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If I am given a chance to decide whether former president Marcos Sr.

is going to be considered
a national hero or not, I think he can be considered as a hero. That is only my opinion, I am not
born yet at the time when the former president ruled our country. But as I do some readings
and research, some of those articles written by researchers really say that Ferdinand Marcos Sr.
is a hero especially for the people of Ilocos. He was the greatest president for them. 1986,
Marcos and his family fled to Hawaii because of the massive people power revolution protests
against them. That is the reason why the dictatorship ended and the democracy of the
Philippines is restored. Many citizen of the Philippines is against to him because of the Martial
Law in 1972. In martial law, it says that people are killed and tortured. It is really hard to believe
things now because there are no proof or evidence that those things happened. In my research,
during his first term, he revealed his plans about economic development. He wanted a
immediate constructions of roads, bridges, and other public works. He also provide water
services to eight regions and 38 localities. As I observed, he really focused on the development
of technology in the Philippines. He hired highly educated persons for the building of the roads
example is the North Division Road which is now the North Luzon Expressway. Those are only
some of the projects of former president and it’s still there giving benefits for the people of our
society. He is also against the smuggling activity, all those military men that is involved in the
activity of smuggling were forced to retire. During his presidency, he promotes a great
production of rice by the cultivation of IR-8 hybrid rice. IR-8 is also called Golden Rice which is
developed by the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) in the early 1960s. Because of that
we became self sufficient in rice for the first time in the history since the American period.
Peace and order was improved in the most provinces of Manila and other provinces until the
imposition of martial law in 1972. The spate of bombing and rebel activities led Marcos to
declare that. Marcos said that martial law has two objectives, those are to save the republic and
to reform the social, economic and political institutions in our country. According to that, he
will release a list of persons to be arrested and the media will be controlled by the government,
curfew from midnight to 4:00 AM, and it is not allowed to carry any fire-arms except by military
and security personnel. And those events I’ve mention earlier, where people are killed and
tortured. I have watch many documentaries where people are arrested without them violating
any law. That is the reason why it is really hard to believe stories and news. We can’t say now
what is true and fake. But for now I can say that Former president Marcos can be considered as
hero, because we cannot always look at the bad side. He and his wife done many things too for
our country. Actually, as of what is happening now in our country we need someone like
Marcos. I didn’t say that we should repeat the wrong doings but we need a very strict
government. It is like people are not afraid of law. Especially for those people who can bail and
run in their wrong doings. Justice is really not for everyone. We really need a strong
government where people will listen and will have an equal rights.

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