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Chevron Pacific INDONESIA

Evaluation of Scale inhibitor

Project : -
Date : 10 October 2017
Requestor : Ubaidullah Mukhammadin
Business Unit : OFC-EH
Region : Asia Pacific
District : Indonesia
Laboratory : Singapore
For more information on this document, contact:
Sales/Commercial Information Technical Information
Name: Andre Handajanto Name: Tan Hui Yian
Title: District Manager Title: Lead Chemist
Address: Pondok Indah Office Tower 3, 6 Address: 61 Science Park Road, The
Fl. Suite 602. Jl Sultan Iskandar Muda Kav. V-TA, Galen 05-22/24, Singapore 117525
Jakarta 12310
Phone: +65 6733 9482
Phone: +62 (21) 29327960
E-mail: Andre.handajanto@champ-

Document Control
Author Cheryl Tan Date 10 Oct 2017
Reviewer Chen En Date 11 Oct 2017
Approver Tan Hui Yian Date 12 Oct 2017

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01 Ubaidullah Mukhammadin Nalco Champion

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Table of Contents
1 Executive Summary ............................................................................................................ 4
2 Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 5
3 Experimental ....................................................................................................................... 5
3.1 Scale Prediction ............................................................................................................ 6
3.2 Dynamic Scale Loop (DSL) Testing .............................................................................. 7
4 Results and Discussion ...................................................................................................... 9
4.1 Scale Prediction ............................................................................................................ 9
4.2 Dynamic Scale Loop Test ............................................................................................. 9
5 Conclusions ...................................................................................................................... 13
6 Appendix............................................................................................................................ 14
6.1 Water Composition – Chevron Pacific Indonesia reservoir water ................................ 14

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1 Executive Summary
Nalco Champion has been invited Chevron Pacific Indonesia to select a scale inhibitor
suitable for Chevron Pacific Indonesia.
Scale prediction was conducted on the reservoir water composition using Nalco Champion’s
SIFORM scale prediction software. Scale prediction showed that the reservoir water has a
high scaling tendency for calcite at the operating conditions of 118C and 1000Psi. The
reservoir water composition was used for the Dynamic Scale Loop Testing to select a
suitable scale inhibitor.

A detailed laboratory testing was carried out using the dynamic scale loop (DSL) to evaluate
the performance of the scale inhibitor SCAL19300A on the reservoir water composition.

From the test work conducted it can be concluded that:

 The blank scaling time of Chevron Pacific Indonesia reservoir water is 17 minutes.

 Scale inhibitor SCAL19300A successfully inhibits scale formation at 15ppm dose


The test work showed the scale inhibitor SCAL19300A can effectively prevent scale
formation in the Chevron Pacific Indonesia field.

It should be noted that the dosages and results presented in this report do not determine the
dosage required in the field. The dosage required in the field should be determined and
optimized through a field trial.

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2 Introduction
Nalco Champion has been invited Chevron Pacific Indonesia to select a scale inhibitor
suitable for Chevron Pacific Indonesia.
Scale prediction was conducted on the reservoir water composition using Nalco Champion’s
SIFORM scale prediction software. Scale prediction showed that the reservoir water has a
high scaling tendency for calcite at the operating conditions of 118C and 1000Psi. The
reservoir water composition was used for the Dynamic Scale Loop Testing to select a
suitable scale inhibitor.

A detailed laboratory testing was carried out using the dynamic scale loop (DSL) to evaluate
the performance of the scale inhibitor SCAL19300A on the reservoir water composition.

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3 Experimental
3.1 Scale Prediction
Nalco Champion’s SIFORM scale prediction software was used to calculate the saturation
indices (SI) and oversaturation (PTB) of the brine. The saturation index (SI) value is a
parameter indicating the thermodynamic driving force for the formation of each scale type
while the oversaturation value is an indication of the mass of scale that will form. The input
parameters of the modeling program include the brine composition (water analysis), pH,
temperature and pressure of the system.

It should be noted that the accuracy of the scale calculations are limited by the accuracy of
the data provided and that the scale modeling program predicts a tendency only, therefore a
positive index does not always mean scale will form.

Table 1 show the saturation index ranges and scale potential interpretation.
Table 1: Saturation index ranges and scale potential interpretation
Carbonate Sulphate
Interpretation Severity
Scale Index Scale Index
High potential for scale
>1.0 > 1.0 H
Moderate potential for scale
0.5 – 1.0 0.3 – 1.0 M
Slightly supersaturated;
< 0.5 < 0.3 Small quantities of scale L

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3.2 Dynamic Scale Loop (DSL) Testing
The dynamic scale loop equipment is a high temperature high pressure flow loop system,
operating with pressures up to 700 psig and temperatures up to 200°C. A flow diagram of
the apparatus is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1: Flow diagram of the PMAC scale loop

The test consists of the individual injection of two scaling brines, cation and anion, at equal
rates into the equipment. Both brines pass into heating coils within the oven set at the test
temperature. At a T-junction, the brines mix and pass into the scaling coil. The Differential
Pressure (DP) is measured across this scaling coil and rises once scale formation and
adhesion to the coil walls causes the coil to block. The DP is recorded as a function of time.
A blank (uninhibited) test is carried out first to determine the blank scaling time, t 1, of the
brine. In a repeat test, the scale inhibitor is dosed into the anion flow tested for a minimum
holding time of 2.5 x t1 minutes.

On completion of each test run, or when the differential pressure hits the cut off limits of 1psi,
the PMAC automatically activates the cleaning program where the coil is immediately purged
with the scale dissolver and deionised water to thoroughly clean the loop.

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The table below shows an overview of the dynamic scale loop testing parameters:
Table 2: DSL Test Parameters

Parameter Value
Scaling coil length 1m
Scaling coil internal
Scaling coil material Stainless Steel
Total brine flow rate 10ml/min
Temperature 118oC
pH 8.4 (non-adjusted)
Brine composition Reservoir water

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4 Results and Discussion
The following sections discuss the results of testing scale inhibitor SCAL19300A on the
Chevron Pacific Indonesia reservoir water composition.

4.1 Scale Prediction

The table below shows the scale prediction results for Chevron Pacific Indonesia.
Table 3: Scale prediction result
Calcite Barite
Temp (C) Pressure (Psi)
118 1000 1.68 30.9 0.01 0.0

Scale modelling showed that for Chevron Pacific Indonesia reservoir water at 118C, there is
high calcite scaling tendency and low barite scaling tendency.

4.2 Dynamic Scale Loop Test

A DSL test was conducted to evaluate the blank scaling time of the Chevron pacific
Indonesia water. The test was conducted at 118C. Figure 2 below shows the blank scaling
curve and the blank scaling time of the reservoir water was determined to be approximately
17 minutes.

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Figure 2: Blank Determination of Chevron Pacific Reservoir Water

Following the blank scaling time test, the Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) test was
conducted to evaluate the performance of the scale inhibitor SCAL19300A on treating the
reservoir water. As the blank scaling time was approximately 17 minutes, the holding time
was set at 43 minutes. Figure 3 and Figure 4 below shows the result of the MIC test.

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Figure 3: MIC Determination test with 10ppm SCAL19300A

Figure 4: MIC Determination test with 15ppm SCAL19300A

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Dose rates of 10ppm and 15ppm SCAL19300A were tested on the Chevron Pacific
Indonesia reservoir water. Referring to Figure 3 above, at 10ppm, the dose rate reached 1
psi within the 22 minutes holding time. Figure 4 showed that at 15ppm dose rate, the test
was successful in inhibiting scale formation, maintaining the delta P below 1 psi within the 43
minutes holding time.

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5 Conclusions
From the test work conducted it can be concluded that:

 The blank scaling time of Chevron Pacific Indonesia reservoir water is 17 minutes.

 Scale inhibitor SCAL19300A successfully inhibits scale formation at 15ppm dose


It should be noted that the dosages and results presented in this report do not determine the
dosage required in the field. The dosage required in the field should be determined and
optimized through a field trial.

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6 Appendix
6.1 Water Composition – Chevron Pacific Indonesia reservoir

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