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Book Title : RAIN

Author : Tere Liye
Publisher : Gramedia Pustaka Utama
City of Publication : Jakarta
Publish : January 2016
Cover Design : Creative Orkha
Page Thickness : 320 pages (20 cm)
Size : 13.5 x 20 cm
ISBN : 978-602-03-2478-4
Book Weight : 500 grams

Synopsis of Rain Novels by Tere Liye

This book tells the love story and life struggle of a girl named Lail. When he was just 13
years old he had to become an orphan. On his first day of school, a mountain disaster erupted
and a devastating earthquake destroyed the city where he lived and killed his mother and father.
Ancient volcanic eruptions that exceeded the eruption of the Tambora volcano and Mount
Krakatau. Luckily he was saved by a 15-year-old boy named Esok, Esok's mother did not die but
his legs had to be amputated.
For almost a year Lail and Esok lived in refugee camps, they were inseparable, people
knew Esok and Lail. They both also helped refugee officials. Until finally the government
announced to close the refugee camps, this made Tomorrow and Lail separate. Lail will live in a
social home while tomorrow it was adopted by a family. It turned out that at Lail's social home,
she came to her cheerful, funny and passionate roommate named Maryam, Maryam had fine
frizzy hair. In social institutions there are a number of rules that Lail and Maryam must
Lail sometimes missed tomorrow, until finally they had a regular schedule of meetings,
only once a month, but for Lail it was more than enough. They met to share stories of their
respective activities. Unfortunately the routine schedule must change when Tomorrow must
continue their education in the Capital City, they only meet during semester breaks. Lail busied
herself with useful activities. Lail and Maryam enrolled in volunteer organizations and they were
the youngest volunteers. They also made achievements, one of which was that they were placed
in sector 2, where there were two twin cities upstream and downstream which were approved
50 km away. At that time the bend in the upstream was cracked and if the dam burst would
destroy the two twin cities, there was only one way to reach downstream at that time, which was
to run fast maybe to hit the storm. They both managed to commemorate the city and their
services turned out to get them an award.
His busy schedule made Lail able to distract herself. Tomorrow they always come to visit
Lail with their red bicycles that they used to wear, complete with the hats that Lail gave them.
Tomorrow comes unexpectedly. Unfortunately the intensity of their meetings is increasingly rare.
They can only meet once a year and even then if tomorrow is not busy. Lail never contacted
Tomorrow, she sometimes asked her mother about Tomorrow and Tomorrow too. And
apparently the family that adopted Tomorrow is the family of the mayor.
Long story short, it turns out that Tomorrow is working on a spaceship that will take the
inhabitants of the earth into space to avoid catastrophes greater than volcanic eruptions, the
disaster is the temperature of the earth which will be getting hotter and warmer due to
stratospheric damage caused by human selfishness. Since the eruption of the mountain, the
climate on earth is out of control, state officials held a summit to solve this, but the leaders of
sub-tropical and tropical countries have been racing to send a shuttle to spray anti-sulfur dioxide
gas in the stratosphere. In a short period of time this makes the climate gradually recover but
new problems arise.
Tomorrow's intelligence got him involved in this project. Not all residents can leave the
earth, they are chosen at random. Unfortunately Esok had two tickets on the ship, one time the
mayor came to Lail, asking him to give the ticket to Claudia the mayor's son if Lail got the ticket
from Esok. There was a misunderstanding in this matter. Lail grew up and seemed to understand
his feelings. Lail needs certainty tomorrow. One day before the official announcement from the
government, Lail had not received any news from Tomorrow, his feelings were frantic. Until the
seconds before the flight of this ship, Lail actually decided to enter the memory modification
room. Lail wants to remove all her burden, erase it from her memory. Tomorrow, which turned
out to be undergoing a process of moving data so that it could not contact Lail, could not be
stopped by the operation process, even though he had made a lot of advanced technology
throughout the world, Tomorrow was too late to prevent Lail from doing that. Tomorrow don't
want Lail to forget it.
But finally at the last second, before the modification tool worked, Lail decided to hug all
the painful memories. The red thread that signifies painful memories has turned into a blue
thread. Lail didn't forget Tomorrow. That same day the government announced the flight of the
spaceship, Lail and Tomorrow remained on earth together. One month later they are married.
Elijah, Lail's facilitator in the Mangeri operating room, was not forgetting the problem but
receiving it. Whoever can accept, then he will be able to forget, live happily. But if he can't accept,
he can never forget.

The advantages of Tere Liye's Rain Novel

Tere Liye's Rain novel is very interesting. The story inside has a plot-twist that is unexpected
that makes the reader absorbed and curious to continue reading it. The contents of this novel
are easily understood by readers because the language used is simple language so that the
messages in this novel can be received to the bottom of the heart and mind.

Lack of Rain's Novel by Tere Liye

In the Rain novel, Tere Liye does not place the characters in it to pray and worship. There
is no religious language in this novel, all of them only talk about science and technology. Not
explained religion.

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