Cisco Intersight Cloud Orchestrator At-a-Glance

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At a glance

Cisco public

Cisco Intersight Cloud


Simplify orchestration and provide a consistent, Benefits

cloud-like experience across your hybrid environment • Bring your public cloud and on-
premises resources together with a
Organizations are racing to digitize their operations to stay competitive. They are adopting a solution that extends orchestration
cloud-first approach, yet they still need to maintain and optimize their existing investments while across any infrastructure and
delivering enterprise-grade scale and resilience. But in this distributed, always-on world filled with workload and integrates with
constantly changing elements – applications, workloads, infrastructure, platforms, tools, locations, the tools of your choice
teams – the complexity is raised beyond human scale.
• Save time and streamline automation
This makes it hard for infrastructure and operations teams to better manage their environment, with a user-friendly GUI-based
balance risk, and accelerate the delivery of services that their internal customers are asking for. designer that makes it easy to create
And it is not just about doing things faster, but also about providing a cloud-like experience: from and execute complex workflows
development teams and line-of-business stakeholders demanding quick access to resources, to without being a coding expert
other IT teams that look after specific domains in the environment.
• Standardize your deployment
Automation is the only way to go, but one-off solutions created to solve domain-specific needs process with self-service delivery
just won’t cut it any more in this new world. In order to scale and deliver at the speed of the and boost productivity with a
business, IT teams need a more thoughtful and systematic approach – one that enables them to selection of validated blueprints
easily design and build workflows that match their customers’ speed and expectations but do not
compromise on control. • Reduce risks by enforcing
policy using rules for what can
This is where Cisco Intersight™ Cloud Orchestrator (ICO) comes in. A powerful automation tool that be orchestrated and who can
enables IT operations teams not just to move at the speed of the business and standardize while access workflows and tasks
reducing risk across all domains but also to provide a consistent cloud-like experience for users.

© 2021 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

At a glance
Cisco public

Cisco Intersight Cloud Orchestrator The ICO workflow designer provides:

easy-to-use low-code workflow designer • Low/no-code workflow creation with a modern, drag-and-drop user
experience with control flow support. The workflow designer includes
policy-based, built-in tasks for Cisco UCS®, virtualization, and other Cisco®
devices. A Software Development Kit (SDK) enables Cisco technology
partners to build their own ICO tasks to develop custom solutions.*
• Rollback capabilities to selectively undo a workflow’s tasks in the event
of failure, or to deprovision infrastructure, which when done manually can
often take longer and be more error prone than straight provisioning.
• Extensibility with a task designer that expands the functionality of currently
supported targets or can be used to create new ones. ICO currently
supports Web API with more integration options to come.

With Cisco Intersight Cloud Orchestrator you can truly evolve your
automation strategy to provide consistent experience across on-premises
resources and public clouds.
* ICO currently supports tasks for Pure Storage and Hitachi, with NetApp and deeper
VMware and additional integrations coming soon.

How it works
Cisco Intersight Cloud Orchestrator simplifies orchestration and automation
For more information
for infrastructure and workloads across hybrid cloud by providing an Cisco Intersight Cloud Orchestrator comes with the Cisco Intersight
easy-to-use workflow designer. Based on a library of curated, multi-domain Premier license. For more information, see Cisco Intersight Licensing Tiers.
tasks (custom or provided by Cisco), it enables users to create workflows,
quickly and easily, without being coding experts! This enables quick and For more information about Cisco Intersight,
easy automation and deployment of any infrastructure resource, from see: com/go/Intersight.
servers, to VMs and the network, taking away some of the complexity of
operating your hybrid IT environment.

© 2021 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco and the Cisco logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Cisco and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and other countries. To view a list of Cisco trademarks, go to this URL:
trademarks. Third-party trademarks mentioned are the property of their respective owners. The use of the word partner does not imply a partnership relationship between Cisco and any other company. (1110R) C45-2456938-00  06/21

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