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MGT1003 Principles of Management

Practical Assessment
Group Assignment
25% of the total grade

Students will be asked to participate in one leadership activity, Leadership Pizza, based on a self-
assessment framework. Students will identify the skills, attributes and attitudes they find essential for
effective leadership and then assess their development in these areas.

Next, students assess their own managerial skills and preferences, will identify a management style that
suits them based on their skills, attributes and attitudes. At the end of the activity, participants are
invited to share their experiences through an oral reflection.

In groups of 4 or 5, students will first make a self-assessment to first identify what skills, attributes and
attitudes they find important for effective leadership, and then assess their own development and
initiate goal setting to reach mastery of these skills.

Step 1. Define Leadership Skills (20 minutes)

As a group, prepare your own set of important leadership skills and attributes, and draw a pizza shape
and label the slices with the items they listed. Example dimensions for a Leadership Pizza:
 Integrity  Innovation
 Vision & Inspire  Time Management
 Lead by example  Problem solving
 Emotional intelligence  Creativity
 Listening skills  Decision making
 Ethics  Situational awareness
 Motivation skills  Empathy
 Delegation  Value & Acknowledge People
 Flexibility  Passion & Purpose
 Goal setting  Self-awareness
 Honesty  Self-efficiency
 Trust  Prioritization
Figure 1. Leadership Pizza Example

Step 2. Share your work (5 minutes presentation per group)

Share your drawings as a group and explain which labels have they chosen. Explain why you choose
certain decisions and identify common patterns in the group's perception of a good leader.

Step 3. Self-Assessment (10 minutes)

Each participant should assess themselves on a scale of 1 to 10 for each slice. (10 is the edge if the slice,
1 is the core of the pizza). Present the work as a visual spider diagram.

Figure 2. Self-Assessment Reporting Example

This self-assessment serves as a baseline for setting up own personal goals for leadership development.
The areas where they find them weaker should receive more focus in their future development.
Step 4. Compare scores in a group and prepare a reflection (10 minutes + 5 minutes presentation per
Compare each participant’s scores and identify areas where most students have strengths and
weaknesses. Prepare to share this reflection with the class.

Step 5. Debrief
Short summary discussion facilitated by the instructor.

Students will be assessed based on the oral presentation and the supporting notes (the pizza template).
Groups are expected to submit the template (5% of the grade), and the presentations will be recorded
(20% of the grade).

Students will present the Leadership Pizza as a group (Step 2). A

The grading is based on the completeness of the argumentation, critical thinking, ability to respond to
questions and different viewpoints, as well as participation in the conversation. Oral Presentation rubric.

%ag Acceptable (1.5 - Point

Elements Exemplary (3 - 4) Unacceptable (0 - 1)
e 2.5) s
Clear opening
statement, presenting An opening No opening
issue and organization statement that states statement, or opening
statement 10%  
for speech, to key issue and remarks that do not
with purpose
imaginative – catches speech organization state the issue
audience’s interest
Clear organization
Mostly organized, Loses focus 3 or
reinforced by media.
Organization 10% but loses focus once more times during  
Stays focused
or twice presentation
Does not meet
Fulfills assignment.
Research goes beyond assignment
Content: Current. Uses
minimum requirements, is not
currency & 10% appropriate sources  
requirements. Strong current, nor objective.
relevance and is objective.
analysis Does not use
Reasonable analysis
appropriate analysis
Readable, Sloppy and/or
professional, Readable, unprofessional. May
Quality of
10% imaginative and/or of professional, be difficult to read.  
high quality (without appropriate number Many slides are
being a distraction) superfluous
Precise conclusion, Irrelevant conclusion,
Quality of conclusion, semi
10% well organized, give disorganized, no  
conclusion organized, few
good recommendation recommendation
Voice 10% Speaking Average in choosing Speaking  
quality, pace appropriately, clear words, volume and inappropriately, weak
and sharp voice, rate voice, too slow
normal volume, rate
and quality
Excellent use of Moderate use of Poor utilization of
Mannerisms 10% hands, arms, body, hands, arms, body, hands, arms, body,  
and eye contact and eye contact and eye contact
Just reading slides
Delivery of effectively and Average in
10% more than  
contents explain more than just explaining
reading slides
Time is not
Time is
appropriately used.
Appropriate length of appropriately used,
Too long or too short;
Time 10% presentation. Time is but may run slightly  
or more minutes
appropriately used over or under
above or below the
allotted time
allotted time
Answers 80% or Unable to answer
Ability to Handles all questions
more of questions, 25% or more of
answer 10% with relevant, correct  
but does not expand questions with correct
questions information
on answers information
        Total points 0.00
        MAX POINTS 100
% ACHIEVED (total points divided by max points)

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