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MBA07190 B 01/12/2021


Prof. M. Pachayappan


1. I have submitted faculty feedback 30 minutes prior to appearing in the End-Term Exam.
2. any other sources.

Signature of the Student


Hence we can see that in Scenario A the total idle time is 60 sec while in Scenario B total idle
time is 45 sec.
The Bottleneck process has been marked in red color



2.2) As from the above table we can see that even though the total no of late jobs is more in
EDD method, it has min total tardiness so we should go with the EDD method.
In EDD method the job sequencing (In increasing order of due dates) will be:
Ans3) Forecasting technique consists of 2 categories, Qualitative and Quantitative. Quantitative
method consists of using the historical data like past sales or revenue generated to forecast the
demand. In Qualitative method expert knowledge is required to forecast demand. In the given
case, the company is launching a new product in the market which doesn’t have any past data
like sales, revenue or demand so the company will have to go with Qualitative method. Here
they can use various techniques like Market research, historical Analogy (The past sales of
similar products are used to forecast the sales of new product), Panel Consensus (Here a group
of experts are brought together to get a better prediction) or a Delphi technique (It is a
framework-based method where multiple rounds are conducted in which a set of questionaries
is sent to a panel of experts. After the last round, results are declared and the summary is
represented and each expert is given choice to change their answers according to the group
response. The final results are then considered to be what the group really thinks.)

Ans4.1) In case of sports equipment manufacturer, it would be wiser to focus on core products
and customers. Since during the pandemic, the demand for sports equipment will not be very
high especially outdoor sports equipment so instead of trying to keep everything in the stock,
the manufactures should focus on the most in-demand items. For example, they can cut back
SKUs for equipment related to Cricket, Football and Basketball and focus on the games which
require at most two people to play like Tennis or Badminton equipment since people will try to
maintain minimum contact with other people during the pandemic so the demand for sports
equipment of the games with more people will decrease.
One fascinating thing that the sports equipment sector can do in these times is to try out new
revolutionary concepts, which it does in regular circumstances but with limited to no success.
One such innovative concept that can be derived from the past is to turn old zumba or
Pilates/other exercise classes into an online exercise secession supported by interactive trainers’
engagement for leading such self-health maintaining programme using technology such as
google meet or zoom, where each participant works in his own gym but is engaged in instructed
led programme through online medium. Customers' desire or necessity, as well as a credible
expansion to the primary product, are both met at the same time.

Ans 4.2) In terms of how must prediction methods should evolve, the onus for such change in
the sports equipment business and other industries is closely tied to the current pandemic
condition as well as the future position that industries find themselves in. In other words,
changes in forecasting methods demonstrate how adaptable an organization's operations are
for meeting or forecasting customer demand. In this context, the forecast method should
include the following major characteristics, which allow it to be more responsive to business in
such difficult and changing circumstances:

1. The forecast approach should be flexible enough to allow for more data points to be analysed
in the event of a pandemic-like situation.

2. The forecasting methods or systems used should be upgradable to the next level in terms of
technology and new invention or idea, so that they can keep up with the times.
3.The forecast approach should be focused on new data points and reasons for change that
produce business volatility and throw unexpected surprises that are difficult to understand right
away, increasing the risk element in day-to-day operations. Customers' demand for sport
equipment, for example, is changing, and new research suggests that customers desire products
that are simple to use and install at home.

4. Given the different data that a business collects or provides, a single prediction approach for
all challenges may not be the answer. As a result, any forecasting system used should be flexible
enough to deal with a variety of forecasting approaches while maintaining consistency in
business demand forecasting. A synthesis of business forecasting data that defines how a
company and its constituents should act in key moments.

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