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Revised Format October 2015


Checklist on Random Inspection of Police Station to Check Custodial Facilities
Date/Time of Inspection:
General Information:
Police Station: Calatrava MPS Date/Time of Inspection: ______________
Chief of Police: PLTCOL ROLLIE L PONDEVILLA Contact numbers: 09307878657
Duty Officer: PLTCOL ROLLIE L PONDEVILLA Landline: 727-756
Duty Desk Officer: PSMs Jerry Lim Cellphone: 09307878657___________________
Duty Custodian PSMs Jerry Lim Email(If any): calmssig@gmail.com_________

Please fill up the boxes for the answers/remarks:
Nr. of persons in custody 9 Persons
1. How many persons in custody are in the custodial Maximum capacity 10
facilities during the inspection? Female
Nr. of persons in custody 0
Maximum capacity 10
Nr. of persons in custody 0
Maximum capacity 0

Yes No Remarks/Comments
2. Is the female custodial facility separate from that of the male
custodial facility?
3. Is there a separate custodial facility for Children in Conflict with Law /
4. Is/are there any juvenile/s or mentally deranged persons in custody? /
5. Is/are there any person/s under custody with serious injury or illness? /
6. Do all persons in custody have records of medical examination?
conducted prior to detention? /
7. Are there signs/traces of wounds, bruises, or other manifestations of /
torture among the persons inside the custodial facility?
8. Do persons in custody have adequate food, water, facilities, and /
items for personal hygiene?
9. Are persons in custody allowed to be visited by their relatives,
counsel, and others?
10. Are the custodial facility properly ventilated and lighted including
its surrounding?
11. Is there a duty custodial officer to monitor the condition, health
and well being of persons in custody? /
12. Is there any person under custody kept beyond the reglementary
period for custody? /
13. Is there any person under custody that needs legal counsel? /
14. Does the duty custodial officer maintain record of turn-over? /
15. Is the record of turn-over updated up to the time of inspection? /
16. For persons in custody confined in hospital, are their rights
accorded to them? /
Inspection conducted by: ________________
(Name and signature)

Acknowledged by: _____________

(Name and signature of Duty Custodial Officer)

Noted by:
(Name and signature)
NOTE: What are the actions of the custodial authorities to address any shortcoming in the custodial management and facilities?

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