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Introduction to Computer

Gaoang Wang
2009-2013, Fudan University, B.S.
2013-2015, University of Wisconsin-Madison, M.S.
2015-2019, University of Washington, Seattle, Ph.D.

Working Experience
2019.06-2019.11, Research Scientist, Megvii
2019.11-2020.07, Research Scientist II, Wyze Labs
2020.09-present, Assistant Professor, Zhejiang University
2021.03-present, Adjunct Assistant Professor, UIUC

Machine Learning, Data Mining, Advanced Image Processing, Intro
to Computer Vision

Research Areas
Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence
Every image tells a story
• Goal of computer vision:
perceive the “story” behind
the picture
• But what does “story”
• Depends on what we want
to do with it
The goal(s) or computer vision
• What is the image about?
• What objects are in the image?
• Where are they?
• How are they oriented?
• What is the layout of the scene
in 3D?
• What is the shape of each
Recent progress
• Depth cameras
Microsoft Kinect
Recent progress
• shape capture

The Matrix movies, ESC Entertainment, XYZRGB, NRC

Source: S. Seitz
Recent progress
• Optical character recognition (OCR)

Digit recognition, AT&T labs License plate readers

Automatic check processing Source: S. Seitz

Recent progress
• Face detection

Source: S. Seitz
Recent progress
• Established technology: 3D Models of the world

Building Rome in a Day.

Sameer Agarwal, Noah
Snavely, Ian Simon, Steven M.
Seitz and Richard Szeliski.
ICCV, 2009, Kyoto, Japan.
Recent progress
• Recognizing objects

Mask R-CNN. Kaiming He, Georgia Gkioxari, Piotr Dollar, Ross Girshick. ICCV 2017
Recent progress
• Species recognition

Recent progress
• recognizing rare concepts
Recent progress
• Recovering 3D structure from limited views
Recent progress
• Integrating Vision and Action

Plan Turn left


Cognitive Mapping and Planning for Visual Navigation

Saurabh Gupta, James Davidson, Sergey Levine, Rahul Sukthankar, Jitendra Malik
CVPR 2017
CV Related Tasks
• Image Classification
• Detection and Tracking
• Pose Estimation
• Segmentation
• 3D and Localization
• Image Reconstruction
Image Classification
• Fine-grained image classification
• Face recognition
• Face verification
Fine-Grained Image Classification
• Classify sub-categories
Face Recognition
• Identify different faces
Face Verification
• Verify whether two faces from the same person


Are they from the same person?

Detection and Tracking
• Video object detection
• 3D object detection
• Visual tracking
• Multi-object tracking
Video Object Detection
• Detect objects in sequential frames
3D Object Detection
• Localize the 3D shape or position of the targets
Visual Tracking
• Given the annotation of the first frame, detect the same object in
following frames
Multi-Object Tracking
• Associate detected objects in the input video
Pose Estimation
• Hand pose estimation
• Human pose estimation
• Car keypoint detection
Hand Pose Estimation
• Estimate 2D/3D hand pose from RGB image or depth image
Human Pose Estimation
• Estimate 2D/3D human pose
Car Keypoint Estimation
• Estimate 2D/3D car keypoint
• Semantic segmentation
• Instance segmentation
• Video object segmentation
Semantic Segmentation
• Segment objects with class labels
Instance Segmentation
• Segment objects with instance labels
Video Object Segmentation
• Segment objects in the video sequence
3D and Localization
• Depth map estimation
• Optical / scene flow estimation
• Camera pose estimation
Depth Map Estimation
• Estimate depth map from RGB images
Optical / Scene Flow Estimation
• Estimate the 2D/3D offsets between two images
Camera Pose Estimation
• Estimate camera location and orientation based on sequential
Image Reconstruction
• Image denoising
• Super-resolution
• Image inpainting
Image Denoising
• Reconstruct images with noise
• Reconstruct high resolution images from low resolution images
Image Inpainting
• Recover missing regions in the image
Images are represented by pixels
The pinhole camera
• Nearby pixels are similar
• Nearby pixels that are not similar
tend to lie on different objects
• Idea: To find where one object
ends and another begins, look
for abrupt changes in color
• Places of color change might
correspond to object boundaries
• Object boundaries are a clue to
object shape
• Idea: Use rough boundaries to
recognize object(s)
• Nearby pixels are similar
• Counterexample: camouflage
• Farther away objects appear smaller
• Image formation is lossy
• Idea: use multiple images
• Need to find which pixel in image 2 matches which in image 1 - the
correspondence problem
• Pixel color is complicated
• Idea: rely less on absolute color. Look at changes in color (may be object
boundaries or change in paint) instead
• Images are ambiguous
• Objects blend together
• The many faces of intra-class variance

Shape Occlusion


Background Illumination
Hard examples
• Concepts are subtle

Tenessee Warbler Orange Crowned

• local ambiguity

slide credit: Fei-Fei, Fergus & Torralba

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