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• Literal meaning or Plain-Meaning Rule
General Rule
Judicial Legislation
• Case: National Federation of Labor vs. NLRC
• The Principle of Dura Lex Sed Lex
BELERAN, Kizha Vhan T.
• Statute must be capable of interpretation, otherwise inoperative
• Case: Santiago vs. COMELEC
• What is within the spirit is within the Law
• Literal Import must yield to intent
• Limitation of Rule
DELA ROSA, Ronald B.
• Construction to Accomplish Purpose
• Case: Sarcos vs. Castillo
• Case: Soriano vs. Offshore Shipping and Manning Corp
• Case: King vs. Hernandez
• Case: US vs. Toribio
• Case: Planters Association of Southern Negros, Inc. vs. Ponferrada
NAVARRO, Laurice Jane J.
• When Reason of Law Ceases, Law itself Ceases
• Case: Commendador vs. De Villa
• Case: Vasquez vs. Giap
• Supplying Legislative Omission
• Correcting Clerical Errors
• Case: Rufino Lopez and Sons, Inc. vs. CTA
• Qualification of Rule
QUIRMIT, Ma. Jaqueline A.
• Construction to Avoid Absurdity
• Case: Oliveros vs. Villaluz
• Case: Peo vs. Reyes
• Construction to Avoid Injustice

• Case: Peo vs. Purisima
• Case: Ursua vs. CA
SO, Allen Joseph C.
• Construction to Avoid Danger to Public Interest
• Case: Co Kim Chan vs. Valdez Tan Keh
• Construction in Favor of Right and Justice
• Case: Salvacion vs. BSP
• Surplusage and Superfluity Disregarded
• Case: Demafiles vs. Comelec
• Redundant Words may be Rejected
• Obscure or Missing Word or False Description may not preclude
• Exemption from Rigid Application of Law
• Law Does not Require the Impossible
• Case: Lim Co Chui vs. Posadas
• Case: Akbayan vs. Comelec
• Number and Gender of Words
VITO, Psalm M.
• Doctrine of Necessary Implication
• Case: Chua vs. Civil Service Commission
• Remedy Implied from a Right
• Case: Batungbakal vs. National Development Co
• Grant of Jurisdiction
• Case: Pimentel vs. Comelec
• Case: Peo vs. Palana
• What may be implied from Grant of Jurisdiction
BELERAN, Kizha Vhan T.
• Grant of Power includes Incidental Power
• Grant of Power excludes Greater Power
• What is Implied should not be Against the Law
• Authority to Charge Against Public Funds May not be Implied
• Illegality of Act Implied from Prohibition
• Two (2) Exceptions to the Rule
• Case: Delo Santos vs. Roman Catholic Church
• Case: Barsobia vs. Cuenco
• What Cannot be done Directly cannot be done Indirectly
• Case: Peo vs. Concepcion
• Case: Tantuico, Jr. vs. Domingo
• There should be No Penalty from Compliance with Law

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