Tatag Module - Day 1

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Ligao National High School

Socio-Emotional Learning Course
School Guidance & Counseling Office
A Socio-Emotional Learning Guide

S.Y. 2021 - 2022


How great this this day is! I feel a mixture of different
emotions today. I know that I feel anxious because of the many
uncertainties about our education in the “new normal“ setting,
but on the other hand, I have a feeling of excitement for the
“new ways” of getting things done.

By the way, I am Lala and I am an incoming Grade 9

student. Welcome to this 1-week conversation with our Barkadahan.
Before I continue, I would like to introduce to you my friend, he is
Nathan. We are in the same grade level and we are talking about
the same thing – concerns, issues, and questions about our new
educational set-up.
That’s right! Just like you, we are also unprepared for what is
coming. But I am certain that the school is doing its best to meet our
educational needs with the best possible mode of delivery that will
best suit everyone’s situations and needs. One proof of this school’s
efforts is a module named SIK-LAD. This is a combined term from
SIKAP at UNLAD or STRIVE and THRIVE. Let me introduce to you
to another friend of ours, Henry. He already has a copy of the

Hello Nathan and Lala. I am happy to tell you

that I already have a copy of the module for this week. Did you
know that for the first week of classes (August 22 – 26, 2022),
there will be Psychosocial Intervention Activities for us students.
We will undergo the SIK-LAD 3Ts Training Course specifically
designed by the School Guidance and Counseling Office. Its main
aim is to guide and prepare us for the upcoming week. They will
guide us in answering our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and
prepare us psychologically and socio-emotionally as we begin our
face to face learning educational format.


Have you seen the cover of the module Henry and Nathan? Have you
noticed that there are four of us there? Wow! it feels great, we
are used as models in this module. But who is this other one?

Have you not heard about her? She will be our new
classmate, a transferee from another school. She is
just our neighbor and I invited her to come over.
For sure, she is already finished with the
first day requirement.
I will be checking my messenger account,
she could have chatted me already.
Ohh, she is already here.

Hello Nathan! Hello Lala and Henry, right? Please to meet you. Nathan
Has been so eager introducing you to me since yesterday. He said that
I can join you today. I am Sissy, I will be completing our team. Have
you noticed? Lala, Nathan, Henry, and Sissy (LNHS). I feel so
welcomed as early as now.

By the way, regarding the module, I saw this word, TATAG in the
cover page. I also learned that there are two more modules
prepared for other grade levels: TAPANG for Grades 7 – 8 and
TALINO for Grades Senior High School. Truly, as a Junior student, I
really need Tatag
(Fortitude) to Thrive in these trying times.

Welcome to the team, Sissy. We are glad that you will be our
classmate. Though there’s a little feeling of anxiety about what will
happen to us this school year, especially that we will be reporting face
to face daily, I am hoping that things will get better soon. I know
every one of us wishes for things to go back to what have been used
to. But for now, let’s try to still STRIVE in the “new normal” set-up
and THRIVE in the best possible way we can do.

That is why we really need to cultivate resilience within

us. This will help us to always bounce back in life’s adversities.
Managing and fortifying our own value system and personal resilience
is more achievable right now than to be overwhelmed with fears. To
guide us further, let us first read the next part of the module. There is
a list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) listed with their corresponding
answers. Let’s Go!
The questions listed below are taken from the consolidated questions
of Grades 9 & 10 students via Google Form.

Q1: What modalities of learning are we going to employ? Do we still go

with the Blended Learning Approach or we will go with the full
implementation of Face to Face Classes?
A: This year, as mandated by the Department of Education, we will employ
full face to face classes (100%). All students will report daily from Monday to
Friday, whole day with 1-hour period per subject. Your class schedule will be
discussed after this or anytime within the week.

Q2: Do we really need to wear uniforms?

A: Definitely Yes! Though in 2008 and as recently reiterated by the Department of
Education, wearing of uniform is not mandatory. However, it is very necessary
and practical due to the following reasons:
1. Identification Purposes – Wherever you may go, you will be
easily identified as a student of LNHS – in or out of school.
2. Security for School Community – Outsiders may be detected easily.
Threat from unidentified people going to school may be prevented.
3. Economically Friendly – You may not need to regularly buy new
clothes to wear
4. Great Equalizer – Divide between rich and poor may be subtle
when in uniform. This may also prevent other forms of
5. Simplicity – Instills the value of being plain and unornamented
6. Cultivating Sense of Pride – With the LNHS uniform, you will feel that
you are part of the community and of whatever good things attached
about your school. It reminds you of not tainting it in any sense.
Also, the parents and other stakeholders have already expressed their support
on the use of students’ uniform.

Q3: Can the school help the students who are having difficulty in
understanding the lessons? How about those difficult lessons for the
past two years?
A: Yes! You just need to express your difficulty to your subject teachers
and adviser during the lesson or even after, given the time and
opportunity. You may just visit the faculty lounge and consult. If issues
may be difficult for the advisers to handle (e.g. Time Management,
Adjustment to New School


Environment, Difficulty in Establishing Study Habits, etc.), you may elevate
them to your guidance advocates.

For the difficult lessons last year, the school has prepared an 8-week
plan where the Least Mastered Competencies from the previous subjects
will be discussed first in the beginning of the school year. This will
bridge the learning gaps acquired from last year’s schooling.
Q4: How will the teachers identify students who need further help in
terms of Special Education and Mental Health Concerns.
A: The school is strong in advocating ts Inclusive Education Program (IEP) and
the Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Services (MHPSS) Program. To
identify students who need further help, the parents and the students were
oriented about the services during the Parent and Child Community Teamwork.
The IEP also sends checklist to advisers regarding the students whom they
observe to be needing special interventions. For the MHPSS, the students
may seek for consultation directly to their Guidance Advocate or Grade
Level Guidance Coordinators.

Q5: Are we allowed to mingle or socialize with each other when the
protocol for COVID-19 is still in effect?
A: Socializing may be inevitable when we are in school, that is why we
should follow Standard Health Protocols such as wearing of face masks and
constant alcohol use. Take note that there are students who are not yet
vaccinated and whose family members may be so vulnerable to be
infected. As much as possible physically distance ourselves but still try to
socially connect with others.
Q6: Is it already safe to come back to school?
A: The school has made sure it’s readiness for the coming school year.
There were numerous tools used to evaluate how safe the school is.
There were series of consultations and orientations with different
stakeholders. Actions were taken to make sure that students will have a
meaningful learning experience amidst the pandemic.

The numbers of COVID-19-related illness have already gone down and

approval for full face to face classes is already enforced. In short, it is
generally safe. However, the risk is still out there, though minimal, we
should always adhere to safety protocols and procedures. When
symptoms are present, inform the teacher for proper referral to the
school clinic.


Q7: Is there a place in school to accommodate students who suddenly feel
A: Yes. We have a school clinic manned by the school nurse who can provide us
with the necessary medical interventions when students suddenly feel sick.
We also have temporary isolation facility when COVID-19 symptoms will
be detected. You can find this place in the BEFF building, near the T.L.E.
Faculty room.
Please feel free to visit the School Clinic when there is a need to.

Q9: How are we going to be assessed? What is the grading system this
school year? Does it have a difference with the previous system?
A: You will be assessed according to the outputs you submitted (Written Work),
your projects (Performance Task), and the results of the periodic test
(Quarterly Exams). We will be back to the basics.
What is important right now is do well with your studies, value meaningful
learning, and the grades shall follow.

Q10: What is the role of the parents during this new system of education
this pandemic?
A: The parents’ roles are crucial during this time of shift in the educational
landscape. One important role of parents is to become a SUPPORTER to their
child’s education. It is important that they know and understand our
scheme this year so that school-home responsibilities are properly
Second important role is to become an ASSISTANT. Just like before, they
assist you in your homework and projects and in clarifying concepts (at
least for those who can).
Most importantly, parents must become a source of INSPIRATION in this time
of crisis. This is crucial because this will encourage you to STRIVE and
THRIVE in the new ways in our educational experience.

Note: If you have other questions not

answered in this part, please
feel free to address the
questions to your adviser.
After reading this part, I realized that we are on the same ground. Transferees
or regular students really need to adjust in this “new normal” education. I
also learned that it is already safe in going to school but students should still
take extra care not only for him/herself but also for others. I need to
remember that these individuals have family to go home to. Whatever
condition they may acquire at school may
eventually be transferred at home.

Correct! I also need to understand

that not everyone in the school is fully
vaccinated or fully boosted. Many people
may still be vulnerable in any way. I
haven’t been so considerate about it
than today.

I also noticed that we will already

go back to what we have used to
before, especially in the way we
learn. I guess, my Self-Discipline and
Self-Regulation strategies will further be put to test. I am
already thinking of how I will be doing my day to day classes
when all subjects are already full blown in their implementation.
We better prepare ourselves, our own schedules, and relay this
information to our parents so that we will have a fruitful School year.
This will not be that easy. It is good to observe first our set-up for the upcoming
week and we will see how to improve our conditions little by little. At this point, it is
also good to hear our fellow LNHSians about what they gained from today’s session.
Let’s relay the information we knew to our parents and other classmates. See you
tomorrow guys!

Upon reading and knowing the basics of this module. I think we are ready to
begin. But for today, this is the last task. Reserve the other activities for tomorrow until
Friday this week. Your output from this task will be submitted together with the
retrieval of this module, and the release of the new ones. All in all, you will have five
(5) simple outputs to be submitted – one (1) for each day. Written in a short Bond
For today, your task is simple. You just need to complete the worksheet below.
When you are done with this, it means that you already accomplished what is required
of today. See you again tomorrow!
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A Socio-Emotional Learning Module
Day 1 output
Name: Jude Raphael M. Salvante Grade level & Section: 10-ESJ2
Address: Magurang, Polangui, Albay Adviser: Mrs. Jocelyn Paladin Garcia
Contact number: Date Submitted:

Instructions: Answer the following questions based on the Day 1 Session.

1. Who are the four main characters introduced in the
module? a. Lala b. Nathan c. Henry d.
2. What does SIK-LAD as a term stands for?
a. Sikap b. Unlad
3. What value that the module wishes for you to
acquire? a. Its main aim is to guide and prepare us
for the upcoming week. They will guide us in
answering our Frequently Asked Questions
(FAQs) and prepare us psychologically and socio-
emotionally as we begin our face-to-face learning
educational format.
4. As a grade 9 student, why do you need this value to thrive?
a. To be a good student/person.
5. What are the two main objectives of this
module? a. They will guide us in answering
our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
b. Prepare us psychologically and socio-
emotionally as we begin our face-to-face learning
educational format.
6. Among the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), choose three (3) that helped you in
understanding your personal concerns and confusions regarding our set-up this year.
a. Do we really need to wear uniforms?
b. Is it already safe to come back to school?
c. Is there a place in school to accommodate students who suddenly feel sick?
7. After reading the answers from the FAQs, what other questions do you have that the
FAQs was not able to capture? Write the questions down.
a. Are we allowed to leave the campus for lunch?
b. Will we use the same P.E uniform for this year?
c. Are we allowed to Use the Comfort room of the staff if the other ones don’t have
8. What is your general impression and insights from the Day 1 Session? Limit your
answers to three (3) – five (5) sentences only.
I’m happy because the FAQ answered all of my queries regarding this school
year. I also learned about how the pandemic affected our educational system
and how our School is handling this issue.

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Student’s Signature Parent’s/Guardian’s Signature

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Ligao National High School

11 | T A T A G LNHS SGCO - HimBaBanTiran

Socio-Emotional Learning Course

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