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French people say it “Joyeux Noel”; In Germany, it is “Frohe Weihnachten”.
“Buon Natale” for Italians while for the Dutch, it is “Vrolijk Kerstfeest”. We know it is
“Feliz Navidad” for the Spaniards. We say it “Maligayang Pasko”. Different places,
various languages but only mean one thing: Christmas. It is indeed, the most wonderful
time of the year.
We may say it and express in different tongues and multitude of ways but we are
all one in celebrating it. But through the times, many of us has forgotten the reason of
the season. Are we still aware why we are celebrating it? Are we only after the gifts and
its festivities? Are these the true meaning of Christmas? It is time that we are reminded
of its true essence: the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ.
A blessed evening to all us. This is the time now. The light has come.

A Life in Darkness
Darkness. They say that where there is light, there is also darkness. It is like one
cannot exists without the other. But why there are instances that it is only darkness?
Life is full of challenges and trials that drag us along in the dark, especially in our
present times. Problems in our personal life, social life, socioeconomic and even in our
health locked us away from being a faithful Christian, a child of God. These sometimes
causes us to lose faith, weakening our spiritual life. We are being vulnerable with the
attacks of evil and sometimes, be a sinner. These prevent us from the light. We become
prisoners of the darkness. Will we always be in the dark?
It is only dark because there is no light. Darkness is simply the absence of light.
There is only one light that can vanish the darkness in the world, and we are very
blessed to have witness the coming of the light.
Now, let us witness how the light has come to take away the darkness upon us.

Pathway of Light
Mary, Joseph, the shepherds and the wise men each had been drawn personally
and individually by the Father of Light to play a part in the miracle of the birth of Christ.

Repeat the Sounding Joy

The Christ child was born and the joy that filled heaven spilled over to the Earth.
There were shepherds near that land keeping watch over their flocks of sheep that
wanders night. Suddenly without warning, an angel appeared to them. They were
terrified but the angel said to them “Don’t be afraid. I have good news that will bring
great joy. Today in Bethlehem, the Savior you have been waiting for has been born and
the world was given the gift of joy. Joy to the world! The Lord is come.

The Light has Come

In the silence of the night thru the darkness, a way of hope shines upon us. The
light has come. Open our eyes and our hearts dead in sin and let the light break through.
The Son of God has come to save us.

We are the Reason

As little children, we dreamed of many gifts and toys for Christmas, always
looking and expecting these extravagant things during the season. But aren’t we
forgetting something? We failed to realize that on one blessed night, out of the
darkness, a child was born, the one who gave us the greatest gift of all.

Everlasting Light
Through the life’s darkness, Jesus is our Light. He is like a candle that shines
throughout the dark. Light up our life with the everlasting light and there will be no
more darkness in our hearts.

Season of Light
Once, long ago when the world seemed totally lost, stumbling in the dark night
of its own sinfulness, God sent a light into the reckless, hopeless, desperate midst of His
fallen creation. God sent not a giant but a helpless infant; not an armored warrior but a
baby, vulnerable and small, into the hearts that could refuse Him and hands that would
amuse Him. God sent his most fragile and yet His most powerful gift, His love
incarnated: His Son.
Angels, mortals, peasants and kings gathered that night to gaze at this royal gift
to honor His arrival with anthems of heaven and the treasures of Earth.
How much they understood that night was uncertain perhaps only the two stood
closest to His crib knew the truth that someday, the whole world must see and believe
that this child was surely much more that a child. In Him was life and that was the light
of men.
The Light has Come (Last Part)
The world gave life to everything that was created. His life brought light to
everyone. The light shines in the darkness and it can never be extinguished.

Truly, Christmas is a season of giving and sharing. But above all, let us never
forget why we are celebrating this. It is Jesus Christ, the Light of the world. Open your
eyes and your heart because the light has come.
We express our gratitude to everyone who gave their precious time and effort,
as well as to the unending support for this presentation to be possible. Have a good
night and be a blessing to everyone. Merry Christmas. To God be the glory always.

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