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For one reason or another, living up until this moment is like letting yourself be in a battle
of what reality does into you and what it could bring more. Many factors would push us on
choosing just to live with our fantasies rather than the reality we see wide awake where the road
is unfamiliar and rocky. Since then, there really comes a time that things aren’t really going well
as we imagined it to be. And that is when I figured out the essence of life and why is it that people
find it hard to breathe when reality hits.

Ever since I was a kid, I ran after the things. Clearly, I was afraid of getting lost. I wanted,
crashed, got up and ran again, and crashed again. Each time I crashed I learned something, got
better, and crashed less. By doing that over and over again, I learned to love this process, even the
crashing part of it. Through it, I encountered reality, and I learned how to deal with it, which
inspired another one of my most fundamental principles which is that truth is the essential
foundation for producing good outcomes.

By truth, I don't mean anything more than the way the world works. I believe that we were
given the laws of reality by nature. Humans didn't create them, but we can use them to foster our
own evolution and achieve our goals. Realizing that, made me a hyperrealist, by which I mean I
became someone who has discovered the great rewards of deeply understanding, accepting, and
working with reality as it is and not as I wish it would be. When I say I'm a hyperrealist, people
sometimes think I'm saying that dreams can't come true. That's absolutely not true. Without
pursuing and going deeply to what reality means, life is mundane. What I mean is that to me,
hyperrealism is the best way to choose one's dreams and then achieve them. Having the integrity
embracing reality plus having lots of determination have caused me a modification of who I was
when I am weak to what the world of reality has been giving me all throughout the minimal years
of my existence. I believe this formula is true for everyone.

I'm not going to make other believe that I know reality well, but I know what I think it is,
and what I think it should be and how should I deal with it. There should be no duplicate realities,
just like there are no two snowflakes the same. What my reality is should never be the same as
what your reality is. For each person has different, albeit special, beliefs. And these beliefs should
be what, over the years, shape our reality to what it is. Not what somebody else says is going on,
not what everyone else is doing, but what our heart says is real. It should not make a difference in
my reality that some guy is running down the street naked. For that one man running down the
street will never be able to do anything good for me, or bad against me. Even if a car hits that man
my life should not change in anyway. What is in my heart is there, has always been there, and will
always be there to hold my reality steadfast.

The only thing I planted in mind was that to embrace all my realities, especially the harsh
realities that I wish weren't true. At first, looking at these harsh realities caused me a lot of pain,
but I learned that this pain was just psychological and that by seeing things differently made all
the difference. I came to view problems like puzzles that would reward me if I could solve them.
It helped me deal with the problem at hand, and they would give me principles for dealing with
similar problems in the future. I learned to treat pain as a cue that a great learning opportunity is
at hand, which led me to realize that pain plus reflection of reality equals progress. Also, meditation
has been invaluable in helping me see things that way. I found that when I calmed myself down
and embraced my realities and dealt with them, the rewards brought me pleasure and the pain

Each of us has the unique capability to think logically to reflect on ourselves and our
circumstances and to direct our own personal evolution. Straightly from my perspective, this, the
reality, is the only battle worthy of blood, sweat, and tears. Clichély summoned, struggling within
the hands of the realness of life is the only battle worth surviving until death. It is easier to complain
about the chants of challenges where the same fire burns us but the biggest dispute in our lives is
usually just within our thoughts which is the fear of losing ourselves amidst the combat between
us and the life we have chosen.

In the end, reality should be what each and every one of us wants it to be. All, even myself should
start accepting reality by knowing that isn’t just a matter of beauty and happiness but also ugliness
and sadness. Every time we take away from our reality, we take part of our special little
contribution to this world away. Accepting the reality of your life sounds like it should be easy
enough. But many, many people hold to their own version of reality. It may be based
in regret, disappointment, denial, or just waiting for something better--a promotion, for the kids to
be grown, retirement, whatever. Failing to connect with reality is why some of us have pants in
the closet that haven't fit in years. More significantly, it keeps people in unfulfilling jobs or even
in the wrong profession entirely. There are few better things you can do for yourself than giving
up the fictional version of your life and learning to accept yourself, your life, and your reality.
Even if your situation is terrible, the first step in improving it is acknowledging it for what it is.
Accepting what it is has never been a piece of cake yet we must know to get into that process of
being punished by it for us to be able to endure anything ahead no matter how painful and ugly it
may be because that is how to deal with it. Thus, as the song would say an what I always believed
into – “There’s a rainbow always after the rain.”

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