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Business Partner Configuration

In SAP S/4HANA, the business partner has become the leading object and the single
point of entry to maintain supplier (formerly known as vendor) and customer master
data. This approach makes master data maintenance easier and achieves harmonization
among the various business functions of a company.

Create Account Group (OBD3):

vendor account group to creating and assigning a number range to this new vendor
account group are covered
In SAP implementation, commonly, separate vendor account groups are created for
foreign/import vendors, local vendors, and service vendors.
A vendor account group is a way of grouping vendors with the same number range and
the same attributes entered. The account group is defined to allow certain fields to be
seen and maintained on the vendor master.

SPRO->SAP Reference IMG->Financial Accounting->Accounts Receivable

and Payable->Vendor Accounts->Master Data->Preparation of creating
vendor master data->Define account groups with screen layout (vendors)
Create Number Range for Account Group (XKN1):
SPRO->SAP Reference IMG->Financial Accounting->Accounts Receivable
and Payable->Vendor Accounts->Master Data->Preparation of creating
vendor master data->Create number ranges for vendor accounts

Assign Number Range to account groups (OBAS):

SPRO->SAP Reference IMG->Financial Accounting->Accounts Receivable
and Payable->Vendor Accounts->Master Data->Preparation of creating
vendor master data->Assign Number range to vendor account groups

Define Business Partner Number Range:

SPRO->SAP Reference IMG->Cross Application Components->SAP
Business Partner->Business Partner->Basic Settings->Number Ranges and
Groupings->Define number ranges

Assign Business Partner Number range to Grouping:

SPRO->SAP Reference IMG->Cross Application Components->SAP
Business Partner->Business Partner->Basic Settings->Number Ranges and
Groupings->Define Groupings and assign number ranges
Link Grouping and Account Group:
SPRO->SAP Reference IMG->Cross Application Components->Master Data
Synchronization->Custom/Vendor integration->Business Partner
Settings->Settings for vendor integration->Field assignment for vendor
integration->Assign Keys->Define number assignment for direction BP to

Created BP
BP: 4100001000 Vendor: 666

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