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In bengal the hindus had a great advantage as they had the capital and all the better parts of bengal
making them rich and powerful while in the east there was a lowly muslim farmer province with
barely anything to show for itself

After the split Dhaka given to muslims Which helped them get better but angered hindus such as
political speaker Balgandar Tilak, with hindus pushing against change

Muslims now had a hand in politics which angered the hindus but also showed the muslims that they
could not trust the hindus

Viceroy at the time: Lord Kurzin

Day: 16 Oct 1905

main reason: Brits wanted to upgrade east bengal

Muslim reaction: Very happy with duas at jumah prayers in dhaka

Hindu Reaction: swaraj made and a boycott of british goods known as swadeshi

Indian National Congress

Formed in 1885 by alan octavian hume to raise their voice

Demands of congress

were Suraaj or Self Rule

Hindi being the national language

(part of anti muslim campaign)

ICS Exam to be taken in english and in england

(also part of anti muslim)

They wanted Democracy

In this democracy

they wanted hindu maj province to have more hindus in congress

and the same for the muslims

How British council system worked

2/8 people were indians

rest were brits

These indians were selected

according to the fanchise

in which A lot of money, power and 1000 kanal land was needed

entry of muslim hindu rivalry

Syed ahmed khan wanted to counter INC (indian national congress)

After an assasination attempt on lord minto by hindus who tried to blow up his train

he sent a letter abt the problem

in 1911 king george the 4th was coronated

He announced that the 5 yr old bengal partition would be reversed

Muslims were sad but in those 5 yrs the muslims eyes were opened to the truth

and they say the hindus could not be trusted

and had much more knowledge than before the partition

British political parties

3 major

Controversies, labor, liberals

Conservatives had a narrow minded approach to the colonies of the empire and only cared for the
mainland not willing to give anything in consessions for the colonies thinking it might harm mainland

Labor were moderate and were not super flexible but were not super harsh on the colonies, they
still had the idea that the mainland was special but they did not only exploit and took care of the

The liberals were very flexible and were very open to concessions for colonies

Simla Deputation


In 1905 liberals came to power

In india the liberals wanted to use democracy and wanted elections

(democracy is Political Representatives - In a political Party - Election process (1 man 1 vote) - If

voted they sit in the council)

In the backdrop of the liberals there was also the bengal partition going on that made hindus mad
and opened muslims eyes to the real world and how hindus were not trustable, there was also the
swadeshi movement

Problem if democracy was implemented would be that hindus would get a lot of control as they
were the majority and there would be few if any muslims reps in senate

2 nation theory: Hindu and Muslim are too different and cant be 1 nation (this led to pak and ind)
Hindu had also been made official lan in 1900

INC demands were fought against by sir syed and wanted ICS to be in india

All of this made a proper democracy very hard to implement for the liberals

Main Event:

32 people led by sir agha khan III, saleem ul lah khan and Nawab viqar ul mulk of dhaka went to
meet lord minto

Demands from them were: Seperate electorates and seats reserved for muslims as they were

Viceroy was a chill dude and the deputation was also treating him with respect which led to him
asking what they wanted


1906: Simla Dep and Muslim League formation

1909: Morely Minto reforms

1911: partition reversed

All india muslim league

reasons for founding:

Success of simla

and it was an organised front to get their demands accepted

Also the Partition of bengal

and the 2 nation theory

Congress being anti muslims

Sir syed ahmed khan stuff

Muhammadan Educational Conference had political debated anually

Nawab viqar ul mulk

and saleem ul lah khan of Dhaka would listen

Sir Syeds political platform did not blow up but he made an immpression on the youth

as the alliance was limited

because of being at national lvl

Sir syed also made aligarh college

and brought school system to india for muslims becuase in other systems of education these
muslims were not allowed

Some simla details

at the 1906 annual conference all went to saleem ul lah khan of dhaka and made the dep

which led to the AIML (all india muslim league)

Aims of AIML

Protection of muslims rightsd

raise muslims voices value to the brits

Morely minto reforms


Imperial council increased by adding 60 unofficial ppl seats

Central Exe Council had 60 more members

Province councils increased to 50 in big and 30 in small (seats)

Muslim reps were elected by muslims only electorates

Hindu reaction


as muslims get seperate electorate

Muslims happy with their new electorate

Indians overall were still not happy as self rule demands ignores and all executive poweres with
viceroy and the seats given were unofficial meaning they didnt hold much powere

and most of the population couldnt even vote

and franchise was still there

Important Events of 1913 and so

1911 - 1913

1. British sided with italy agianst ottomans

British Capital goes from calcutta to delhi

Muslim league changed party obj to loyalty to the crown from loyalty to the gov

with self govt

India Before WW1

Muslims saw reversal of POB as betrayal

Soon realised MM reforms didnt give them an actual voice

Even after all the attempts to work with the brits even the muslims lost faith

Impact of WW1

Revolutionary activities and Growth of Nationalism

Revolutionary: Change thru systematic effort

Nationalism: rights/land/ownership/state

There was as external power in india (brits) the indians wanted self rule and saw that it would need
to be planned effort to succed

(PG 60 of book)

Fundementalist: aggresively follow ideology

1913, layla hardal exiled to the US was funding a mutiny party with arms and money but the
supporters were beaten in battle with indian police in 1915

In 1915 there was also a planned uprising by nationalists in punjab but was easily put down

A mutiny by indian troops serving in army in singapore was crushed and dozens executed or jailed

Another unsuccesful plot was the silk letter conspiracy which anti brit muslims proposed a general

to free from brits but their plans were crushed


In ww1 there was a dire need for soldiers by the british

Indians Would be Concscripted into the army

If above 15 yrs they would be recruited

this was mandatory

Issue for the brits was that muslims and hindus were unhappy

so the british met local politicians

and struck a deal

Lucknow Pact

British would give sawaraj

to the indians

and Indians Agreed to fight

How British Reforms Worked

every 10 yrs a new reform

they would send an investigation team

who would do things such as meeting local politicians

They would also evaluate the political climate in india

Political Scenario in India

Everyone was fighting between eachother so the brits used this against them and did as they saw fitr
Jinnah said that brits were toying with us

he convinces congress about this and AIML and Congress are on one page and together because of

1919 Reforms/Montague - Chelmsford Reforms

Legislative Council had at this point was an assembly because of its size (145 members representing
not only muslims and hindus but also sikhs majority were british tho)

The Council of state would have 60 seats

out of which 33 elected

Council of princes made

108 members

Diarchy Introduced

Di = 2

archy = power

with some but not super important parts being given to indians

There was now Transfer which were ruled by indians only and included: Education, Public Health,
Public Works, Forests which didnt give them much constitutional power

and reserved (only brits) were Justice-law and order, police, millitary, Finance - revenue, power
resources and press

which were the big ones

Indians Were still not happy as tehy had not been given what they were asking for and were only
give small ministries

and the Franchise made it so that only 2% of 250 million ppl could vote

After the 1919 Ref

Indians mad

and the defence of india act

Rowlett act

was made

also known

as the black act

as it took away

basic rights

This law was against anyone opposed to the brits

There were
Arrest without warrant, detention without bail, right of provincial gov to order ppl where and where
not to live

1917 - 1918 rowlett comitee

reaction to rowlett

Lawyers and politicians reacted severely

Jinnah was unhappy with these laws

and he resigned

from the imperial council

Ghandi: Launched a strike

starting from april 1919

all over india

and continues till the end of 1919

British ignored and implemented the act

Amritsar Massacre

one law in rowlett says

that no political congregation

can be more than 5 ppl

Indians wanted to show their anger but couldnt

Location: Punjab, Amritsar

Day: 10 April

Punjab was maj sikh

Besaki celebrations

was a communal festival

This fest was held at

Jalayan wala bagh

Issue: The festival was used politically by nationalists but not all were like that

(isis and muslim situation)

When the brits found out

2000 ish ppl were at the fest and troops were sent

Preson incharge on area was general dyre

Park had 1 entry point

and rest was sawwls

He sieged the area and announced that they disobeyed the law and would face consequences

Dyre opened fire

400 dead insta

1200 wounded

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