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Lle.11Qrez, Chanv1it E. J1,1ne e, 202.

CE115-5W/A14 1::ri9r. Fit,or J. fovi
SW Hydropower Basics

H1is video prov;ded a brie,f bac-k9rourid re.9ordirJ9

~~droelee,l"vic. power, of "101111 water is htHVJe,s.n,d to gerieraf-e
tlec,tvic-i"ty tt,,at- toulcl power wmrvi~nit-ies avid e.nvi G\Yl eril-ire
rc.9iovi. IV1 tltiis snort c-lip, I have leao1cd t~al- water ir so fltxi-
!>le cu ii- c,,;u-1 be 1.tsed in t'l1Glny differevit ways . However, it iJ
r1ot- 9 ivevi rn1,1C;h rec.o.9ni'+iovi coVYJp(;\.,-ed to 0H1er sourc,es of e11 -
exgy. H i~ ir-011ic +t,,oit +he 1:owH1 is lOMpr,se.d abol,jt 11 peircevi~
Wi\f-er -1et tl-1i, yeviewable 0tncl c.lei\t'l ener9y S'o1.1rce if ttvid tr·
uhliz.e,d . Up to t"1is day, U1e wovld ha.r vet to f1,1lly adopt- st.ts·
t01i1t1(;\ble prcid-i'les alH1ou9h ii- seetl'}.r like ti-tis- pli\nd that wt
live ivi "\/ill Sool'l becowie "'vil;vable. Neverf-he.le.u, dGll'hs Qrew~-
. .
Hr eng1vieev-r119 5tn,4e,ture.1 tt-ial- ~v-e, very <-owimovi to lltJ +hat
Hore, vv0th1- GU'!d tvevitl-tally t,OVll/e,d t-o elet,rvi'e,al e,V)e,rgy-
Howe.VH, we are f'lot f111n,,ilioir +-o sol'V!e o·H1er Wo.yr hyolropowir
te e,hviolog i'er c~vi produe,e e,,J e.c, rric,i'ty. 011e of whie,vi ir l-hro1A,.9 h
iwipoundme111t. rhiJ l-e.~i-11'!olo9y doYeJ water in Cl reseirvoir", WheVJ
Hie water it releaJed, it ~lows Hiro1..19h t>.f'!d spi11J ei ~IArbihe,
+1.1rv1ivi9 oi ge~erol-o.,- +via~ thrn prodt.fctJ e.lectr,·c~I power. fhe
0H1er ont 1'1 dive.rsio111, w~icn c,I-Jaririe-1.r podiov, of a ti11e.r-
H1ro1..19l-i c-&1nt1l or pipe. i'111to i\ f1Arb1ne, G\Vld gev,ero.1-or sy.r~ewi.
Tltlir wie,!-l->6d doeJ r1ot disrupl- fl,," l'IQ/-1,1ral flow oF tltJt rrvu·
01nd req,1.1ire. a I01r_ge dam. Tne last type i.r throu.911 a pCAmp·
t-d storage H101t aJ Q hu.9ebaHery. Wal-er1·s-p 1,rn,ped
bacl,,. up i11to o ba~i111 dc,rin9 H,e 11ignf- to d-'larg e s1.a,"1 f>atrtvy.
Tltiis i'r clue to the fact tl,iat Hie ev,er-gy t.1Je ivi H,e e.verii'ng If
ofl-evi low 5i11u tltlis pe.rioo i! wltit.11 people, IA5Uo.lly ns/-. £11.4r-
i'ng H1e c,.ay, WG\rtr coin be rr,Jea5ed to produce e.,Jechiciht since
tl,ie e,111ev9y c,o111J'-tWJpt-io 111 ivi dayl;ght (c htpitol/y 11i9"1 1 tH c.horeI
OIYt do111e ecnlier ivi oi day, s1.1cvi cH 111101s'1i119 clothe!, waf-eving
the pl0tvih, ti111d tliie lik.e. f1,1vtl1ermore, toi-itrary to wiy b11,(,'ef,
I ireoliz.eo thoif dc;irnJ u,1,1ld l,e Wlore prod!Ac.tive and SctJf-~(11able
if we Make them more enviroviWJr,vitally· Fri'e11dly. Tloi, include
rnodifyi119 the pliyric01l s/-rucf-urt of l-1-1rbi111e prope.1/evJ so if- wi/J
not disrc,,pt W101rivie biodivenif-y o.f'!d e,e,osyrrems. A-lso, I t,eJ,'tve
that H,oiroi.491,i exec1Aho11 of e.111vironll'lGV1t11l imp~d aoe.1me-11/-
Cl:II\) cu,d ,hider procers of 0tc.q,111ivivi9 "-"1 e-nvirovirnerita.l

cowipli01nce e,erl-ihcare le:cc.J VVll.lf~ be. est"'l,iir"1ed ro H101t 110

t'11oi9ef'I i,(AS c.oW1rn1AV1ih'eJ will be, di5r,1 Aced OlVld wildliFe. will be
pYHtrved w'111111 ~1.1ild111g clari,s ~11d other Wtif-er-relo.f-ed i11 -

Frar~n1c.l-1Are ·

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