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Doctor :Intan

Nurse L : Lutfia

Nurse I : Intan

New Nurse F :Fatoni

New Nurse K : Krisna

Recepcionist : Nadila

Patient :Nadila

Suka Asih Hospital

Suka Asih Hospital is an old hospital with a shortage of nurses. There are
repairs in Hallway A and the toilets that are there so that it disturbs the
peace of patients and passers-by. Doctor Intan went to the receptionist to ask
about the progress of the repairs (Fatoni)

Doctor : Excuse me Mrs Nadila

Receptionist : Yes, Doctor Intan, can I help you?

Doctor : The repairs should have been completed last week, why hasn't it
been finished yet?

Receptionist : Sorry, Doctor Literally I don’t know

Doctor : I have heard the sound of drills for more than a week and there
have been many reports from the patient's family who are disturbed
by this repair. Look, this is the reason why no one comes to work
as a new nurse here. Hospital is chaotic, there are continuous
repairments and lazy receptionists. Please finish this fix right away,
I don't want to receive any more reports

Receptionist : Ok doctor
Doctor : Actually, what needs to be renovated from Hallway A and the
toilet there, miss?

Receptionist : I heard that the toilet will be changed to a water closet so that it
will be easier for users, both patients and visitors. Also later will be
added a sink in it. If Hallway A I hear that later there will be added
handles on each wall to help patients walk around or therapy,
especially elderly patients, doctors

Doctor : Oh . I see, okay then, please ask again when it will be finished,
because if it takes too long the patient will be uncomfortable.

Receptionist : Ok doctor

Doctor : I go to first miss, thank you

Receptionist : yes doc, you’re welcome

Towards noon in the main lobby a young nurse came to interview job
applications (lutfia)

New nurse F : Excuse me ma’am

Receptionist : Yes, is there anything I can help you with?

New nurse F : I am Fatoni's nurse. I came for an interview applying for a job at
this hospital.

Receptionist : Oh OK, you can wait for the interview at around 10.00am
because there is still surgery that takes a long time, you can wait in
the lobby, okay!

New nurse F : Ok, thanks for the information

The receptionist calls the new nurse and directs the new nurse to the HRD
room, the new nurse asks where the HRD room is, the receptionist shows the
HRD room but the nurse still doesn't know which HRD room is intended,
then the receptionist takes the new nurse to the HRD room. (lutfia)
Receptionist : Excuse me sir, please, you can go directly to the HRD room for
the interview.

New nurse F : I'm sorry in advance, Ma’am, where is the HRD room?

Receptionist : HRD room is next to the head nurse's office. You can walk from
here to the right then go straight and turn left. The HRD room is in
the hallway to the right of the head of the nurse's office.

New nurse F : sorry ma’am, I feel confused to find the HRD room, are you
willing to take me to the HRD room?

Receptionist: ok sir, please follow me, I will take you to the HRD room.

The receptionist escorted the new nurse to the HRD room, while on the way
the receptionist explained the rooms around the area that was passed. (Intan)

Receptionist : On the right side is the general practitioner's office, beside that is
the pediatrician's room. On the left is a children's play area.

New Nurse F : Hm… I see

Receptionist : Let's turn right, here is the hospital manager's room, HRD room,
and toilets too. You have arrived, sir, this is the HRD room! You
can come in and meet the HRD head for an interview.

New Nurse F : ok mom thank you

Receptionist : okay you're welcome, I'm back in the lobby

After the interview was completed, the new nurse returned to the main lobby
to wait for the results of the interview that had been conducted. In the main
lobby, a new nurse F accidentally meets a friend during her lectures. (Intan)

New nurse F : Excuse me, you're Lutfia, aren't you?

Nurse L : yes, you are Fatoni, right? What are you doing here? Don't tell me
you came to apply for a job here

New nurse F : Yes, I came to apply for a job here and now we are in the
interview stage at this hospital.
Nurse L : How was your interview? Is it running smoothly?

New nurse F : Thank God it went well.

Nurse L : Wow, congratulations, I hope you can be accepted in this hospital

New nurse F : Thank you for the prayers

Nurse L : While waiting for the results, are you hungry? would you like to
go around with me?

New nurse F : Yes, are you not busy ?

Nurse L : No, I'm resting. Let's go around

The nurse took the new nurse around the hospital and showed her several
rooms. (nadila)

Nurse L : In this area there is a Rose Hall, in this Rose Hall there are
several treatment rooms, namely Rose Room 1, Rose 2, Rose 3 and
Rose 4. In each room, this rose can be filled by several patients.

New nurse K : Then how about the toilet?

Nurse L : For the toilet in each rose room, but there is also a toilet outside,
which is to the left of the stairs.

New nurse K : Is there a VIP room here?

Nurse L : For VIP rooms, there are on the 3rd and 4th floors, for each
hallway on the 3rd and 4th floors there are 2 to 3 VIP rooms.

New nurse K : Isn't there a doctor's room on that floor?

Nurse L : Yes, but only a special doctor's room that serves VIP patients.
There is also a receptionist.

New nurse K : Oh… I see. Then for hallway B to where?

Nurse L : This hallway will lead to a flower garden for patients to exercise

New nurse K : Where is the canteen?

Nurse L : if the canteen is in hallway D, you will pass the park first, then
turn right, go straight a bit and you will arrive at the canteen area.

New nurse K : Where is the emergency room located? I haven't seen it since.

Nurse L : Oh! The ER must be in front near the main entrance. If you don't
see it you enter the second gate.

New nurse K : Ah. I see…… In a moment it seems I received a call.

Nurse L : Yes, then pick it up immediately.

New nurse K : Okai, I'll pick it up, excuse me

The nurse just received a call from the receptionist, who said that she was
accepted to work at the Suka Asih hospital, and was placed in the general
patient care unit. The new nurse immediately informed the nurse of this
happy news. (nadila)

New nurse K : Alhamdulillah…. I just got the good news that I was accepted
into this hospital

Nurse I : Alhamdulillah…. Congratulations. Where will you be?

New nurse K : Said he would be placed in the general patient care unit.

Nurse I : Wow, we are in the same room, let me show you the room that
you will occupy later.

New nurse K : Wow really? it's nice to have best friends.

The nurse I escorts the new nurse K to see the room that will be used for
work. However, on the way, the two nurses accidentally met someone who
asked where the room was for taking x-rays (krisna)

Patient : Excuse me sir, sorry to disturb

Nurse I : Yes ma'am, is there anything I can help you ?

Patient : This is ma'am, I will do an x-ray, but I don't know the place.
Where do I have to go?
Nurse I : Oh! X-ray photo room, for the photo room, you can walk straight
and then turn left, go a little straight you will pass the T-junction,
when the T-junction you can turn right and later you will see the
Radiology Room signboard.

Patient : So ma’am, will I be able to find the bathroom before going to the
radiology room?

Nurse I : There are mothers, there are several toilets that you will meet
later, which are next to the nurse's room, then there are beside the
Edelwis 5 treatment room and also near the mother's stairs

Patient : Alhamdulillah, if like that, if you doesn't busy, can you

accompany me to the radiology room?

Nurse I : Ok ma’am, I will take you to the radiology room.

Patient : Thank you very much ma’am. It's not a waste your time right?

Nurse I : No ma’am, I will also go to the nurse's room to take my work


Patient : Alright ma’am, thank you

Nurse I : You are welcome, let's ma’am you can follow me.

Finally, the new nurse and nurse took the patient to the radiology room. But
previously the nurse showed the nurse's room which was in hallway C which
would be passed to the radiology room. (krisna)

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