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Multi-cantilever HEMT-based resonant sensor

Irina Khmyrova,∗ and Elena Shestakova†

∗ Computational Nanoelectronics Laboratory, University of Aizu,
Aizu-Wakamatsu City, Fukushima Pref., 965-8580 Japan
† Moscow State University of Environmental Engineering

Staraya Basmannaya Str., 21/4, Moscow, 105066, Russia

Abstract— In this paper resonant sensor based on micro- L1 Resonant cantileversL2
machined high-electron mobility transistor (HEMT) in which
multiple suspended resonant cantilevers serve as floating gates is Drain
proposed and its analytical and lumped equivalent circuit models
are developed. The proposed HEMT-based multi-cantilever res- V(t)
onant sensor enables electrostatic actuation and electrical read-
out. Mass absorption by a cantilever results in the change in its
mechanical resonant frequency. Mechanical oscillations of such 2DEG channel
a cantilever excited electrically control the source-drain current.
Thus, its resonant frequency shift can be detected as a frequency
shift in the resonant peak of the source-drain current. (b) Cantilever point mass model
Mechanical oscillations of each cantilever and electromechan- V(t) = V0+δVe-iωt
ical transducer are represented by relevant circuit components. constant kcn

The developed equivalent circuit of multi-cantilever resonant

sensor was used to simulate its frequency response using Is-
Spice software. The simulation reveals an enhanced source-drain
current with a peak at a single frequency for the array of the
identical cantilevers. In the case of multiple different cantilevers
the simulated source-drain current reveals peaks at frequencies
corresponding to mechanical resonances of the cantilevers, as
Fig. 1. (a) Schematic structure of multi-cantilever resonant sensor with the
expected. HEMT-like structure. All cantilevers have the same width W . Cantilever’s
length is L1 in the 1st array and L2 in the 2nd array; (b)Single end clamped
I. I NTRODUCTION cantilever’s “point mass” model.

Resonant micro- and nanocantilevers and their arrays

have been proposed for measuring small masses, adsorbents,
etc. [1], [2], [3]. Principle of operation of resonant sensors of the source-drain current.
incorporating micromechanical cantilevers is based on the The idea to use 2DEG in sensing systems has been imple-
change of cantilever mechanical resonant frequency caused mented also in strain-sensing cryogenic GaAs/AlGaAs FET
by the change of the mass, stresses, etc. Frequency shift of containing 2DEG [8], micromechanical cantilever magnitome-
electrically induced mechanical oscillations of such cantilevers ter with an integrated 2DEG [9], in the integration of a sus-
is usually read out using optical beam detection [4]. Another pended quantum dot defined in the 2DEG of an AlGaAs/GaAs
approach is based on electrostatic actuation and capacitive heterostructure with adjacent mechanical resonator [10], etc.
read-out. Cantilever resonators integrated with standard com- To provide a comprehensive picture of some processes in
plementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) have been biology and medicine one need to monitor for alterations in
reported [5]. CMOS integration enables simple electrostatic multiple parameters at molecular, cellular, and tissue levels.
actuation, capacitive read-out, and signal amplification. Detection of a single biomarker in such systems due to limited
Recently the floating gate high-electron mobility transistor specificity does not provide sufficiently complete informa-
(HEMT) in which the micromachined suspended cantilever tion. For example, cancer diagnostics have been shifted from
serving as a floating gate controls the source-drain current traditional monitoring of single biomarkers to the detection
flowing along two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) channel of multiple markers. Ideally, a technique that can detect
has been proposed and fabricated [6]. It was an extension of multiple biomarkers simultaneously using a single sensor
the concept of resonant gate transistor proposed earlier [7]. platform would be very attractive. Biosensing technologies
The approach based on the resonant gate transistor and, conse- based on cantilever arrays are potentially capable to meet the
quently, micromachined HEMT, enables electrostatic actuation requirements for multitarget detection with high sensitivity and
and electrical read-out. The sensing principle is based on selectivity.
detecting the change in mechanical resonant frequency of the The paper is focused on newly proposed multi-cantilever
cantilever due to mass absorption by monitoring the variation resonant sensor with HEMT-like structure in which multiple

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resonant cantilevers play the role of floating gates. In the mass Mn and spring constant kcn , γn is the damping coeffi-
proposed device electrically excited mechanical oscillations Can V02
cient, ξ0n = is the cantilever displacement due to dc
of each individual micromachined cantilever cause the change 2kcn d2an
of the electric field at the 2DEG surface beneath resulting ε0 W Ln
bias, capacitance Can = , Ln is the length of the nth
in a variation of the 2DEG concentration in these regions dan
and, consequently, 2DEG channel resistance. If frequency cantilever, and dan is the separation between the cantilever
ω of the ac voltage applied to the cantilevers coincides and HEMT surface.
with the mechanical resonant frequency of one (or several) Representing 2DEG channel N resistance and source-drain
cantilevers a peak appears in the source-drain current. If all current as R2DEG = R0 + n=1 δRωn exp(jωt) and Isd =
the cantilevers of the array are identical a peak at a single Isd + δIω exp(jωt), one may obtain for the frequency depen-
frequency corresponding to a single mechanical resonance will dent component of the source-drain current
appear. If different cantilevers or groups of the cantilevers in N
δIω n=1 δRωn
the array have different resonant frequencies of mechanical 0 ∝ , (3)
Isd R0
oscillations peaks in source-drain current will appear at several
frequencies. where Isd = Vsd /R0 and R0 are source-drain current and
II. M ODEL 2DEG channel resistance at δV = 0, and frequency depen-
dent component of 2DEG channel resistance beneath the nth
The schematic structure of multi-cantilever resonant MEMS
cantilever is given
with HEMT-like structure is shown in Fig. 1a. 2DEG channel
δRωn =
formed at the heterointerface between wide-gap AlGaAs and
the narrow-gap GaAs layers is separated from the top surface W ξ0n 2δV Vth
 (1  ) − V ]2  2 , (4)
of the device by AlGaAs layer with a thickness dg and relative eμLn Σn [Vth − ξ0n g ω γn
dielectric constant εr . The channel is supplied with source 1− +j
ω0n kcn
and drain contacts. If a dc source-drain voltage is applied a
current flows along 2DEG channel between these contacts. where e and μ are the electron charge and mobility, W the
Suspended micromachined cantilevers clamped at one end width of the cantilevers.
serve as floating gates controlling source-drain current similar  
 εr d a  ξ0n
to structures of Refs. [6], [7]. Bias voltage applied to the Vth = Vth 1 + ξ0n =
dg dg
gate (standard or micromachined suspended cantilever) causes 1+
εr d a
the change of the electric field which, in turn, changes the
electron charge induced directly beneath the gate (in the case For example, in the case of the N cantilevers of length L1
of multiple cantilevers - beneath each of them) and, as a and M cantilevers of length L2 one can evaluate normalized
result, the resistance of the relevant parts of the 2DEG channel. frequency dependent source-drain current component in the
Finally, variation in the 2DEG channel resistance results in a form
variation of the source-drain current which can be measured. 
δIω δRω δV Vth R1
If the gate bias voltage contains ac component at a frequency 0   2 ×
ω the cantilevers will oscillate with the same frequency. When Isd R0 R0
signal frequency ω coincides with the resonant frequency ωmn  
N ξ01
of the n-th cantilever mechanical oscillations the source-drain   2 
 (1 − ξ  ) − V ]2 1 − ω γ
current should reveal a peak at this frequency. We assume that [Vth 01 0 + jω
the same bias voltage is applied to all cantilevers and it consists ω01 kc1
of a dc and small ac components: Vg (t) = V0 + δV exp(jωt) 

M L1 ξ02
(δV << V0 ). +   2  , (5)
Sheet electron density in the HEMT channel beneath the   2
ω γ
L2 [Vth (1 − ξ02 ) − V0 ] 1 − + jω
n-th cantilever can be written in the following form [11], [12] ω02 kc2
Vg 0
Σn = Σ0 + , (1) where R1 = W/eμ L1 Σ0 , Fig. 2 shows |δIω |/Isd for two
dg + εr dan (1 − ξn ) arrays of cantilevers of the lengths L1 = 6.15 μm and L2 =
where Σ0 is the 2DEG sheet electron density at Vg = 0, 0.64 × L1 , and funfamental modes of mechanical oscillations
displacement ξn of the nth cantilever can be found solving the ω01 and ω02 , respectively. One can see from Fig. 2 that source-
equation of forced damped harmonic oscillator [13] provided drain current reveals peaks at two frequencies corresponding
a suspended cantilever is substituted by its point mass model to relevant resonant frequencies of cantilevers’ mechanical
  oscillations, as expected. The amplitude of resonant peaks of
2 δV ejωt
ξn = ξ0n 1 + 2ω0n 2 − ω 2 + jωγ /M , (2) the source-drain current is significantly larger in the case of 4
V0 ω0n n n
 cantilevers in each array comparing to the case of 1 cantilever
where ω0n = kcn /Mn is fundamental mode of mechanical in each array. Thus, varying the number of cantilevers in each
oscillations of the nth “point mass” cantilever with effective array we can control also peak amplitudes.

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1 cantilever L1 + 1 cantilever L2 0.7

Normalized source-drain currrent , a.u.

0.005 4 cantilevers L1 + 4 cantilevers L2
Triple cantilevers of different length
L1 = 6.15 μm
L2 = 0.64 L1

|δIω|/ I



8 10 12
Frequency, MHz
Fig. 2. Normalized frequency dependent component of source-drain current
versus frequency for the resonant sensor with two arrays of different can- 8 10 12
tilevers. Cantilevers of length L1 = 6.15 μm have an effective mass M1 = Frequency, MHz
37.2 × 10−15 kg and spring constant kc1 = 87.73 N/m. The parameters of
the cantilevers with length L2 = 0.64 × L1 are: M2 = 23.8 × 10−15 kg Fig. 4. Normalized source-drain current versus frequency for the resonant
and kc2 = 137.08 N/m. sensor with triple cantilevers with lengths: L1 = 3.94μm, L2 = 4.92,μm an
d L3 = 6.15 μm.



An electrical equivalent circuit of multi-cantilever resonant

sensor shown in Fig. 3 is an extension of the equivalent circuit Cantilever length (μm) Lc = 3.94; 4.92 and 6.15
developed for a single cantilever [11]. Dashed boxes enclose Cantilever width (μm) Wc = 3
Spring constant (N/m) kc = 137.08; 109.66 and 87.73
the parts of the circuit “responsible “ for the mechanical Damping coefficient (kg/s) γm = 1.8 − 45.18 × 10−9
oscillations in which inductance Lmn = Mn , capacitance Cantilever effective mass (kg) Mn = 23.8 × 10−15 ;
Cmn = 1/kcn , and resistance Rmn = γn [13]. Trans- 29.76 × 10−15 and 37.2 × 10−15
formers enclosed in the ovals represent electro-mechanical Air gap between cantilever
and HEMT top surface (nm) da = 430
and mechano-electrical transducers. Resistance Rgn is the Thickness of the layer
resistance of the 2DEG channel beneath the nth cantilever. under the gate (nm) dg = 70
Resistance of the ungated parts of the 2DEG channel is Sheet electron density (cm−2 ) Σ0 = 3.46 × 1011
Electron mobility (cm2 V−1 s−1 ) μ = 3 × 105
represented by the resistances Rsc and Rdc . Threshold voltage (V) Vth = −0.36
Dielectric constant εr = 12
Vc = V0 + δ Vcos ω t Vc = V0 + δ Vcos ω t

Rm1 m1 Rmn mn

Ca1 Can
of three cantilevers. Varying the number of cantilevers of each
Cm1 Cmn
Cg1/2 Cg1/2 Cg/2 Cgn/2
type we can control the peak amplitudes of the source-drain
Rsc Rg1 Rdc
Vsd Rgn RL
Fig. 3. Electrical equivalent circuit of multi-cantilever HEMT-based resonant The proposed multi-cantilever resonant sensor with the
HEMT-like structure in which mechanical and electronic func-
tions could be integrated on a single chip using currently avail-
Response of the triple-cantilever resonant sensor has been able microfabrication technologies is a promising approach for
simulated using the equivalent circuit developed and IsSpice a realization of a multitarget sensor. Using multiple cantilevers
circuit simulator which is a version of SPICE (Simulation Pro- for single target detection will lower noise and greatly increase
gram with Integrated Circuit Emphasis) developed by IntuSoft. selectivity. Resonant cantilever sensors are well suited for mass
The lengths of the cantilevers were set: Lc = 3.94; 4.92 and detection in vacuum and air but their performance is very poor
6.15 μm, respectively. Other parameters used in the simulation in liquid environments. Therefore, resonant sensors are gen-
are listed in the Table 1. Normalized frequency dependence of erally not used for highly sensitive mass detecton in liquids.
the source-drain current of the triple-cantilever resonant sensor Their adaption for biomarkers detection in fluids is possible
is shown in Fig. 4 As it is seen from Fig. 4, resonant peaks through optimization of cantilever geometries, immobilization
of the source-drain current are revealed at frequencies cor- techniques and analyte delivery schemes similar to a recently
responding to resonant frequencies of mechanical oscillations proposed concept of a hollow cantilever [14].

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