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1. How would you describe your city?

- My city is really beautiful and a fun city that I would like to visit all the time.
My city is like a bright yellow that everyone is friendly and everyone is
getting along well. Although these past few weeks a lot of things have
happened that the word represents the City feels out and I feel a bit sad
that the bright yellow city turned into red city.

2. What is your city known for?

- My city is known for “City of Golden Friendship” whereas anybody who
visits my city always says that my city is a friendly one because we help
them in a sense like asking for directions and they also say that a lot of
people in the city always have a smile on their faces.

3. What makes your city a global city?

- In my perspective it is because of the tourist spots and especially islands
here in my city that are gradually increasing and a lot of places that have
been discovered and people wanted to visit the new and beautiful tourist
spot. Also the culture and how we celebrated our festival here and how
cheap the foods are specially when a tourist visits us and buys something.


❖ A range of definitions, concepts and ideas associated with the terms ‘city’ and ‘urban’ exist. It is
important that you are aware of the variety of ways in which urban areas can be defined and
thought about. As a student developing your understanding of cities, it is useful to reflect on the
ideas about urban areas that you already hold and how these link to broader ideas and beliefs.
Either individually or in conversation with family, friends or classmates, think about the
following question (and do not read on before you have generated your own thoughts and
reflections!): What do the terms ‘city’ and ‘urban’ mean to you? Make a list of things that you
think define ‘the city’ or ‘the urban’.

❖ What do the terms ‘city’ and ‘urban’ mean to you?

- In my cousin’s perspective she says that city is more likely a known word
for a place with lots of people living and a lot of buildings being
surrounded and meanwhile she said that urban is more like people who
live in the city or in a town inside the city.
❖ Make a list of things that you think define ‘the city’ or ‘the urban’.
● For me what I define city is
❖ Buildings
❖ Highways
❖ Transportations
❖ Networks
❖ Universities
● The urban
❖ Towns
❖ Suburbs
❖ Commercial Buildings
❖ Bridges
❖ Railways
❖ Roads

Essay title: ‘

What are some of the key issues facing cities around the world in the twenty-first century?

Commentary on essay title :

An effective answer would outline some of the key urban trends and issues introduced in this opening chapter and would provide some examples
of these issues from cities around the world drawing on academic research into cities. It might also look to suggest which of these issues are the
most challenging ones facing cities. An excellent answer would look to move beyond this extended list and critically explore why these issues
face cities and why they present particular challenges. It would also look to set discussion more widely within academic writing on the city,
evaluating different perspectives, or lenses, adopted to look at urban issues.(350 words only)

First of all the essay title did make me also think about the issues they were facing in the
twenty-first century and when I search information on the internet I now have a bit of
knowledge of it. First it was said that it is the Environment because as we people build
new things such as buildings and towers it affects our climate and the effects of it are a
threat to us all; and indeed this is one of the biggest threats and one of the biggest
challenges that we people face. Next is the Social Tension according to the
information I’ve read people are now finding houses that are cheaper it is because as
our environment and economy growth a lot people did lost their homes in a sense that
the bill they’re paying are now pricey and they can no longer afford it and maybe that
is why a lof of people are homeless. Resources as we all know we need resources to
keep on living such as water, food and energy to be viable and we cannot ignore that
they are many things that are changing like there was better application technology
that can boost our agricultural productivity and to ensure more efficient transmission of
electricity and many cities will continue struggling to provide these resources to an
ever-growing urban population. This also reduced the green spaces within the cities
and it'll negatively affect the liveability. Lastly the Inequality as when the number of
urban super rich grows, the urban poor will increased its number because there will
always be a gap between the haves and the have-nots and such inequalities when it is
left unchecked then this will destabilize the society and upend any benefits of urban
development. This is actually saddening knowing that as the generation changes the
climate also changes, economy, population, poor, and rich etc. especially this
generation it feels like the world's time is very fast that we can’t notice that tomorrow
will feel like yesterday or more like yesterday was like a minute. These are not only issues
that they are facing, there are many issues that are actually happening in this

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