Case Study

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Case study

Table of Contents

Case Study.......................................................................................................................................2


Background Information..................................................................................................................2

Separation in etiology..................................................................................................................3

A highly kinetic Family...............................................................................................................4

Case Conceptualization and evaluation...........................................................................................5

Diagnosis and Treatment.................................................................................................................6

Short term treatment.....................................................................................................................6

Long term Treatment...................................................................................................................6

EBBP treatment and its type for medication................................................................................7

Cong native Approach.................................................................................................................7

Proposed Solution............................................................................................................................8

Case Study

Title: A case related to 13 years of Old girls which is suffering from depression and as well as



The following case study is based upon the 13 years old girl who is suffering from the depression

and stuttering. The main cause of this depression is emotional disturbance while the dissiliency

of the depression is based upon the child hood experiences. The particular girl get dispersed at

the age of three from her mother. The clinical practice determine the concerned problem it also

have an according in order to complete the stuttering. Due to the emotional background and the

fictional feature the concept of stuttering illustrate the psychotherapy impact.

Background Information

The depression can effect different people to the different ages in the different forms. It can be

associated to the young people, or as well as adults. School aged children has been observed as

the most targeted person in order to get depression. The depression between the school going

students is the most serious problem because it is sometimes unnoticeable. Some of the most

common hints are anxiety, irritated, hopelessness and all such parameters. The assessment is

based upon the psychological aggression and it’s acknowledge a highly serious problem. In all

type of children and as well adolescents the depression commonly leads towards suicide. In the

following case 13 years old girls is always treated with the harsh word and as well as negligence

in the society which tremendously leads towards many psychological issues. (Association, 2013)

Sigmund suggested that the depression most of the time involves different type of the care

giving’s which are associated with the development delays and as well as the depression

associated with the unresponsiveness. Moreover according to the John Bowlby theory the human

infant has been secured only the means of tremendous relationship and the adult caregivers

which has a special association with the normal, social and as well as emotional development.

The concept of parental behavior also tend to leads towards the individual later relationships.

(Christensen, 2014)

Separation in etiology

Sara klaniczay has been observed that the mothers report determine about the stator and from

among 39 out of 80 children are separated before the onset of stuttering. There is also observed a

high percentage of the cases which has a lengthy separation from the mother proceeded

development of the disorder. It is also possible that the child might go on the holidays in to the

hospital with all the mother and the mother have to leave the home in such situation. Gertrude

also determined that the speech of elephant is based upon the successful parameter if only the

relationship between the mother and child is highly uninterrupted. second the absence of the

circulation in association with the production of prices along the parameters of speech

development. It is also associated with the young children baby a best description of the year

which has immediate access in order to contact with the mother and investing longer and

ongoing closer to her.

Peter remind about the extensive parameters of struggling with the defensive reaction upon the

trauma. Margeret also determine about the symbiotic fusion which conflict out in order to

separate the stuttering’s. In the early stages of the diagnostics process the emotional problems are

considered as the most serious problems. In the early case she was much moody and as well as
sad or shy. At that time she lost the interest in the school and she starts thinking I order to

commit the suicide. When the interview was conducted with her it was observed that the Grand

period called him as the granddaughter stuttering. While mother have to become with her son to

the first appointment. The girl was enough and think that she was not seems happy. She was an

average mum and have a brown hair and brown eyes and with a smiling face. When the teacher

complaints about her daughter behavior has highly prominent in the school parameters. She

admits that she is often moody and sad.

A highly kinetic Family

In order to determine the hierarchy of the family the ostrich to draw the family action in such a

way that they provide highly informative segments. This type of family drawings this basically

many fish about the togetherness of the family for example in this instance that the family

member have to act together in order to express their solidarity feelings. Secondly the kinetic

family the mother watches of the dishes in the upper corner with it reminds about the respective

duties. While the father at that end was digging garden and the two brother watches of the TV.

The tow brother were separately watching up TV in their own room and there is no collaboration

and association between the different members of the family. The following family structure and

as well as their respective activities are illustrated in the following below image:


In the following image we can see that every individual has their own activity and no one is

considering to link with each other to demonstrate their respective activities.

Case Conceptualization and evaluation

One of the most demographic information that has been collected during the clinical interview

session is that the analysis of the diagnosis criteria is based upon the client symptoms and the

confirmation is determined by the narcissistic personality disorder. The thirteenth year girl has a

concerned with the past behavior which has been described by the personality disorder. The

personality counselor it has been developed that this is the case of conceptualization in which the

diagnostic impression has been described by the client concerns and the goals are associated with

the case conceptualization in order to better the understanding of clinical explanation and the

behavior of the person.

Diagnosis and Treatment

The treatment in the following case is based upon the two terms listed below:

1- Short terms treatment

2- Long term treatment

Short term treatment

 The short-term treatment is based upon the verbalize in understanding of the benefits

which are associated with the living of the laws and rules. In this case the girl will teach

with the client on the basis of the relationship such a slight trust and treat everyone with

the respect and kindness.

 The second point that is associated with the girl is that she must have to admit the illegal

and highly unethical behavior that she has been trampled over the laws of the right and

feelings of the others. In this case she has to explore the history of the client and

determine the behavior of the comfort which attempts for the minimization protection of

the blame and Daniel.

 The three actions that will be respectively perform in order to encounter the act of

kindness are to worship thoughtfulness. In this case the therapist will assist the client in

such a way that the three actions will be performed by the services of kindness.

Long term Treatment

 In the long-term treatment it will be based upon the highly sensitive and healthy

environment with respect to the social norms, needs of the honesty and rights of the


 They must have to accept responsibility of the on and keep the behavior which is highly

acceptable in the limits and rules of the society.

 They must have to achieve all over the decreased pressure which has been driven with the


 They have to develop social and as well as recreational activities in the routine and

regular part of your life.

 All alleviate must have a sense of urgency, angle and as well as the self-destructive


EBBP treatment and its type for medication

The following disorder has been described by deliberating and hand to treat conditions. In the

interpersonal relationship it has been brutally distracted by the social and occupational

parameters which are quite difficult for the individual in order to encounter the disorder which

are fulfilling the appreciate lifestyle and their desires. Research also suggests that the effective

treatment of the narcissism encompasses the aggressive present which is associated with the

client and cell definition is associated with the observance of the problem.

Cong native Approach

The cognitive behavioral therapy is used in order to assist client in order to organize the negative

and distorted thoughts which replace the positive ones. Cognitive behavior therapy basically

integrity therapy top with the awareness of the harmful and in a dialogue with repeatedly have a

huge effect upon the behaviors. They also acknowledge the therapist by the client and

substituting their routine with the healthy ones.

Proposed Solution

In this case the proposed solution is medication and have a proper counseling. In this case there

is not particular medicine that is used to treat the disorder. The symptoms of anxiety depression

and other conditions can be produced by using medication such as like anti-depressant, any type

of the anti-anxiety drug which can be accommodated the physical condition. Moreover the

medication can be used as a treatment of disorder in the case when there are co-occurring mental

disorders. The co-occurring mental disorders such as like depression and basic compulsion are

treated most of the time by the process of medication.


Association, A. P. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th

Ed). Washington DC: American Psychiatric Association.

Christensen, J. F. (2014). Behavioral medicine a guide for clinical practice. New York: Mc

Graw-Hill Education.

Jongsma, A. E. (2006). The complete adult psychotherapy treatment planner. New Jersy: John

Wiley and Sons, Inc.

Jongsma, A. E. (2014). The adult psychotherapy progress notes planner. New Jersy: Wiley.

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