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Fear The Voice of the Enemy

- Ptr. Rich Witmer
Fear speaks louder than the voice of reason.

July 3, 2011

We often misunderstand what people are saying to us because we filter everything through our fears. What fears? You may have a fear that everyone is out to get you, to take advantage of you, or to use you. If this is the case, then every time someone is talking to you, you are filtering their words through your fear! Then we listen more to our fears than to what the person is trying to say to us! This is jacked up! In 2 Samuel 10, the king of the Ammonites died and his son, Hanun, succeeded him. King David sent a delegation to express his sympathy because Hanuns father had showed kindness to David. But Hanun and his leaders had a lot of fears that someone would try to conquer them. Many of us have fears that people are trying to take away what we have. In verse 3, the leaders said to the king, Do you think David is honoring your father by sending men to you to express sympathy? Hasnt David sent them to you to explore the city and spy it out and overthrow it? Then the bible says, So Hanun seized Davids men, shaved off half of each mans beard, cut off their garments in the middle at the buttocks, and sent them away. Fear causes you to misinterpret communication and motives. David had every intention of blessing Hanun. But Hanuns fears were screaming in his ears! Because he filtered Davids actions through his fears, he misinterpreted his motives. That is what fear does in your life! Hanuns fears kept him from receiving the blessing that the Lord had for him. How many times in your life have your fears caused you to misinterpret what was being said? If you think everyone is trying to get your money, then you will filter everything that is said through your fear. You will wrongly interpret peoples agendas and motives. In this story, David retaliated for what Hanun had done. Hanuns fears had come upon him! He was unable to receive the blessing because of his fears! How many times has someone in authority tried to bless us and we misinterpreted their motives because of our fears? Hanun was literally conquered by his fears.


Warriors RISE UP! July 4 9 Real Action JULY 10 16 CONSOLIDATION WEEK

The least of you will become a thousand, the smallest a mighty nation. I am the Lord; in its time I will do this swiftly. Isaiah 60:22 NIV

It is time to overcome all of our fears! It is time to listen to what people are saying. The Lord has blessed us with friends and family. We need to receive their love and stop questioning it because of our fears that have been caused by

wounds from the past.

There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love. 1 John 4:18 NIV

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