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Good afternoon Shalini and my colleagues

First of all welcome everyone to our presentation and Thank you

Shalini for giving us the opportunity to express our thoughts on
building a positive attitude.
My name is swapnil kharose and my teammate name is Aditi
We Are going to present a topic, ways to build a positive attitude
So let’s get started

Before forwarding to the slide

Lets take an example of what people think about positive attitude

A positive attitude is a state of mind that allows you to envision and

expect good things.
Positive thinking isn’t magic and it won’t make all of your problems
disappear. What it will do is make problems seem more manageable
and help you approach hardships in a more positive and productive

A positive attitude can be achieved through a few different techniques that have
been proven effective, such as positive self-talk and positive imagery.

Here are some ways to get everyone started that can help you train your brain how
to think positively.
Assume responsibility, and choose your response.
Refusing to take responsibility for your actions and your situation, or not taking control of
how you respond, kills a positive attitude immediately.

After all, if something happens and you’re at fault or in some way responsible, refusing to
acknowledge it means you can’t correct the behavior and it will happen again, and you
also set yourself up for a victimhood mindset in which things happen to you.

You will be more positive seeing life as something you have some control over rather than
at the mercy of fate. How you respond has an effect on the outcome, even when events
are out of your control.

Practicing Self-Care after a Failure at Work

After messing up at work, it’s easy to feel downtrodden and dwell on failure. Maybe you didn’t
prepare a presentation well enough, your disorganization got in the way of your productivity, or
your manager once again had to meet with you about your performance.

To face this situation with a positive attitude, you would:

 Accept that you could’ve done better, but that the only way to go now is up.

 Treat yourself with as much compassion and understanding as if a colleague had made this mistake, and
you were looking at it as a bystander.

 Practice self-care to avoid overthinking and remind yourself of your value.

 Let it go and know that you can always do better.

 Create an internal improvement plan so that this mishap doesn’t happen again.

Developing Self-Esteem
Self-Esteem is recognition and regard for oneself and one’s abilities
It’s essential for a positive attitude
Focus on the things that you like about yourself to remind yourself that there is more to you
than the negative thoughts your inner voice focuses on. Congratulate yourself for your
accomplishments without qualifying them.
Be courteous that helps to develop yourself esteem
It builds your confidence.
confidence generates success
success builds self-esteem
If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude.
Fill your mind with positive input.
the people around you can change you to be more like them, so is what you feed your
Your mind is a powerful thing. When you fill it with positive thoughts, your life will start to
Listen to positive music with headphones. Listen to uplifting audio books on the drive
into work. Read books that are encouraging. Watch videos and listen to podcasts that are
positive or help you improve skills.

If you are what you eat holds true for your body, your mind is what you feed it.

Every day brings new choices

Dealing with Mistakes


How do you deal with your mistake after a


can you tell

You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be
reduced by them

Mistakes are simply opportunities to learn and grow

If you think you have made a mistake

Make sure you really made a mistake!

Don’t try to cover it up, take responsibility

Offer a way to solve the problem

Learn from your mistake, don’t make the same mistake twice

Forgive yourself for being human & move on

Stop complaining.
complaints are such a huge issue that they warrant their own section.

Stop complaining.

Frequent complaining might also reduce the number of positive influences in your life.

Complaining does nothing. If you’re around people who complain a lot, get away from
them. Try to see the situation in a positive or different light.

Complaints are a way of seeing everything in a negative light without considering any
other explanation. It’s a one-way road to dissatisfaction that builds the further you travel

Do all things without complaining, that you may become blameless and harmless,

We have one video about how would you motivate yourself.

Confidence It means you accept and trust yourself and have a sense of control in your
life. You know your strengths and weakness well, and have a positive view of yourself.


To be successful, choose your thoughts wisely and deliberately

Believe in yourself
If you believe in yourself and have dedication and pride - and never quit, you'll be a


An achievement is associated with the targeted goals or aims in life, something you aim
to accomplish.


To be a champion, develop a strict training routine that involves training,

studying, and focusing on your goals every day.

Believe in yourself, take on your

challenges, dig deep within yourself to
conquer fears. 

How do you build positive attitudes?

After a failure in work how you'll practice self-care?

How would you improve your self-care after failure

Tell me about time when you wanted to give up but chose not to

Tell me about mistakes you did and how you resolved it

Tell me who is your role model and what qualities have you take from them
to build your positive attitude
Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot
see a shadow.
We end the presentation here

If you are having some questions related to this topic you can ask freely,

Ok then we assume that everyone got the points about bulding positive

Again we would thank you everyone who are listening us

if you feel we are lacking some skills or you wanted to improve ourself please
give us feedback
we will definitely improve it in the next presentation
Hello Everyone...i am
krunal..I would like to
share something about
Discipline. Nobody likes
a person who is not
following discipline in
life. We may have to
allow our self to
manage discipline in
life, Through we can do
anything that we want
and achieve results that
is magical for all of us
to believe because we
have a courage to do
that...and that's happen
when we follow our
heart not mind because
as we all know mind is
always play games for
us where as deep down
heart always beat for
the thing which we want
the most and provide
peaceful and
allow your heart to
speak instead of
Hope you all think
about it....thank
you....have a great life
Self care crasflee




Self care

Bright Outlook






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