Unit 4 13-Jan-2022 09-34-23

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PRE-1800 deal for thousands of years. The world population didn’t change a great lion until the and it is estimated that the population didn’t reach 1 bill year 1800. This means that for centuries the world was definitely not 4 crowded place. Different civilizations came and went, from the Egyptians to the Minoans, all having a slight effect on population change but there was no rapid population growth like we have seen in more recent times “The reason for this is the balance between the death rate and birth rate. For much of the time before 1800, the birth rate was very high, with families often having between four and eight babies. But the death rate ‘was also very high and, of particular importance, the infant mortality pies being rate was high. This means that despite large numbers of bal born, many died at a very young age. Added to that, life expectancy Wae short by the standards of our time. A historical development that did lead to increases in population early on in human history was farming. Ths effectively allowed more complex societies to emerge, leading to advances in health and population size. THE INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTIONS OF THE NINETEENTH CENTURY The world population hit 1 billion in the early nineteenth century during an important historical process known as the Industrial Revolution, The industrial revolution led to an increased interconnectedness around the world due to the effects of colonialism and trade. People started to live longer as 4 result of the effects of the Industrial Revolution. This was mainly due to developments in health. The use of antiseptics and anaesthetics in hospitals improved survival rates, vaccinations targeted many deadly diseases, such as smallpox, and improvements in childbirth procedures reduced the infant mortality rate. However, in some locations the effects of industrialization may have reduced life expectancy. In overcrowded cities, sanitation issues were rife, and many jobs, such as coal mining, were not safe at this time. Despite : these issues, the overall pattern was for increased population throughout the industrial revolutions. Individuals and Societies for HE TWENTIETH CENTURY a, e twentieth century Saw massive changes in world Population, At the of the century the population was under 2 bilion and by 1999 the stinued improvements in healthcare u that have increased life expectancy reduced levels of infant mortality. An important development that ficantly contributed to high population growth rates during the nteth century was the change in average family sizes worlewide, After Second World War there was a baby boom in Many countries as ppulation growth was encouraged. By the 1960s, the bir inties around the world was higher than, or significantly higher than, > children per woman. This inevitably results in high population growth, wever, in recent years, the average number of children per woman has en declining around the world and this means that population growth ould stow down and possibly even decrease if the world average drops » [ess than two children per family ND BEYOND ith rate of many tu the world recovered from the turmoil of Figure 4.5 The 1950s baby boom led to increases in global population as is y boom led to in ig 5 The 1950: Second World War Where are all the people? n sources souncee ations Population Fig nge from the United Nation Population Fung ‘Extract about global population chat ‘Beyond 2050 the world population = www.unfpa.org may start to decrease if women orld across the world will have, on It took hundreds of thousands of yeas fr the WOE average, less than 2 children, But then in just another 200 years oF $0 it.I A that decreas wil be slow ~ Hans population reached the 7bilion mark, and today, Rosling, founder of Gapminder driven largely by increasing numbers of people vv has been accompanied by major changesiq ign and accelerating migration. These trends ations to come: population 10 GrOW t01biliog (ld, In 2011, the global tands at about 7.3 billion, This dramatic growth has beet By improving health, empowering surviving to reproductive age women, population growth comes fertility rates, increasing urban down.’ ~Bill Gates will have far-reaching implications for gener souRCE Table 4.1 The average number of children per woman countries over the past 60+ years a cross section of aierage numberof cildrenper woman cree cD fein ay Paraguay | 65 “South Africa 64 2 Nigeria 64 = I India 59 55 39 26 | Japan 35 24 16 [14 sD ee | Brazil 6.2 |5.0 28 [18 _ es | Romania 3.6 29 118 ee France lee 18 pons cED Aca Southand Central America North america —Oceania —Antarctica Figure 4.6 Pie chart showing the proportion of people per continent, 2016 Population terminology Birth rate - The number of live births per 1000 people per year Death rate - The number of deaths per 1000 people per year Infant mortality rate — The number of deaths of children under the age of one year per 1000 live births Life expectancy ~ The expected average life span of people in a particular population Natural increase — The rate of population growth calculated by subtracting the death rate from the birth rate 4 Where are all the people? ACTIVITY: The pattern of global population change ATL EMU CUE Toes eae noua oud Un UR ce Rm ae oy According to Source A, what factors would lead to a slowing down of global population levels? Explain why you think this might/ ‘would occur. Study the data in Source B, Are there any patterns in the changes affecting the number of children per woman in the cross section of countries shown? ‘Are there anomalies? Why might this be the case? Which countries would be experiencing the following: a) rapid population growth b) population growth ¢) declining population? Using Source C and your own knowledge, what do you think are some of the implications of continued population growth? What problems might occur as a result of this growth? What information does Source D provide? Write down three conclusions you can draw from the pie chart. It is predicted that the population of Africa will increase rapidly during the twenty-first century. What do you think might be some of ‘the challenges and opportunities associated with this? Sern Iam) ore lO a (= = wo o 4

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