Reflection Term Paper - National Service Training Program

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Southville International School and Colleges | College of Nursing

A Reflection Paper for National Service Training Program 2 | Preliminary Term




SCHEDULE: MONDAYS (15:00-18:00)


COURSE: BS in Nursing – 2B

STUDENT NO: 20-0048c


DATE DUE: WEEK 6 | APRIL 05, 2022

DATE SUBMITTED: WEEK 5 | 03 31, 2022

[Please write your comments below]

DRAFT BOARD / REVISION _________________




From the Webinar Facilitated by Mr. Andre Estanislao and Southville Institute of Tourism

The lecture series, Ukraine-Russia Crisis: When Communication Fails with Hon.
Andre Estanislao truly advocated what needs to be addressed so as to understand the
depth of the crisis because there’s more than what lies on the surface of headlines and oil
inflation, raising awareness which can be rarely seen in this chaos of ignorance -
especially with regards to global humanitarian and environmental issues, as well as
international politics. This webinar became an open platform committed to creating
content, as it brought all of us together to participate in operations that’ll somehow forge
concrete solutions to the aforementioned. What’s happening to our neighboring countries
is too much wrongful heartbreak. It’s foolish for anyone to think that this can be resolved
with missiles and tanks; regardless, we see the aftermath being played out through our
eyes as they decided that the best way to combat this was through war with the people.
Where there is war, there is death. There are casualties. There is injustice, motive, and
prejudice, starting what's considered to be World War III.

The thing with Hon. Andre is that, given his esteeming credentials, he eloquently
expressed the important events in Ukraine’s recent political history and a run up to the
crisis that it’s hard to explain how unbiased his stance are as a diplomat. To highlight his
main points, the Ukrainian government declared Martial law in the whole country as the
bombing in residential districts also cost several lives as missile strikes poured over the
region bearing explosive sounds across cities. Why did the crisis start? Russia wanted
control of the Ukrainian border as a result of its socio-political and economic ties to
Soviet history; both were once part of the 15 countries that made up the USSR before it
disintegrated. Despite Ukraine’s independence in 1991, Putin believes that it is still part

Southville International School and Colleges | National Service Training Program Page 2
of the historical “Russian civilization” which Ukraine adamantly rejects. Although,
according to Umair Haque, it’s a chilling thought that Putin is telling us he won’t stop
here. That we are the intended recipients of this message he is sending by making an
example of Ukraine, in blood and death… that this is what awaits if anyone resists. Think
about it, several countries, particularly the United States, have responded to the attacks
mainly by imposing economic sanctions but along with the West, they seem to have no
plans to take decisive actions as one of Ukraine’s stronger allies because the world is so
absurdly reliant on Russian energy exports. And even though the NATO and U.N seem to
have the power on decision making over the issue, the laws they created only hold power
when states choose to comply - meaning, it is still up to Putin if they will cease the
attacks or not. Because even though France, Austria, Turkey, and the EU are thinking
about providing some military support, without America or NATO, Ukraine will fall.
This poses a question as to what NATO’s essence is if most of its member-states are
already providing military aid as Putin now shows how easy countries can bypass these
agreements. Is the pandemic not enough trouble for the world? Amid a time of
vulnerability, why are there others choose to aggravate our already existing difficulties?
This raises an important relevance that is playing out in real time: power has truly
overlooked logic. Let this remind us to be someone others can trust. Follow and support
reliable news outlets, organizations, and public figures fighting the same fight. Turn our
frustrations into meaningful and powerful words of activism to take up the role as the
voice of the people. And though we feel apprehensive about what is happening, we are
never too insignificant to make the world righteously round again.

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As we continue to develop and grow with the fast-paced world we are living in today, we
start to learn how to cope with the changes and learn more about the online world.
Although the internet has its downsides, it also has its perks, and one of them is being
able to communicate with other people using a wider platform. With the help of various
social media accounts, advocacies and movements are now easier and faster to see.
People easily access educating themselves regarding the different issues being
experienced. This also gives us the opportunity to refine our skills, talents, or whatever
we have to offer to promote others welfare and amplify our action in ways that
acknowledge the digital divide and other inequalities. We go from being passive
observers to active changemakers in our communities. Because sadly, amid a global
urgency, our fellow brothers and sisters still have to fight for rights to safety and security.
That amid a pandemic, challenging the perpetuating worries of mankind still lies on our
hands. That while numbers of cases and deaths increase each day, the virus is not the only
prevailing danger among us. That while the virus clouds the atmosphere and creates
spaces of danger and threat, it is in humanity itself where fear, hate, and terror are
unrightfully sowed. It is with a heavy heart what the webinar presented to us. How will
this end? Well, while the US, other countries, and NATO are on standby to support
Ukraine in the midst of an invasion, they should move quickly if it wants to thwart
Russia’s plans. They should know the consequences of waiting until the last minute. If
they’re too late, then in the words of Umair Haque,”slaughtered innocents, causing an
exodus in a way Europe hasn’t seen since the last World War. Destroyed cities with
weapons, from schools to hospitals. Reduced to rubble. Ukraine will be the next Syria”

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© Haque, U. (2022, March 8). Putin is Devastating Ukraine to Send the World a Message.
Retrieved March 31, 2022, from
© Brock, J. A. (2022, February 25). Russia Just Invaded Ukraine — Here’s The Actual Reason
Why. Retrieved March 31, 2022, from
© Dunn, S. C. (2022, February 24). The War In Ukraine Is A Manufactured Distraction. Medium.
Retrieved March 31, 2022, from
© Sledge, B. (2022, March 1). No One Has Addressed WHY Russia Invaded Ukraine (So I’ll Do
It). Medium. Retrieved March 31, 2022, from
© Gregorian, D. (2021, June 15). Biden says it 'remains to be seen' whether Ukraine will be
admitted to NATO. NBC News. Retrieved March 31, 2022, from
© Jazeera, A. (2022, March 30). Russia’s invasion of Ukraine: List of key events, day 35. aljazeera .
Retrieved March 31, 2022, from
© Hunter, R. (2022, February 10). The Ukraine Crisis: Why and What Now? The International
Institute for Strategic Studies. Retrieved March 31, 2022, from

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