Consti Notes Reviewer

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A. THE!CONSTITUTION!AS!A!SOCIAL!CONTRACT.! reason! and! calculated! to! effect! that! purpose,! ! The!

/People! having! the! power,! agreeing! for! the! ascertainment! of! that! intent! is! but! in! keeping! with! the!
common!good!establish!a!system!of!governance.! fundamental!principle!of!constitutional!construction!that!the!
! intent! of! the! framers! of! the! organic! law! and! of! the! people!
NORTH!COTOBATO!VS!GOVERNMENT! adopting! it! should! be! given! effect.! The! primary! task! in!
GRP! violated! the! Constitutional! and! statutory! provisions! on! constitutional! construction! is! to! ascertain! and! thereafter!
public! consultation! and! the! right! to! information! when! they! assure! the! realization! of! the! purpose! of! the! framers! and! of!
negotiated! and! initiated! the! MOA/AD! and! it! are! the!people!in!the!adoption!of!the!Constitution.!It!may!also!be!
unconstitutional! because! it! is! contrary! to! law! and! the! safely! assumed! that! the! people! in! ratifying! the! Constitution!
provisions!of!the!constitution!thereof.!The!GRP!is!required!by! were! guided! mainly! by! the! explanation! offered! by! the!
this!law!to!carry!out!public!consultations!on!both!national!and! framers.!
Finally,! ut! magis! valeat! quam! pereat.!! The!

!The! members! of! the! Constitutional! Convention! could! not!

benefit! of! one! person! without! considering! that! it! could! also!
• Verba!legis/plain!meaning!rule!
affect! others.!! When! they! adopted! subsection! 2,! they!
• Ratio! legis! est! anima/intent! of! the! law! permitted,!if!not!willed,!that!said!provision!should!function!to!
makers! the! full! extent! of! its! substance! and! its! terms,! not! by! itself!
• Ut!magis!valeat!quam!pereat/as!a!whole! alone,! but! in! conjunction! with! all! other! provisions! of! that!
! great!document!

Verba! legis,! that! is,! wherever! possible,! the! words! It!is!a!well/established!rule!in!constitutional!construction!that!

used! in! the! Constitution! must! be! given! their! ordinary! no!one!provision!of!the!Constitution!is!to!be!separated!from!
meaning!except!where!technical!terms!are!employed.!! all! the! others,! to! be! considered! alone,! but! that! all! the!
We!look!to!the!language!of!the!document!!itself!in!our!search! into!view!and!to!be!so!interpreted!as!to!effectuate!the!great!
for! its! meaning.! We! do! not! of! course! stop! there,! but! that! is! purposes!of!the!instrument.!!Sections!bearing!on!a!particular!
where!we!begin.!It!is!to!be!assumed!that!the!words!in!which! subject!should!be!considered!and!interpreted!together!as!to!
constitutional! provisions! are! couched! express! the! objective! effectuate! the! whole! purpose! of! the! Constitution! and! one!
sought! to! be! attained.! They! are! to! be! given! their! ordinary! section! is! not! to! be! allowed! to! defeat! another,! if! by! any!
meaning! except! where! technical! terms! are! employed! in! reasonable! construction,! the! two! can! be! made! to! stand!
which!case!the!significance!thus!attached!to!them!prevails.!As! together.!
essential! for! the! rule! of! law! to! obtain! that! it! should! ever! be! In! other! words,! the! court! must! harmonize! them,! if!
present! in! the! people’s! consciousness,! its! language! as! much! practicable,! and! must! lean! in! favor! of! a! construction! which!
as! possible! should! be! understood! in! the! sense! they! have! in! will!render!every!word!operative,!rather!than!one!which!may!
common! use.! What! it! says! according! to! the! text! of! the! make!the!words!idle!and!nugatory.!
provision! to! be! construed! compels! acceptance! and! negates!
the! power! of! the! courts! to! alter! it,! based! on! the! postulate! !
that! the! framers! and! the! people! mean! what! they! say.! Thus! !
these! are! the! cases! where! the! need! for! construction! is! !
WE! have! agreed! to! delegate! to! the! state! power! to!
Second,! where! there! is! ambiguity,! ratio! legis! est! the! government! through! the! Constitution,! the!
anima.!!The!words!of!the!Constitution!should!be!interpreted! power! was! DISTRIBUTED! to! the! officials.! While!
in!accordance!with!the!intent!of!its!framers.!!! there! may! be! separation! of! powers,! conflicts! may!
arise,! overlaps! may! arise,! in! resolving! the! conflict!
A! foolproof! yardstick! in! constitutional! construction! is! the! they!determine!whether!they!are!kept!within!their!
intention!underlying!the!provision!under!consideration.!Thus,! boundaries!set!by!the!Constitution.!
it! has! been! held! that! the! Court! in! construing! a! Constitution! !
should!bear!in!mind!the!object!sought!to!be!accomplished!by! EXECUTIVE/to!execute!laws!
its!adoption,!and!the!evils,!if!any,!sought!to!be!prevented!or! LEGISLATIVE/to!make!laws!
remedied.!A!doubtful!provision!will!be!examined!in!the!light! JUDICIARY/to!interpret!the!laws.!
of! the! history! of! the! times,! and! the! condition! and! !
circumstances!under!which!the!Constitution!was!framed.!The! POLITICAL!QUESTION/!those!questions!which,!under!
object!is!to!ascertain!the!reason!which!induced!the!framers!of! the!Constitution,!are!to!be!decided!by!the!people!in!
the! Constitution! to! enact! the! particular! provision! and! the! their! sovereign! capacity,! or! in! regard! to! which! full!
purpose! sought! to! be! accomplished! thereby,! in! order! to! discretionary! authority! has! been! delegated! to! the!
construe!the!whole!as!to!make!the!words!consonant!to!that! Legislature!or!executive!branch!of!the!Government.!

! ! !
It!is!concerned!with!the!issues!dependent!upon!the! policy! interests,! and! could! disrupt! our! relations! with! Japan,!
wisdom,!not!legality!of!a!particular!measure.! thereby! creating! serious! implications! for! stability! in! this!
! region.! For! the! to! overturn! the! Executive! Department’s!
FRANCISCO!VS!HOR! determination! would! mean! an! assessment! of! the! foreign!
THE!CASE!IS!NOT!BEYOND!JUDICIAL!REVIEW.! policy! judgments! by! a! coordinate! political! branch! to! which!
The!seven!limitations!of!the!power!of!the!judicial!review! authority! to! make! that! judgment! has! been! constitutionally!
• Not! pass! upon! in! a! friendly,! non/adversary! committed.!
• Not! anticipate! a! question! of! constitutional! law! on! From!a!municipal!law!perspective,!certiorari!will!not!lie.!As!a!
advance! general!principle,!where!such!an!extraordinary!length!of!time!
• Not! formulate! a! rule! of! constitutional! law! broader! has! lapsed! between! the! treaty’s! conclusion! and! our!
than!is!required!by!the!facts! consideration!–!the!Executive!must!be!given!ample!discretion!
• Not!the!lis!mota!of!the!case! to! assess! the! foreign! policy! considerations! of! espousing! a!
• No!legal!standing! claim!against!Japan,!from!the!standpoint!of!both!the!interests!
• Not!pass!upon!the!constitutionality!of!a!statute!for! of! the! petitioners! and! those! of! the! Republic,! and! decide! on!
one!who!has!benefited! that! basis! if! apologies! are! sufficient,! and! whether! further!
• Ascertain!first!whether!a!construction!is!possible!by! steps!are!appropriate!or!necessary.!
! In! the! international! sphere,! traditionally,! the! only! means!
! available! for! individuals! to! bring! a! claim! within! the!
D. THE! 1987! CONSTITUTION! PREAMBLE! AND! international! legal! system! has! been! when! the! individual! is!
DECLARATION!OF!PRINCIPLE!AND!STAE!POLICIES! able! to! persuade! a! government! to! bring! a! claim! on! the!
! individual’s!behalf.!By!taking!up!the!case!of!one!of!its!subjects!
! and!by!resorting!to!diplomatic!action!or!international!judicial!
• PREAMBLE:!states!the!purpose!of!the!Constitution.! proceedings! on! his! behalf,! a! State! is! in! reality! asserting! its!
Why! is! it! important?! The! preamble! serves! as! a! guide! for! own!right!to!ensure,!in!the!person!of!its!subjects,!respect!for!
judicial! branch! to! ascertaining! the! meaning! of! ambiguous! the!rules!of!international!law.!
provisions.! We! can! see! the! state! of! the! framers! in! the!
PREAMBLE! Within!the!limits!prescribed!by!international!law,!a!State!may!
! exercise! diplomatic! protection! by! whatever! means! and! to!
WE!THE!SOVEREIGN!FILIPINO!PEOPLE!IMPLORING!THE!AID!OF! whatever! extent! it! thinks! fit,! for! it! is! its! own! right! that! the!
ALMIGHTY! GOD,! IN! ORDER! TO! BUIILT! A! JUST! AND! HUMANE! State! is! asserting.! Should! the! natural! or! legal! person! on!
SOCIETY! AND! ESTABLISG! A! GOVERNMENT! THAT! SHALL! whose! behalf! it! is! acting! consider! that! their! rights! are! not!
EMOBODY! OUR! IDEALS! AND! ASPIRATION,! PROMOTE! THE! adequately! protected,! they! have! no! remedy! in! international!
COMMON! GOOD,! CONSERVE! AND! DEVELOP! OUR! law.! All! they! can! do! is! resort! to! national! law,! if! means! are!
PATRIMONY.,! AND! SECURE! TO! OURSELVES! OUR! POSTERITY! available,! with! a! view! to! furthering! their! cause! or! obtaining!
AND! THE! BLESSINGS! OF! INDEPENDENCE! AND! DEMOCRACY! redress.! All! these! questions! remain! within! the! province! of!
UNDER!THE!RULE!OF!LAW!AND!A!REGIME!OF!TRUTH,!JUSTICE,! municipal!law!and!do!not!affect!the!position!internationally.!
PROMULGATE!THIS!CONSTITUTION.! Even! the! invocation! of! jus! cogens! norms! and! erga! omnes!
! obligations! will! not! alter! this! analysis.! Petitioners! have! not!
! shown! that! the! crimes! committed! by! the! Japanese! army!
DECLARATION!OF!PRINCIPLE!AND!STATE!POLICIES! violated! jus! cogens! prohibitions! at! the! time! the! Treaty! of!
! These! are! not! immediately! executor.! State! policies! Peace!was!signed,!or!that!the!duty!to!prosecute!perpetrators!
are!also!sources!of!rights!and!they!are!also!inherent.! of! international! crimes! is! an! erga! omnes! obligation! or! has!
! attained!the!status!of!jus!cogens.!
ARTICLE!2!SECTION!2! The! term! erga! omnes! (Latin:! in! relation! to! everyone)! in!
THE! PHILIPPINES! RENOUNCES! WAR! AS! AN! INTRUMENT! OF! international! law! has! been! used! as! a! legal! term! describing!
NATIONAL! POLICY,! ADOPTS! THE! GENERALLY! ACCEPTED! obligations!owed!by!States!towards!the!community!of!states!
PRINCIPLES! OF! INTERNATIONAL! LAW! AS! PART! OF! THE! LAW! as! a! whole.! Essential! distinction! should! be! drawn! between!
OF! THE! LAND! AND! ADHERES! TO! THE! POLICY! OF! PEACE,! the! obligations! of! a! State! towards! the! international!
EQUALITY,! JUSTICE,! FREEDOM,! COOPERATION,! AND! AMITY! community! as! a! whole,! and! those! arising! vis/à/vis! another!
WITH!ALL!NATIONS.! State! in! the! field! of! diplomatic! protection.! By! their! very!
! nature,!the!former!are!the!concern!of!all!States.!In!view!of!the!
VINUYA!VS!ROMULO! importance! of! the! rights! involved,! all! States! can! be! held! to!
Court! cannot! compel! the! Executive! to! take! action! regarding! have!a!legal!interest!in!their!protection;!they!are!obligations!
the!petition!of!the!Malaya!lolas! erga!omnes.!
The! Executive! Department! has! determined! that! taking! up!
The! term! “jus! cogens”! (literally,! “compelling! law”)! refers! to!
norms! that! command! peremptory! authority,! superseding!

! ! !
conflicting! treaties! and! custom.! Jus! cogens! norms! are! those that induce abortion and induce the destruction of a fetus
considered!peremptory!in!the!sense!that!they!are!mandatory,! inside the mother’s womb. The RH Law recognizes that the
do!not!admit!derogation,!and!can!be!modified!only!by!general! fertilized ovum already has life and that the State has a
international!norms!of!equivalent!authority! bounded duty to protect it.

! However, the authors of the IRR gravely abused their office

! when they redefined the meaning of abortifacient by using the
PHAP!VS!DUQUE!(MILK!CODE)! term “primarily”. Recognizing as abortifacients only those that
How!are!international!instruments!considered!part!of!the!law! “primarily induce abortion or the destruction of a fetus inside
of!the!land?! the mother’s womb or the prevention of the fertilized ovum to
1. transformation/local!registration;ratification! reach and be implanted in the mother’s womb” (Sec. 3.01(a)
2. incorporation/!mere!constitutional!declaration! of the IRR) would pave the way for the approval of
! contraceptives that may harm or destroy the life of the unborn
Under 1987 Consti, int’l law can become domestic law from conception/fertilization. This violates Section 12, Article
by transformation (thru constitutional mechanism such II of the Constitution. For the same reason, the definition of
as local legislation) or incorporation (mere constitutional contraceptives under the IRR (Sec 3.01(j)), which also uses
declaration i.e treaties) The ICBMS and WHA the term “primarily”, must be struck down.!
resolutions were not treaties as they have not been !
concurred by 2/3 of all members of the Senate as !
required under Sec, 21, Art 8. However, the ICBMS had • RIGHT!TO!HEALTH!
been transformed into domestic law through a local SECTION! 15.! THE! STATE! SHALL! PROTECT! AND! PROMITE! THE!
legislation such as the Milk Code. The Milk Code is RIGHT! TO! HEALTH! OF! THE! PEOPLE! AND! INSTILL! HEALTH!
almost a verbatim reproduction of ICBMS. CONSCIOUSNESS!AMONG!THEM.!
! !
! The case at bar is of common interest to all Filipinos.
! The right to a balanced and healthy ecology carries with
• SANCTITY!OF!THE!FAMILY! it the correlative duty to refrain from impairing the
THE! STATE! RECOGNIZES! THE! SANCTITY! OF! FAMILY! LIFE! AND! environment. The said right implies the judicious
SHALL! PROTECT! AND! STRENGTHEN! THE! FAMILY! AS! A! BASIC! management of the country’s forests. This right is also
AUTONOMOUS! SOCIAL! INSTITUTION.! IT! SHALL! EQUALLY! the mandate of the government through DENR. A denial
PROTECT! THE! LIFE! OF! THE! MOTHER! AND! THE! LIFE! OF! THE! or violation of that right by the other who has the
UNBORN! FROM! CONCEPTION.! THE! NATURAL! AND! PRIMARY! correlative duty or obligation to respect or protect the
RIGHT! AND! DUTY! OF! PARENTS! IN! THE! REARING! OF! THE! same gives rise to a cause of action. All licenses may
YOUTH! FOR! CIVIC! EFFICIENCY! AND! THE! DEVELOPMENT! OF! thus be revoked or rescinded by executive action.!
! !
IMBONG!VS!OCHOA! In the light of the ongoing environmental degradation,
In its plain and ordinary meaning (a canon in statutory the Court wishes to emphasize the extreme necessity for
construction), the traditional meaning of “conception” all concerned executive departments and agencies to
according to reputable dictionaries cited by the ponente is that immediately act and discharge their respective official
life begins at fertilization. Medical sources also support the duties and obligations. Indeed, time is of the essence;
view that conception begins at fertilization. hence, there is a need to set timetables for the
performance and completion of the tasks, some of them
as defined for them by law and the nature of their
The framers of the Constitution also intended for respective offices and mandates.
(a) “conception” to refer to the moment of “fertilization” and
The importance of the Manila Bay as a sea resource,
(b) the protection of the unborn child upon fertilization. In
playground, and as a historical landmark cannot be over-
addition, they did not intend to ban all contraceptives for being
emphasized. It is not yet too late in the day to restore the
unconstitutional; only those that kill or destroy the fertilized
Manila Bay to its former splendor and bring back the
ovum would be prohibited. Contraceptives that actually
plants and sea life that once thrived in its blue waters.
prevent the union of the male sperm and female ovum, and
But the tasks ahead, daunting as they may be, could
those that similarly take action before fertilization should be
only be accomplished if those mandated, with the help
deemed non-abortive, and thus constitutionally permissible.
and cooperation of all civic-minded individuals, would put
their minds to these tasks and take responsibility. This
means that the State, through petitioners, has to take the
The intent of the framers of the Constitution for protecting the
lead in the preservation and protection of the Manila
life of the unborn child was to prevent the Legislature from
passing a measure prevent abortion. The Court cannot
interpret this otherwise. The RH Law is in line with this intent
So it was that in Oposa v. Factoran, Jr. the Court stated
and actually prohibits abortion. By using the word “or” in
that the right to a balanced and healthful ecology need
defining abortifacient (Section 4(a)), the RH Law prohibits
not even be written in the Constitution for it is assumed,
not only drugs or devices that prevent implantation but also
like other civil and political rights guaranteed in the Bill of

! ! !
Rights, to exist from the inception of mankind and it is an that may have become underpinnings of the
issue of transcendental importance with obsolete or that are judged document)-to determine
intergenerational implications. Even assuming the to be dangerous.! how and to what extent it
absence of a categorical legal provision specifically should be altered.!
prodding petitioners to clean up the bay, they and the NON!STRUCTURAL! STRUCTURAL!
men and women representing them cannot escape their CAN!BE!RATIFY!THROUGH!
obligation to future generations of Filipinos to keep the CONSITUTUENT!ASSEMBLY! CONSTITUENT!ASSEMBLY!
waters of the Manila Bay clean and clear as humanly as CONSTITUTIONAL! CONSTITUTIONAL!
possible. Anything less would be a betrayal of the trust CONVENTION! CONVENTION!
reposed in them.! PEOPLE’S!INITIATIVE!
• By!congress!acting!as!Con!Ass!by!votes!of!
NOTE: When convened, a mere MAJORITY VOTE of
• Historic!title! the members is all that is normally required for the
• Where! Philippines! exercise! its! administrative! approval of a proposed amendment to or revision of the
jurisdiction.! Constitution.
PHILIPPINE! ARCHIPELAGO,! WITH! ALL! THE! ISLANDS! AND! • By! CON/CON/! not! the! congress.! It! will!
WATERS! EMBRACED! THEREIN,! AND! ALL! OTHER! TERRITORIES! create!conflict!of!interest.!
AND!AREIAL!DOMAINS,!INCLUDING!ITS!TERRITORIAL!SEA,!THE! 2/3 of all its members, may submit to
! MAJORITY of all its members, may submit to
! the people, the question of calling
F. STATE!IMMUNITY! such !convention.
INTERNATIONAL! LAW:! the! state! cannot! be! sued! in!
another!sovereign.!(diplomatic!officials)! !
/based! on! the! equality! of! states.! States! are! GONZALES!VS!COMELEC!
sovereign! within! their! reigns,! but! because! of! The issue is a justiciable question. It must be noted that the
reciprocity,! the! sovereignty! is! acknowledge! by! power to amend as well as the power to propose amendments
other!states.! to the Constitution is not included in the general grant of
DOMESTIC!LAW:!immunity!of!the!republic,!and!the! legislative powers to Congress. Such powers are not
immunity!of!the!President.!! constitutionally granted to Congress. On the contrary, such
The!state!cannot!be!sued!without!its!consent!but!if! powers are inherent to the people as repository of sovereignty
the! state! has! waived! his! immunity! through! in a republican state. That being, when Congress makes
expressed!or!implied!waiver.! amendments or proposes amendments, it is not actually doing
! so as Congress; but rather, it is sitting as a constituent
assembly. Such act is not a legislative act. Since it is not a
legislative act, it is reviewable by the Supreme Court. The
Supreme Court has the final say whether or not such act of the
constituent assembly is within constitutional limitations.
! There is no prohibition to the effect that a plebiscite must only
! be held on a special election. SC held that there is nothing in
A. AMENDMENT!VS!REVISION! this provision of the [1935] Constitution to indicate that the
! election therein referred to is a special, not a general election.
! The circumstance that the previous amendment to the
! Constitution had been submitted to the people for ratification
AMENDMENT! REVISION! in special elections merely shows that Congress deemed it best
envisages an alteration of the guiding original to do so under the circumstances then obtaining. It does not
one or a few specific and intention and plan negate its authority to submit proposed amendments for
separable provisions. The contemplate a re- ratification in general elections.!
guiding original intention examination of the entire !
of an amendment is to document-or of provisions • People’s!Initiative/!by!a!petition!signed!by!
improve specific parts or of the document (which at! least! 12%! of! all! the! registered! voters!
to add new provisions have overall implications and!at!least!3%!of!each!legislative!district.!
deemed necessary to meet for the entire document or !
new conditions or to for the fundamental
suppress specific portions philosophical
RA 6735 is intended to include the system of initiative on
! ! !
amendments to the constitution but is unfortunately inadequate amendments.
to cover that system. Sec 2 of Article 17 of the Constitution
provides: “Amendments to this constitution may likewise be - Plebiscite may be held on the same day as
directly proposed by the people through initiative upon a regular elections. Piecemeal amendments are not
petition of at least twelve per centum of the total number of allowed.
registered voters, of which every legislative district must be
represented by at least there per centum of the registered
voters therein. . . The Congress shall provide for the
implementation of the exercise of this right” This provision is
obviously not self-executory as it needs an enabling law to be
passed by Congress. Joaquin Bernas, a member of the 1986
Con-Con stated “without implementing legislation Section 2, TOLENTINO!VS!COMELEC!
Art 17 cannot operate. Thus, although this mode of amending If the advance plebiscite will be allowed, there will be an
the constitution is a mode of amendment which bypasses improper submission to the people. Such is not allowed.
Congressional action in the last analysis is still dependent on The proposed amendments shall be approved by a majority of
Congressional action.” Bluntly stated, the right of the people the votes cast at an election at which the amendments are
to directly propose amendments to the Constitution through submitted to the people for ratification. Election here is
the system of inititative would remain entombed in the cold singular which meant that the entire constitution must be
niche of the constitution until Congress provides for its submitted for ratification at one plebiscite only. Furthermore,
implementation. The people cannot exercise such right, though the people were not given a proper “frame of reference” in
constitutionally guaranteed, if Congress for whatever reason arriving at their decision because they had at the time no idea
does not provide for its implementation.! yet of what the rest of the revised Constitution would
! ultimately be and therefore would be unable to assess the
proposed amendment in the light of the entire document. This
is the “Doctrine of Submission” which means that all the
proposed amendments to the Constitution shall be presented to
LAMBINO!VS!COMELEC! the people for the ratification or rejection at the same time,
The proponents of the initiative secure the signatures from the NOT piecemeal.!
people. The proponents secure the signatures in their private !
capacity and not as public officials. The proponents are not
disinterested parties who can impartially explain the
advantages and disadvantages of the proposed amendments to
the people. The proponents present favorably their proposal to RATIFICATION: any amendment to or revision of
the people and do not present the arguments against their the Constitution shall be valid when ratified by a
proposal. The proponents, or their supporters, often pay those majority of all the votes cast in a plebiscite.
who gather the signatures. Thus, there is no presumption that
the proponents observed the constitutional requirements in
gathering the signatures. The proponents bear the burden of
proving that they complied with the constitutional PART III: JUDICIAL REVIEW
requirements in gathering the signatures – that the petition
contained, or incorporated by attachment, the full text of the A. SEPARATION OF POWERS
proposed amendments. The proponents failed to prove that all B. THEORY AND JUSTIFICATION OF JUDICIAL
the signatories to the proposed amendments were able to read REVIEW.
and understand what the petition contains. Petitioners merely
handed out the sheet where people can sign but they did not JUDICIAL REVIEW: this is the power of courts,
attach thereto the full text of the proposed amendments. ultimately the SC, to interpret the Constitution, and
Lambino et al are also actually proposing a revision of the TO TEST THE VALIDITY of executive and
constitution and not a mere amendment. This is also in legislative acts in the light of their conformity with
violation of the logrolling rule wherein a proposed amendment the fundamental law.
should only contain one issue. The proposed amendment/s by
petitioners even includes a transitory provision which would JUSTIFICATION: The Constitution as the direct
enable the would-be parliament to enact more rules. enactment of the sovereign people, is the supreme
There is no need to revisit the Santiago case since the issue at law of the land. Any statute, executive order,
hand can be decided upon other facts. The rule is, the Court regulation, ordinance or treaty repugnant to the
avoids questions of constitutionality so long as there are other constitution is void and unenforceable,
means to resolve an issue at bar.!
NATURE OF JUDICIAL REVIEW-the judicial power
! shall be vested in one supreme court and in such lower
C. SUBMISSION! courts as may be established by law.
must be held not earlier than 60 days nor later than 90
days after the approval of the proposal by Congress or
the ConCon, or after the certification by the COMELEC
of the sufficiency of petition. • To settle actual controversies involving
rights which are legally demandable and
- To give people sufficient and reasonable time
to study and discuss the proposed • To determine whether or not there has

! ! !
been grave abuse of discretion amounting branch of government or any of its officials has acted
to lack of excess jurisdiction on the part of without jurisdiction or in excess of jurisdiction, or so
any branch or instrumentality of the capriciously as to constitute an abuse of discretion
government amounting to excess of jurisdiction or lack of jurisdiction.
This is not only a judicial power but a duty to pass
ANGARA!VS!!ELECOM! judgment on matters of this nature.

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!When! the! Court! allocates! constitutional! boundaries,! This is the background of paragraph 2 of Section 1,
it!neither!asserts!supremacy,!nor!annuls!the!acts!of! which means that the courts cannot hereafter evade the
the!legislature.!It!simply!carries!out!the!obligations! duty to settle matters of this nature, by claiming that
imposed! upon! it! by! the! constitution! to! determine! such matters constitute a political question.
conflicting! claims! and! to! establish! for! the! parties!
the!rights!which!the!constitution!grants!to!them.! In our jurisdiction, the determination of a truly political
question from a non-justiciable political question lies in
the answer to the question of whether there are
constitutionally imposed limits on powers or functions
conferred upon political bodies. If there are, then our
courts are duty-bound to examine whether the branch or
instrumentality of the government properly acted within
such limits. This Court shall thus now apply this standard
to the present controversy.
[T]he term "political question" connotes, in legal
parlance, what it means in ordinary parlance, namely, a
question of policy. In other words, in the language of Baker v. Carr remains the starting point for analysis under
Corpus Juris Secundum, it refers to "those questions the political question doctrine. There the US Supreme Court explained
which, under the Constitution, are to be decided by the that:
people in their sovereign capacity, or in regard to which
full discretionary authority has been delegated to the x x x Prominent on the surface of
Legislature or executive branch of the Government." It is any case held to involve a political
concerned with issues dependent upon the wisdom, not question is found a textually demonstrable
legality, of a particular measure. (Italics in the original) constitutional commitment of the issue to
a coordinate political department or a lack
of judicially discoverable and manageable
Prior to the 1973 Constitution, without consistency and standards for resolving it, or the
seemingly without any rhyme or reason, this Court impossibility of deciding without an initial
vacillated on its stance of taking cognizance of cases policy determination of a kind clearly for
which involved political questions. In some cases, this non-judicial discretion; or the
Court hid behind the cover of the political question impossibility of a court's undertaking
doctrine and refused to exercise its power of judicial independent resolution without expressing
review. In other cases, however, despite the seeming lack of the respect due coordinate
political nature of the therein issues involved, this Court branches of government; or an unusual
assumed jurisdiction whenever it found constitutionally need for unquestioning adherence to a
imposed limits on powers or functions conferred upon political decision already made; or the
political bodies. Even in the landmark 1988 case of potentiality of embarrassment from
Javellana v. Executive Secretary which raised the multifarious pronouncements by various
issue of whether the 1973 Constitution was ratified, departments on question.
hence, in force, this Court shunted the political question
doctrine and took cognizance thereof. Ratification by the
people of a Constitution is a political question, it being a In Tañada v. Cuenco,[ we held that political questions refer "to
question decided by the people in their sovereign those questions which, under the Constitution, are to be decided by the
capacity. people in their sovereign capacity, or in regard to which full discretionary
authority has been delegated to the legislative or executive branch of the
The frequency with which this Court invoked the political government. It is concerned with issues dependent upon the wisdom, not
question doctrine to refuse to take jurisdiction over legality of a particular measure."
certain cases during the Marcos regime motivated Chief
Justice Concepcion, when he became a Constitutional Certain types of cases often have been found to present political
Commissioner, to clarify this Court's power of judicial questions.[One such category involves questions of foreign relations. It is
review and its application on issues involving political well-established that "[t]he conduct of the foreign relations of our
questions government is committed by the Constitution to the executive and
legislative--'the political'--departments of the government, and the
Briefly stated, courts of justice determine the limits of propriety of what may be done in the exercise of this political power is not
power of the agencies and offices of the government as subject to judicial inquiry or decision." The US Supreme Court has
well as those of its officers. In other words, the judiciary further cautioned that decisions relating to foreign policy
is the final arbiter on the question whether or not a
! ! !
are delicate, complex, and involve large Specifically Justice Leonen objected to the Court’s
elements of prophecy. They are and discussion on the beginning of life since, according to
should be undertaken only by those him, any declaration on this issue will be fraught with
directly responsible to the people whose contradictions. Moreover, the petitions have failed to
welfare they advance or imperil. They are present clear cases when the provisions for
decisions of a kind for which the Judiciary conscientious objection would truly amount to a violation
has neither aptitude, facilities nor of the right of religion. For these and more, to him, the
responsibility. petitions should have been dismissed.

To be sure, not all cases implicating foreign relations present !
political questions, and courts certainly possess the authority to construe PREMATURUTY!
or invalidate treaties and executive agreements. However, the question PACU!VS!SECRETARY!OF!EDUCATION!
whether the Philippine government should espouse claims of its nationals Petitioners do not show how these standards have injured any
against a foreign government is a foreign relations matter, the authority for of them or interfered with their operation. Wherefore, no
which is demonstrably committed by our Constitution not to the courts reason exists for them to assail neither the validity of the
but to the political branches. In this case, the Executive Department has power nor the exercise of the power by the Secretary of
already decided that it is to the best interest of the country to waive all Education. No justiciable controversy has been presented to
claims of its nationals for reparations against Japan in the Treaty of Peace us. We are not informed that the Board on Textbooks has
of 1951. The wisdom of such decision is not for the courts to prohibited this or that text, or that the petitioners refused or
question. Neither could petitioners herein assail the said determination by intend to refuse to submit some textbooks, and are in danger
the Executive Department via the instant petition for certiorari. of losing substantial privileges or rights for so refusing.!
! !
! The Court held that, in the present case, there was no
D. REQUISITES!OF!JUDICIAL!REVIEW! actual controversy requiring the exercise of the power of
• ACTUAL!CASE!OR!CONTOVERSY! judicial review.
• PROPER!PARTY/LEGAL!STANDING! While seeking to prevent a postponement of the May 6,
• QUESTION! RAISED! AT! THE! EARLIEST! 2002 SK elections, petitioners are nevertheless
OPPORTUNITY! amenable to a resetting of the SK elections to any date
• LIS!MOTA! not later than July 15, 2002. RA No. 9164 has reset the
! SK elections to July 15, 2002, a date acceptable to
a. actual!case!or!controversy! petitioners. Under the same law, Congress merely
/conflict! of! legal! rights! or! an! assertion! of! opposite! legal! restored the age requirement in PD No. 684, the original
claims! susceptible! of! judicial! determination.! The! court! charter of the SK, which fixed the maximum age for
membership in the SK to youths less than 18 years old.
Petitioners do not have a vested right to the permanence
of the age requirement under Section 424 of the Local
! Government Code of 1991.!
stice Leonen noted that none of the petitions properly MARIANO!VS!COMELEC!
present an “actual case or controversy” which deserves
No. The requirements before a litigant can challenge the
the Court’s exercise of judicial review. He said that it
constitutionality of a law are well-delineated. They are:
would be better to wait for the proper parties suffering
(1) there must be an actual case or controversy; (2) the
real, actual or more imminent injury, which petitioners in
this case do not. In his words, “Claims relating to the question of constitutionality must be raised by the proper
beginning of life, the relationship of objection, and the party; (3) the constitutional question must be raised at
right of religion, the effects of contraception, and even the earliest possible opportunity; and (4) the decision on
the majority opinion writer claim that the family is put in the constitutional question must be necessary to the
danger when one spouse decides when there is determination of the case itself.!
disagreement between them are best decided within real !
contexts so that we will be able to narrowly tailor the !
doctrines in our decision. The danger of ruling on MOOTNESS!
abstracts is that we foreclose real litigation between real /!A!case!becomes!moot!when!there!are!facts,!injuries!and!
parties. The danger of an advisory opinion is that we are heated!arguments!but!for!some!reason!the!legal!problem!has!
forced to substitute our own imagination of the facts that become!stale.!When!a!case!is!moot!and!academic,!it!ceases!to!
can or will happen x x x.” be!a!case!and!controversy.!Any!decision!reached!by!the!court!
He also argued: “This court is not the venue to continue
the brooding and vociferous political debate that has
already happened and has resulted in legislation . . . ATLAS FERTILIZER VS SEC DAR
Petitioners have come before us driven by their unfailing
belief in the moral rightness of their faith and their This is a consolidated case questioning the
causes. Their faith is not to be questioned and their constitutionality Sections 3 (b), 11, 13, 16 (d), 17 and 32
conviction is solid. But these cases are premature,” he of RA 6657. That the said provision extends agrarian
added. reform to aquaculture lands even as Sec. 4 of Art. XIII of
the Constitution limits agrarian reform only to agricultural

! ! !
lands. The said provisions being violative of the equal departure orders null and void ab initio must be made in
protection clause of the Constitution by similarly treating the proper proceedings initiated for that purpose.
of aquaculture and agriculture lands when they are Petitioners’ prayer for relief regarding their alleged
differently situated. That the said provisions distort impending warrantless arrests is premature being that
employment benefits and burdens in favor of no complaints have been filed against them for any
aquaculture employees and against other industrial crime, furthermore, the writ of habeas corpus is uncalled
workers even as Section 1 and 3 of Art. XIII of the for since its purpose is to relieve unlawful restraint which
Constitution mandates the State to promote equality in Petitioners are not subjected to. !
economic and employment opportunities and that the !
questioned provisions deprived petitioner of its Exceptions!to!mootness:!
government-induced investments in aquaculture even as
Sec. 2 and 3 of Art. XIII of the Constitution mandate the • if the question is capable of repetition and evasive of
State to respect the freedom of enterprise and the right review
of enterprises to reasonable returns of investments and
• if there exits a mere possibility of collateral legal
to expansion and growth.
consequences if the court does not act
In the petitioner's argument they contended that in the • voluntary cessation from wrongful act by the
case of Luz Farms, Inc v. Secretary of Agrarian and defendant, if he is free to return to his old ways.
Reform, the Court has already ruled impliedly that lands
devoted to fishing are not agricultural lands. That in SANLAKAS!VS!EXECUTIVE!SECRETARY!
aquaculture, fishponds and prawn farms, the use of land The Court rendered that the both the Proclamation No.
is only incidental to and not the principal factor in 427 and General Order No. 4 are constitutional. Section
productivity and hence, as held in the above-mentioned 18, Article VII does not expressly prohibit declaring state
case, they too should be excluded from RA 6657 just as or rebellion. The President in addition to its Commander-
land devoted to livestock, swine, and poultry have been in-Chief Powers is conferred by the Constitution
excluded for the same reason. executive powers. It is not disputed that the President
has full discretionary power to call out the armed forces
While this case is pending RA 7881 was approved by and to determine the necessity for the exercise of such
Congress amending RA 6657. power. While the Court may examine whether the power
Whether or not the said provisions of RA 6657 are was exercised within constitutional limits or in a manner
unconstitutional. constituting grave abuse of discretion, none of the
petitioners here have, by way of proof, supported their
The question regarding the constitutionality of the above- assertion that the President acted without factual basis.
mentioned provisions has become moot and academic The issue of the circumvention of the report is of no
with the passage of RA 7881 and RA 7881 expressly merit as there was no indication that military tribunals
stat that fishponds and prawn farms are excluded from have replaced civil courts or that military authorities have
the coverage of RA 6657. taken over the functions of Civil Courts. The issue of
usurpation of the legislative power of the Congress is of
no moment since the President, in declaring a state of
rebellion and in calling out the armed forces, was merely
exercising a wedding of her Chief Executive and
Commander-in-Chief powers. These are purely
President Macapagal-Arroyo ordered the lifting of Proc. executive powers, vested on the President by Sections 1
No. 38 on May 6, 2006, accordingly the instant petition and 18, Article VII, as opposed to the delegated
has been rendered moot and academic. Respondents legislative powers contemplated by Section 23 (2),
have declared that the Justice Department and the Article VI. The fear on warrantless arrest is
police authorities intend to obtain regular warrants of unreasonable, since any person may be subject to this
arrests from the courts for all acts committed prior to and whether there is rebellion or not as this is a crime
until May 1, 2001. Under Section 5, Rule 113 of the punishable under the Revised Penal Code, and as long
Rules of Court, authorities may only resort to warrantless as a valid warrantless arrest is present.
arrests of persons suspected of rebellion in suppressing
the rebellion if the circumstances so warrant, thus the Legal standing or locus standi has been defined as a
warrantless arrests are not based on Proc. No. 38. personal and substantial interest in the case such that
Petitioner’s prayer for mandamus and prohibition is the party has sustained or will sustain direct injury as a
improper at this time because an individual warrantlessly result of the governmental act that is being challenged.
arrested has adequate remedies in law: Rule 112 of the The gist of the question of standing is whether a party
Rules of Court, providing for preliminary investigation, alleges "such personal stake in the outcome of the
Article 125 of the Revised Penal Code, providing for the controversy as to assure that concrete adverseness
period in which a warrantlessly arrested person must be which sharpens the presentation of Issue upon which the
delivered to the proper judicial authorities, otherwise the court depends for illumination of difficult constitutional
officer responsible for such may be penalized for the questions. Based on the foregoing, petitioners Sanlakas
delay of the same. If the detention should have no legal and PM, and SJS Officers/Members have no legal
ground, the arresting officer can be charged with standing to sue. Only petitioners Rep. Suplico et al. and
arbitrary detention, not prejudicial to claim of damages Sen. Pimentel, as Members of Congress, have standing
under Article 32 of the Civil Code. Petitioners were to challenge the subject issuances. It sustained its
neither assailing the validity of the subject hold departure decision in Philippine Constitution Association v.
orders, nor were they expressing any intention to leave Enriquez, that the extent the powers of Congress are
the country in the near future. To declare the hold
! ! !
impaired, so is the power of each member thereof, since any other competent person to perform the functions of
his office confers a right to participate in the exercise of an office in the executive branch.” Thus, the President
the powers of that institution may even appoint in an acting capacity a person not yet
! in the government service, as long as the President
! deems that person competent.
Yes. The power to appoint is essentially executive in Finally, petitioners claim that the issuance of
nature, and the legislature may not interfere with the appointments in an acting capacity is susceptible to
exercise of this executive power except in those abuse. Petitioners fail to consider that acting
instances when the Constitution expressly allows it to appointments cannot exceed one year as expressly
interfere. Limitations on the executive power to appoint provided in Section 17(3), Chapter 5, Title I, Book III of
are construed strictly against the legislature. The scope EO 292. The law has incorporated this safeguard to
of the legislature’s interference in the executive’s power prevent abuses, like the use of acting appointments as a
to appoint is limited to the power to prescribe the way to circumvent confirmation by the Commission on
qualifications to an appointive office. Congress cannot Appointments.
appoint a person to an office in the guise of prescribing
qualifications to that office. Neither may Congress Ad-interim appointments must be distinguished from
impose on the President the duty to appoint any appointments in an acting capacity. Both of them are
particular person to an office. effective upon acceptance. But ad-interim appointments
are extended only during a recess of Congress, whereas
However, even if the Commission on Appointments is acting appointments may be extended any time there is
composed of members of Congress, the exercise of its a vacancy. Moreover ad-interim appointments are
powers is executive and not legislative. The Commission submitted to the Commission on Appointments for
on Appointments does not legislate when it exercises its confirmation or rejection; acting appointments are not
power to give or withhold consent to presidential submitted to the Commission on Appointments. Acting
appointments. appointments are a way of temporarily filling important
offices but, if abused, they can also be a way of
Petitioners contend that President Arroyo should not circumventing the need for confirmation by the
have appointed respondents as acting secretaries Commission on Appointments.
because “in case of a vacancy in the Office of a
Secretary, it is only an Undersecretary who can be However, we find no abuse in the present case. The
designated as Acting Secretary.” absence of abuse is readily apparent from President
Arroyo’s issuance of ad interim appointments to
The essence of an appointment in an acting capacity is respondents immediately upon the recess of Congress,
its temporary nature. It is a stop-gap measure intended way before the lapse of one year!
to fill an office for a limited time until the appointment of !
a permanent occupant to the office. In case of vacancy B.!PROPER!PARTY!
in an office occupied by an alter ego of the President, A! proper! party! is! one! who! has! sustained,! or! is! in! imminent!
such as the office of a department secretary, the danger! of! sustaining,! an! injury! as! a! result! of! the! act!
President must necessarily appoint an alter ego of her complained!of.!
choice as acting secretary before the permanent GENERAL!RULE:!validity!of!the!statute!may!be!contested!only!
appointee of her choice could assume office. by!one!who!will!sustain!a!direct!injury,!in!consequence!of!its!
Congress, through a law, cannot impose on the !
President the obligation to appoint automatically the JOYA!VS!PCGG!
undersecretary as her temporary alter ego. An alter ego,
Yes. The power to appoint is essentially executive in
whether temporary or permanent, holds a position of
nature, and the legislature may not interfere with the
great trust and confidence. Congress, in the guise of
exercise of this executive power except in those
prescribing qualifications to an office, cannot impose on
instances when the Constitution expressly allows it to
the President who her alter ego should be.
interfere. Limitations on the executive power to appoint
are construed strictly against the legislature. The scope
The office of a department secretary may become of the legislature’s interference in the executive’s power
vacant while Congress is in session. Since a department to appoint is limited to the power to prescribe the
secretary is the alter ego of the President, the acting
qualifications to an appointive office. Congress cannot
appointee to the office must necessarily have the
appoint a person to an office in the guise of prescribing
President’s confidence. Thus, by the very nature of the
qualifications to that office. Neither may Congress
office of a department secretary, the President must
impose on the President the duty to appoint any
appoint in an acting capacity a person of her choice
particular person to an office.
even while Congress is in session. That person may or
may not be the permanent appointee, but practical However, even if the Commission on Appointments is
reasons may make it expedient that the acting appointee composed of members of Congress, the exercise of its
will also be the permanent appointee. powers is executive and not legislative. The Commission
on Appointments does not legislate when it exercises its
The law expressly allows the President to make such
power to give or withhold consent to presidential
acting appointment. Section 17, Chapter 5, Title I, Book
III of EO 292 states that “[t]he President may temporarily
designate an officer already in the government service or
! ! !
Petitioners contend that President Arroyo should not circumventing the need for confirmation by the
have appointed respondents as acting secretaries Commission on Appointments.
because “in case of a vacancy in the Office of a
Secretary, it is only an Undersecretary who can be However, we find no abuse in the present case. The
designated as Acting Secretary.” absence of abuse is readily apparent from President
Arroyo’s issuance of ad interim appointments to
The essence of an appointment in an acting capacity is respondents immediately upon the recess of Congress,
its temporary nature. It is a stop-gap measure intended way before the lapse of one year
to fill an office for a limited time until the appointment of
a permanent occupant to the office. In case of vacancy EXCEPTIONS TO LEGAL STANDING: Mandamus and
in an office occupied by an alter ego of the President, Taxpayer’s Suit:
such as the office of a department secretary, the
President must necessarily appoint an alter ego of her There are certain instances however when this Court has
choice as acting secretary before the permanent allowed exceptions to the rule on legal standing, as
appointee of her choice could assume office. when a citizen brings a case for mandamus to procure
the enforcement of a public duty for the fulfillment of a
Congress, through a law, cannot impose on the public right recognized by the Constitution, and when a
President the obligation to appoint automatically the
taxpayer questions the validity of a governmental act
undersecretary as her temporary alter ego. An alter ego,
authorizing the disbursement of public funds.
whether temporary or permanent, holds a position of
great trust and confidence. Congress, in the guise of
prescribing qualifications to an office, cannot impose on Petitioners claim that as Filipino citizens, taxpayers and
the President who her alter ego should be. artists deeply concerned with the preservation and
protection of the country's artistic wealth, they have the
The office of a department secretary may become legal personality to restrain respondents Executive
vacant while Congress is in session. Since a department Secretary and PCGG from acting contrary to their public
secretary is the alter ego of the President, the acting duty to conserve the artistic creations as mandated by
appointee to the office must necessarily have the the 1987 Constitution, particularly Art. XIV, Secs. 14 to
President’s confidence. Thus, by the very nature of the 18, on Arts and Culture, and R.A. 4846 known as "The
office of a department secretary, the President must Cultural Properties Preservation and Protection Act,"
appoint in an acting capacity a person of her choice governing the preservation and disposition of national
even while Congress is in session. That person may or and important cultural properties. Petitioners also anchor
may not be the permanent appointee, but practical their case on the premise that the paintings and
reasons may make it expedient that the acting appointee silverware are public properties collectively owned by
will also be the permanent appointee. them and by the people in general to view and enjoy as
great works of art. They allege that with the
The law expressly allows the President to make such unauthorized act of PCGG in selling the art pieces,
acting appointment. Section 17, Chapter 5, Title I, Book petitioners have been deprived of their right to public
III of EO 292 states that “[t]he President may temporarily
property without due process of law in violation of the
designate an officer already in the government service or
any other competent person to perform the functions of
an office in the executive branch.” Thus, the President
may even appoint in an acting capacity a person not yet Petitioners' arguments are devoid of merit. They lack
in the government service, as long as the President basis in fact and in law. They themselves allege that the
deems that person competent. paintings were donated by private persons from
different parts of the world to the Metropolitan Museum
Finally, petitioners claim that the issuance of of Manila Foundation, which is a non-profit and non-
appointments in an acting capacity is susceptible to stock corporations established to promote non-Philippine
abuse. Petitioners fail to consider that acting arts. The foundation's chairman was former First Lady
appointments cannot exceed one year as expressly Imelda R. Marcos, while its president was Bienvenido R.
provided in Section 17(3), Chapter 5, Title I, Book III of Tantoco. On this basis, the ownership of these paintings
EO 292. The law has incorporated this safeguard to legally belongs to the foundation or corporation or the
prevent abuses, like the use of acting appointments as a members thereof, although the public has been given
way to circumvent confirmation by the Commission on the opportunity to view and appreciate these paintings
Appointments. when they were placed on exhibit.

Ad-interim appointments must be distinguished from Similarly, as alleged in the petition, the pieces of antique
appointments in an acting capacity. Both of them are silverware were given to the Marcos couple as gifts from
effective upon acceptance. But ad-interim appointments friends and dignitaries from foreign countries on their
are extended only during a recess of Congress, whereas silver wedding and anniversary, an occasion personal to
acting appointments may be extended any time there is
them. When the Marcos administration was toppled by
a vacancy. Moreover ad-interim appointments are
the revolutionary government, these paintings and
submitted to the Commission on Appointments for
confirmation or rejection; acting appointments are not silverware were taken from Malacañang and the
submitted to the Commission on Appointments. Acting Metropolitan Museum of Manila and transferred to the
appointments are a way of temporarily filling important Central Bank Museum. The confiscation of these
offices but, if abused, they can also be a way of properties by the Aquino administration however should


! ! !
not be understood to mean that the ownership of these law as conceived and approved by the political departments of
paintings has automatically passed on the government the government in accordance with prescribed procedure.
without complying with constitutional and statutory Hence, the Court declared that all laws shall immediately upon
requirements of due process and just compensation. If their approval or as soon thereafter as possible, be published in
these properties were already acquired by the full in the Official Gazette, to become effective only after 15
government, any constitutional or statutory defect in days from their publication, or on another date specified by the
their acquisition and their subsequent disposition must legislature, in accordance with Article 2 of the Civil Code.
be raised only by the proper parties — the true owners The clause “unless otherwise provided” pertains to the date of
thereof — whose authority to recover emanates from publication and not the requirement of publication.!
their proprietary rights which are protected by statutes !
and the Constitution. Having failed to show that they are CHAVEZ!VS!PEA!AND!AMARI!
the legal owners of the artworks or that the valued To allow vast areas of reclaimed lands of the public domain to
pieces have become publicly owned, petitioners do not be transferred to PEA as private lands will sanction a gross
violation of the constitutional ban on private corporations
possess any clear legal right whatsoever to question
from acquiring any kind of alienable land of the public
their alleged unauthorized disposition.!
The Supreme Court affirmed that the 157.84 hectares of
CHR!EMPLOYEES!ASSOC!VS!CHR! reclaimed lands comprising the Freedom Islands, now covered
Respondent CHR sharply retorts that petitioner by certificates of title in the name of PEA, are alienable lands
has no locus standi considering that there exists of the public domain. The 592.15 hectares of submerged areas
no official written record in the Commission of Manila Bay remain inalienable natural resources of the
recognizing petitioner as a bona fide organization public domain. Since the Amended JVA seeks to transfer to
of its employees nor is there anything in the AMARI, a private corporation, ownership of 77.34 hectares of
records to show that its president has the the Freedom Islands, such transfer is void for being contrary to
authority to sue the CHR. Section 3, Article XII of the 1987 Constitution which prohibits
private corporations from acquiring any kind of alienable land
of the public domain. Furthermore, since the Amended JVA
On petitioner’s personality to bring this suit, we
also seeks to transfer to AMARI ownership of 290.156
held in a multitude of cases that a proper party is hectares of still submerged areas of Manila Bay, such transfer
one who has sustained or is in immediate danger is void for being contrary to Section 2, Article XII of the 1987
of sustaining an injury as a result of the act Constitution which prohibits the alienation of natural
complained of. Here, petitioner, which consists of resources other than agricultural lands of the public domain.!
rank and file employees of respondent CHR, !
protests that the upgrading and collapsing of ASSOCIATIONAL!STANDING!
positions benefited only a select few in the upper KMU!LABOR!VS!!GARCIA!
level positions in the Commission resulting to the !
demoralization of the rank and file employees. IBP!VS!ZAMORA!
This sufficiently meets the injury test. Indeed,
the CHR’s upgrading scheme, if found to be valid,
potentially entails eating up the Commission’s
savings or that portion of its budgetary pie
otherwise allocated for Personnel Services, from
which the benefits of the employees, including ! ! A!party’s!standing!in!court!is!a!
those in the rank and file, are derived. procedural!technicality!which!may!be!
Further, the personality of petitioner to file this
case was recognized by the CSC when it took
cognizance of the CHREA’s request to affirm the Thus,!where!the!issues!raised!by!
recommendation of the CSC-National Capital petitioners!are!of!paramount!public!
Region Office. CHREA’s personality to bring the
suit was a non-issue in the CA when it passed
upon the merits of this case. Thus, neither should importance,!the!Court!may!brush!aside!
our hands be tied by this technical concern. the!procedural!barrier!
Indeed, it is settled jurisprudence that an issue
that was neither raised in the complaint nor in !
the court below cannot be raised for the first time
on appeal, as to do so would be offensive to the
basic rules of fair play, justice, and due process.!
The Supreme Court cannot rule upon the wisdom of a law or
repeal or modify it if it finds the same as impractical. That is !
not its function for such is the function of the legislature. The LEGISLATIVE!STANDING!
task of the Supreme Court is merely to interpret and apply the OPLE!VS!TORRES!


! ! !
A!senator!has!the!requisite!standing!to!bring!a! expanded jurisdiction, is mandated by the Fundamental Law not only to
settle actual controversies involving rights which are legally demandable
suit!assailing!the!issuance!or! and enforceable, but also to determine whether or not there has been a
grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction on
implementation!of!a!law!as!a! 110
the part of any branch or instrumentality of the Government. Verily,
usurpation!of!legislative!power! the framers of Our Constitution envisioned a proactive Judiciary, ever
vigilant with its duty to maintain the supremacy of the Constitution.
! ! A!person!has!standing!to!challenge!the!
personal!and!substantial!interest!in! 3. EARLIEST OPPORTUNITY

the!case!such!that!he!has!sustained,!or! General Rule:the question must be raised in the pleadings.


! 4. Lis Mota
FACIAL CHALLENGE Because of the doctrine of separation of powers which
demands that proper respect be accorded the other
ESTRADA VS SANDIGANBAYAN branches of government, courts are loath to decide
on constitutional questions as long as there is some
A facial challenge is allowed to be made to a other basis that can be used to resolve the case. It
vague statute and to one which is overbroad because of must appear conclusively that the case before the
possible "chilling effect" upon protected speech. The court may not be legally settled unless the
theory is that "[w]hen statutes regulate or proscribe constitutionality of the statute involved is determined (
speech and no readily apparent construction suggests
itself as a vehicle for rehabilitating the statutes in a
singleprosecution, the transcendent value to all society of
constitutionally protected expression is deemed to justify I. LEGISLATIVE DEPARTMENT A. Nature and
allowing attacks on overly broad statutes with no Classification Legislative Power 1. Nature:
requirement that the person making the attack
demonstrate that his own conduct could not be regulated
by a statute drawn with narrow specificity."[15] The The authority to make laws and to alter or repeal
possible harm to society in permitting some unprotected them.
speech to go unpunished is outweighed by the possibility
that the protected speech of others may be deterred and Vested in Congress, except to the extent reserved to
perceived grievances left to fester because of possible the people by provision on initiative and referendum
inhibitory effects of overly broad statutes.
Plenary (The Congress may legislate on any subject
This rationale does not apply to penal statutes. matter provided that the limitations are observed.)
Criminal statutes have general in terrorem effect
resulting from their very existence, and, if facial 2. Classification of Legislative Power:
challenge is allowed for this reason alone, the State
may well be prevented from enacting laws against
1. Original - possessed by the sovereign people
socially harmful conduct. In the area of criminal law,
the law cannot take chances as in the area of free
speech 2. Derivative - delegated by the sovereign people to legislative
bodies and is subordinate to the original power of the people

3.Constituent - power to amend and revise the Constitution

4.Ordinary - power to pass ordinary laws
The OSG also assails the propriety of the facial challenge lodged by the
subject petitions, contending that the RH Law cannot be challenged "on a. Senate (Art. VI secs. 2-4)
its face" as it is not a speech regulating measure.
Composition: 24 senators elected at large
n this jurisdiction, the application of doctrines originating from the U.S.
has been generally maintained, albeit with some modifications. While Qualifications:
this Court has withheld the application of facial challenges to strictly
108 1. Natural-born citizen
penal statues, it has expanded its scope to cover statutes not only
regulating free speech, but also those involving religious freedom, and
109 2. At least 35 years old on the day of the election
other fundamental rights. The underlying reason for this modification
is simple. For unlike its counterpart in the U.S., this Court, under its


! ! !
3. Able to read and write three conditions. First, the creation of a local government unit
must follow the criteria fixed in the Local Government Code.
4. A registered voter Second, such creation must not conflict with any provision of
the Constitution. Third, there must be a plebiscite in the political
units affected.
5. Resident of the Philippines for at least 2 years immediately
preceding the day of the election
There is neither an express prohibition nor an express grant of
authority in the Constitution for Congress to delegate to regional
Term of Office: 6 years, commencing at noon on the 30 day or local legislative bodies the power to create local government
of June next following their election units.

Term Limits: only up to 2 consecutive terms. However, they However, under its plenary legislative powers, Congress can
may serve for more than 2 terms provided that the terms are not delegate to local legislative bodies the power to create local
consecutive. government units, subject to reasonable standards and
provided no conflict arises with any provision of the
Qualifications of Representatives: Constitution. In fact, Congress has delegated to provincial
boards, and city and municipal councils, the power to create
barangays within their jurisdiction,[25] subject to compliance
1. Natural-born citizens . with the criteria established in the Local Government Code, and
the plebiscite requirement in Section 10, Article X of the
2. At least 25 years old on the day of the election Constitution. However, under the Local Government Code,
“only x x x an Act of Congress” can create provinces, cities or
3. Able to read and write municipalities.[26]

4. Registered voter in the district he seeks to represent Section 5 (1), Article VI of the Constitution vests in Congress
the power to increase, through a law, the allowable membership
in the House of Representatives. Section 5 (4) empowers
5. A resident of the said district for at least 1 year immediately Congress to reapportion legislative districts. The power to
reapportion legislative districts necessarily includes the power
preceding the day of the election to create legislative districts out of existing ones. Congress
exercises these powers through a law that Congress itself
th enacts, and not through a law that regional or local legislative
Term of Office: 3 years, commencing at noon on the 30 day bodies enact. The allowable membership of the House of
of June next following their election. Representatives can be increased, and new legislative districts
of Congress can be created, only through a national law passed
Term Limits: No member of the House of Representatives by Congress. In Montejo v. COMELEC,[29] we held that the
shall serve for more than 3 consecutive terms. “power of redistricting x x x is traditionally regarded as part of
the power (of Congress) to make laws,” and thus is vested
c. Synchronized terms of office (Secs 1-2, Art XVIII) exclusively in Congress.

The first elections of Members of the Congress under this Clearly, the power to create or reapportion legislative districts
Constitution shall be held on the second Monday of May, cannot be delegated by Congress but must be exercised by
1987. The first local elections shall be held on a date to be Congress itself.
determined by the President, which may be simultaneous with
the election of the Members of the Congress.

It shall include the election of all Members of the city or

municipal councils in the Metropolitan Manila area. The
Senators, Members of the House of Representatives, and the MACIAS VS COMELEC
local officials first elected under this Constitution shall serve
until noon of June 30, 1992.
HELD: Yes, a law giving provinces with less number of
inhabitants more representative districts than those with bigger
Of the Senators elected in the elections in 1992, the first twelve population is invalid because it violates the principle of
obtaining the highest number of votes shall serve for six years proportional representation prescribed by the Constitution. Such
and the remaining twelve for three years. law is “arbitrary and capricious and against the vital principle of

The creation of local government units is governed by Section
10, Article X of the Constitution, which provides: Held: Whenever a province is created, divided or merged and
there is substantial alteration of the boundaries, “the approval of
Sec. 10. No province, city, municipality, or barangay may be a majority of votes in the plebiscite in the unit or units affected”
created, divided, merged, abolished or its boundary must first be obtained. The creation of the proposed new
substantially altered except in accordance with the criteria province of Negros del Norte will necessarily result in the
established in the local government code and subject to division and alteration of the existing boundaries of Negros
approval by a majority of the votes cast in a plebiscite in the Occidental (parent province).
political units directly affected.

Thus, the creation of any of the four local government units – Plain and simple logic will demonstrate that two political units
province, city, municipality or barangay – must comply with would be affected. The first would be the parent province of


! ! !
Negros Occidental because its boundaries would be accreditation under the new parameters but may not participate
substantially altered. The other affected entity would be in the May 2013 elections.
composed of those in the area subtracted from the mother
province to constitute the proposed province of Negros del
Norte. The Decision, however, clarified that the poll body may not be
faulted for acting on the basis of previous rulings (Ang Bagong
Bayani, BANAT) of the high court regarding the party-list
Paredes vs. Executive (G.R. No. 55628) should not be taken as system. These earlier rulings enumerated guidelines on who
a doctrinal or compelling precedent. Rather, the dissenting view may participate in the party-list system.
of Justice Abad Santos is applicable, to wit:

New parameters set forth in the Decision on who may

“…when the Constitution speaks of “the unit or units affected” it
participate in the May 2013 party-list race and subsequent
means all of the people of the municipality if the municipality is
party-list elections
to be divided such as in the case at bar or of the people of two
or more municipalities if there be a merger.”

The Decision identified three groups that may participate in the

The remaining portion of the parent province is as much an party-list system: (1) national parties or organizations, (2)
area affected. The substantial alteration of the boundaries of regional parties or organizations, and (3) sectoral parties or
the parent province, not to mention the adverse economic organizations.
effects it might suffer, eloquently argue the points raised by the
On the part of national parties or organizations and regional
parties or organizations which intend to participate in the party-
SC pronounced that the plebscite has no legal effect for being a list race, the new guidelines state that these parties “do not
patent nullity. need to organize along sectoral lines and do not need to
represent any ‘marginalized or underrepresented sector.’”

As for political parties, they may participate in the party-list race

In the Party-list System: by registering under the party-list system and no longer field
congressional candidates. These parties, if they field
1. The parties must represent the marginalized and congressional candidates, however, are not barred from
underrepresented. participating in the party-list elections; what they need to do is
register their sectoral wing or party under the party-list system.
This sectoral wing shall be considered an “independent sectoral
2) Major political parties must comply with this statutory policy party” linked to a political party through a coalition.

3) Religious sects are prohibited by the Constitution

The question is: where does representation of “marginalized
4) The party must not be disqualified under RA 7941 and underrepresented” sectors come in?

5) The part must not be an adjunct of an entity orproject funded

by the government The answer: on the sectoral parties or organizations that intend
to participate in the party-list system.
6) The party and its nominees must comply with the
requirements of the law
The high court held that purely sectoral parties or organizations
7) The members must come from the marginalized and may either represent “marginalized and underrepresented”
constituencies or those “lacking well-defined political
underrepresented sectors constituencies.” The high court went on to enumerate
“marginalized and underrepresented” sectors, as follows: labor,
peasant, fisherfolk, urban poor, indigenous cultural
8) The nominee must be able to contribute to the
communities, handicapped, veterans, and overseas workers.
The sectors that lack “well-defined political constituencies”
formulation and enactment of appropriate legislation that will include professionals, the elderly, women, and the youth.
benefit the nation

ATONG PAGLAUM VS COMELEC The rule on nominees and members coming from the sector
they intend to represent also applies only to the sectoral parties
In a Decision promulgated on April 2, 2013, the high court, or organizations. The high court ruled that it is enough that “[a]
through Carpio’s ponencia, ruled in favor of the 54 petitions and majority of the members of the sectoral parties or
remanded these petitions to the Comelec. The party-list groups organizations… must belong to the ‘marginalized and
and organizations covered by the 41 petitions that obtained underrepresented sector they represent.’” The same is true for
mandatory injunction orders from the high court still stand a those who lack “well-defined political constituencies.”
chance to make it to the 2013 party-list race as the high court
ordered the poll body to determine “whether petitioners are
qualified to register under the party-list system and to As for the nominees of these sectoral parties and organizations,
participate in the 13 May 2013 party-list elections” under the the new guidelines provide that they must either be members of
new parameters set forth in the Decision. The rest, meaning,
the 13 other petitions, were remanded to the poll body merely
for purposes of determining whether they may be granted


! ! !
the sector or have a track record of advocacy for their sector. Again, the high court noted that defining these parties or
groups, one from the others, could only mean that they are not
one and the same.
Should some of the nominees of these national, regional, and
sectoral parties or organizations be disqualified, the party or
organization itself will not be disqualified “provided that they
have at least one nominee who remains qualified.” ALLIANCE FOR RURAL…VS COMELEC

Representatives Electoral Tribunal questioning the Resolution

The party-list system, according to the Decision of the Commission on Elections that proclaimed the 28 party-list
groups listed above.

Quoting Christian Monsod, the main proponent of the party-list ISSUE: Whether the Commission on Elections committed grave
system, the high court stated that it is “not synonymous with abuse of discretion in its interpretation of the formula used in
that of the sectoral representation.” The high court stressed that 25
BANAT v. COMELEC to determine the party-list groups that
the framers of the 1987 Constitution did not intend to leave out would be proclaimed in the 2010 elections
“non-sectoral parties” in the party-list system and exclusively
limit it to sectoral groups.
Article VI, Section 5,paragraphs 1 and 2 of the 1987
Constitution provide the following:
“The framers intended the sectoral parties to constitute a part,
but not the entirety, of the party-list system… In fact, the 1. The House of Representatives shall be composed of not
framers voted down , 19-22, a proposal to reserve the party-list more than two hundred and fifty members, unless otherwise
system exclusively to sectoral parties. fixed by law, who shall be elected from legislative districts
apportioned among the provinces, cities, and the Metropolitan
Manila area in accordance with the number of their respective
inhabitants, and on the basis of a uniform and progressive ratio,
“There can be no doubt whatsoever that the framers of the and those who, as provided by law, shall be elected through a
1987 Constitution expressly rejected the proposal to make the party-list system of registered national, regional, and sectoral
party-list system exclusively for sectoral parties only, and that parties or organizations.
they clearly intended the party-list system to include both
sectoral and non-sectoral parties,” the Decision read.
2. The party-list representatives shall constitute twenty per
centum of the total number of representatives including those
under the party list. For three consecutive terms after the
To amplify its position, the high court pointed out Sec. 5(1), Art.
ratification of this Constitution, one-half of the seats allocated to
VI of the 1987 Constitution, which states:
party-list representatives shall be filled, as provided by law, by
selection or election from the labor, peasant, urban poor,
indigenous cultural communities, women, youth, and such other
Section 5. (1) The House of Representatives shall be sectors as may be provided by law, except the religious sector.
composed of not more than two hundred and fifty members,
unless otherwise fixed by law, who shall be elected from
legislative districts apportioned among the provinces, cities, and Veterans laid down the "four inviolable parameters" in
the Metropolitan Manila area in accordance with the number of determining the winners in a Philippine-style party-list election
their respective inhabitants, and on the basis of a uniform and based on a reading of the Constitution and Republic Act No.
progressive ratio, and those who, as provided by law, shall be 7941:
elected through a party-list system of registered national,
regional, and sectoral parties or organizations. First, the twenty percent allocation-the combined number of all
party-list congressmen shall not exceed twenty percent of the
total membership of the House of Representatives, including
The Decision also pointed out pertinent provisions of Republic those elected under the party list.
Act (RA) No. 7941, also known as the Party-list System Act,
specifically from Sec. 3 (Definition of Terms): Second, the two percent threshold-only those parties garnering
a minimum of two percent of the total valid votes cast for the
party-list system are "qualified" to have a seat in the House of
(b) A party means either a political party or a sectoral party or a Representatives.
coalition of parties
Third, the three-seat limit-each qualified party, regardless of the
number of votes it actually obtained, is entitled to a maximum of
(c) A political party refers to an organized group of citizens three seats; that is, one "qualifying" and two additional seats.
advocating an ideology or platform, principles and policies for
the general conduct of government and which, as the most
immediate means of securing their adoption, regularly Fourth, proportional representation-the additional seats which a
nominates and supports certain of its leaders and members as qualified party is entitled to shall be computed "in proportion to
candidates for public office their total number of votes.

(d) A sectoral party refers to an organized group of citizens

belonging to any of the sectors enumerated in Section 5 hereof RESIDENCY REQUIREMENT
whose principal advocacy pertains to the special interest and
concerns of their sector AQUINO V COMELEC


! ! !
Held: requirement does not satisfy this simple, practical and common
sense rationale for the residence requirement.
(a) No; Domicile of origin is not easily lost. Petitioner failed to
prove an actual removal or actual change of domicile, a bona
fide intention of abandoning former place of residence. (b) No.
Votes for Aquino would not have gone automatically to Syjuco if Election
the former was disqualified at the time of election.
a. Regular Elections
Unless otherwise provided by law, the regular election of the
1. Residency rule for local officials: Must be a resident of the Senators and the Members of the House of Representatives
district where seeks election at least one year prior to the shall be held on the second Monday of May. (Sec 8, Art VI)
elections. Rationale: to avoid strangers who will transplant
themselves in the district for a chance to be elected (to the
prejudice of actual residents), despite the fact that they are not b. Special Election
familiar with the concerns and aspirations of that community.
In case of vacancy in the Senate or in the House of
Residence = domicile, in political law. It is where the party Representatives, a special election may be called to fill such
―actually or constructively has his permanent vacancy in the manner prescribed by law, but the Senator or
home.# Hence there must be ―clear and positive Member of the House of Representatives thus elected shall
proof# showing a successful abandonment of—or serve only for the unexpired term. (Sec 9, Art VI)
removal from—previous domicile.

HOR electoral tribunal only has jurisdiction over all contests

involving the election, returns, and qualifications of TOLENTINO VS COMELEC
candidates once they have become duly proclaimed
members. Otherwise, Comelec has jurisdiction. The Constitutional Convention of 1971 scheduled an advance
plebiscite on the proposal to lower the voting age from 21 to 18,
before the rest of the draft of the Constitution (then under
revision) had been approved. Tolentino et al filed a motion to
prohibit such plebiscite and the same was granted by the SC.
ISSUE: Whether or not the petition will prosper.
HELD: The propose amendments shall be approved by a
MARCOS V COMELEC majority of the votes cast at an election at which the
amendments are submitted to the people for ratification.
Held: Imelda Marcos‘ adoption of husbands domicile ceased Election here is singular which meant that the entire constitution
upon the latter‘s death. There is no need for positive must be submitted for ratification at one plebiscite only.
declaration. Hence she can run for public office in Tacloban Furthermore, the people were not given a proper “frame of
because it was her domicile of origin, which is not easily lost. reference” in arriving at their decision because they had at the
time no idea yet of what the rest of the revised Constitution
Padilla, J. (dissenting): Court must abandon Labo case which would ultimately be and therefore would be unable to assess
held that the second place not automatically winner when the proposed amendment in the light of the entire document.
winning candidate is disqualified. Padilla said second placer This is the “Doctrine of Submission” which means that all the
must be automatic winner under the circumstances. proposed amendments to the Constitution shall be presented to
the people for the ratification or rejection at the same time, NOT
Regalado, J. (dissenting): In the absence of affirmative
evidence to the contrary, the presumption is that the domicile of
wife follows that of her husband and will continue after his
a. Election of officers OFFICERS:
Davide, J. (dissenting): Burden of proof is upon the wife that
she exercised her right to acquire her own domicile after 1. Senate President
husband‘s death.
2.Speaker of the House

3, Such officers as deemed by each house to be necessary

By a majority vote of all respective members

HELD: Respondent was able to fulfill the residency
requirement needed for him to qualify as a mayoralty candidate.
He bought a house in Cagayan de Oro City in 1973. He actually RULING:
resided there before he registered as a voter in that city in
1997. The petition fails.
The actual, physical and personal presence of herein private The meaning of majority vis-a-vis minority
respondent in Cagayan de Oro City is substantial enough to
show his intention to fulfill the duties of mayor and for the voters The term “majority” has been judicially defined a number of
to evaluate his qualifications for the mayorship. Petitioners' very times. When referring to a certain number out of a total or
legalistic, academic and technical approach to the residence aggregate, it simply “means the number greater than half or


! ! !
more than half of any total.” The plain and unambiguous words as well as to implement them, before the courts may intervene.
of the subject constitutional clause simply mean that the Senate
President must obtain the votes of more than one half of all the Legislative rules, unlike statutory laws, are matters of procedure
senators. Not by any construal does it thereby delineate who and are subject to revocation, modification and waiver by the
comprise the “majority,” much less the “minority,” in the said body adopting them
body. And there is no showing that the framers of our
Constitution had in mind other than the usual meanings of these Needless to state, legislative rules, unlike statutory laws, do not
terms. have the imprints of permanence and obligatoriness during their
effectivity. In fact, they “are subject to revocation, modification
In effect, while the Constitution mandates that the President of or waiver at the pleasure of the body adopting them.” Being
the Senate must be elected by a number constituting more than merely matters of procedure, their observance are of no
one half of all the members thereof, it does not provide that the concern to the courts, for said rules may be waived or
members who will not vote for him shall ipso facto constitute the disregarded by the legislative body at will, upon the
“minority,” who could thereby elect the minority leader. Verily, concurrence of a majority.
no law or regulation states that the defeated candidate shall
automatically become the minority leader. In view of the foregoing, Congress verily has the power and
prerogative to provide for such officers as it may deem. And it is
xxx certainly within its own jurisdiction and discretion to prescribe
the parameters for the exercise of this prerogative. This Court
Majority may also refer to “the group, party, or faction with the has no authority to interfere and unilaterally intrude into that
larger number of votes,” not necessarily more than one half. exclusive realm, without running afoul of constitutional
This is sometimes referred to as plurality. In contrast, minority is principles that it is bound to protect and uphold -- the very duty
“a group, party, or faction with a smaller number of votes or that justifies the Court’s being. Constitutional respect and a
adherents than the majority.” Between two unequal parts or becoming regard for the sovereign acts of a coequal branch
numbers comprising a whole or totality, the greater number prevents this Court from prying into the internal workings of the
would obviously be the majority, while the lesser would be the Senate. To repeat, this Court will be neither a tyrant nor a wimp;
minority. But where there are more than two unequal groupings, rather, it will remain steadfast and judicious in upholding the
it is not as easy to say which is the minority entitled to select the rule and majesty of the law.
leader representing all the minorities. In a government with a
multi-party system such as in the Philippines (as pointed out by To accede, then, to the interpretation of petitioners would
petitioners themselves), there could be several minority parties, practically amount to judicial legislation, a clear breach of the
one of which has to be identified by the Comelec as the constitutional doctrine of separation of powers. If for this
“dominant minority party” for purposes of the general elections. argument alone, the petition would easily fail.
In the prevailing composition of the present Senate, members
either belong to different political parties or are independent. No
constitutional or statutory provision prescribe which of the many
minority groups or the independents or a combination thereof
has the right to select the minority leader. b. Quorum

Constitution silent on the manner of selecting officers in • Majority of each House shall constitute a
Congress other than Senate President and House Speaker quorum.
• A smaller number may adjourn from day
While the Constitution is explicit on the manner of electing a tOday and may compel the attendance of
Senate President and a House Speaker, it is, however, dead absent members.
silent on the manner of selecting the other officers in both • In computing a quorum, members who are
chambers of Congress. All that the Charter says is that “[e]ach outside the country, thus outside of each
House shall choose such other officers as it may deem House’s coercive jurisdiction, are not
necessary.” To our mind, the method of choosing who will be included.
such other officers is merely a derivative of the exercise of the
prerogative conferred by the aforequoted constitutional
provision. Therefore, such method must be prescribed by the
Senate itself, not by this Court.
Avelino v. Cuenco There is a difference between a
In this regard, the Constitution vests in each house of Congress majority of "all members of the House" and
the power “to determine the rules of its proceedings.” xxx a majority of "the House", the latter
requiring less number than the first.
Separation of powers: Courts may not intervene in the internal Therefore, an absolute majority (12) of all
affairs of legislature members of the Senate less one (23)
constitutes constitutional majority of the
Notably, the Rules of the Senate do not provide for the Senate for the purpose of the quorum.
positions of majority and minority leaders. Neither is there an “majority” refers to the number of members
open clause providing specifically for such offices and within the “jurisdiction” of the Congress
prescribing the manner of creating them or of choosing the (those it can order arrested for the purpose
holders thereof. At any rate, such offices, by tradition and long of questioning). In this case, one Senator
practice, are actually extant. But, in the absence of was out of the Philippines which is not
constitutional or statutory guidelines or specific rules, this Court within the “jurisdiction” of the Senate, so
is devoid of any basis upon which to determine the legality of that the working majority was 23 Senators.
the acts of the Senate relative thereto. On grounds of respect
for the basic concept of separation of powers, courts may not
intervene in the internal affairs of the legislature; it is not within
the province of courts to direct Congress how to do its work.
Rules of Proceedings
Paraphrasing the words of Justice Florentino P. Feliciano, this
Court is of the opinion that where no specific, operable norms
and standards are shown to exist, then the legislature must be Each House shall determine its own procedural rules.
given a real and effective opportunity to fashion and promulgate


! ! !
Corollary to Congress’ power to make rules is the power to government, it is to all intents and purposes, like the Electoral
ignore them when circumstances so require. Tribunals, when acting within the limits of its authority, an
independent organ. Its actuation in the exercise of its power to
Issues may either be: approve appointment submitted to it by the President of the
Philippines is exempt from judicial supervision and interference,
except on a clear showing of such arbitrary and improvident use
Political- On matters affecting only internal operation
of the powers as will constitute a denial of due process.
of the legislature, the legislature’s formulation and
implementation of its rules

Justiciable - when the legislative rule affects private



Held/Ratio: 1. What is alleged to have been violated in the enactment of

R.A. No. 8240 are merely internal rules of procedure of the
House rather than constitutional requirements for the enactment
1. As per Altarejos v. Molo, the confirmation stands; it must be
of a law. Therefore, it cannot be subject to judicial review.
given force and effect. Ratio Petitioner buttresses his plea for
prohibition on the ground that the letter of then Senator
Ganzon, even on the assumption that it was a motion to · Petitioners do not claim that there was no quorum
reconsider an appointment duly confirmed, was without force but only that, by some maneuver allegedly in violation
and effect as it was not approved by the body as a whole. of the rules of the House, Rep. Arroyo was effectively
prevented from questioning the presence of a
a. The controlling principle is supplied by Altarejos v. Molo,
which interpreted Rule 21 of the Revised Rules of the
Commission on Appointments, which reads: ―Resolution of the · Petitioners contend that the House rules were
Commission on any appointment may be reconsidered on adopted pursuant to the constitutional provision that
motion by a member presented not more than one (1) day after ―each House may determine the rules of its
their approval. If a majority of the members present concur to proceedings# and that for this reason they are
grant a reconsideration, the appointment may be laid on the judicially enforceable. However, petitioners
table, this shall be a final disposition of such a motion.# Holding mistakenly cite the provision. Instead of supporting
of the Court was that the mere filing of a reconsideration did not judicial review, it supports claims of autonomy of the
have the effect of setting aside a confirmation. In the case, legislative branch to conduct its business free from
Aldeguer‘s (respondent in Altarejos case) theory would give to interference by courts.
the mere filing of a motion for reconsideration the effect which it
would have if the motion approved, and hence, would dispense · Cases, both here and abroad, all deny to the courts
with the necessity of such approval, for which the concurrence the power to inquire into allegations that, in enacting
of a majority of the members present is necessary. This is a law, a House of Congress failed to comply with its
inconsistent with Rule 21 of the Revised Rules of the own rules, in the absence of showing that there was a
Commission. violation of a constitutional provision or the rights of
private individuals
In case of an adjournment sine die the period for filing the
motion for reconsideration having expired, under Section 22, · Chief Justice Fernando, commenting on the power
then the motion for reconsideration not having been acted upon of each House of Congress to determine its rules of
is not approved and therefore, has no effect whatsoever. proceedings.

What is decisive is that a confirmation duly made is not nullified o Rules are hardly permanent in character. The prevailing view
simply by a motion of reconsideration being filed, without its is that they are subject to revocation, modification or waiver at
being voted upon and approved. the pleasure of the body adopting them as they are primarily
procedural. Courts ordinarily have no concern with their
b. ―The President shall have the power to make appointments observance. They may be waived or disregarded by the
during the recess of the Congress, but such appointments shall legislative body. Consequently, mere failure to conform to them
be effective only until disapproval by the CA or until the next does not have the effect of nullifying the act taken if the
adjournment of Congress.# requisite number of members have agreed to a particular
measure. The above principle is subject, however, to this
qualification. Where the construction to be given to a rule
- A distinction is made between the exercise of such
affects persons other than members of the legislative body the
presidential prerogative requiring confirmation by the CA when
question presented is necessarily judicial in character. Even its
Congress is in session and when it is in recess. In the former,
validity is open to question in a case where private rights are
the President nominates, and only upon the consent of the CA
may the person assume office. As with ad interim appointments, involved.
the appointment takes effect at once. The appointment is
effective until disapproval by the CA or until the next
6. · No rights of private individuals are
adjournment in Congress. There must either be a rejection by
involved but only those of a member who, instead of
the CA or nonaction on its part.
seeking redress in the House, chose to transfer the
dispute to this Court. We have no more power to look
2. The insistence of respondent that the question involved is into the internal proceedings of a House than
beyond the jurisdiction of this Court is untenable. It would members of that House have to look over our
extend the boundaries of the political question doctrine beyond shoulders, as long as no violation of constitutional
its legitimate limits. The courts are called upon to see to it that provisions is shown.
private rights are not invaded.
7. · Each of the three departments of our
- Although the CA is not a power in our tripartite system of
! ! !
government has its separate sphere which the others 2. Expulsion
may not invade without upsetting the delicate balance
on which our constitutional order rests. Due regard for Other disciplinary measures:
the working of our system of government, more than
mere comity, compels reluctance on our part to enter
1. -deletion of unparliamentary remarks from the
upon an inquiry into an alleged violation of the rules
of the House. We must accordingly decline the
invitation to exercise our power. 2. The case does
not present a situation in which a branch of the 2. -fine
government has ―gone beyond the constitutional
limits of its jurisdiction# so as to call for the exercise 3. -imprisonment
of the court’s power.
4. -censure
· Petitioners contend that under Art. VIII, §1,
―nothing involving abuse of discretion [by the other
branches of the government] amounting to lack or
excess of jurisdiction is beyond judicial review.#
Alejandrino v. Quezon
· Implicit in this statement is an acknowledgment that
the jurisdiction of this Court is subject to the case and Senate expelled Senator Alejandrino for disorderly
controversy requirement and to the requirement of a conduct for assaulting Senator de Vera during one of
justiciable controversy before courts can adjudicate their debates in session. Senate adopted a resolution
constitutional questions. depriving Senator Alejandrino of all the prerogatives,
privileges and emoluments of his office fot the period
of one year. The Court held that the resolution was
· The established rule is that courts cannot declare
illegal since it amounted to expulsion and it would
an act of the legislature void on account merely of
deprive the electoral district of representation without
noncompliance with rules of procedure made by itself,
any means to fill the vacancy. The Senate had no
it follows that such a case does not present a
authority to suspend an appointed Senator like
situation in which a branch of the government has
Senator Alejandrino.
―gone beyond the constitutional limits of its
jurisdiction# so as to call for the exercise of our
power. 3. Petitioners were not prevented from
seeking reconsideration.
· Petitioners claim that the passage of the law in the
House was ―railroaded.# They claim that Rep. 8. Held/Ratio:
Arroyo was still making a query to the Chair when the
latter declared Rep. Albano‘s motion approved.
1. NO. Section 15, Article VI of our Constitution which provides
that "for any speech or debate" in Congress, the Senators or
· What happened is that, after Rep. Arroyo‘s Members of the House of Representatives "shall not be
interpellation of the sponsor of the committee report, questioned in any other place." This section was taken or is a
Majority Leader Rodolfo Albano moved for the copy of sec. 6, clause I of Art. 1 of the Constitution of the United
approval and ratification of the conference committee States, wherein the provision has always been understood to
report. The Chair called out for objections to the mean that although exempt from prosecution or civil actions for
motion. Then the Chair declared: ―There being their words uttered in Congress, the members of Congress may,
none, approved.# At the same time the Chair was nevertheless, be questioned in Congress itself.
saying this, however, Rep. Arroyo was asking,
―What is that . . . Mr. Speaker?# The Chair and Rep.
- Our Constitution enshrines parliamentary immunity which is a
Arroyo were talking simultaneously. Thus, although
fundamental privilege cherished in every legislative assembly of
Rep. Arroyo subsequently objected to the Majority
the democratic world. It guarantees the legislator complete
Leader‘s motion, the approval of the conference
freedom of expression without fear of being made responsible in
committee report had by then already been declared
criminal or civil actions before the courts or any other forum
by the Chair.
outside of the Congressional Hall. But it does not protect him from
responsibility before the legislative body itself whenever his
· Petitioners argue that, in accordance with the rules
of the House, Rep. Albano‘s motion for the approval
words and conduct are considered by the latter disorderly or
of the conference committee report should have been
unbecoming a member thereof.
stated by the Chair and later the individual votes of
the Members should have been taken.
2. YES. The House is the judge of what constitutes disorderly
behavior, not only because the Constitution has conferred
jurisdiction upon it, but also because the matter depends mainly
on factual circumstances of which the House knows best but
which can not be depicted in black and white for presentation to,
and adjudication by the Courts. For one thing, if this Court
assumed the power to determine whether Osmeña's conduct
constituted disorderly behavior, it would thereby have assumed
D. DISCIPLINE OF MEMBERS appellate jurisdiction, which the Constitution never intended to
confer upon a coordinate branch of the Government. The theory
of separation of powers fastidiously observed by this Court,
Each house may punish its members for disorderly behavior, demands in such situation a prudent refusal to interfere. Each
and with the concurrence of 2/3 of ALL its members: department, it has been said, has exclusive cognizance of matters

1. Suspension (shall not exceed 60 days)


! ! !
within its jurisdiction and is supreme within its own sphere. Ratio:

- "The Legislative power of the Philippine Congress is plenary, SANDIGANBAYAN HAD THE AUTHORITY TO ORDER THE
subject only to such limitations as are found in the Republic's PREVENTIVE SUSPENSION OF THE PETITIONER.
Constitution. So that any power deemed to be legislative by usage
or tradition, is necessarily possessed by the Philippine Congress, Section 13 RA 3019
unless the Constitution provides otherwise." (Vera vs. Avelino, 77
Phil., 192, 212.)
Suspension and loss of benefits- any incumbent public officer
against whom any valid criminal prosecution under a valid
3. YES. Resolution No. 59 was unanimously approved by the information under this Act or under Title 7, Book II of the
House, such approval amounted to a suspension of the House Revised Penal Code of for any offense involving fraud upon
Rules, which according to standard parliamentary practice may be government of or public funds or property whether as a simple
done by unanimous consent. Parliamentary rules are merely or as a complex offense and in whatever stage of execution and
procedural, and with their observance, the courts have no mode of participation, is pending in court, shall be suspended
concern. They may be waived or disregarded by the legislative from office.
body. Consequently, mere failure to conform to parliamentary
usage will not invalidate the action when the requisite number of
members has agreed to a particular measure." It is a ministerial duty of the court to issue an order of
suspension upon the determination of the validity of the
information filed before it. Once the information is found to be
4. YES. For unparliamentary conduct, members of Parliament or sufficient in form and substance, the court is bound to issue an
of Congress have been, or could be censured, committed to order of suspension as a matter of course.
prison, suspended, even expelled by the votes of their colleagues.
The practice and the traditional power of legislative assemblies to
take, disciplinary action against its members, including Preventive suspension is not a penalty because it is not
imprisonment, suspension or expulsion have been recognized in imposed as a result of judicial proceedings. Section 13 does not
the United States. The Rules of Philippine House of state that the public officer must be suspended only in the office
Representatives provide that the parliamentary practices of the where he is alleged to have committed the acts with which he
Congress of the United States shall apply in a supplementary has been charged.
manner to its proceedings.
The requirement of valid information does not require that the
guilt of the accused must be established in a pre- suspension
proceeding bfore a trial on the merits proceeds. It does not
contemplate a proceeding to determine the strength of the
SANTIAGO VS SANDIGAN BAYAN evidence of culpability against him, the gravity of the offense
charged, or whether or not his continuance in office could
Three Criminal Cases were filed against the petitioner Criminal influence the witnesses or pose a threat to the safety and
Case #1 (filed in the Sandiganbayan) integrity of the records and other evidence before the court
have a valid basis in decreeing preventive suspension pending
A group of Employees of the Commission of Immigration and the trial of the case. All it secures to the accused is the
Deportation (CID) filed a complaint against petitioner Mme. adequate opportunity to challenge the validity or regularity of
Senator Miriam Defensor Santiago for the legalization of the the proceedings against him.
stay of 32 aliens who arrived in the Philippines after January 1,
1984 in violation of Executive Order No. 324 dated April 13, In her motion to quash informations, the court held that she had
1988 which prohibits the legalization of the said disqualified admitted hypothetically to the validity of the information by
aliens knowing fully well that said aliens are disqualified. claiming that the acts complained of therein were authorized
under Executive Order No. 324 and that the Board of
Criminal Case #2 (filed in Manila RTC) Commissioners of the Bureau of Investigation Adopted the
policy of approving applications for the legalization of spouses
and unmarried, minor children of ―qualified aliens# even
Violation of PD No. 46 though they arrived in the Philippines after December 31, 1983.
This behooved Sandiganbayan to discharge its mandated duty
Criminal Case #3 (filed in Manila RTC) to issue the order of preventive suspension which is distinct
from the power of the Congress to discipline its members. This
Libel was what the court held in PAREDES v. SANDIGANBAYAN,
when Congressman Ceferino Paredes claimed that such
preventive suspension issued by the Sandigan bayan is an
For the case filed in Sandiganbayan, petitioner filed several encroachment of the prerogatives.
cases in the attempt to enjoin Sandiganbayan from proceeding
with the said case and to dismiss the 32 criminal informations.
All three motions were repeatedly denied, along with respective THE DOCTRINE OF SEPARATION OF POWERS DOES NOT
Meanwhile, while the court was resolving the criminal case on
the 32 criminal informations that were filed, the prosecution filed Section 1, Article VIII, of the 1987 Constitution empowers the
on July 31, 1995 with the Sandiganbayan a motion to issue an court to act to determine whether or not there has been a grave
order suspending petitioner. abuse of discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction
on the part of any branch or instrumentality of the Government.
Santiago opposed the motion to suspend but to no avail. The
order of suspension for 90 days was decreed on January 25, When the question pertains to an affair internal to either
1996. Hence this petition for Certiorari assailing the authority of Congress or the Executive, the court subscribes to the view that
the Sandiganbayan to decree the preventive suspension. unless an infringement of any specific Constitutional
proscription thereby inheres the Court should not deign
substitute its own judgment over that of any of the two other
branches of government. It is an impairment or a clear


! ! !
disregard of a specific constitutional precept or provision that courts
can unbolt the steel door for judicial intervention.
RA 3019 does not exclude from its coverage the members of
Congress and that, therefore, the Sandiganbayan did not err in Facts:
thus decreeing the assailed preventive suspension order.
Casco filed a petition for review of the Auditor General‘s
decision to deny refund of margin fee for urea and
formaldehyde (which the petitioner used in the manufacture of
the members of Congress from the mandate of R.A. 3019. synthetic resin glue) which it claimed to be exempted from
margin fees under RA 2609. Auditor of Central Bank refused
to approve vouchers for the refund on the ground that the
Held: As held in Ceferino S. Paredes, Jr. v. Sandiganbayan exemption granted by the Monetary Board is not in accord
(GR 118354, 8 August 1995), the suspension provided for in with RA 2609, Sec 2(18) which only exempts ―urea
the Anti-Graft law is mandatory and is of different nature and formaldehyde#— the finished product, not the chemicals (as
purpose. It is imposed by the court, not as a penalty, but as a clarified by NIST).
precautionary measure resorted to upon the filing of valid
Information. Issue:

As held in Miriam Defensor Santiago v. Sandiganbayan, et al.,

WON the enrolled bill—which uses the term ―urea
the doctrine of separation of powers does not exclude the
formaldehyde#—is conclusive upon the courts, despite
members of Congress from the mandate of RA 3019. The order
mistake in the printing of the bill and individual statements
of suspension prescribed by Republic Act 3019 is distinct from
made on the floor of the Senate.
the power of Congress to discipline its own ranks under the
Constitution. The suspension contemplated in the above
constitutional provision is a punitive measure that is imposed Held/Ratio:
upon a determination by the Senate or the House of
Representatives, as the case may be, upon an erring member. Yes. Decision is affirmed. If there is a mistake in printing, this
may be corrected by an amendment or corrective legislation,
not by judicial decree.
Ratio: Its purpose is to prevent the accused public officer from
frustrating his prosecution by influencing witnesses or
tampering with documentary evidence and from committing
further acts of malfeasance while in office. It is thus an incident
to the criminal proceedings before the court. On the other hand,
the suspension or expulsion contemplated in the Constitution is
a House-imposed sanction against its members. It is, therefore, (2) Probative value of the Journal
a penalty for disorderly behavior to enforce discipline, maintain
order in its proceedings, or vindicate its honor and integrity. The Journal is conclusive upon the courts.
The doctrine of separation of powers by itself may not be
deemed to have effectively excluded members of Congress But when the contents of the journal conflicts with
from Republic Act No. 3019 nor from its sanctions. The maxim that of an enrolled bill, the enrolled bill prevails over
simply recognizes that each of the three co-equal and the contents of the journal.
independent, albeit coordinate, branches of the government –
the Legislative, the Executive and the Judiciary – has exclusive US v. Pons
prerogatives and cognizance within its own sphere of influence
and effectively prevents one branch from unduly intruding into Facts:) Probaive Value of the Journal
the internal affairs of either branch.
Juan Pons et al, charged with illegal importation of opium. Each
were found guilty of the crime and were charged – thus, the
appeal of Juan Pons.
e. Journal and Congressional Records
In the motion, counsel of Pons alleged and offered to prove that
(1) The Enrolled Bill Theory the last day of the special session of the Philippine Legislature
for 1914 was the 28 day of February; that act no. 2381, under
1. An enrolled bill is the official which Pons must be punished if found guilty, was not passed
copy of approved legislation and bears the nor approved on or before the said date. But on March 1; (the
certifications of the presiding officers of journal stated that the session ended 12:00 midnight sine die,
each House. however, it is maintained with corroboration by witnesses that
the clock was stopped and the session actually ended on the
2. where the certifications are early hours of the day after) thus null and void.
valid and are not withdrawn, the contents of
the enrolled bill are conclusive upon the Issue: The vital question in this case is the date of adjournment
courts of the legislature; which splits into two more issues:

3. respect due to a co-equal How this is to be proved, whether by the legislative journals or
department requires the courts to accept extraneous evidence.
the certification of the presiding officer of
the legislative body. (Casco v Gimenez)
Whether the court can take judicial notice of the journals
Case Law: binding on the


! ! !
Congress may validly continue enacting billseven (enrolled bill), the part about serving the police department
beyond the reglementary period of adjournment. (under which the petitioner is qualified) was deleted.
When the journal shows that Congress conducted a Petitioner argues that omission, whether deliberate or not,
sine die session where the hands of the clock are was made not by the legislators, but by Congress
stayed in order to afford Congress the opportunity to employees in the proofreading process.
continue its session. All bills enacted during the sine
die session are valid and conclusive upon the Courts. Issue:
The Journals are conclusive evidence of the contents
thereof and Courts are bound to take judicial notice of
them. WON enrolled bill doctrine is controlling in this case, i.e.
the judiciary ought to adopt a hands-off attitude in matters
that took place prior to enactment of a law.


(3) Matters required to be entered in the Journal

Yes. The Court held that it cannot go behind the enrolled
act to discover what really happened. This is in
• Yeas and Nays on third and final reading of a bill accordance to respect due to a co-equal branch of
• Veto message of the President government.
• Yeas and Nays on the repassing of a bill vetoed by
the President
• Yeas and Nays on any question at the request of 1/5
of members present
(5) Congressional Record
(4) Journal Entry Rule v. Enrolled Bill Theory

Astorga v. Villegas
f. Sessions
Facts: In March 1964 HB 9266 (An Act Defining the
Powers, Rights and Duties of the Vice- (1) Regular Sessions
Mayor of Manila etc.) was filed in the th
Convenes once every year on the 4 Monday of
House. It passed on third reading sans July.
amendments in April. When referred to the Continues to be in session until 30 days before the start of
Senate for approval, upon second reading, its next regular session, exclusive of Saturdays,
many amendments were introduced, and Sundays, and legal holidays.
approved by the Senate. When sent back (2) Special Sessions
to the House by the Secretary of the Called by the President at any time when Congress is
Senate, the Senate-approved amendments not in session
were not included, but only Sen. Roxas‘ (3) Adjournments
minor amendment on succession which Neither House can adjourn for more than 3 days
was made by his committee. The House during the time Congress is in session without the
approved this version. Copies were printed consent of the other House.
and attested by presiding officers including Neither can they adjourn to any other place than that
Senate President et al. The President also where the two houses are sitting, without the consent
signed it in June, and the bill became RA of the other.
4065. The President and Senate President (4) Joint Sessions
would later withdraw their signatures upon (a) Voting separately
learning the circumstances. Vice-Mayor - Choosing the President (sec. 4, Art VII) - Determining the
filed a petition for Mandamus and President’s temporary disability (Id., sec. 11, par 4) -
Prohibitory Injunction to compel Confirming the nomination of a Vice-President (Id.,
respondents to comply with RA 4065. sec. 9) - Declaring a state of war (sec. 23(1), Art VI) -
Amending the Constitution (sec. 1(1), Art XVII)
(b) Voting Jointly
- To revoke or extend martial law or suspension of
privilege of habeas corpus (Sec. 18 Art VII)
The bill was not duly enacted and therefore did
not become law as indeed both the President of
the Senate and the Chief Executive withdrew SALARIES, PRIVILEGES, AND DUSQUALIFICATIONS
their signatures therein.
Congress enacted RA 4134 and 4642 increasing
salaries of Members of the House of Reps for the
MORALES V SUBIDO year of 1965-1966. Philconsa seeks to enjoin the
Acting Auditor General to pass this in audit on the
Facts: ground that 8 of the senators who enacted the bill
have terms that will expire on 1969 thus, it violates
The House submitted HB 6951 to the Senate. Sen. Art VI, Sec 14 of the 1935 Constitution. Petition
Rodrigo inserted the phrase below: ―[Chief of a Police granted.
Agency must be]...or any high school graduate who has
served the police department of a city or who has served
as an officer of the Armed Forces for at least 8 years...#
This was approved by the Senate on the 3rd reading but Issue: Does Sec. 14(now Sec. 10) of the
when the bill emerged from the conference committee
Constitution require that not only the term of all the
! ! !
members of the House but also that of all the they were permitted by the Constitution to receive
Senators who approved the increase must have fully during their incumbency. As stressed by the Auditor-
expired before the increase becomes effective? General in his decision in the similar case of
petitioner’s colleague, ex-Congressman Singson,
“(S)uch a scheme would contravene the Constitution
Held: In establishing what might be termed a waiting for it would lead to the same prohibited result by
period before the increased compensation for enabling administrative authorities to do indirectly
legislators becomes fully effective, the Constitutional what cannot be done directly.”
provision refers to “all members of the Senate and
the House of Representatives” in the same FREEDOM FROM ARREST
sentence, as a single unit, without distinction or PEOPLE VS JALOSJOS
separation between them. This unitary treatment is Facts:
emphasized by the fact that the provision speaks of
the “expiration of the full term” of the Senators and The privilege of arrest has always been granted
Representatives that approved the measure, using in a restrictive sense.
the singular form and not the plural, thereby
rendering more evident the intent to consider both True, election is the expression of the sovereign
houses for the purpose as indivisible components of power of the people. However, in spite of its
one single Legislature. The use of the word “term” in importance, the privileges and rights arising from
the singular, when combined with the following having been elected may be enlarged or restricted
phrase “all the members of the Senate and the by law. Privilege has to be granted by law, not
House,” underscores that in the application of Art. inferred from the duties of a position. In fact, the
VI, Sec. 14(now Sec. 10), the fundamental higher the rank, the greater is the requirement of
consideration is that the terms of office of all obedience rather than exemption.
members of the Legislature that enacted the
measure must have expired before the increase in Section 11, Article VI, of the Constitution provides:
compensation can become operative.
A Senator or Member of the House of
Representatives shall, in all offenses punishable by
The Court agreed with petitioner that the increased not more than six years imprisonment, be privileged
compensation provided by RA 4134 is not operative from arrest while the Congress is in session. xxx
until December 30, 1969, when the full term of all
members of the Senate and House that approved it The immunity from arrest or detention of Senators
will have expired. and members of the House of Representatives,
arises from a provision of the Constitution. The
history of the provision shows that the privilege has
DOCTRINE: The language of the provision on always been granted in a restrictive sense. The
salaries of Members of Congress is clear. It refers to provision granting an exemption as a special
the expiration of the full term of all the Members of privilege cannot be extended beyond the ordinary
both Senate and House of Representatives meaning of its terms. It may not be extended by
approving such increase. RATIONALE: To remove intendment, implication or equitable considerations.
personal interest from the increasE
The accused-appellant has not given any reason
why he should be exempted from the operation of
Sec. 11, Art. VI of the Constitution. The members of
Congress cannot compel absent members to attend
LIGOT VS MATHAY sessions if the reason for the absence is a legitimate
HELD: To allow petitioner a retirement gratuity one. The confinement of a Congressman charged
computed on the basis of P32,000.00 per annum with a crime punishable by imprisonment of more
would be a subtle way of increasing his than six years is not merely authorized by law, it has
compensation during his term of office and of constitutional foundations.
achieving indirectly what he could not obtain directly.
Ligot’s claim cannot be sustained as far as he and
other members of Congress similarly situated whose Doctrine of condonation does not apply to
term of office ended on December 30, 1969 are criminal cases
concerned for the simple reason that a retirement
gratuity or benefit is a form of compensation within The Aguinaldo case involves the administrative
the purview of the Constitutional provision limiting removal of a public officer for acts done prior to his
their compensation and “other emoluments” to their present term of office. It does not apply to
salary as provided by law. To grant retirement imprisonment arising from the enforcement of
gratuity to members of Congress whose terms criminal law. Moreover, in the same way that
expired on December 30, 1969 computed on the preventive suspension is not removal, confinement
basis of an increased salary of P32,000.00 per pending appeal is not removal. He remains a
annum (which they were prohibited by the congressman unless expelled by Congress or,
Constitution from receiving during their term of otherwise, disqualified.
office) would be to pay them prohibited emoluments
which in effect increase the salary beyond that which One rationale behind confinement, whether pending


! ! !
appeal or after final conviction, is public self-
defense. Society must protect itself. It also serves as We, therefore, find that election to the position of
an example and warning to others. Congressman is not a reasonable classification in
criminal law enforcement. The functions and duties
of the office are not substantial distinctions which lift
Emergency or compelling temporary leaves from him from the class of prisoners interrupted in their
imprisonment are allowed to all prisoners. freedom and restricted in liberty of movement.
Lawful arrest and confinement are germane to the
There is no showing that the above privileges are purposes of the law and apply to all those belonging
peculiar to him or to a member of Congress. to the same class.
Emergency or compelling temporary leaves from
imprisonment are allowed to all prisoners, at the SPEECH AND DEBATE CLAUSE
discretion of the authorities or upon court orders.
HELD: Article VI, Section 15 of the Constitution
To allow accused-appellant to attend provides “The Senators and Members of the House
congressional sessions and committee meetings of Representatives shall in all cases except treason,
will virtually make him a free man felony, and breach of the peace. Be privileged from
arrest during their attendance at the sessions of the
When the voters of his district elected the accused- Congress, and in going to and returning from the
appellant to Congress, they did so with full same; and for any speech or debate therein, they
awareness of the limitations on his freedom of shall not be questioned in any other place.” The
action. They did so with the knowledge that he could publication of the said letter is not covered by said
achieve only such legislative results which he could expression which refers to utterances made by
accomplish within the confines of prison. To give a Congressmen in the performance of their official
more drastic illustration, if voters elect a person with functions, such as speeches delivered, statements
full knowledge that he is suffering from a terminal made, or votes cast in the halls of Congress, while
illness, they do so knowing that at any time, he may the same is in session as well as bills introduced in
no longer serve his full term in office. Congress, whether the same is in session or not,
and other acts performed by Congressmen, either
To allow accused-appellant to attend congressional in Congress or outside the premises housing its
sessions and committee meetings for 5 days or offices, in the official discharge of their duties as
more in a week will virtually make him a free man members of Congress and of Congressional
with all the privileges appurtenant to his position. Committees duly authorized to perform its functions
Such an aberrant situation not only elevates as such at the time of the performance of the acts in
accused-appellant’s status to that of a special class, question. Congress was not in session when the
it also would be a mockery of the purposes of the letter was published and at the same time he,
correction system. himself, caused the publication of the said letter. It
is obvious that, in thus causing the communication
In the ultimate analysis, the issue before us boils to be so published, he was not performing his
down to a question of constitutional equal protection. official duty, either as a member of Congress or as
officer of any Committee thereof. Hence, contrary to
The Constitution guarantees: "x x x nor shall any the finding made by the lower court the said
person be denied the equal protection of laws." This communication is not absolutely privileged.
simply means that all persons similarly situated shall The SC is satisfied that the letter in question is not
be treated alike both in rights enjoyed and sufficient to support Jimenez’ action for damages.
responsibilities imposed. The organs of government Although the letter says that plaintiffs are under the
may not show any undue favoritism or hostility to control of the persons unnamed therein alluded to
any person. Neither partiality nor prejudice shall be as “planners”, and that, having been handpicked by
displayed. Vargas, it should be noted that defendant, likewise,
added that “it is of course possible” that plaintiffs
Does being an elective official result in a substantial “are unwitting tools of the plan of which they may
distinction that allows different treatment? Is being a have absolutely no knowledge”. In other words, the
Congressman a substantial differentiation which very document upon which plaintiffs’ action is based
removes the accused-appellant as a prisoner from explicitly indicates that they might be absolutely
the same class as all persons validly confined under unaware of the alleged operational plans, and that
law? they may be merely unwitting tools of the planners.
The SC does not think that this statement is
The performance of legitimate and even essential derogatory to Jimenez to the point of entitling them
duties by public officers has never been an excuse to recover damages, considering that they are
to free a person validly in prison. officers of our Armed Forces, that as such they are
by law, under the control of the Secretary of
The Court cannot validate badges of inequality. The National Defense and the Chief of Staff, and that
necessities imposed by public welfare may justify the letter in question seems to suggest that the
exercise of government authority to regulate even if group therein described as “planners” include these
thereby certain groups may plausibly assert that two (2) high ranking officers. Petition is dismissed.
their interests are disregarded.


! ! !
DISQUALIFICATION relating to the election, returns, and qualifications of their
ADAZA VS PACANA JR respective members. ET has jurisdiction only when there
HELD: Section 10, Article VIII of the 1973 is an election contest.
Constitution provides as follows:
The Philippine Constitution is clear and ‘election contest’ - one where a defeated
unambiguous. Hence Adaza cannot invoke candidate challenges the qualification and
common law practices abroad. He cannot complain claims for himself the seat of a proclaimed
of any restrictions which public policy may dictate winner.
on his holding of more than one office. Adaza
further contends that when Pacana filed his c. Independence of the Electoral Tribunals
candidacy for the Batasan he became a private Since the ET’s are independent constitutional
citizen because he vacated his office. Pacana, as a bodies, independent even of the respective
mere private citizen, had no right to assume the House, neither Congress nor the Courts may
governorship left vacant by petitioner’s election to interfere with procedural matters relating to the
the BP. This is not tenable and it runs afoul against functions of the ET’s.
BP. 697, the law governing the election of members d. Powers
of the BP on May 14, 1984, Section 13[2] of which Expiration of Congressional term of office Death or
specifically provides that “governors, mayors, permanent disability Resignation form political
members of the various sangguniang or barangay party which one represents in the
officials shall, upon filing a certificate of candidacy, tribunal Removal from office for other valid
be considered on forced leave of absence from reasons
office.” Indubitably, respondent falls within the Lazatin v. HRET The HRET will only gain
coverage of this provision, considering that at the jurisdiction upon proclamation of the candidate.
time he filed his certificate of candidacy for the 1984 Until such proclamation, he is not yet a member
BP election he was a member of the Sangguniang of the House; hence, the HRET will not have
Panlalawigan as provided in Sections 204 and 205 jurisdiction over him. Jurisdiction over such
of Batas Pambansa Blg. 337, otherwise known as remains with the COMELEC. Co v. HRET As
the Local Government Code. constitutional creations invested with necessary
power, the Electoral Tribunals are, in the
PUYAT VS DEGUZMAN exercise of their functions independent organs
HELD: No, Fernandez cannot appear before the — independent of Congress and the Supreme
SEC body under the guise that he is not appearing Court. The power granted to HRET by the
as a counsel. Even though he is a stockholder and Constitution is intended to be as complete and
that he has a legal interest in the matter in litigation unimpaired as if it had remained originally in the
he is still barred from appearing. He bought the legislature (Angara vs. Electoral Commission
stocks before the litigation took place. During the [1936]).
conference he presented himself as counsel but e. Judicial review of decisions of Electoral
because it is clearly stated that he cannot do so Tribunals
under the constitution he instead presented himself may be had with the SC only insofar as the
as a party of interest – which is clearly a work decision or resolution was rendered
around and is clearly an act after the fact. A mere o without or in excess of jurisdiction, or o with grave
work around to get himself involved in the litigation. abuse of discretion tantamount to denial of due
What could not be done directly could not likewise process.\
be done indirectly.

HELD: The most fundamental objection to such

proposal lies in the plain terms and intent of the
a. Composition
Constitution itself which, in its Article VI, Section
1. 3 Supreme Court Justices to be designated by the
17, creates the Senate Electoral Tribunal,
Chief Justice (The senior Justice in the Electoral
ordains its composition and defines its
Tribunal shall be its Chairman.) 2. 6 Members of the
jurisdiction and powers.
Senate or House, as the case may be, chosen on the
basis of proportional representation from the political
parties and party-list organizations It is quite clear that in providing for a SET to be
staffed by both Justices of the SC and Members
of the Senate, the Constitution intended that
The ET shall be constituted within 30 days after the
both those “judicial” and “legislative”
Senate and the House shall have been organized with
components commonly share the duty and
the election of the President and the Speaker.
authority of deciding all contests relating to the
election, returns and qualifications of Senators.
Members chosen enjoy security of tenure and cannot be The legislative component herein cannot be
removed by mere change of party affiliation. totally excluded from participation in the
resolution of senatorial election contests,
b. Nature of Function without doing violence to the spirit and intent of
the Constitution. It is not to be misunderstood in
Jurisdiction: be the sole judge of all CONTESTS saying that no Senator-Member of the SET may


! ! !
inhibit or disqualify himself from sitting in had not yet been disposed of with finality. In
judgment on any case before said Tribunal. fact, it was subsequently found that the
Every Member of the Tribunal may, as his disqualification of the petitioner was null and
conscience dictates, refrain from participating in void for being violative of due process and for
the resolution of a case where he sincerely feels want of substantial factual basis. Furthermore,
that his personal interests or biases would stand respondent, as second placer, could not take
in the way of an objective and impartial the seat in office since he did not represent the
judgment. What SC is saying is that in the light electorate’s choice.
of the Constitution, the SET cannot legally 2. Since the validity of respondent’s
function as such; absent its entire membership proclamation had been assailed by petitioner
of Senators and that no amendment of its Rules before the Comelec and that the Comelec was
can confer on the three Justices-Members alone yet to resolve it, it cannot be said that the order
the power of valid adjudication of a senatorial disqualifying petitioner had become final. Thus
election contest. The five LDP members who Comelec continued to exercise jurisdiction over
are also members of the Senate Electoral the case pending finality. The House of
Tribunal may not inhibit themselves since it is Representatives Electoral Tribunal does not
clear that the Constitution intended legislative have jurisdiction to review resolutions or
and judiciary membership to the tribunal. As a decisions of the Comelec. A petition for quo
matter of fact, the 2 :1 ratio of legislative to warranto must also fail since respondent’s
judiciary indicates that legislative membership eligibility was not the issue.
cannot be ignored. To exclude themselves is to 3. The facts had been settled by the
abandon a duty that no other court can perform. COMELEC en banc, the constitutional body with
jurisdiction on the matter, that petitioner won.
The rule of law demands that its (Comelec’s)
Decision be obeyed by all officials of the
land. Such duty is ministerial. Petitioner had the
right to the office which merits recognition
regardless of personal judgment or opinion.

Held: No. Section 17 Articles VI supplies the

answer to this question.. So the HRET is the
sole judge of all contests relation to the election,
returns and qualification of their respective PIMENTEL VS HRET
members. The operative term found in the
section was “sole Judge”. It (HRET) was made The Constitution expressly grants to the House
to function as a non-partisan court although 2/3 of Representatives the prerogative,
of its members are politicians. It’s suppose to w/in constitutionally defined limits, to
provide an independent and impartial tribunal for choose from its district and party-list
the determination of contests to legislative office representatives those who may occupy
devoid of partisan consideration. the seats allotted to the House in
HRET and the CA. The petitioners
So they cant just shuffle and manipulate the primary recourse rests with the House
political component for the electoral tribunal to of Representatives and not with this
serve the interests of party in power. Court. Under the doctrine of primary
jurisdiction, prior recourse to the House
Its independence would be undermined if the is necessary before petitioners may
removal of Camasura for as a punishment for bring the case to the court. Sections 17
“party disloyalty” for voting for Bondoc would and 18, Article VI of the Constitution
allow them to change the judgment of the HRET state that party-list representatives
in the Bondoc case.If allowed so, then the must first show the House that they
HRET isn’t really a sole judge of senatorial possess the required numerical
elections. The members of the HRET are strength to be entitled to seats in the
entitled to security of tenure just as the HRET and CA. Moreover, facts show,
members of the judiciary are. They can only be at that time, that party- list groups
replaced in cases such as expiration, death, merely refrained from participating in
permanent disability, resignation forms the the election process (no mention of
political party, and formal affiliation with another nominees)
party of any valid cause hence mere disloyalty is
not a valid cause for termination. No grave abuse in the action or lack of action by
the HRET and CA. Under Sections 17
and 18, Article VI of the Constitution
and their internal rules, the HRET and
CODILLA VS DE VENECIA CA are bereft of any power to
reconstitute themselves. Also, petitions
have already been rendered academic
1. The respondent’s proclamation was with a new set of district
premature given that the case against petitioner
! ! !
representatives elected on May 14, elected a new set of representatives in the CoA
2001. which consisted of the original members except
Daza who was replaced by Singson. Daza
questioned such replacement.
ISSUE: Whether or not a change resulting from
COMMISION ON APPOINTMENTS a political realignment validly changes the
composition of the Commission on
COMPOSITION Appointments.
• Senate President as ex-officio chairman (shall HELD: As provided in the constitution, “there
should be a Commission on Appointments
not vote except in case of a tie.)
consisting of twelve Senators and twelve
• 12 Senators
members of the House of Representatives
• 12 Members of the House
elected by each House respectively on the basis
• The 12 Senators and 12 Representatives are of proportional representation” of the political
elected on the basis of proportional parties therein, this necessarily connotes the
representation from the political parties and authority of each house of Congress to see to it
party-list organizations. that the requirement is duly complied with.
Therefore, it may take appropriate measures,
The CA shall be constituted within 30 days after the not only upon the initial organization of the
Senate and the House of Representative shall have Commission but also subsequently thereto NOT
been organized with the election of the President and the court.
the Speaker. The CA shall act on all appointments
within 30 session days from their submission to
The CA shall rule by a majority vote of all its members.
1. No, it is not. The “political question” issue
was settled in Daza vs. Singson, where this
Meetings: Court ruled that “the legality, and not the
wisdom, of the manner of filling the
CA meets only while Congress is in session. Commission on Appointments as prescribed
by the Constitution” is justiciable, and, “even if
Meetings are held either at the call of the the question were political in nature, it would
Chairman or a majority of all its members. still come within our powers of review under
the expanded jurisdiction conferred upon us by
Since the CA is also an independent Article VIII, Section 1, of the Constitution,
constitutional body, its rules of procedure are which includes the authority to determine
also outside the scope of congressional powers whether grave abuse of discretion amounting
as well as that of the judiciary. Jurisdiction: to excess or lack of jurisdiction has been
1. CA shall confirm the appointments by the committed by any branch or instrumentality of
President with respect to the following the government.”
positions: a) Heads of the Executive
Departments (except if it is the Vice-President
who is appointed to the post) b) Ambassadors, 2. Yes, petition is dismissed for lack of merit.
other public ministers or consuls c) Officers of Section 18, Article VI of the 1987 Constitution
the AFP from the rank of Colonel or Naval reads: “Sec. 18. There shall be a Commission
Captain d) Other officers whose appointments on Appointments consisting of the President of
are vested in him by the Constitution (e.g. the Senate, as ex oficio Chairman, twelve
COMELEC members) 2. Congress cannot by Senators, and twelve Members of the House of
law require that the appointment of a person to Representatives elected by each House on the
an office created by such law shall be subject to basis of proportional representation from the
confirmation by the CA. 3. Appointments political parties and parties or organizations
extended by the President to the above- registered under the party-list system
mentioned positions while Congress is not in represented therein. The chairman of the
session shall only be effective until disapproval Commission shall not vote, except in case of a
by the CA or until the next adjournment of tie. The Commission shall act on all
Congress. appointments submitted to it within thirty
session days of the Congress from their
DAZA VS SINGSON submission. The commission shall rule by a
majority vote of all the Members. (Art. VI, 1987
The Laban ng Demokratikong Pilipino (LDP) Constitution.) The composition of the House
membership in the Commission on
was reorganized resulting to a political
Appointments was based on proportional
realignment in the lower house. LDP also
changed its representation in the Commission representation of the political parties in the
on Appointments. They withdrew the seat House. There are 160 members of the LDP in
occupied by Daza (LDP member) and gave it to the House. They represent 79% of the House
the new LDP member. Thereafter the chamber membership (which may be rounded out to
80%). Eighty percent (80%) of 12 members in
! ! !
the Commission on Appointments would equal of the parties is entitled. The LDP majority
9.6 members, which may be rounded out to in the Senate converted a fractional half
ten (10) members from the LDP. The membership into a whole membership of
remaining two seats were apportioned to the one senator by adding one half or .5 to 7.5
LP (respondent Lorna Verano-Yap) as the next to be able to elect Romulo. In so doing one
largest party in the Coalesced Majority and the other party’s fractional membership was
KBL (respondent Roque Ablan) as the correspondingly reduced leaving the latter’s
principal opposition party in the House. There representation in the Commission on
is no doubt that this apportionment of the Appointments to less than their proportional
House membership in the Commission on representation in the Senate. This is clearly
Appointments was done “on the basis of a violation of Section 18 because it is no
proportional representation of the political longer in compliance with its mandate that
parties therein.” There is no merit in the membership in the Commission be based
petitioner’s contention that the House on the proportional representation of the
members in the Commission on Appointments political parties. The election of Senator
should have been nominated and elected by Romulo gave more representation to the
their respective political parties. The petition LDP and reduced the representation of one
itself shows that they were nominated by their political party either the LAKAS NUCD
respective floor leaders in the House. They or the NPC. A party should have at least 1
were elected by the House (not by their party) seat for every 2 duly elected senators-
as provided in Section 18, Article VI of the members in the CoA. Where there are
Constitution. The validity of their election to the more than 2 parties in Senate, a party
Commission on Appointments-eleven (11) which has only one member senator
from the Coalesced Majority and one from the cannot constitutionally claim a seat. In
minority-is unassailable. order to resolve such, the parties may
coalesce with each other in order to come
up with proportional representation
GUINGONA VS GONZALES especially since one party may have
After the May 11, 1992 elections, the affiliations with the other party.
senate was composed of 15 LDP senators,
5 NPC senators, 3 LAKAS-NUCD senators,
and 1 LP-PDP-LABAN senator. To suffice
the requirement that each house must have DRILON VS DE VENECIA
12 representatives in the CoA, the parties FACTS: The first petition, G.R. No.
agreed to use the traditional formula: (No. 180055, has thus indeed been rendered moot
of Senators of a political party) x 12 seats) with the designation of a Liberal Party member
÷ Total No. of Senators elected. The results of the House contingent to the CA, hence, as
of such a formula would produce 7.5 prayed for, the petition is withdrawn.
members for LDP, 2.5 members for NPC, As for the second petition, G.R.
1.5 members for LAKAS-NUCD, and 0.5 No. 183055, it fails.
member for LP-PDP-LABAN. Romulo, as The second petition filed by
the majority floor leader, nominated 8 Senator Jamby Madrigal in a summary tackle
senators from their party because he about the reorganization of the membership of
rounded off 7.5 to 8 and that Taňada from the CA and that, in the meantime, "all actions
LP-PDP-LABAN should represent the of CA be held in abeyance as the same may be
same party to the CoA. This is also construed as illegal and unconstitutional.
pursuant to the proposition compromise by Senator Jamby Madrigal
Sen Tolentino who proposed that the petitions to REORGANIZE the membership of
elected members of the CoA should consist the CA is based upon the OBSERVATIONS that
of eight LDP, one LP-PDP-LABAN, two she herself observe in the list of COMMISSION
NPC and one LAKAS-NUCD. Guingona, a ON APPOINTMENTS membership that there
member of LAKAS-NUCD, opposed the are certain POLITICAL PARTIES acquire a
said compromise. He alleged that the seat of membership in CA held a position which
compromise is against proportional supposedly are not allowed in the provision of
representation. the constitution , moreover, she added to
ISSUE: Whether or not rounding off is estopped the intention of the
allowed in determining a party’s committee request that "all actions of the
representation in the CoA. Commission be held in ABEYANCE" .
HELD: It is a fact accepted by all such
parties that each of them is entitled to a ISSUE: Whether or not the petitioner is
fractional membership on the basis of the the proper party concerned.
rule on proportional representation of each
of the political parties. A literal
interpretation of Section 18 of Article VI of HELD: Senator Madrigal contention has
the Constitution leads to no other manner been dismissed due to the guidelines she
of application. The problem is what to do ignored.Petitioner has no standing to file
with the fraction of .5 or 1/2 to which each the petition .Petitioner failed to observe the


! ! !
doctrine of primary jurisdiction or prior resort. e. Concurrence in treaties and international agreements
Each House of Congress has the sole function
of reconstituting or changing the composition of f. War powers and delegations powers
its own contingent to the CA.The extraordinary
remedies of Prohibition and Mandamus and the 3. Inherent Powers
relief of a TRO are not available to the
a. Police Power
At the core of this controversy is Article VI,
Section 18, of the Constitution providing as
follows: 9. Make, ordain, and establish all
Sec. 18. There shall be a Commission on manner of wholesome and reasonable laws,
Appointments consisting of the President of the statutes and ordinances, as they shall judge for
Senate, as ex officio Chairman, twelve Senators the good and welfare of the commonwealth and
and twelve Members of the House of of the subjects of the same
Representatives, elected by each House on the
basis of proportional representation from the 10. Includes maintenance of
political parties and parties or organizations peace and order, protection of life, liberty and
registered under the party-list system property and the promotion of general welfare
represented therein. The Chairman of the b Power of Taxation c Power of Eminent
Commission shall not vote, except in case of a Domain d. Implied Powers Contemptpower
tie. The Commission shall act on all B. Limitations: 1. Formal or Procedural
appointments submitted to it within thirty session Limitations
days of the Congress from their submission.
The Commission shall rule by a majority vote of Prescribes the manner of passing bills in the
all the Members. form they should take
Wherefore,the Motion with Leave of
Court to Withdraw the Petition in G.R. No. LimitationsprovidedbySec26,ArtVI
180055 is Granted. The Petition is Withdrawn.
The Petition in G.R. No. 183055 is Dismissed. o Every bill passed by the Congress shall embrace only
one subject which shall be expressed in the title o No bill
POWERS OF CONGRESS passed by either house shall become law unless it has
A.KINDS passed 3 readings on separate days o Printed copies in
1. GENERAL its final form have been distributed to its members 3
a. Legislative Powers (Scope) powers of appropriation, days before the passage of the bill
taxation and expropriation authority to make, frame and
enact laws vested in Congress by the Consitution except Exception: president certifies to the necessity of its
to the extent reserved to the people by the provision on immediate enactment to meet a public calamity or
initiative and referendum emergency

b. Non-legislative Powers(Scope) 2. Substantive Limitations

power to canvass the presidential elections Circumscribe both the exercise of the power
itself and the allowable subject of legislation
declare the existence of war
Express limitations:
give concurrence to treaties and amnesties
Circumscribe both the exercise of
propose constitutional amendments the power itself and the allowable subject of
derivative and delegated power
o Sec 24-26, 28-30, Art VI
implied powers such as the power to punish
contempt in legislative investigations Express limitations on general powers

2. Specific Powers o Bill of rights

a. Constitutent power Implied Limitations

b.Legislative Inquiries o No power to pass irrepealable law

c. Appropriation o Non-encroachment on powers of other departments

d. Taxation o Non-delegability of powers

! ! !
LEGISLATIVE PROCESS PD. The express purpose of the PD to include
taxation of the video industry in order to regulate
A. REQUIREMENTS AS TO BILLS. and rationalize the uncontrolled distribution of
1. AS TO TITLE OF BILLS videograms is evident from Preambles 2 and 5
of the said PD which explain the motives of the
TIO VS VRB lawmakers in presenting the measure. The title
of the PD, which is the creation of the VRB, is
comprehensive enough to include the purposes
Tio is a videogram operator who assailed the
expressed in its Preamble and reasonably
constitutionality of PD 1987 entitled “An Act
covers all its provisions. It is unnecessary to
Creating the Videogram Regulatory Board” with
express all those objectives in the title or that
broad powers to regulate and supervise the
the latter be an index to the body of the PD.
videogram industry. The PD was also reinforced
by PD 1994 which amended the National
Internal Revenue Code. The amendment
provides that “there shall be collected on each
processed video-tape cassette, ready for LIDASAN VS COMELEC
playback, regardless of length, an annual tax of
five pesos; Provided, that locally manufactured
or imported blank video tapes shall be subject to Lidasan is a resident of Parang, Cotabato.
sales tax.” The said law was brought about by Later, RA 4790, which is entitled “An Act
the need to regulate the sale of videograms as it Creating the Municipality of Dianaton in the
has adverse effects to the movie industry. The Province of Lanao del Sur,” was passed.
proliferation of videograms has significantly Lidasan came to know later on that barrios
lessened the revenue being acquired from the Togaig and Madalum just mentioned are within
movie industry, and that such loss may be the municipality of Buldon, Province of
recovered if videograms are to be taxed. Sec 10 Cotabato, and that Bayanga, Langkong,
of the PD imposes a 30% tax on the gross Sarakan, Kat-bo, Digakapan, Magabo,
receipts payable to the LGUs. Tio countered, Tabangao, Tiongko, Colodan, and
among others, that the tax imposition provision Kabamakawan are parts and parcel of another
is a rider and is not germane to the subject municipality, the municipality of Parang, also in
matter of the PD. the Province of Cotabato and not of Lanao del
ISSUE: Whether or not the PD embraces only Sur. [Remarkably, even the Congressman of
one subject. Cotabato voted in favor of RA 4790.] Pursuant
HELD: The Constitutional requirement that to this law, COMELEC proceeded to establish
“every bill shall embrace only one subject which precints for voter registration in the said
shall be expressed in the title thereof” is territories of Dianaton. Lidasan then filed that
sufficiently complied with if the title be RA 4790 be nullified for being unconstitutional
comprehensive enough to include the general because it did not clearly indicate in its title that
purpose which a statute seeks to achieve. It is it in creating Dianaton, it would be including in
not necessary that the title express each and the territory thereof barrios from Cotabato.
every end that the statute wishes to accomplish. ISSUE: Is RA 4790, which created Dianaton but
The requirement is satisfied if all the parts of the which includes barrios located in another
statute are related, and are germane to the province – Cotabato – to be spared from attack
subject matter expressed in the title, or as long planted upon the constitutional mandate that
as they are not inconsistent with or foreign to “No bill which may be enacted into law shall
the general subject and title. An act having a embrace more than one subject which shall be
single general subject, indicated in the title, may expressed in the title of the bill?
contain any number of provisions, no matter HELD: The baneful effect of the defective title
how diverse they may be, so long as they are here presented is not so difficult to perceive.
not inconsistent with or foreign to the general Such title did not inform the members of
subject, and may be considered in furtherance Congress as to the full impact of the law; it did
of such subject by providing for the method and not apprise the people in the towns of Buldon
means of carrying out the general object.” The and Parang in Cotabato and in the province of
rule also is that the constitutional requirement as Cotabato itself that part of their territory is being
to the title of a bill should not be so narrowly taken away from their towns and province and
construed as to cripple or impede the power of added to the adjacent Province of Lanao del
legislation. It should be given a practical rather Sur; it kept the public in the dark as to what
than technical construction. In the case at bar, towns and provinces were actually affected by
the questioned provision is allied and germane the bill that even a Congressman from Cotabato
to, and is reasonably necessary for the voted for it only to find out later on that it is to
accomplishment of, the general object of the the prejudice of his own province. These are the
PD, which is the regulation of the video industry pressures which heavily weigh against the
through the VRB as expressed in its title. The constitutionality of RA 4790.
tax provision is not inconsistent with, nor foreign
to that general subject and title. As a tool for
regulation it is simply one of the regulatory and
control mechanisms scattered throughout the
! ! !
CRUZ VS PARAS of Mandaluyong to a highly urbanized city
ratifying RA 7675 and making it in effect.
De La Cruz et al were club & cabaret operators.
They assail the constitutionality of Ord. No. 84, Issues:
Ser. of 1975 or the Prohibition and Closure
Ordinance of Bocaue, Bulacan. De la Cruz WON RA 7675 is in:
averred that the said Ordinance violates their
right to engage in a lawful business for the said 1. Violation of Article VI, Section 26(1) of the
ordinance would close out their business. That Constitution regarding 'one subject one bill rule".
the hospitality girls they employed are healthy
and are not allowed to go out with customers. 2. Violation of Article VI, Sections 5(1) and (4) as
Judge Paras however lifted the TRO he earlier to the number of members of the Congress to
issued against Ord. 84 after due hearing 250 and reappropriating the legislative districts.
declaring that Ord 84. is constitutional for it is
pursuant to RA 938 which reads “AN ACT
THE ESTABLISHMENT, MAINTENANCE AND Applying liberal construction the Supreme Court
OPERATION OF CERTAIN PLACES OF dismissed the contention of constitutionality
AMUSEMENT WITHIN THEIR RESPECTIVE pertaining to Art VI 26(1) saying "should be
TERRITORIAL JURISDICTIONS”. Paras ruled given a practical rather than a technical
that the prohibition is a valid exercise of police construction. It should be sufficient compliance
power to promote general welfare. De la Cruz with such requirement if the title expresses the
then appealed citing that they were deprived of general subject and all the provisions are
due process. germane to that general subject."
ISSUE: Whether or not a municipal corporation,
Bocaue, Bulacan can, prohibit the exercise of a As to Article VI Sec 5(1), the clause "unless
lawful trade, the operation of night clubs, and otherwise provided by law" was enforced
the pursuit of a lawful occupation, such clubs justifying the act of the legislature to increase the
employing hostesses pursuant to Ord 84 which number of the members of the congress.
is further in pursuant to RA 938.
HELD: The SC ruled against Paras. If night Article VI Sec 5 (4) was also overruled as it was
clubs were merely then regulated and not the Congress itself which drafted the bill
prohibited, certainly the assailed ordinance reapportioning the legislative district.
would pass the test of validity. SC had stressed
reasonableness, consonant with the general In view of the foregoing facts, the petition was
powers and purposes of municipal corporations, dismissed for lack of merit.
as well as consistency with the laws or policy of GeneralLimitations:
the State. It cannot be said that such a
sweeping exercise of a lawmaking power by Appropriation
Bocaue could qualify under the term
reasonable. The objective of fostering public • Appropriations must be for a PUBLIC
morals, a worthy and desirable end can be PURPOSE
attained by a measure that does not encompass • Cannot appropriate public funds or property,
too wide a field. Certainly the ordinance on its directly or indirectly, in favor of
face is characterized by overbreadth. The 1. Any sect, church, denomination,
purpose sought to be achieved could have been or sectarian institution or system
attained by reasonable restrictions rather than of religion or
by an absolute prohibition. Pursuant to the title 2. Any priest, preacher, minister, or
of the Ordinance, Bocaue should and can only other religious teacher or
regulate not prohibit the business of cabarets. dignitary as such.


Mandaluyong and San Juan were one legislative • GOVERNMENT
district until the passage of the RA 7675 with title ORPHANGE
An Act Converting the Municipality of • LEPROSARIUM
Mandaluyong into a Highly Urbanized City to be o The government is not prohibited from appropriating
known as the City of Mandaluyong." Same bill is money for a valid secular purpose, even if it incidentally
now in question at to its constitutionality by the benefits a religion, e.g. appropriations for a national
petitioners by invoking their right as tax payers police force is valid even if the police also protects the
and residents of Mandaluyong. safety of clergymen.
With a plebiscite held on April 10, 1994, people
o Also, the temporary use of public property for religious
of Mandaluyong voted to for the the conversion
purposes is valid, as long as the property is available for


! ! !
all religions. • Budget execution
• Budget accountability

• For General Appropriations Bills Congress may DEMETRIA VS ALBA

not increase the appropriations recommended
by the President for the operation of the Demetria et al as taxpayers and members of the
Government as specified in the budget. Form, Batasan Pambansa sought to prohibit Alba, then
content and manner of preparation of the Minister of the Budget, from disbursing funds
budget shall be prescribed by law. pursuant to Presidential Decree 1177 or the
• No provision or enactment shall be embraced in Budget Reform Decree of 1977. Demetria
the general appropriations bill unless it relates assailed the constitutionality of Section 44 of the
specifically to some particular appropriation said PD. This Section provides that “The
therein. President shall have the authority to transfer any
fund, appropriated for the different departments,
Procedure in approving appropriations FOR THE bureaus, offices and agencies of the Executive
CONGRESS shall strictly follow the procedure for Department, which are included in the General
approving appropriations for other departments and Appropriations Act, to any program, project or
agencies. activity of any department, bureau, or office
included in the General Appropriations Act or
No law shall be passed authorizing any transfer of approved after its enactment.” Demetria averred
appropriations. However, the following may, BY LAW, be that this is unconstitutional for it violates the
authorized to AUGMENT any item in the general 1973 Constitution.
appropriations law for their respective offices from ISSUE: Whether or not Par 1, Sec 44, of PD
savings in other items of their respective appropriations. 1177 is constitutional.
HELD: Sec. 16[5]. No law shall be passed
authorizing any transfer of appropriations,
however, the President, the Prime Minister, the
Speaker, the Chief Justice of the Supreme
• SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE Court, and the heads of constitutional
• CJ OF SC commissions may by law be authorized to
• HEADS OF CONSTITUTIONAL COMISSIONS augment any item in the general appropriations
law for their respective offices from savings in
DISCRETIONARY FUNDS appropriated FOR other items of their respective appropriations.
PARTICULAR OFFICIALS shall be disbursed Par 1 of Sec 44 of PD 1177 unduly overextends
only: For public purposes To be supported by the privilege granted under said Section 16[5]. It
appropriate vouchers Subject to such guidelines as empowers the President to indiscriminately
may be prescribed by law No public money or transfer funds from one department, bureau,
property shall be appropriated If Congress fails to office or agency of the Executive Department to
pass the general appropriations bill by the end of any program, project or activity of any
any fiscal year: The general appropriations bill for department, bureau or office included in the
the previous year is deemed reenacted It shall General Appropriations Act or approved after its
remain in force and effect until the general enactment, without regard as to whether or not
appropriations bill is passed by Congress. the funds to be transferred are actually savings
in the item from which the same are to be taken,
For Special Appropriations Bill Shall specify the purpose or whether or not the transfer is for the purpose
for which it is intended. of augmenting the item to which said transfer is
to be made. It does not only completely
Shall be supported by funds actually available as disregard the standards set in the fundamental
certified by the National Treasurer or corresponding law, thereby amounting to an undue delegation
therein to be raised by revenue proposal. of legislative powers, but likewise goes beyond
the tenor thereof. Indeed, such constitutional
Limitation on Use of Public Funds (Sec 29, Art VI) No infirmities render the provision in question null
money shall be paid out of the and void. HOWEVER, transfers of savings
within one department from one item to another
in the GA Act may be allowed by law in the
National Treasury EXCEPT in pursuance
interest of expediency and efficiency. There is
no transfer from one department to another
of an appropriation made by law. However, this rule here.
does not prohibit continuing appropriations, e.g. for debt
servicing, for the reason that this rule does not require
yearly or annual appropriation.

o Four phases of Government’s budgeting process. GUINGONA VS CARAQUE

The 1990 budget consists of P98.4 Billion in

• Budget preparation
automatic appropriation (with P86.8 Billion for
• Legislative authorization
! ! !
debt service) and P155.3 Billion appropriated The so-called pork barrel system has been
under RA 6831, otherwise known as the around in the Philippines since about 1922. Pork
General Approriations Act, or a total of P233.5 Barrel is commonly known as the lump-sum,
Billion, while the appropriations for the DECS discretionary funds of the members of the
amount to P27,017,813,000.00. Congress. It underwent several legal
designations from “Congressional Pork Barrel” to
The said automatic appropriation for debt the latest “Priority Development Assistance
service is authorized by PD No. 18, entitled “ Fund” or PDAF. The allocation for the pork
Amending Certain Provisions of Republic Act barrel is integrated in the annual General
Numbered Four Thousand Eight Hundred Sixty, Appropriations Act (GAA).
as Amended (Re: Foreign Borrowing Act), “by Since 2011, the allocation of the PDAF has been
PD No. 1177, entitled “Revising the Budget done in the following manner:
Process in Order to Institutionalize the a. P70 million: for each member of the lower
Budgetary Innovations of the New Society,” and house; broken down to – P40 million for “hard
by PD No.1967, entitled “An Act Strengthening projects” (infrastructure projects like roads,
the Guarantee and Payment Positions of the buildings, schools, etc.), and P30 million for “soft
Republic of the Philippines on its Contingent projects” (scholarship grants, medical
Liabilities Arising out of Relent and Guaranteed assistance, livelihood programs, IT development,
Loans by Appropriating Funds For The etc.);
Purpose.” b. P200 million: for each senator; broken down
to – P100 million for hard projects, P100 million
The petitioners were questioning the for soft projects;
constitutionality of the automatic appropriation c. P200 million: for the Vice-President; broken
for debt service, it being higher than the budget down to – P100 million for hard projects, P100
for education, therefore it is against Section million for soft projects.
5(5), Article XIV of the Constitution which The PDAF articles in the GAA do provide for
mandates to “assign the highest budgetary realignment of funds whereby certain cabinet
priority to education.” members may request for the realignment of
funds into their department provided that the
ISSUE: request for realignment is approved or concurred
by the legislator concerned.
Whether or not the automatic appropriation for Presidential Pork Barrel
debt service is unconstitutional; it being higher The president does have his own source of fund
than the budget for education. albeit not included in the GAA. The so-called
presidential pork barrel comes from two sources:
HELD: (a) the Malampaya Funds, from the Malampaya
Gas Project – this has been around since 1976,
No. While it is true that under Section 5(5), and (b) the Presidential Social Fund which is
Article XIV of the Constitution Congress is derived from the earnings of PAGCOR – this has
mandated to “assign the highest budgetary been around since about 1983.
priority to education,” it does not thereby follow Pork Barrel Scam Controversy
that the hands of Congress are so hamstrung as Ever since, the pork barrel system has been
to deprive it the power to respond to the besieged by allegations of corruption. In July
imperatives of the national interest and for the 2013, six whistle blowers, headed by Benhur
attainment of other state policies or objectives. Luy, exposed that for the last decade, the
corruption in the pork barrel system had been
Congress is certainly not without any power, facilitated by Janet Lim Napoles. Napoles had
guided only by its good judgment, to provide an been helping lawmakers in funneling their pork
appropriation, that can reasonably service our barrel funds into about 20 bogus NGO’s (non-
enormous debt…It is not only a matter of honor government organizations) which would make it
and to protect the credit standing of the country. appear that government funds are being used in
More especially, the very survival of our legit existing projects but are in fact going to
economy is at stake. Thus, if in the process “ghost” projects. An audit was then conducted by
Congress appropriated an amount for debt the Commission on Audit and the results thereof
service bigger than the share allocated to concurred with the exposes of Luy et al.
education, the Court finds and so holds that said Motivated by the foregoing, Greco Belgica and
appropriation cannot be thereby assailed as several others, filed various petitions before the
unconstitutional Supreme Court questioning the constitutionality
of the pork barrel system.
I. Whether or not the congressional pork barrel
BELGICA VS EXECUTIVE SECRETARY system is constitutional.
II. Whether or not presidential pork barrel system
is constitutional.
This case is consolidated with G.R. No. 208493 I. No, the congressional pork barrel system is
and G.R. No. 209251. unconstitutional. It is unconstitutional because it


! ! !
violates the following principles: president veto the appropriation made by the
a. Separation of Powers legislator if the appropriation is made after the
As a rule, the budgeting power lies in Congress. approval of the GAA – again, “Congress cannot
It regulates the release of funds (power of the choose a mode of budgeting which effectively
purse). The executive, on the other hand, renders the constitutionally-given power of the
implements the laws – this includes the GAA to President useless.”
which the PDAF is a part of. Only the executive d. Local Autonomy
may implement the law but under the pork barrel As a rule, the local governments have the power
system, what’s happening was that, after to manage their local affairs. Through their Local
the GAA, itself a law, was enacted, the Development Councils (LDCs), the LGUs can
legislators themselves dictate as to which develop their own programs and policies
projects their PDAF funds should be allocated to concerning their localities. But with the PDAF,
– a clear act of implementing the law they particularly on the part of the members of the
enacted – a violation of the principle of house of representatives, what’s happening is
separation of powers. (Note in the older case of that a congressman can either bypass or
PHILCONSA vs Enriquez, it was ruled that pork duplicate a project by the LDC and later on claim
barrel, then called as CDF or the Countrywide it as his own. This is an instance where the
Development Fund, was constitutional insofar as national government (note, a congressman is a
the legislators only recommend where their pork national officer) meddles with the affairs of the
barrel funds go). local government – and this is contrary to the
This is also highlighted by the fact that in State policy embodied in the Constitution on
realigning the PDAF, the executive will still have local autonomy. It’s good if that’s all that is
to get the concurrence of the legislator happening under the pork barrel system but
concerned. worse, the PDAF becomes more of a personal
b. Non-delegability of Legislative Power fund on the part of legislators.
As a rule, the Constitution vests legislative II. Yes, the presidential pork barrel is valid.
power in Congress alone. (The Constitution does The main issue raised by Belgica et al against
grant the people legislative power but only the presidential pork barrel is that it is
insofar as the processes of referendum and unconstitutional because it violates Section 29
initiative are concerned). That being, legislative (1), Article VI of the Constitution which provides:
power cannot be delegated by Congress for it No money shall be paid out of the Treasury
cannot delegate further that which was except in pursuance of an appropriation made
delegated to it by the Constitution. by law.
Exceptions to the rule are:
(i) delegated legislative power to local Belgica et al emphasized that the presidential
government units but this shall involve purely pork comes from the earnings of the Malampaya
local matters; and PAGCOR and not from any appropriation
(ii) authority of the President to, by law, exercise from a particular legislation.
powers necessary and proper to carry out a The Supreme Court disagrees as it ruled that PD
declared national policy in times of war or other 910, which created the Malampaya Fund, as well
national emergency, or fix within specified limits, as PD 1869 (as amended by PD 1993), which
and subject to such limitations and restrictions amended PAGCOR’s charter, provided for the
as Congress may impose, tariff rates, import and appropriation, to wit:
export quotas, tonnage and wharfage dues, and (i) PD 910: Section 8 thereof provides that all
other duties or imposts within the framework of fees, among others, collected from certain
the national development program of the energy-related ventures shall form part of a
Government. special fund (the Malampaya Fund) which shall
In this case, the PDAF articles which allow the be used to further finance energy resource
individual legislator to identify the projects to development and for other purposes which the
which his PDAF money should go to is a President may direct;
violation of the rule on non-delegability of (ii) PD 1869, as amended: Section 12 thereof
legislative power. The power to appropriate provides that a part of PAGCOR’s earnings shall
funds is solely lodged in Congress (in the two be allocated to a General Fund (the Presidential
houses comprising it) collectively and not lodged Social Fund) which shall be used in government
in the individual members. Further, nowhere in infrastructure projects.
the exceptions does it state that the Congress These are sufficient laws which met the
can delegate the power to the individual member requirement of Section 29, Article VI of the
of Congress. Constitution. The appropriation contemplated
c. Principle of Checks and Balances therein does not have to be a particular
One feature in the principle of checks and appropriation as it can be a general
balances is the power of the president to veto appropriation as in the case of PD 910 and PD
items in the GAA which he may deem to be 1869.
inappropriate. But this power is already being
undermined because of the fact that once the
GAA is approved, the legislator can now identify
the project to which he will appropriate his
PDAF. Under such system, how can the


! ! !
ARAULLO VS AQUINO I. Whether or not the DAP violates the principle
“no money shall be paid out of the Treasury
When President Benigno Aquino III took office, except in pursuance of an appropriation made
his administration noticed the sluggish growth of by law” (Sec. 29(1), Art. VI, Constitution).
the economy. The World Bank advised that the II. Whether or not the DAP realignments can be
economy needed a stimulus plan. Budget considered as impoundments by the executive.
Secretary Florencio “Butch” Abad then came up III. Whether or not the DAP
with a program called the Disbursement realignments/transfers are constitutional.
Acceleration Program (DAP). IV. Whether or not the sourcing of
The DAP was seen as a remedy to speed up unprogrammed funds to the DAP is
the funding of government projects. DAP constitutional.
enables the Executive to realign funds from slow V. Whether or not the Doctrine of Operative Fact
moving projects to priority projects instead of is applicable.
waiting for next year’s appropriation. So what HELD:
happens under the DAP was that if a certain I. No, the DAP did not violate Section 29(1), Art.
government project is being undertaken slowly VI of the Constitution. DAP was merely a
by a certain executive agency, the funds allotted program by the Executive and is not a fund nor
therefor will be withdrawn by the Executive. is it an appropriation. It is a program for
Once withdrawn, these funds are declared as prioritizing government spending. As such, it did
“savings” by the Executive and said funds will not violate the Constitutional provision cited in
then be reallotted to other priority projects. The Section 29(1), Art. VI of the Constitution. In DAP
DAP program did work to stimulate the economy no additional funds were withdrawn from the
as economic growth was in fact reported and Treasury otherwise, an appropriation made by
portion of such growth was attributed to the DAP law would have been required. Funds, which
(as noted by the Supreme Court). were already appropriated for by the GAA, were
Other sources of the DAP include the merely being realigned via the DAP.
unprogrammed funds from the General II. No, there is no executive impoundment in the
Appropriations Act (GAA). Unprogrammed funds DAP. Impoundment of funds refers to the
are standby appropriations made by Congress President’s power to refuse to spend
in the GAA. appropriations or to retain or deduct
Meanwhile, in September 2013, Senator appropriations for whatever reason.
Jinggoy Estrada made an exposé claiming that Impoundment is actually prohibited by the GAA
he, and other Senators, received Php50M from unless there will be an unmanageable national
the President as an incentive for voting in favor government budget deficit (which did not
of the impeachment of then Chief Justice happen). Nevertheless, there’s no
Renato Corona. Secretary Abad claimed that impoundment in the case at bar because what’s
the money was taken from the DAP but was involved in the DAP was the transfer of funds.
disbursed upon the request of the Senators. III. No, the transfers made through the DAP
This apparently opened a can of worms as it were unconstitutional. It is true that the
turns out that the DAP does not only realign President (and even the heads of the other
funds within the Executive. It turns out that branches of the government) are allowed by the
some non-Executive projects were also funded; Constitution to make realignment of funds,
to name a few: Php1.5B for the CPLA however, such transfer or realignment should
(Cordillera People’s Liberation Army), Php1.8B only be made “within their respective offices”.
for the MNLF (Moro National Liberation Front), Thus, no cross-border transfers/augmentations
P700M for the Quezon Province, P50-P100M may be allowed. But under the DAP, this was
for certain Senators each, P10B for Relocation violated because funds appropriated by the
Projects, etc. GAA for the Executive were being transferred to
This prompted Maria Carolina Araullo, the Legislative and other non-Executive
Chairperson of the Bagong Alyansang agencies.
Makabayan, and several other concerned Further, transfers “within their respective offices”
citizens to file various petitions with the also contemplate realignment of funds to an
Supreme Court questioning the validity of the existing project in the GAA. Under the DAP,
DAP. Among their contentions was: even though some projects were within the
DAP is unconstitutional because it violates the Executive, these projects are non-existent
constitutional rule which provides that “no insofar as the GAA is concerned because no
money shall be paid out of the Treasury except funds were appropriated to them in the GAA.
in pursuance of an appropriation made by law.” Although some of these projects may be
Secretary Abad argued that the DAP is based legitimate, they are still non-existent under the
on certain laws particularly the GAA (savings GAA because they were not provided for by the
and augmentation provisions thereof), Sec. GAA. As such, transfer to such projects is
25(5), Art. VI of the Constitution (power of the unconstitutional and is without legal basis.
President to augment), Secs. 38 and 49 of On the issue of what are “savings”
Executive Order 292 (power of the President to These DAP transfers are not “savings” contrary
suspend expenditures and authority to use to what was being declared by the Executive.
savings, respectively). Under the definition of “savings” in the GAA,
Issues: savings only occur, among other instances,


! ! !
when there is an excess in the funding of a o Public. Power to tax should be exercised only for a
certain project once it is completed, finally public purpose
discontinued, or finally abandoned. The GAA
does not refer to “savings” as funds withdrawn o Uniform and Equitable.
from a slow moving project. Thus, since the
statutory definition of savings was not complied Operates with the same force and effect in
with under the DAP, there is no basis at all for every place where the subject of it is found
the transfers. Further, savings should only be
declared at the end of the fiscal year. But under
Does not prohibit classification for the
the DAP, funds are already being withdrawn
purpose o taxation
from certain projects in the middle of the year
and then being declared as “savings” by the
Executive particularly by the DBM. Requirements for valid classification: Based
IV. No. Unprogrammed funds from the GAA on substantial distinctions which make real
cannot be used as money source for the DAP differences
because under the law, such funds may only be
used if there is a certification from the National Germane to the purpose of law
Treasurer to the effect that the revenue
collections have exceeded the revenue targets. Applies to present and future conditions
In this case, no such certification was secured substantially identical to those of the present
before unprogrammed funds were used.
V. Yes. The Doctrine of Operative Fact, which Applies equally to those who belong to the
recognizes the legal effects of an act prior to it same class
being declared as unconstitutional by the
Supreme Court, is applicable. The DAP has o Progressivity.
definitely helped stimulate the economy. It has
funded numerous projects. If the Executive is The rate increases as the tax base
ordered to reverse all actions under the DAP, increases
then it may cause more harm than good. The
DAP effects can no longer be undone. The
Tax burden is based on the taxpayers’
beneficiaries of the DAP cannot be asked to
capacity to pay
return what they received especially so that they
relied on the validity of the DAP. However, the
Doctrine of Operative Fact may not be Suitedtothesocialconditionsofthepeople
applicable to the authors, implementers, and
proponents of the DAP if it is so found in the Reflects aim of the Convention that
appropriate tribunals (civil, criminal, or legislature following social justice command
administrative) that they have not acted in good should use taxation as an instrument for more
faith. equitable distribution of wealth

o Constitutional Tax Exemptions:

Taxation (Sec 28, Art VI) Nature
Religious, charitable, educational institutions
o Sec 28 is an enumeration of the limits on the inherent and their properties
and otherwise unlimited power
All revenues and assets of NON-STOCK
Purpose NON- PROFIT EDUCATIONAL institutions are
exempt from taxes and duties PROVIDED that
o Pay debts and provide for the common defense and such revenues and assets are actually, directly
general warfare and exclusively used for educational purposes (
sec. 4 (3) Art XIV).
o Raise revenue
Grants, endowments, donations or
contributions used actually, directly and
o Instrument of national and social policy
exclusively for educational purposes shall be
exempt from tax, subject to conditions
o Instrument for extermination of undesirable acts and prescribed by law (sec. 4 (4) Art XIV).
o Special Funds Special Funds
o Tool for regulation o Money collected on a tax levied for a special
purpose shall be treated as a special fund and
o Imposition of tariffs designed to encourage and protect paid out for such purpose only.
locally produced goods against competition for imports. oOnce the special purpose is fulfilled or abandoned,
any balance shall be transferred to the general
Limitations funds of the Government


! ! !
TOLENTINO VS SEC OF FINANCE used for charity patients and that the major
thrust of its hospital operation is to serve charity
Tolentino et al is questioning the constitutionality patients. The claim for exemption was denied,
of RA 7716 otherwise known as the Expanded prompting a petition for the reversal of the
Value Added Tax (EVAT) Law. Tolentino resolution of the City Assessor with the Local
averred that this revenue bill did not exclusively Board of Assessment Appeals of Quezon City,
originate from the House of Representatives as which denied the same. On appeal, the Central
required by Section 24, Article 6 of the Board of Assessment Appeals of Quezon City
Constitution. Even though RA 7716 originated affirmed the local board’s decision, finding that
as HB 11197 and that it passed the 3 readings Lung Center of the Philippines is not a
in the HoR, the same did not complete the 3 charitable institution and that its properties were
readings in Senate for after the 1st reading it not actually, directly and exclusively used for
was referred to the Senate Ways & Means charitable purposes. Hence, the present petition
Committee thereafter Senate passed its own for review with averments that the Lung Center
version known as Senate Bill 1630. Tolentino of the Philippines is a charitable institution under
averred that what Senate could have done is Section 28(3), Article VI of the Constitution,
amend HB 11197 by striking out its text and notwithstanding that it accepts paying patients
substituting it w/ the text of SB 1630 in that way and rents out portions of the hospital building to
“the bill remains a House Bill and the Senate private individuals and enterprises.
version just becomes the text (only the text) of
the HB”. Tolentino and co-petitioner Roco Issue: Is the Lung Center of the Philippines a
[however] even signed the said Senate Bill. charitable institution within the context of the
ISSUE: Whether or not EVAT originated in the Constitution, and therefore, exempt from real
HoR. property tax?
HELD: By a 9-6 vote, the SC rejected the
challenge, holding that such consolidation was Held: The Lung Center of the Philippines is a
consistent with the power of the Senate to charitable institution. To determine whether an
propose or concur with amendments to the enterprise is a charitable institution or not, the
version originated in the HoR. What the elements which should be considered include
Constitution simply means, according to the 9 the statute creating the enterprise, its corporate
justices, is that the initiative must come from the purposes, its constitution and by-laws, the
HoR. Note also that there were several methods of administration, the nature of the
instances before where Senate passed its own actual work performed, that character of the
version rather than having the HoR version as services rendered, the indefiniteness of the
far as revenue and other such bills are beneficiaries and the use and occupation of the
concerned. This practice of amendment by properties.
substitution has always been accepted. The
proposition of Tolentino concerns a mere matter However, under the Constitution, in order to be
of form. There is no showing that it would make entitled to exemption from real property tax,
a significant difference if Senate were to adopt there must be clear and unequivocal proof that
his over what has been done. (1) it is a charitable institution and (2)its real
properties are ACTUALLY, DIRECTLY and
EXCLUSIVELY used for charitable purposes.
While portions of the hospital are used for
treatment of patients and the dispensation of
LUNG CENTER VS QC medical services to them, whether paying or
non-paying, other portions thereof are being
Facts: Lung Center of the Philippines is a non- leased to private individuals and enterprises.
stock and non-profit entity established by virtue
of PD No. 1823. It is the registered owner of the Exclusive is defined as possessed and enjoyed
land on which the Lung Center of the Philippines to the exclusion of others, debarred from
Hospital is erected. A big space in the ground participation or enjoyment. If real property is
floor of the hospital is being leased to private used for one or more commercial purposes, it is
parties, for canteen and small store spaces, and not exclusively used for the exempted purposes
to medical or professional practitioners who use but is subject to taxation.
the same as their private clinics. Also, a big
portion on the right side of the hospital is being
leased for commercial purposes to a private
enterprise known as the Elliptical Orchids and

When the City Assessor of Quezon City On 27 November 1990, Cory issued Executive
assessed both its land and hospital building for Order 438 which imposed, in addition to any
real property taxes, the Lung Center of the other duties, taxes and charges imposed by law
Philippines filed a claim for exemption on its on all articles imported into the Philippines, an
averment that it is a charitable institution with a additional duty of 5% ad valorem. This
minimum of 60% of its hospital beds exclusively additional duty was imposed across the board


! ! !
on all imported articles, including crude oil and when Fabian tried to terminate their relationship,
other oil products imported into the Philippines. Agustin refused and resisted her attempts to do
In 1991, EO 443 increased the additional duty to so to the extent of employing acts of
9%. In the same year, EO 475 was passed harassment, intimidation and threats. She
reinstating the previous 5% duty except that eventually filed the aforementioned
crude oil and other oil products continued to be administrative case against him. A case ensued
taxed at 9%. Garcia, a representative from which eventually led an appeal to the
Bataan, avers that EO 475 and 478 are Ombudsman – who inhibited himself – later the
unconstitutional for they violate Sec 24 of Art 6 case led to the deputy Ombudsman. The deputy
of the Constitution which provides: ” All ruled in favor of Agustin and he said the
appropriation, revenue or tariff bills, bills decision is final and executory. Fabian appealed
authorizing increase of the public debt, bills of the case to the SC. She averred that Section 27
local application, and private bills shall originate of Republic Act No. 6770 (Ombudsman Act of
exclusively in the House of Representatives, but 1989)1 [Effective November 17, 1989.]
the Senate may propose or concur with pertinently provides that -In all administrative
amendments.” He contends that since the diciplinary cases, orders, directives or decisions
Constitution vests the authority to enact revenue of the Office of the Ombudsman may be
bills in Congress, the President may not assume appealed to the Supreme Court by filing a
such power of issuing Executive Orders Nos. petition for certiorari within ten (10) days from
475 and 478 which are in the nature of revenue- receipt of the written notice of the order,
generating measures. directive or decision or denial of the motion for
ISSUE: Whether or not EO 475 and 478 are reconsideration in accordance with Rule 45 of
constitutional. the Rules of Court.
HELD: Under Section 24, Article VI of the ISSUE: Whether or not sec 27 of the
Constitution, the enactment of appropriation, Ombudsman Act is valid.
revenue and tariff bills, like all other bills is, of HELD: Taking all the foregoing circumstances in
course, within the province of the Legislative their true legal roles and effects, therefore,
rather than the Executive Department. It does Section 27 of Republic Act No. 6770 cannot
not follow, however, that therefore Executive validly authorize an appeal to this Court from
Orders Nos. 475 and 478, assuming they may decisions of the Office of the Ombudsman in
be characterized as revenue measures, are administrative disciplinary cases. It
prohibited to the President, that they must be consequently violates the proscription in Section
enacted instead by the Congress of the 30, Article VI of the Constitution against a law
Philippines. Section 28(2) of Article VI of the which increases the Appellate jurisdiction of this
Constitution provides as follows: “(2) The Court. No countervailing argument has been
Congress may, by law, authorize the President cogently presented to justify such disregard of
to fix within specified limits, and subject to such the constitutional prohibition. That constitutional
limitations and restrictions as it may impose, provision was intended to give this Court a
tariff rates, import and export quotas, tonnage measure of control over cases placed under its
and wharfage dues, and other duties or imposts appellate Jurisdiction. Otherwise, the
within the framework of the national indiscriminate enactment of legislation enlarging
development program of the Government.” its appellate jurisdiction would unnecessarily
There is thus explicit constitutional permission to burden the Court.
Congress to authorize the President “subject to
such limitations and restrictions as [Congress]
may impose” to fix “within specific limits” “tariff
rates . . . and other duties or imposts . . . .”



Fabian was the major stockholder and president

of PROMAT Construction Development
Corporation (PROMAT) which was engaged in
the construction business w/ Agustin. Agustin
was the incumbent District Engineering District
(FMED) when he allegedly committed the
offenses for which he was administratively !
charged in the Office in the office of the
Ombudsman. Misunderstanding and unpleasant
incidents developed between the parties and


! ! !

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