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FISHERIES SCIENCE 2002; 68: 465–477

Effect of different photoperiod cycles on metabolic rate

and energy loss of both fed and unfed young tilapia
Oreochromis niloticus: Part I
Amal Kumar BISWAS, Masato ENDO AND Toshio TAKEUCHI*

Department of Aquatic Biosciences, Tokyo University of Fisheries, Minato,

Tokyo 108-8477, Japan

ABSTRACT: The influence of different photoperiod cycles (3L : 3D, 6L : 6D, 12L : 12D, and
24L : 24D) on the metabolic rate and energy loss of either fed or unfed young tilapia Oreochromis
niloticus (bodyweight 8.6–9.5 g) was investigated at 28∞C. A computer-operated respirometer with a
closed tank was used to prevent water from evaporating into the air or condensing from the air. The
photoperiods acted as strong Zeitgeber (i.e., cue or synchronizer) during the experiments with either
fed or unfed fish. A photoperiod-mediated metabolic cycle was demonstrated in fed and unfed fish
in which oxygen consumption was higher during the light phase compared with during the dark phase
for all photoperiods. Mean oxygen consumption during the 3L : 3D, 6L : 6D, 12L : 12D, and 24L : 24D
periods for fed and unfed fish were 685.06 mg/kg per h and 299.33 mg/kg per h; 658.52 mg/kg per h
and 284.80 mg/kg per h; 591.09 mg/kg per h and 249.62 mg/kg per h; and 500.64 mg/kg per h and
239.14 mg/kg per h, respectively. The highest post-prandial increase in energy loss was recorded
during the 3L : 3D period (145.88 kJ/kg per day), followed by 141.19 kJ/kg per day during the 6L : 6D,
128.70 kJ/kg per day during the 12L : 12D, and 99.92 kJ/kg per day during the 24L : 24D periods. The
results suggest that higher energy conservation would be achieved if fish are exposed to longer rather
than shorter photoperiod cycles.

KEY WORDS: energy loss, Oreochromis niloticus, oxygen consumption, photoperiod,


INTRODUCTION been adopted by a number of investigators.10,11

They have investigated the effects of different
One of the main reasons for the wide distribu- feeding levels on the magnitude of the post-
tion of Oreochromis niloticus around the world, prandial increase in oxygen consumption during a
mostly in tropical and subtropical regions, is its natural photoperiod.
ability to tolerate large variations in environmen- The metabolic rate in fishes, as measured by
tal factors.1,2 A number of investigators have mea- oxygen consumption, can be influenced by a large
sured the metabolic rates of different species of number of internal and external factors.12 Temper-
tilapia. Routine metabolic rates have been mea- ature and size,5,13–15 various types of pollution,16
sured by Ross and McKinney,3 Caulton,4,5 Mishrigi season,17 and activity18 have been examined in
and Kubo,6 and Ross and Ross;7 and the metabolic some detail. Some investigators have reported a
requirements of feeding fish have been docu- varying metabolic rate that is linked to daily pho-
mented by a number of investigators also.8,9 To toperiod,14,19 and it may be influenced by longer-
study the post-prandial increase in oxygen con- term changes in photoperiod.20 Among the various
sumption by teleosts, a quantitative approach has environmental factors, photoperiod is one of the
main artificial Zeitgebers (i.e. cue or synchronizer)
*Corresponding author: Tel/Fax: 81-3-5463-0545. Email: that may influence the daily rhythm of fish. In fishes, light has various effects on circadian varia-
Received 11 May 2001. Accepted 31 October 2001. tion in some physiological activities.21–23
466 FISHERIES SCIENCE AK Biswas et al.

Little research has been conducted on the influ- Physical parameters of the system
ence of different photoperiod regimens on the
metabolic rate and energy loss of either fed or Culture tank
unfed O. niloticus. To date, all of the studies that
have been undertaken have used either a natural A 55-L, airtight, cylindrical culture tank (Toyo Engi-
photoperiod (i.e. 12L : 12D), or a longer light phase neering Corp.) was used. It was made of acrylic
and shorter dark phase or vice versa. Any variation resin and measured 400 mm in diameter and was
from the 24-h light/dark cycle may influence the 500 mm deep. A feeding port and temperature
adaptation of the endogenous rhythm to the exter- sensor was located on the upper side of the tank.
nal cycle.24 Therefore, it would seem quite likely Circulated water entered the tank from the upper
that the adaptation of the endogenous rhythm side and moved out by a pipe located at the base of
to an external cycle might influence the physiolo- the tank.
gical processes, including those related to animal
growth rate. Thus, if one animal lives through
Settling tank
many more cycles than another, but in the same
timespan, it may use energy differentially and
The cylindrical settling tank (Toyo Engineering
grow at a different speed. However, the higher
Corp.) was also made of acrylic resin but measured
post-prandial increase in metabolic rate or energy
130 mm in diameter and was 350 mm depth,
loss doesn’t always act to reduce the ‘scope for
having a water volume of 3.5 L. The circular move-
activity’. It may also resemble an inescapable ‘cost
ment of water permitted the heavy solid particles
of growth’. The present paper is one of a series on
to settle directly onto the bottom of the tank. A
the influence of different photoperiod regimens on
wool filter was placed on the upper side of the tank
the growth of O. niloticus, as determined using an
to reduce particulate materials in the system.
energetic model, and describes the effect of differ-
ent photoperiod regimens on the metabolic rate
and energy loss of fed and unfed young tilapia. Biofilter and coral sand tank

The biofilter and coral sand tank were also both

MATERIALS AND METHODS cylindrical, acrylic resin tubes, holding water
volumes of 5.5 L and 1.5 L, respectively. The biofil-
It is common practice in a flow-through respirom- ter, containing porous sintered glass beads/siporax
eter to measure dissolved oxygen (DO) levels (Schott, Tokyo, Japan), was used for nitrification of
before and after the respirometer chamber,3,5,25,26 ammonia produced by the fish. The coral sand
which requires the use of at least two polaro- tank, containing coral sand and filter wool, stabi-
graphic electrodes and much servicing and cali- lized the system’s pH. The biofilter and coral sand
bration by attendants. The closed recirculatory tank both reduced particulate materials in the
system that was used in the present experiment system and helped to prevent levels of metabolites
provided controlled environmental conditions from becoming too high.
that varied little during the entire experiment.
The study was conducted using a closed-fish rear-
Water supply system (pump)
ing tank (SAS-2; Toyo Engineering Corp., Chiba,
Japan), which is constructed to establish a Closed
A 100 V–38 W water supply pump (model MD
Ecological Recirculating Aquaculture System
15FX-N; Iwaki Co. Ltd, Tokyo, Japan) was used to
(CERAS).27 This closed system was used to prevent
circulate the water. The magnetic impeller of the
water from evaporating into the air or condensing
pump was able to maintain the flow rate at
from the air. The system consisted of a 55-L closed
1–5 L/min through its OD 16 ¥ ID 12 mm silicon
tank with sensors (two sensors for DO and one
rubber tubing supply line.
for both pH and temperature), a settling tank,
two filters (a biofilter and a coral filter), a circula-
tory pump, a CO2–O2 exchange unit, and a heater. O2–CO2 Exchange unit (oxygenator)
Various components (e.g. settling tank, filters,
CO2–O2 exchange unit, etc.) provide controlled The oxygenator is a cylindrical, hollow fiber mem-
environmental conditions that maintain some brane module (model KMF 011 HZS; Mitsubishi
chemical components within ranges that are Rayon Co. Ltd, Tokyo, Japan) measuring 70 mm in
tolerable to fish.27 A schematic diagram of the diameter, 220 mm in length and 2.4 m2 in mem-
closed-fish rearing tank and water flow is shown in brane area. Gas exchange was achieved by the
Fig. 1. continuous introduction of air through the O2–CO2
Oxygen consumption and energy loss in young tilapia: I FISHERIES SCIENCE 467

Feeding computer

tank Rearing tank
55 L Data sending
28°C Water flow

[DO( PiO2) & pH]

Sensor tank
DO(P0O2) 3.5 L
(Temperature control) Coral sand tank
(pH control)

CO2/O2 exchange unit 1.5 L

5.5 L
Air flow

Fig. 1 Diagram of the fish-rearing closed tank. Arrow indicates the direction of water flow.

exchange unit. This unit helped to keep dissolved to control the pressure and to compensate the
oxygen near the saturation level. water volume.

Heating system
Different periods of light and dark were controlled
A 100 V–300 W inline heater (Aqua Co. Ltd, Tokyo, by an automatic timer (F5S Time Switch; Omron
Japan) was installed in the water flow line to main- Corp., Kyoto, Japan) switch connected to a
tain the system’s water temperature within ± 0.2∞C. 100 V–20 W fluorescent tube (inverter). It changed
gradually at 30 min intervals to achieve the light
and dark phases.
Buffer tank
Sensors (dissolved oxygen, pH, and temperature)
A 1.2-L buffer tank (Nalgene Corp., Tokyo, Japan)
was connected to the base pipe of the culture tank The DO of water was automatically measured by a
468 FISHERIES SCIENCE AK Biswas et al.

DO sensor (GV-BRM5; Iijima Electronics Corp., oxygen consumption between the various fish
Tokyo, Japan) and was converted to a proportional groups were compared. The feeding schedule and
voltage using a digital DO meter (model MC-7W-S; various parameter types used during the different
Iijima Electronics Corp.) with appropriate circuitry. photoperiod cycles are given in Fig. 2 and Table 1,
The pH was automatically measured by a pH meter respectively.
suspended in the water flow path and was con- At the end of each experiment, data were
verted into a proportional voltage using a digital collected from the computer and reprocessed.
pH meter (model MC-7P; Iijima Electronics Corp.). Energy expenditure was calculated using an indi-
In the same way, temperature was automatically rect calorimetry method; that is, it was calculated
read by a resistance thermometer (class B, 2 mA) by converting the daily oxygen consumed to
and was converted into a proportional voltage energy, using the oxycalorific coefficient of
using a digital temperature indicator (Fenwal Con- 13.68 J/mg O24 for unfed tilapia and 14.85 J/mg O2
trols of Japan Ltd, Tokyo, Japan) with appropriate for fed tilapia,28 because the respiratory quotient
circuitry. for unfed and fed fish is different.28
Similarly, flow rate and time were converted
to a proportional voltage. The voltage outputs
from these sensors were stored automatically in a
computer. Statistical analysis
During operation, the water flowed from the
O2–CO2 exchange unit to the fish-rearing closed anova was performed to identify any differences in
tank, through the first DO sensor and pH sensor to oxygen consumption between the duplicate exper-
the settling tank, through the second sensor for DO iments and among the various treatments. Data
to the biofilter, to the coral sand tank, to the pump, were then subjected to Tukey’s test with a 95%
and back around the loop. significance level to compare the means when
differences occurred.

Measurement of oxygen consumption

Genetically pure O. niloticus of Ibaraki strain were RESULTS

used for various photoperiod combinations. To
empty their alimentary canals, all tested individu- Oxygen consumption in fed fish
als were starved for 48 h before the experiment was
commenced. The fish were then anesthetized High oxygen consumption during both the light
with 100 p.p.m. 4-ethylaminobenzoate (Wako Pure and dark phases was observed in the shorter pho-
Chemical Industries Ltd, Osaka, Japan) and toperiod cycles (e.g. 3L : 3D and 6L : 6D) compared
weighed before placing them in the closed tank. with the longer photoperiod cycles (12L : 12D and
The fish were allowed to acclimate to the system’s 24L : 24D) (Fig. 3). Furthermore, differences in
environment for approximately 24 h before the oxygen consumption were observed between the
experiment was commenced. The system’s opera- light and dark phases and vice versa (Fig. 4). In the
tion was checked as described earlier, and the fish fed fish experiments, there was no significant dif-
were then monitored over a 5-day feeding period. ference among the 3L : 3D, 6L : 6D and 12L : 12D
Fish were fed a commercial diet (crude protein photoperiods (P > 0.05); however, the 3L : 3D and
50.7%, crude lipid 9.3%; Nippon Formula MFG Co. 6L : 6D photoperiods showed a significant differ-
Ltd, Yokohama, Japan) at a level of 3% bodyweight, ence in oxygen consumption compared with the
four times a day during the light phase of all exper- 24L : 24D photoperiod (P < 0.05) during the light
imental photoperiods, with the exception of the phase. During the dark phase, the 3L : 3D photope-
24L : 24D experiment, during which the fish were riod showed a significant difference with the
fed on alternate days. Two replicates of each 12L : 12D and 24L : 24D photoperiods. The dark
photoperiod experiment was carried out. Approxi- phases of the 6L : 6D and 12L : 12D photoperiods
mately 20 fish (average bodyweight 8.6 g) were also showed a significant difference compared with
stocked in each tank to measure the metabolic rate the 24L : 24D photoperiod (Fig. 3). Figure 5 shows
in fed small fish. For the unfed state, 30 fish the cyclic metabolic rhythm in which the peaks of
(average bodyweight 9.5 g) were starved for 6 days, metabolic activity coincide with daylight and the
except for the 24L : 24D experiment, during troughs coincide with darkness for all photoperi-
which the starvation duration was only 5 days. ods. The amplitude of the cycles was higher for
Four types of photoperiods (i.e. 3L : 3D, 6L : 6D, long photoperiod cycles than for short photope-
12L : 12D, and 24L : 24D) were studied and the riod cycles (Fig. 5).
Oxygen consumption and energy loss in young tilapia: I FISHERIES SCIENCE 469


0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36 39 42 45 48


6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48


Fig. 2 Feeding schedule 0 12 24 36 48

during different photoperiod
cycles. Arrow indicates the time 24L:24D
of feeding and the black bar
shows the dark phase of the
photoperiod. 0 24 48

Table 1 Rearing conditions of fed (n = 40) and unfed (n = 60) Oreochromis niloticus during the experiment
Feeding experiment Unfed experiment
Parameters 3L : 3D 6L : 6D 12L : 12D 24L : 24D 3L : 3D 6L : 6D 12L : 12D 24L : 24D
No. fish 40 40 40 40 60 60 60 60
Duration 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 5
Average 8.56 ± 0.96 8.56 ± 0.91 8.54 ± 0.82 8.56 ± 0.86 9.50 ± 1.07 9.52 ± 1.12 9.50 ± 0.98 9.51 ± 1.02
Feeding 3 3 3 3 – – – –
(% bodyweight)
Water flow 3.84 ± 0.07 3.79 ± 0.09 3.80 ± 0.08 3.77 ± 0.07 3.90 ± 0.11 3.78 ± 0.10 3.79 ± 0.10 3.82 ± 0.11
Temperature 27.8 ± 0.09 27.9 ± 0.09 27.9 ± 0.08 27.9 ± 0.07 27.9 ± 0.07 27.9 ± 0.08 27.9 ± 0.09 27.9 ± 0.08
pH† 7.39 ± 0.08 7.40 ± 0.09 7.42 ± 0.12 7.37 ± 0.06 7.41 ± 0.10 7.39 ± 0.06 7.40 ± 0.10 7.42 ± 0.08

*Values are mean ± SD.

Mean ± SD (n = 20).

Oxygen consumption in unfed fish all photoperiods. The shorter photoperiod cycles
showed higher routine oxygen consumption
Data for fishes subjected to various photoperiod (referred to as oxygen consumption at resting or
cycles were pooled and averaged into 1-h blocks. unfed state) than the longer photoperiod cycles
The reprocessed data is shown in Fig. 6. Although (Fig. 3). In contrast, a higher difference in oxygen
the fish were starved throughout the experiment in consumption was observed between the light and
order to evaluate oxygen consumption of tilapia in dark phases of the longer photoperiod cycles than
an unfed state, their metabolic cycles were main- of the shorter photoperiod cycles (Fig. 4). In this
tained until the end of each photoperiod cycle experiment the 3L : 3D photoperiod was signifi-
without any apparent decrement (Fig. 6). The less cantly different to the 12L : 12D and 24L : 24D
apparent rhythmicity of the 3L : 3D and 6L : 6D periods during both the light and dark phases
photoperiods compared with the 12L : 12D and (P < 0.05).
24L : 24D photoperiods might be due to the shorter When fish were exposed to a continuous light
light/dark phase cycle of the former photoperiods. phase, the metabolic rhythm remained cyclic over
The peaks of metabolic activity coincide with day- the entire period (Fig. 6). The peaks and troughs of
light and the troughs coincide with darkness for the plotted data continued to correspond closely
470 FISHERIES SCIENCE AK Biswas et al.

(a) routine metabolic rate for all photoperiod cycles,
800 can be made. An example of the procedure used to
700 estimate biomass change is given:
Number of fish = 30
Period of starvation = 6 days
Oxygen consumption (mg/kg per h)

400 AB
Photoperiod cycle = 3L : 3D
200 Mean actual loss in biomass of group
(n = 30) = 732 mg
3L : 3D 6L : 6D 12L : 12D 24L : 24D Average weight of group during starvation = 9.50 g
Average condition factor (CF) of group during
(b) starvation = 2.96
Total metabolic energy requirement for this group
of fish in the 3L : 3D photoperiod over a period
250 of 6 days = Average weight of group ¥ oxygen con-
200 sumed in 3L : 3D photoperiod ¥ oxy-energy coeffi-
150 cient ¥ 6 days
X XY YZ Z = 9.50 g ¥ 7.18 (mg/g per day) ¥ 13.68 (J/mg O2) ¥ 6
50 = 5602 J.
0 The ratio of energy utilized by a fish with a CF of
3L : 3D 6L : 6D 12L : 12D 24L : 24D 2.96 has been estimated as 3.2 fat units to 1 protein
Photoperiods unit;4 or 76.19% of the energy would be derived
from fat, whereas 23.81% would be derived from
Fig. 3 Oxygen consumption in: (a) fed; and (b) unfed protein. Thus, 4268 J would be derived from fat
Oreochromis niloticus during the () light and () dark metabolism and 1334 J from protein. Because the
phases during applied photoperiods. Values given are energy content of fat is 39.54 kJ/g and protein is
the mean ± SD (fed n = 40; unfed n = 60). Bars show
23.64 kJ/g,29 then the mass of fat needed to give
oxygen consumption during the light and dark phases,
whereby those sharing the same letters are not signifi- 4268 J would be 108 mg and the mass of protein
cantly different (P > 0.05). needed would be 56 mg. Thus, the total mass
requirement of 5602 J would be 164 mg. This esti-
mated organic biomass loss must be added to the
corresponding water loss component, which for a
fish with a CF of 2.96 can be estimated as 3.5 units
Oxygen consumption (mg/kg per h)

120 of water for every unit of tissue.4 Hence, for a loss

100 of 164 mg of fat and protein, an estimated equiva-
80 lent loss of water would be 574 mg, giving a total
60 biomass loss of 738 mg. This theoretical value is in
agreement with the mean actual loss of 732 mg.
Following the same procedure, comparisons were
made for the 6L : 6D, 12L : 12D, and 24L : 24D pho-
0 toperiod experiments, and these results are tabu-
3L : 3D 6L : 6D 12L : 12D 24L : 24D
lated in Table 2.

Fig. 4 Differences in oxygen consumption between the

light and dark phases for fed ( , oxygen consumed Post-prandial metabolic rate and energy loss
during dark phase is deducted from that consumed
during the light phase) and unfed ( , same as for fed The increased rate of oxygen consumption
fish) fish. induced by feeding appears to be approximately
double that of the ‘routine/standard metabolic
rate’ for all photoperiod cycles tested. The
highest increase was observed for the 12L : 12D
with the photoperiod cycle to which the fish had photoperiod (2.37 times), followed by the 6L : 6D
been acclimated. The rhythmicity and amplitude photoperiod (2.31 times), the 3L : 3D photoperiod
of variation was suppressed when fish were (2.29 times), and the 24L : 24D photoperiod
exposed to continuous darkness (Fig. 6). (2.09 times). However, the mean increase (amount
Comparisons between changes in biomass, as of oxygen consumed by unfed fish deducted from
measured using fish starved for 6 days, and a the- amount of oxygen consumed by fed fish) of oxygen
oretical biomass change, as calculated using the consumption caused by feeding showed higher
Oxygen consumption and energy loss in young tilapia: I FISHERIES SCIENCE 471

3L : 3D


Oxygen consumption (mg/kg per h)




0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36 39 42 45 48 51 54 57 60 63 66 69 72 75 78 81 84 87 90 93 96 99 102 105 108 111 114 117 120

6L : 6D




0 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 78 84 90 96 102 108 114 120

Time (h)

12L : 12D


Oxygen consumption (mg/kg per h)


0 12 24 36 48 60 72 84 96 108 120

24L : 24D




0 24 48 72 96 120

Time (h)

Fig. 5 (a) Variation in oxygen consumption of fed Oreochromis niloticus during photoperiods 3L : 3D and 6L : 6D. (b)
Variation in oxygen consumption of fed O. niloticus during photoperiods 12L : 12D and 24L : 24D. Black bar at the
bottom of the figure indicates the dark phase of the photoperiod cycles. () Respiration during the light phase of the
photoperiod; () respiration during the dark phase of the photoperiod. Circles and triangles indicate duplicate data.
472 FISHERIES SCIENCE AK Biswas et al.

3L : 3D


Oxygen consumption (mg/kg per h)



0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36 39 42 45 48 51 54 57 60 63 66 69 72 75 78 81 84 87 90 93 96 99 102 105 108 111 114 117 120 123 126 129 132 135 138 141 144

6L : 6D





0 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 78 84 90 96 102 108 114 120 126 132 138 144
Time (h)

12L : 12D


Oxygen consumption (mg/kg per h)


0 12 24 36 48 60 72 84 96 108 120 132 144

24L : 24D




0 24 48 72 96 120
Time (h)

Fig. 6 (a) Variation in oxygen consumption of unfed Oreochromis niloticus during photoperiods 3L : 3D and 6L : 6D.
(b) Variation in oxygen consumption of unfed O. niloticus during photoperiods 12L : 12D and 24L : 24D. Black bar at the
bottom of the figure indicates the dark phase of the photoperiod cycles. () Respiration during the light phase of the
photoperiod; () respiration during the dark phase of the photoperiod. Circles and triangles indicate duplicate data.
Oxygen consumption and energy loss in young tilapia: I FISHERIES SCIENCE 473

Table 2 Comparison of measured and estimated change in mass during starvation at different photoperiod cycles*
Photoperiod 3L : 3D 6L : 6D 12L : 12D 24L : 24D
No. fish 30 30 30 30
Time of starvation (day) 6 6 6 5
Condition factor (CF)† 2.96 2.96 2.97 2.98
Total measured mass lost (mg/30 fish) 21970 21020 15040 14440
Estimated mass of tissue used (mg/30 fish) 4920 4710 4110 3930
Estimated mass of water lost (mg/30 fish) 17220 16500 14400 13770
Total estimated mass lost (mg/30 fish) 22140 21210 18510 17700

*Average value (n = 2)

Condition factor (CF) = 100 ¥ W/L3; where W is weight (g) and L is length (cm).

600 350
Oxygen consumption (mg/kg per h)

500 300

Energy loss (kJ/kg per day)

3L : 3D 6L : 6D 12L : 12D 24L : 24D 0
3L : 3D 6L : 6D 12L : 12D 24L : 24D
Fig. 7 Post-prandial increase in oxygen consumption
rate by Oreochromis niloticus during the light (, Fig. 8 Energy loss by ( ) fed and ( ) unfed Ore-
amount of oxygen consumed by unfed fish is subtracted ochromis niloticus; and ( ) post-prandial increase in
from the amount of oxygen consumed by fed fish during energy loss during the relevant photoperiod. Values
the light phase) and dark (, amount of oxygen con- given are mean ± S.D (fed n = 40; unfed n = 60).
sumed by unfed fish is subtracted from the amount of
oxygen consumed by fed fish during the dark phase)
phases during different photoperiods. Values given are
mean ± S.D (fed n = 40; unfed n = 60). 24L : 24D photoperiod cycles were 244.16 kJ/kg per
day and 98.28 kJ/kg per day; 234.70 kJ/kg per day
and 93.51 kJ/kg per day; 210.66 kJ/kg per day and
values (385.73 mg/kg per h) in the 3L : 3D photope- 81.96 kJ/kg per day; and 178.43 kJ/kg per day and
riod, followed by 373.72 mg/kg per h in the 6L : 6D 78.51 kJ/kg per day, respectively. The post-prandial
photoperiod, 341.47 mg/kg per h in the 12L : 12D increase in the 3L : 3D, 6L : 6D, 12L : 12D, and
photoperiod, and 261.50 mg/kg per h in the 24L : 24D photoperiods were 145.88 kJ/kg per day,
24L : 24D photoperiod (Fig. 7). 141.19 kJ/kg per day, 128.70 kJ/kg per day, and
The computed value (by the subsequent con- 99.92 kJ/kg per day, respectively.
version of the daily oxygen consumed to energy
using the oxycalorific coefficient of 13.68 J/mg O2
for unfed tilapia and 14.85 J/mg O2 for fed tilapia28) DISCUSSION
of energy loss for fed and unfed fish, and the
increase in post-prandial energy loss (energy loss The present study was conducted using the closed
by unfed fish subtracted from that lost by fed fish) recirculating aquaculture system. The overall
are given in Fig. 8. The 3L : 3D photoperiod cycle objective of this is to establish a closed ecological
showed the highest energy expenditure in the fed recirculating system for aquatic organisms
and unfed fish and also demonstrated the highest such as phytoplankton, zooplankton and fish,
post-prandial increases, followed by the 6L : 6D, and to adapt it for fish culture in space. At
12L : 12D, and 24L : 24D photoperiods. The energy present, many experiments are being conducted to
loss due to metabolism in fed and unfed fish improve our knowledge of rearing conditions,
exposed to the 3L : 3D, 6L : 6D, 12L : 12D, and culture techniques, etc. The present study was con-
474 FISHERIES SCIENCE AK Biswas et al.

Table 3 Comparison of routine metabolic rate for a range of tilapia species at 28∞C
Routine metabolic rate (mg/kg per h)
Species Photoperiod 10 g 50 g 80 g Reference
Oreochromis mossambicus 12L : 12D – – 306 Job33
12L : 12D 340 238 – Mironova34
12L : 12D – 182 – Caulton4
12L : 12D 300 182 155 Caulton5
Tilapia rendalli 12L : 12D – 246 – Caulton4
Oreochromis niloticus 3L : 3D 299 – – Present study
6L : 6D 285 – – Present study
12L : 12D 250 – – Present study
24L : 24D 239 – – Present study

ducted with the aforementioned goal in mind. The is endogenous in origin and is influenced by the
study’s results, coupled with the results from an level of light and by the photoperiod, which is in
elaborate growth study that applies these pho- agreement with the results of Ross and McKinney.3
toperiod regimens, will help in determining the The metabolic data for O. niloticus obtained by
optimum photoperiod for rearing fish in this various investigators is compared in Table 3; only
system. values derived for the routine metabolic rate (at
It has been noted by many investigators that the resting or unfed state) at 28∞C are used. Although
metabolic rate of fish varies with time,3,30 and this reason for the differences is unclear, the differ-
was clearly evident in the present work, which ences are partly attributed to differences in the
studied various photoperiod cycles (Figs 5,6). The developmental stage. Also, the respirometer tech-
daily trends in the data may be resolved into either nique employed and the different photoperiod
a single daily peak3,30 or a crepuscular pattern.31,32 cycle lengths could be very important.
In the present study, the metabolic rate sometimes Using a general equation derived from studies of
showed a single peak for O. niloticus, and it was Oreochromis mossambicus,5 the routine metabolic
mostly obscured due to the influence of feeding expenditure of the present study agreed strongly
during peak activity. with that calculated by Hepher et al.35 The
In the feeding experiment, the fish exposed to observed energy loss of fasting red tilapia (94 kJ/kg
the 12L : 12D cycle showed a robust daily rhythm per day)35 was more or less similar to the results
throughout the recording period. In the other pho- observed in the present study. However, Meyer-
toperiod cycles, feeding and different photoperiod Burgdorff et al. have observed an overestimate of
cycles acted as a stimulus for synchronizing an metabolic expenditure in unfed fish and an under-
endogenous rhythm with the external environ- estimate in fed fish.9 The most important factors
ment, resulting in the establishment of a robust responsible for these differences are water temper-
rhythm that coincided with the respective pho- ature, duration of fasting, amount of feeding, fish
toperiod cycle. species and size, and fish activity. In the present
In the experiment of oxygen consumption in study, the 3L : 3D and 6L : 6D cycles showed meta-
unfed fish, a clear metabolic rhythmicity was bolic rates that were 16% and 11% higher for fed
observed for all photoperiod cycles, with the fish, and 20% and 14% higher for unfed fish,
exception of the 3L : 3D cycle, during which rhyth- respectively, compared with the 12L : 12D cycle. A
micity was less apparent. This may be due to the possible explanation is the frequent rotation of the
shorter frequency of the light and dark phases, light and dark phases that occurs during such a
which might not have been enough to cause a short photoperiod cycle, which may accelerate the
visible rhythmicity. Regardless, the metabolic rate physiological activities. Behavioral interaction,
of unfed fish during this photoperiod was higher in which was mentioned earlier, or the influence
the light phase than in the dark phase. The higher of the stimulus activity of Zeitgeber, such as the
rates of metabolic activity observed during the photoperiod, for synchronizing an endogenous
light phase was probably due to the fish exhibit- rhythm to the external environment may also
ing behavioral interactions in the light, which require more energy in the shorter photoperiod
increased their activity levels and therefore their cycles. But this conclusion is not definite; to obtain
metabolic rate. Thus, it appears that the biorhythm a better understanding, other variables, such as
Oxygen consumption and energy loss in young tilapia: I FISHERIES SCIENCE 475

Table 4 Comparison between feeding and routine metabolic rate in a series of species
Species Photoperiod Relationship with ‘feeding rate’ Reference
Blennius pholis 12L : 12D 1.75 ¥ ‘low routine’ Vahl & Davenport36
Pleuronectes platessa 12L : 12L 2.00 ¥ ‘low routine’ Jobling & Davies37
Kuhlia sandvicensis 12L : 12D 2.60 ¥ ‘standard’ Muir & Niimi38
Micropterus salmoides 12L : 12D 1.78 ¥ ‘standard’ Beamish39
Gadus morhua 12L : 12D 1.60 ¥ ‘routine’ Saunders8
Brevoortia tyrannus 12L : 12D 2.00 ¥ ‘routine’ Hettler40
Lepomis macrochirus 12L : 12D 2.00 ¥ ‘routine’ Schalles & Wissing41
Oreochromis niloticus 3L : 3D 2.29 ¥ ‘routine’ Present study
6L : 6D 2.31 ¥ ‘routine’ Present study
12L : 12D 2.37 ¥ ‘routine’ Present study
24L : 24D 2.09 ¥ ‘routine’ Present study

hormone rhythm or locomotor activity, and and feed efficiency among various photoperiod
whether or not they are altered by different pho- cycles. Clearly, this would be of immense benefit to
toperiod cycles, need to be studied. aquaculturists.
A comparison of the post-prandial increase in
metabolic rate in a series of fish species is summa-
rized in Table 4. Investigators have reported a
number of components that influence the post- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
prandial oxygen consumption, including intestinal
activity,42 postabsorptive activity,43 and diet com- The expenses of the present study were defrayed
position.37,44 However, Schalles and Wissing41 were in part by a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research
unable to detect any differences in the influence of (No. 10460143) from the Ministry of Education,
dietary composition on post-prandial metabolic Science, Sport, and Culture and by ‘Ground
rate. Moreover, all fish subjected to different pho- Research Announcement for Space Utilization’
toperiod cycles were offered the same food; hence, promoted by Japan Space Forum.
the influence of diet composition was not consid-
ered in the present study. A close link between
growth and post-prandial increase in metabolic
rate has been demonstrated by a number of inves- REFERENCES
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