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PRIMARY TEACHERS’ HUB https: // Quality Education & Regular Testing QO 3 POAGTGS2ZOD Paper 1 Answer both Part One and Part Two. Part One Write a composition on one of the following topics. You are advised to spend about 60 minutes on this part of the paper and to write between 350 and 600 words. Total marks for this part: 40. 1 My ideal career. 2. Write a story based on one of the following topics: Either (a) The trial. Or —(b) had learnt one of life’s most important lessons. What I like or dislike about the country I live in. “Marriages should be arranged.’ What do you think? 5 Beauty or brains? Which would you prefer and why? Part Two Begin your answer on a fresh page. You are advised to spend about 30 minutes on this part of the paper, using 200 — 300 words. Total marks for this part: 20. You have just found out that your close friend has picked up a very bad habit that could endanger his life, Write a letter advising him to stop. You should cover all the points below in detail. * what kind of bad habit he is involved in * how you found out about it * why it is dangerous * how you intend to help him PRIMARY TEACHERS’ HUB https: // E=4 Quality Eueation & Resuisr Testing QO 3 POAGTGSZ2ZO Paper 2 Read the following passage carefully before you attempt any questions. Answer all the ques- tions. You are recommended to answer them in the order set. Mistakes in punctuation, spelling and grammar may be penalised in any part of the paper. 1 Enjoying the sumptuous view before him after a satisfying lunch, pharmacist Monty Mclachlan had no idea that their family vacation at Caravan Park in New South Wales would soon turn into a disaster. His family members, from Newcastle, Australia, were all engaged in various activities at the site of the Wallamba River, a popular tourist destination. Monty’s two older children, Susan, 15 and Richard, 5 13 were playing at the water’s edge while his wife, Ellen, was at a friend’s cara- van a few hundred feet away. His youngest child, Rebecca, 11, was busy paddling her father’s boat with her two friends, Naomi Mason and Janelle Rex. 2 While the park itself was relatively crowded, the children had the river almost all to themselves. Their only disturbance was a small red boat which was making 10 several runs up and down the river. The girls had been playing in the middle of the river for almost an hour when they began to feel the cold. Since they had only one paddle, Naomi and Rebecca left the paddling to Janelle while they themselves took a leisurely swim back to shore. The girls were both excellent swimmers and Monty, who had been keeping an eye on them, soon let his attention wander off 15 somewhere else. As she played by the water’s edge, Susan occasionally glanced up to check on her sister’s progress. By chance, she also caught sight of the boat which was pulling two skiers behind it. Belatedly realising that Naomi and Rebecca were in the boat’s path, Susan watched with frozen terror as the small red boat smashed into her sister. 20 3. The accident brought out cries of alarm from all directions, Ellen who was on her way back from her friend’s caravan, regarded the screams with mild curiosity until someone shouted at her: “There's been an awful accident. It’s your little girl!” Ellen panicked and joined the crowd of holiday makers who were rushing towards the river. She soon caught sight of Monty who was struggling through the soft mud 25 to reach his daughter. It was, however, Andrew Barton, a 19-year-old university student who reached the girls first. Supporting the two girls on either arm, Andrew waited for Monty to reach him before making his own way to shore. Even from where she was standing, Ellen could see that the situation was very bad. Rebecca was conscious but in deep shock. Her left arm, from elbow to wrist was also miss- 30 ing and there was a huge ugly gash in her thigh. Naomi, on the other hand, could not be revived and was also missing her foot. 4 The two girls were carried to shore where Andrew, who had completed an advanced first aid course, did everything he could to help them. Keeping track of their pulses, he and other passers-by bound the girls’ tor limbs while Ellen and 35 Monty tried to console the hysterical Rebecca. Ambulance staff soon arrived but the worst was far from over. “Find the missing parts as soon as you can, You PRIMARY TEACHERS’ HUB https: / Be 2 ere SORES SS haven't got much time,” said an ambulance attendant. With this ominous message, the ambulance whisked to the nearest hospital leaving a crowd of worried on- lookers behind them. Within the next few minutes, some 40 or so people waded 40. into the river to begin their search. 5. Desperate to try anything and everything, the search party connected a prawn net to two small boats and dragged the net back and forth across the river. They could find nothing. To make matters worse, medical staff had returned with the news that if the limbs were not found within the next twenty minutes, it would be too late for 45 the girls, With renewed energy, the rescuers began to sweep the river once more but again with little success. When the tide turned however, their luck, too, began to change and Naomi’s pale and mottled foot was found. A few minutes later, Rebecca's hand was recovered and the precious limbs were carefully placed in a bag and rushed to the hospital in a race against time. 50 6 Back at the hospital, Naomi had regained consciousness and both girls were trying to comfort each other with the words, “Everything will be all right.” Two separate reconstructive surgery teams were assembled and the severed limbs had been packed in ice. While the bones were mostly intact and there was little degeneration of tissue, there was also the issue of time. It had been over seven 55 hours since the accident and it was uncertain whether blood supply could be restored to the torn limbs. 7 The two surgical teams worked simultaneously on both girls for almost three hours. Rebecca’s operation had gone rather well and her blood seemed to be slowly flowing back into her almost dead hand, Recovery, according to the 60 doctors, would take between three to six months and exactly how much use of the hand could be regained remained uncertain. Naomi’s foot had also been joined back on but she was still at great risk. Her condition was to be monitored closely in the _ following twenty-four hours. Sure enough, within eighteen hours of the operation, Naomi contracted an infection. Tissue in the severed foot had begun to 65 die and her foot had turned almost purple. There was no choice but to amputate. 8 Today, Naomi is fitted with an artificial limb while Rebecca has regained feeling in her hand, Both girls, however, refuse to be treated like handicaps and instead continue to be active in outdoor activities like swimming, cycling and roller- skating. This shared ordeal has also not only brought them closer together but has 70 given them a new perspective on life. Speaking for the both of them, Rebecca explains, “There is no point worrying about things. If you have to do something, you just have to get in there and do it.” *rom paragraph 1: 1 Suggest a word to replace “sumptuous” (line 1) without changing the meaning. [1] PRIMARY TEACHERS’ HUB https: // Quality Education & Regular Testing Q 3 POAGTGS2ZOD From paragraph 2: 2 (a) Which phrase in this paragraph tells us that the place was popular with many people? in] (b) Why did Monty let his attention wander? u (c) Explain what the writer means when he says that Susan ‘watched with frozen terror’ (line 19). t From paragraph 3: 3° Describe two ways in which Andrew Barton helped the girls. 2 From paragraph 4: 4 (a) Why was the worst ‘far from over’ (line 37)? 2 (b) Suggest two ways in which the onlookers helped the Mclachlans through their ordeal. 2 From paragraph 5: 5 (a) How did the searchers conduct the search? ie] (b)_ Which word is used to convey the speed in which the limbs were rushed to the hospital? w PRIMARY TEACHERS’ HUB https: / Guaily Eaugation s ReovierTestne Q 3 POAGTGS2ZO From paragraph 6: 6 «..both girls were trying to comfort each other with the words “Everything will be all right” * (line 52). What does the above sentence tell us about the girls’ attitude? 2) 7 What was the doctors’ biggest fear? a From paragraph 7: 8 What complications did the surgery bring about despite the successful reattachment of the limbs? 2] 9 What was the cause of the amputation? ti] From paragraph 8: 10 What two positive effects did the ordeal have on the girls? 2) From the whole passage: 11 Choose five of the following words. For each of these, give one word or short phrase (of not more than seven words) which has the same meaning as the word has in the passage. 5] 1. relatively (line 9) . gash (line 31) . ominous (line 38) . reconstructive (line 53) . degeneration (ine 55) simultaneously (line 58) monitored (line 63) contracted (line 65) eran YN PRIMARY TEACHERS’ HUB https: // Quality Education & Regular Testing Q 3 POAGTGSZOD 12 Write a summary on the disaster which struck and what was done to help the girls. USE ONLY THE MATERIAL FROM PARAGRAPH 2 TO PARAGRAPH 8, ‘Your summary which should be in continuous writing (not note form), must not be longer than 160 words. (25]

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