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Date: _____________________

Places and Buildings Student’s details

IELTS Vocabulary Full name ________________
IELTS Class _______

1. Building materials
Timber gỗ
Stone đá
Steel thép
Glass kính
Concrete bê tông
Mould (v), (n) Khuôn, đổ khuôn
Reinforced concrete Bê tông cốt thép
Example: Reinforced concrete is the perfect material for constructing large
structures such as tower blocks and bridges.
Marble Đá hoa, đá có vân
2. Types of buildings
Skyscraper a very tall building (tòa nhà cao chọc trời)
Low-rise apartment căn hộ có ít tầng
High-rise apartment căn hộ cao tầng
Multi-storey car park bãi đậu xe nhiều tầng
Ruin a building reduced to a state of decay and collapse (tàn tích)
Warehouse nhà kho (lớn). Example: There is a real trend for converting old
warehouses into fashionable apartments.
Office block a building made up of many different offices, often of different
companies. Example: Many old buildings in the city are being demolished
to make way for smart new office blocks.
Heritage things, such as buildings and traditions, that are important to a nation’s
history (di sản). Example: Some people complain that large historic houses
cost a lot to maintain but they are part of our heritage and should be
Detached house nhà ở riêng lẻ
Semi–detached house nhà liền kề (1 nửa, vì sát với 1 căn hộ kế bên)
Terraced house dãy nhà liền kề
Mansion dinh thự
Cottage an old-fashioned small house (nhà pjong cách đồng quê)
Bungalow is a small house or cottage that is either single-storey or has a second
storey built into a sloping roof. (kiểu nhà thường chỉ có 1 hoặc 2 tầng, nhỏ
và có hiên rộng)
Castle lâu đài.

1 Ms Anh Nguyen – Archimedes school (0815088826)

Palace cung điện
Shopping centre/mall trung tâm mua sắm
Landmark Địa điểm nổi tiếng. The Eiffel Tower is probably the best-loved landmark
in Paris.
Public building a building owned by the state or local government and used by the public,
e.g. townhall, library, museum, leisure centre
3. Parts of a building
Porch hiên
Façade the front of a building (mặt tiền)
Balcony ban công
Cellar hầm rượu
Roof mái nhà
Pillar cột đình
Attic tầng gác mái
Staircase cầu thang
Basement tầng hầm
Exterior the outside of something
Interior the inside of something (nội thất)
Dome a rounded roof. Example: The dome of the Hagia Sophia in Istanbul is one
of the most recognisable domes in the world.
4. Aesthetic perception
Well-designed (a) thiết kế đẹp
An eyesore (n) a building that is not attractive.
Elegant (a) trang nhã
Controversial (a) something that people either love or hate (gây tranh cãi)
Pleasing geometric forms có những họa tiết hình học bắt mắt
Stunning (a) extremely impressive or attractive
Eye-catching (a) very attractive or noticeable (bắt mắt)
Iconic (a) mang tính biểu tượng cao. Example: The Sydney Opera House is
Australia’s most iconic building.
State-of-the-art (a) incorporating the newest ideas and features (hiện đại)
Groundbreaking = tân tiến, nhiều cải tiến mới
innovative (a)
Spacious (a) rộng rãi, thoáng
5. Architectural style
Modernist typically characterized by simple designs in glass, steel and reinforced
concrete and no ornamentation.
Post-modern an eclectic, colourful style of architecture and the decorative arts (hậu
hiện đại)
2 Ms Anh Nguyen – Archimedes school (0815088826)
Standardized (a) được tiêu chuẩn hóa
Traditional (a) theo kiểu truyền thống
International style phong cách quốc tế
Art deco characterised by simple, clean shapes, usually with a ‘streamlined’ look
and decoration that is geometric or stylised forms of plants, animals and
High tech is a style that incorporates elements of high-tech industry and technology
into building design.
Futuristic extremely modern and unusual in appearance, as if belonging to a future
Gothic characterised by large expanses of glass, clustered columns, sharply
pointed spires, intricate sculptures and pointed arche
Classical characteristic of the architecture of ancient Greece and Rome.
6. Features
hong kong skyline green
building in asia
Practical (a) có tính ứng dụng cao.
Multi-functional (a) nhiều chức năng
High tech (a) công nghệ cao
Energy-efficient (a) tiết kiệm năng lượng. Example: These days, one of the most important
considerations in building design and the choice of building materials is
energy efficiency.
Eco-friendly not harmful to the environment. (thân thiện với môi trường). Example:
Installing solar panels (tấm chắn hấp thu năng lượng mặt trời) to cut down
on the use of fossil fuels is one of the best ways to make your home eco-
7. Other expressions
Plan (v) lên kế hoạch (xây dựng)
Preserve (v) to keep looking the same (gìn giữ, bảo tồn)
Renovate (v) cải tạo lại
Demolish (v) phá hủy
Refurbish (v) = tân trang lại
Derelict (a) bỏ hoang
Rundown (a) xuống cấp
Construct (v) = build
Design (v) thiết kế
Modernise (v) hiện đại hóa
Mass-produced (a) sản xuất/xây dựng đại trà

3 Ms Anh Nguyen – Archimedes school (0815088826)

Standardized (a) được tiêu chuẩn hóa.
Past its heyday no longer at the peak of popularity or success (đã qua thời kỳ đỉnh cao)
Fall into disrepair to be in a damaged state (xuống cấp). Example: The cinema used to be a beautiful
building but has become a bit of an eyesore since it fell into disrepair.
Planning formal permission from a local authority for the erection or alteration of a
permission building. Example: It’s very difficult to get planning permission to make alterations
to a historic building.

4 Ms Anh Nguyen – Archimedes school (0815088826)

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