writings as if they were spoken aloud.
activities. It is known that when the From all the statements above, it can be
process of writing an exposition text, concluded that writing is an activity to
students find it difficult to develop ideas express ideas, problems, events, and
to be developed into a complete writing. feelings to others through written form.
Learning to writeexposition texts at the By writing, people can say whatever
SMK Swasta Tamansiswa Sukadamai is they want. Hopefully the readers can
implemented by the teacher by freeing understand what the author conveys in
students to choose the topic to be his writing.
written. However, students have not Harmer (2004) states that students
been able to master vocabulary even should pay attention not only in' what to
though learning to write exposition texts write but also in how to write. Writing
has been carried out in a structured is more than to write. There are actually
manner. several strategies to write well. Students
Based on the problems related to are led to know more about how to
exposition texts in class XI SMK write. According Blanchard and Root in
Swasta Tamansiswa Sukadamai, it is (Utami, 2014) Brainstorming is a fast
necessary to make observations to approach to come up with a lot of
relate the ability to write exposition thoughts about a specific topic. The goal
texts using a supportive method. The is to generate as many ideas as possible
brainstorming method is used to without worrying about how you'll
improve the ability to write exposition implement them. In addition according
texts. Because the method is able to to Ibnian (2011), brainstorming is a
facilitate language training orally and method generally used to encourage
in writing. This method was first each existent to induce ideas and appear
introduced by Alex Freickey Osborn in in a list of possible results to a particular
the 1930s. This method is able to problem. Brainstorming is veritably
motivate students to improve writing important in the tutoring process,
skills and develop ideas. similar to helping scholars in working a
problem, helping scholars to take
Riview of Literature advantage of other people's ideas
through developing their minds, helping
According to Helti (2014) writing is
scholars cohesion, and erecting
a form of indirect communication that
connections between them.
is inseparable from human life. One of
Based on the description above,
the people's language activities is
brainstorming is a method generally
writing. Written language requires the
used to encourage each existent to
skill of writing ideas and messages of
induce ideas and appear in a list of
ideas that we want to convey to others
possible results to a particular problem.
so that they are accepted and
The goal is to generate as many ideas
understood by the readers. In adiition,

Jurnal Pionir LPPM Universitas Asahan Vol. 8 72

No.2 Juli 2022
P-ISSN : 2549-3043
E-ISSN : 2655-3201

as possible without worrying about to the audience. Exposition text

how you'll implement them. describes a process or concept that
In brainstorming activities, students occurs by providing information about
are groups. The teacher directs the why and how it happened. Research
brainstorming process by asking the Methodology. This research uses
subjects to write an exposition essay experimental research. There are two
and asking them to make an exposition groups, namely the experimental group
essay. The teacher encourages students and the control group. The
to write exposition essays. All experimental group was the group that
knowledge suggestions from students received treatment using the
should be considered and any brainstorming method in the ability to
knowledge written on the board. After write exposition text, while the control
the list of suggestions is made, the group was the group that did not use the
teacher will start a discussion with the brainstorming method in the ability to
students to test the relevance of the write exposition text. In this study, the
suggestions and knowledge according influence of the brainstorming method
to the topic of the essay. The is related to the ability to write
brainstorming method will work if all exposition text which is one of the
students can come up with creative competency standards contained in the
ideas in a free atmosphere, without learning syllabus. Thus it can be seen
criticism and without listening to that this research consists of two
opinions that differ from our point of variables, namely the ability to write an
view. The exposition text according to expository essay as the dependent
Keraf in (Nasucha & Mudjiman, 2016 : variable and the Brainstorming method
876) is the goal of an exposition text is as the independent variable.
to communicate description or The instrument that used in this
information. The exposition text research was a test, and the test that
communicates a written idea, used was a essay test which the
viewpoint, or other information that question used exposition text
needs to be conveyed to the audience. assesment rubric.
To express the substance contained in a Test hypothesis was the data
text, the first paragraph, second analysis technique that used in this
paragraph, and subsequent paragraphs research. Accepted or rejected
must mutually cohere in form and hypotheses were determined by
meaning. whether or not the hypothesis is
Meanwhile, According to proven true. The t-test used in this
Zainurrahman (2013 : 67) an research to test the hypothesis, and the
exposition text is a piece of literature mean of the pre- test and posttest were
that explains a process or concept that compared between the control and
occurred by providing information experimental groups before the
about why and how it happened. From comparison was made between the
some of the expert opinions above, it two groups.
can be concluded that the exposition
text is a text that communicates a Data Analysis and Discussion
written idea, point of view, or other Researching Finding is evaluation can
information that needs to be conveyed be accomplished through resting, the

Jurnal Pionir LPPM Universitas Asahan Vol. 8 73

No.2 Juli 2022
P-ISSN : 2549-3043
E-ISSN : 2655-3201

hypotheses. The means of both was high score than control group, the
experimental group and control group mean of experimental group was higher
were different. The mean of post-test of than the mean of control group.
experimental group was higher than
control group. Each test involves Conclusion
making one or more predictions about
Based on the results of data analysis
what should be the case, if a hypothesis
in the previous chapter. After getting
is true or not true. Judging whether the
the results of the research, the
predictions are fulfilled or not depend
researcher concluded that the
on the collection and analysis of
Brainstorming Method was effective
observational or experimental data.
in learning to write exposition text. By
The basis of testing the hypothesis
using the Brainstorming Method, the
was Ha. Ha was accepted if ttest˃ ttable and
teacher can create an interesting
H0 was accepted if ttest ˂ ttable. In this
teaching and learning process in the
research, the calculation of the scores by
classroom because students can be
using ttest for the degree of freedom (df)
involved in the teaching and learning
39 at level significance 0,05 where the
process and not get bored.
T critical value is = 1,684.
The average post-test score of the
The result of calculation by t-test
experimental group students is 95
shows that the t-test is 4,072 and the t-
which is higher than the control group
table for 5% is 1.684. This means that
70. This means that teaching
the T-test is higher than the T table
exposition text using Brainstorming
(4,072>1,684). In other words, 𝐻𝑎
Method is better than teaching
accepted and 𝐻0 rejected. It can be
exposition text using non-
concluded that the Brainstorming Brainstorming method.
Method has a significant effect on
students' ability in writing exposition In addition, learning exposition text
text. with the Brainstorming method can
help students to improve their writing
The application of models to skills. This can be seen during the
experimental group and control group teaching and learning process, students
helped the teacher to design teaching
are very enthusiastic in learning and are
materials. Since models were applied to
more active in the teaching and
the experimental group, the
learning process.
achievement was different. It could be
proven from the scores obtained by the References
students where the experimental group
was higher scores than the control Arikunto, S. (2013). Prosedur
group. The mean students' score on the Penelitian : Suatu Pendekatan
post test of the experimental group was Praktik. Jakarta. Rineka Cipta.
84,54 while the mean students' score
on the post test of the control group was Arikunto, S. (2010). Prosedur
70,78. Penelitian:Satuan
The mean scores of the both of group Pendidi
could not prove that the higher mean kan Praktik. Jakarta. Rineka Cipta.
score was the high score in T-test also.
T-test proved that experimental group

Jurnal Pionir LPPM Universitas Asahan Vol. 8 74

No.2 Juli 2022
P-ISSN : 2549-3043
E-ISSN : 2655-3201

Arikunto, S. (2014). Prosedur

Penelitian : Suatu Pendekatan
Praktik (15th ed.). PT Rineka
Astuti, M. (2017). Improving Students
in Writing Skill on Analytical
Exposition Text Through Group
Investigation at The Eight –Grade
of MTS Negeri Balang-balang
(Issue 20400111075).
Dalman, H. (2018). Keterampilan
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Derewianka, B. (1990). Exploring how
texts work. Sydney: Primary
English Teaching Association.
Fildayanti, W. (2019). The Effect of
Brainstorming Technique on THE
Student’s Writing Ability at Grade
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Jurnal Pionir LPPM Universitas Asahan Vol. 8 75

No.2 Juli 2022

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