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rm) 2 ii = = a C 2 | S$: Technical preconditions Standards and specifications Dimensions and weight, Water conservation measures to Din VDE 0101 Masures for fire protection and preservation of functional integrity to DIN VDE 010% Installation of transformers with rated voltages above 1 KV Measures for fire protection and preservation of functional integrity Classification according to VDE 0632, Part 6, Termperature of the cooling air. ‘Special instalation conditions. Minimum clearances Room design Protection against accidental contact Examples for instalation... Room division between transformers Connection of the righ-valiage side Connection ofthe H sido using Bute connectors High-voltage toppings. Connection of the low-voltage side... Connection of earthing and short ceutng devices ~ “Temperature supervision Function... Fan characteristics. Economic efficiency of additional forcedair cooling. Assumptions. Calculating the heat ioaces in the room Calculating the heat dissipation... Qu: Heat dissipation by natural ar circulation Woiked example ‘Q.g: Heat dissipation through the walls and ceiling is: Heat dissipation by forded-ir circulation At ducting Room vertiation fans: Criteria for choice of roorn vestiiaiion fans. Rating of the roar ventilation fan pp Pressure difference due to flow Wotked exampe... ae The sound sensitivity of the ear Approximation ofthe ear characteristics using instrumentation Propagation of noise, Sound power level Measures for noise reduction. Airborne noise Structure-borne noise. Insulation against structure-borne noise: Dimensioning.. ~ Ingulation against structure-borne noise: Worked example Noise level in the saom next to the transfoimer room: Worked example EMC rasan TAROT resin crytybe tr 6s. 376 the ideal solution wherever bi (G30 densities necessitate pro Tech Al basie data for planning youl ion are given below. ial précandlio lL the technical dais apply 26 GEAFOL ast resin dnvtype transtorrers withthe following features o installation in engiosed alec ‘operating area i accordance with VDE 0101 or BINVDE 0108. Power rat 2500 kv Vole om a oF U1 8, he data also generally apzy to ‘transformers 6f aver 2500 kVA, iLimmersed transloriers in terms of Vater consetvalien ard fretorotecion snveastres and freasures for pres tion of-furctonalintegrityin tw those for “Ventilation” ahd "Noise" lands and specications 1 GEAEOL. transformers. meet the. {equirerents of al relevant national, European and international Standard! DIN-VDE-O8a2.forvvenstormersiand actor cols DIN VBE 0532, Part 6, for dry-type sranstoreners HD464 St C726 ‘Stanalacas * DIN #2 523 erytype transtormers 5oHz, 100» 2500 kVA, HD 5382S} The folowing nts must be aken into acount for nstalaush ang ‘operation of plants * DINVDEDi00 ‘or‘Ereciion of pow istaltions with ratetl vékiages upto 7000 Vt = DINDE diet : for Erection of power instaltions wits rated Veltages above'T kV : E0105 “Operation of Slectrioal pow lations" ‘DIN VDE 0108 for erection ant operation of power ‘stations ivbuldings open t0'the cand fot emerganey lighting st ‘nlanaens with Standard of tne Fetleial Said Yor cieat Operating areas A StaltevO gulations for production and office Instructions for protection aaa iiticl Sallution Adbiferal plating and Uesige notes are eon S svolzo7s {0% aleulation ofthe cooling ll sh airconditioned rooms Agi 12 : Structural design Reins far ingoot Sswehgear, Worksheet of the Pre) Groub for kidustial Bulings (AGI ts Alldata fegarding dimensions an ‘weights relevant to-planning are to be! din the atest ednion of Gur Cato DI AIOT-AR 'S quotaticn andjorthe contiactual docuthonts are binding ae regards the actual dasion of the vanstormers | TESST ES oe | GEAFOL tanstoners | present no special requre: meres forthe point of > sinstallavon. Thsvcan be seen fromthe regulations. Fer water conservation, | ire protection ang preser " Vauon of junctional io- tegriyn BINVDE 0101, COINYDE 0198 sng | Fit Bau VO. Therequire- The use of impermeabie loors and dams is permitted for ‘water eollection {oughs for max 3 transformers ‘each containing ess than 1000 1 ‘¢. Fiqtrie-otardant doors to outside '& Woretcoleciig wougns and ocoecing its de ananged shat rete not popooated excent formation n cosed eleetica operating isd with rat, tanstormers eat containing tess cyan 1000 Quick-acting protection devices “AS fot-cootat designation O “ transformersin the room The temperature sensors embedded in the ow-o%g0 windings aro matched to tis maximum value of eoolat tom perature plus tne winging ternpersture Fee permitted by VDE 0532 and the cissratian of the foal heat losses in the appropriate hotspot allowance room (G4) Le rlah eset areal noceaa aie / aroma wa yer, Ge Heat ss ea Seana Qu: Heat dissipation by forced sir circulation Effective cooling can be achiaved by admitting cold at at the bottom of the room and exhausting it to stmosphere ‘rom the opposite side just beneath the ceiling, Ifthe air supply is heavy poluted itmust be fitered, Fig, 10: Data for calculation of vention Q,; Total dissioared losses ik Transformer losses v_Alrwebeiy is) Aa. Air inletoute cross section 88;° ‘Air temperature rise IK) 88, = 0,~ By He Height for thermal purposes fm) Gueq: Losses dssioated though the wets and celing i Ao: Surface ota a the walls and celing Heat wanster coefficient (M4) Keo cient (A) Subscripts: Ww D- ceiing Ve Ai Now rate 8) Iz is the sought value for the free cross section of the air inlet and outlet. The flow resistances forthe inlet opening ‘with a wire gille of mesh size 10-20 rn ‘and for the outlet opening with fixed Touvres have been taken into account in the nomogram, Use of a wire mesh instead of fxed louvres atthe outlet ‘pening rediscos the required cross sec tion by 10%. Where applicable, all pats causing constriction of tho cross section ‘must be taken into account by corre ‘sponding increase ofthe cross section, Q..: Heat dissipation through the walls and ceiling The followiig apples to that portion of the heat losses which is dissipated by natural convection: Og = (0.7 x Ay x Ky X Ady + Ay X Ko ebay) x 10° (kW) where: = Kye = Coetficient of heat {transmission Ano = Surface area of the walls and celing A8u.o= Temperature difference, indoors/outdoors (s02 also Fig, 10) in contrast to heat cissipation by air culation (2), heat cissipaton through the walls and ceiling (Q,) is generally ‘aw. itis dependent on the thickness and material ofthe walls and eeiing, The heat transfer coetficiont Kis the decisive Some examples: Work example for cosira by moans jo nistuitel convection." = inlevend.autlgl Fes: = Inlet and outlet cro: {Qu enealgeted here) Usnastie pomotiarnn Fig. TaN to ha = 15K imetsonts the “scale, Mi 380.68 m/s ~ tha sought value 2f the ar flow rate. Sethi itmplios Aan. 200-79 a po are recired 5X perournate valu! i saight ine shoul drawn ‘rom te mersecton point ofthe hist Stsiht sine with the ordering ft the ant of the seal) 19% = 5.7 line interseéts the A. scale at 0.78 m*— this 15 Q,: Heat dissipation by forced-air circulation That part ofthe heat loss Qa, cissipated by fotced.air circulation, usualy proves {0 be rch large than the components Gy and Gr, In practice for calculation of forced-ir cooing the following applies: ‘Assume that Og => P, Consequently al venteton is sttrbuted to forced-ir Circulation and Qu and Qa provide @ safety margin. The heat dssipation by forcodait ereulation is: Oy =VixCq x 9,49, (KW where oA Air tlow rate in ts) = Co, = Thermal capacty of ai Ws = 1015 SS, =p = Air density 3t20°C 21.18 kgine = A0, = Air temperature rise KI, W802 05-8 The nomogram in Fig. 13 makes use of this equation. eis thus possible, for example, to determine te folowing Parameters for an air velocity of 10 rvs in the air ducting and for diferent tern- perature differences 49: Airflow ate ofthe aro bo exrausted = Cross section of the ar ducting = Gross section fr ar nievoutet {approx. 4x due 058 section. “The folowing eationship exits fr the ratio ofthe airflow rate Ve ar velocity Vand the average css section A VWevKa {An ai velocity of 0.6 to 0.7 ms can be tolerated in transformer rooms. If the ‘oom isnot aocessible, higher values of airvelocty can be selected. “The air ducting should be made of gaiva- : rivod Sheet sod or plastic ck PVC). The ive rating Pot the oom vontTAtION a Gane of etherretanguar or crear fans von by te folowing aqato cross section px\ Sb ik ge ew instalation ofa fre damper in the ait = 58x 10x n " ducts mandatory where the aie duct penetrates a fire wall where Theinlet and outlet ofiles should prevent ~p= Total pressure differeice due to the ingress of foregn objects and vermin, air low ur ‘The following points should be taken oS into account: The calculated inlevoutlet, Air flow rate imi. cross section ofthe air giles should be Efficiency of the fan ‘multiplied by a factor of 1.7 because the (07..03} effective open cioss section ofthe giles Is only aparex. 60%. ‘Adjustable ouvtes permit more accurate setting of the inet airflow rat. ‘The pressure citforenice occu result of . SrresenenaamaTeE Tha frictional resistance op ib the: straght t= duct langth Lx Spe Boxtype, centrifugal or axiatfiow fans duct fictional resistance ye can be used for room ventilation. These * Individual resistances due to" fre availabe from various supplies. branches, giles and carga i ‘The required total pressure difference Section (Ns of parielar mportnce for. Typca values forthe woe Secon o he room venation fan For 1p are ae Celcdaton thsvaue reference shoud pre Be made tothe Socton Pawo ening o ‘he room vention an" Itmay be necessary to employ sound dampening to reduce the operational ‘noise of the room ventilation fan. The “Grilles silencers are installed in the ai ducts. “Sjgncarg ee eae The flowing points shouldbe taken Ser eee intoaccount Thenormal nose levelcan Average value sould i used Fhe Peet Ue amplied as. rout of spec cel case of re exec a conditions. delivery’. ‘And: if 9 number of air ventilation fans {are in operation, the noise levels are summated: refer to page 19 "Noise" pressure difference py ‘The following criteria should be checked Ps = (0.61 x vie (N/m?) CE ee here : Siero cree ay wil RCE agony gn “yp Atl ie i + Speed in operation ito keep the noise level as low as possibte, A, = Duct cross section (8) mex. 600-800 min} where + Operating voltage V * Power rating KW ‘= OOK, Frequency Hz 3600 x Ax + Sound pressure level dB 1A) ip 20 228 25 2.5.90 92890 91.5 40xi0?| | oe 08 10 | | Worked example for foroed-air circula- tion — refer to Figs. 12 end 13. = 4 GEAFOL ransformors, ‘each rated at 1000 kVA ‘otal heat losses Qa = Pp= 4x 12.9 KW = 1.6 KW (Gy and G.zare neglected anc represent a salety margin) 40 °C max. cooling sir temperature to VDE 0532 (special measures are necessary in the vopics with 9. > 40 °C: precooiing of the air, reduction of the transformer output fating, oF installation of transformers designed forthe relevant higher ambiant temperature) — Temperature difference Aa = 16 K Using the nomoaram (Fig. 13) the following are found: = low rate ofthe cooling ar: 10,000 mth Cross section of the air duct 0.28 me = Airinlet cross section 112m? Fig, 12 depicts a ventilation system with the following components: #1 extraction ventilator (roorn ventistion fan) + Tlouvre damper = 4.90° bends, r= 20 * Gm galvarized shoot stool, straight 7085 section 0.7 x0.4m + Voutlet aril, free aroe approx. 1.12 m? * Tinie gril, free ares: approx. 1.12 m? ‘The total pressure difference of the fan is obtained as follows: Pressure loss due to flow plus Pressure loss due to acceleration (see page 16) ne # Pa Determining of the components: Be Pressure difference due to flow The pressure loss due to flows isthe sum of the following losses: 1. Fritional resistance in the duct and 2. The resistances of individual ‘components Fa. 12: Nomooya fer fread wonton of te oom th van = 10.0 " j Qe on op os 1 2s bz 34 6 8 aa ene 1 Pressure loss due to fictional {esistance in the ducting ‘The pressure loss per metre duct can be read off the pp scale in the namogram (Fig. 14): as the intersection of the straight lines connecting the already determined values for Vand AcorD, as the case may be. 20: 50.300 200. 500” Nin® Pa 18 20. G40 6) —Sveq ins) 100 200 50 1000 2000 s000Nim* ‘Ac eppias to ducts of rectangular cross séetion and D to ducts of cveular cross section. In our example - connecting stright ine Fig. 14~ the specie fnetonalresstance per mote ducts found to be N ax m For total duct length Lok 2 m: Pa= Pw xL=1.6x8= 12. Nim# 3 Fig 14: Nomoars for determining ofthe. Drassure deranco of ar ducting = hee Tor [Sr densiy 118 gir und 20°C For the see ‘designations ‘ster o 9890 18 : ingividval companents are found freon Fig. 14 and Table 4, In the example: 490° bends, r= 2D, ve= 10 mis, ‘each 120 Nim* ag Nie “init gile 20NI 1 outlet gilo 20Nim® 1 ouvte fexhaust) 60 Nim? Spa = 138 Nim ‘otal pressure difference due to fiw. The total pressure difference dia t8 tow is thus Py = Sum of the frictional osses. 2+ 138 = 150 Nim* ‘bx Pressure difference de 19 acceleration (Nir is found from the equation Pe = 0.61 x ve (yin mis) Inthe example: ~ve= 10.mis The pressure difference dus to acceleration is found to be: Pe 061 x 10'=61 Nim? os Rosul: Total pressure difference ofthe fan ‘The total prossute difference of the ven P= pp + y= 150+ 6) Its therefore necessa lation fan with an air delivery ate: of 10,000 m?/ and 8 total pressure.iffer fence of 211 Nim itis usually not necessary to caleulate the dive pawer,f the manufacturer is siven the delivery rate and the total pressure difference of the fan FA sisane harpitntes; ag, caused by ore - “vetoroperstion: hea tee ebfading ond cinves we Sy 1 eauatlovtness torres for tinea) _/ The sound sensitivity of the tener a9 open sound fal liptie beschticomantiswotined 065 728 ais reesei veel oles.» Inthe sound sbkerve ane oh the ear AniNNe uskbleftequancy defied oy frequency and souhd res ierprets *Netfiequency sore, viz. the auditry sensation fea 38 plah feee Fig 19) sound Sengetions with 355, lentcal sound piessu's pbutot diferent *reiuonty aro net extronced ds boing eal i8ud. Fy this reason the eu {ory sensation a/oais sued nt curves ‘of identical loudness Higa Oscilongns with equates” Ae Setng instrumentation esate ee Sepia iostaiieneis | inerteted es sand oy ane ent tha Glas iro Ales op spsurainont of ECE of tiejaa|for-Sounti pressure. “the Sound [eval hustiake frequency: sends ron iibar et he heaping, © sgbendett Gar senistiviy into eeount: jean igh Woolies rreasie Ivtbinthe noise spectiumn mst be eval: eee etrcs bean et 9 ‘De esuenoes ted ins manner cove: [on aiogirtic basis Tents : sestine greene Pa. opereraroeamescl saat cua at ‘is defied": “The evaluation Oitve A (see Fig. 15) fd repasons an goprximaton of fe cuve 9 equa loudnoss lun the equeney Arenige, up to 500:Hay a sud oir oo “ sguavon tty the roost Tequerty use tianabip, The sound pressure of apps, 2% 00" barat the threshold oh. “hearing #0 reference value p, ot Ls wig See) ip i Be Operational noise of transformers is propagated locally inthe form of ait- borne noise and structure-bome noise. Different noise reduction measures must be used for each type of noise. Main objective of noise reduction: Compliance with the specified values atthe site boundaries or at the boundary of an adjacent site. “The sound power level provides a maas- Lure of the noise produced by a sound SOUTCO.It characterizes the noise of the Source and, in contrast to the sound pressure level, is independent of the point of measurement and of the acous- ‘ical properties of the ervironment. ‘The method for determining ofthe sound ‘power level Lysis given in DINEN 60551) VDE 0532, Part 7. Noise power levels are manirrum vahiee without tolerance, The noise power levels to be deter- mined as follows: Determining ofthe sound pressure level Lon 2 defined enveloping surface around the transformer lus Logarithm of the enveloping surface S. ‘As an equation: Loa = bat Le where {hoa forge ensogng surface stoxigS. (eterto Table 6), Latoxie Sri Dependency ofthe sound pressure on the distance — La audible and measurable sound pressure level ata distance A > 30 m Using the equation given above it follows that La = ban Le where Loy “The diagram in Fig. 17 depicts the value, Lg 88 a function of the distance A, Itis ‘thus easily possible to determine the ‘magnitude of the sound prassure level Lot a transformer sta specific distance (eter algo to DIN EN 60557), ‘An example: Lg = 70:08 and B = 36 mn. Using thse values in the diagram: Ly = 38 6B: Consequently the free-isld sound pressure level is: (n= 70 dB 39 dB = 31 4B, 20 2k 0 ig So Pad B 18 NOS [oo Name dtaourone tawag > ‘ba some nee ve! Fig. 16: Increase ininoise evel fog Sumber (of sound sources having identical Suns ee. “9040.60 100,160, 960 S601m Dibner —> ON Tk 8 Ble 230 Fi. 18: Increase n operational neise the ‘4’¢m mineral wool with oe i ects eee Smooth board covering o7a ee Is thus possible ts educe the opera tional nose do efections ty ning the wanstormer room e.g aay fsnfear nan soigh sano ident ugh the rrsulteaetieey 9 Re subi REA oz, 8 10 203080 100780 | I Distro —> | Fig 19: Reduction ofthe noise pressure eve 28, function ofthe distance TERE EMER AiRbBHHETTOES - Aicbome noise is ampitiod by efectons at the walls and ceiling ofthe transformer oom, Tha following barametsts aré of relevance for sound reflection sie Fie "Ano account Secular oo ee oes | rea oot bal ssing Acoust GR material g. with mivers Resilent walled special anitvioration outings {see Fig. 20) are empioyed for structure-borne.noise insulation of GEAFOL trancformiors Ana: Elastic « alleptges ae avalabl tor busbar connee. f tage switchgear thus” 8500 N permissible Steady-state continuous load, Special featurés: «Increasied bscilidtion of thé foundation is to be expected, if the transformer is ‘nstaled on an upper floor ofa building, |i this case an elastic compression 5 of upto 0.5 omnis recommended Solution Sourd power level of the transt role. the approximate nove TOrYHieg asain 0: Iovelin the ror Aadesore to Rea jo08" ; ie room is to be calculated (880: t58 folowing adliaidit gives 16 sound: ; ‘2 pase ee Ue Haas pur iA ‘The following parameters are know =2 GEAFOL casttesin dry-type ee Nees transforeners each rated at 630 kVA" “5 dB isthe attanustioNl théioiss level Structure-bome noise insulation has. oh.neredse of the distance been provides ehedSint6 1 me where Arcbome noise propagation 10/09) gt egy A A throuah the floor only agg NO of ansformer room inne surface . Ag = 184 mt; adjacent room A had tha: UE IRE Sound press ue same dimensions Ug=70-8-8 = 57 dB IA Pasta area @stensformer Ar= 84 ng faowingelationshio applies for om, om ~ pelfigavon due to rellection — Walls of concrete, 24 em thick Wn deer hae me sources) ¥°3 dBA). Trigtesutea ia 57a (als 1208 (A) BBA = 72 insulation by conerete-cailhng Fig. 21: Diagram of the worked axarnple, Ag crn =30.08 Thus she! Sound pressure le ‘ed to 190" A= 33-87) bbe addét: Afiplification ab @=08 in thoadiacent room (estimated with carpets Curtains, ete) we find trom thediagram, Fig. 18, that A= 4308 1A © The total sound pressive ts eaten Ais 93 «8226.48 14) — Eisctital and magnetic folds oocur on ‘Speiation of tranaformers, The electric isle of clanmeised ard GEAFOL trans- formats Bvt ot thay connections has practical nee Sts tho vans- Zag Ghcosuro of tne tans ar the covers of ol- srs and the protec tyaltiousing of GEAFOL vansformers © as Faecal apts “> vided these ee of inst Bengal meg. terforence can be ‘caused by the F rnagnelc feds, Tha stay fold of a prox 5 7 at rated load at ee detector donslreg? ae See capbeow SE ig Teeppronmats: alu fhe meg nitic fetinthe ‘5 19 for GEAFOL ‘aryeg lings and shor. Fen wags canoe fd using the in eases ynerSed transformers © the inal vaise eapbion Su, The 28 imple- mentation order for the Federal Environmental BEES” Protection Law (Regulations for electromagnetic fields = 26. BimSchV} dated December 16, 1896, allows a maximum electric Field strength of § kvm and a maximum mag netic Fixx density of 100 wT at the expo- sure point for 50 Hr fields ‘The point of expo- ssureis the point with the most marked effect, to which persons can have access over appreciable periods of time, The electric field outside the transformer callor the enclosure and the magnetic, field at cistances in excess of 3m do not come anywhere near the permitted limit values in the case of aistbution transformers, Interference can be caused to computor monitors from approx. 1 pT. Detailed information isto be found in the leat Distribution transformers and EMC’ (Order No. E60001-U410-A14-x-7600) a

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