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Detailed Lesson Plan in TLE 7

(Nail Care)

I. Objectives

A. Content Standard:
The learner demonstrates an understanding of the use of tools and equipment in Nail Care

B. Performance Standard:
The learner independently uses nail care tools and equipment in Nail Care Servicing

C. Learning Competencies:
1. Prepare the necessary tools and equipment for manicure and pedicure

Topic: Prepare the Necessary Tools and Equipment for Manicure and Pedicure

A. References:
1. MELC p. 419
2. TLE – Grade 7/8 Nail Care (Alternative Delivery Mode) Module 1: LO 1. Prepare the Necessary Tools
and Equipment for the Specific Nail Care Activity - First Edition, 2020

B. Other Learning Resource: Powerpoint presentation, video clip, pictures, activity cards, tarpapel,
anticipation guide

C. Values Integration: Maintaining proper hygiene


Teacher’s Activity Pupils’ Activity

A. Preliminary Activities

1. Prayer

Let’s all stand for a short prayer.

2. Greetings

Good morning students. Good morning, sir Niel. Good morning

3. Checking of Attendance

Is there any absent in the class? None, sir.


4. Setting of Classroom Rules

Before we start our lesson, let us

First recall our classroom rules. Who can
Give me the first rule? Sit properly.

Correct. What are the others? Be quiet.

Listen attentively.
B. Developing Activities

1. Exercise
Let us have a short game. I will
show some pictures. Try to give me the names
of the following equipments.

Nail cutter


Cuticle nipper


Nail polish

C. Motivation
Who among you already went to a salon? (The students will answer.)

Okay. Some of you went to a salon already.

What did you do there? I went for a hair treatment.

I went for a foot spa.

I went for a manicure.

Great. Going to a salon is a relaxing activity.

However, most salons are closed due to the pandemic
that we are facing today. We can’t visit these salons
and we have to stay in our homes in order to avoid getting
a disease.

Let me tell you a short story about a teenager whose

mother decided to call a home service for a manicure.

In one of the Barangays in Romblon, there is a Grade 7 student whose name is Ana who loves to
go out with her mother during weekends. They regularly visit the salon to get their hair and nails done.
One afternoon, due to the present health crisis and lockdown, Ana’s mother decides to call for
home service for manicure and foot spa treatment. It so happened that the manicurist also lives in the
same subdivision where Ana and her family reside.
The manicurist comes in full Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and brings with her the
manicure and foot spa tools, materials, and equipment. While getting on the job, Ana can’t help but look
at the nail care set of materials, tools, and equipment the lady is using. Ana grabs her smartphone and
takes some pictures of the items; some looked familiar to her because she has seen them in her TLE
Ana’s mother is very relaxed and feels like almost sleeping while the manicurist is cleaning her
nails because her father plays some comforting music like those in the salon. It is the very first time that
Ana’s mother has a home service for nail treatment, and she is satisfied with the result.
It is about to rain when the manicurist leaves their home. Ana is very excited to tell what she has
witnessed and has shown her younger sister the captured images of tools while the manicure and foot
spa is being done.

D. Presentation

Who are the characters in the story? The characters in the story are Ana,
her mother, and the manicurist.

Where did they had a manicure? They had a manicure at home.

Correct. This was the first time that they

had a manicure in their home. She took some
pictures of the nail care set.

Let us examine the pictures.

These are some of the common tools for
nail care. Let us discuss how to properly use these
tools and equipment.

E. Discussion

There are three kinds of objects in a nail

care set. These are the tools, equipment and materials.
All of these have a specific function and purpose in
manicure and pedicure.

In a nail care set, the tools are the objects that

are durable or permanent. Let us identify some of the
most common tools in nail care.

This is a cuticle pusher. It pushes back and

loosens the cuticle of the nail.

This is a cuticle nipper. It helps cut the


This is a nail cutter. It is made of metal and

is used to cut fingernails and toenails.

This is a nail file. It is used to shape the free

edges of a nail.

The materials of a nail care set refer to the

cosmetics and supplies that are consumed and should be
replaced from time to time.

Let us identify some of the most common materials.

This is an alcohol. It is used for sanitation.

This is a cuticle remover. It is used to soften

nail cuticles and prepare them to be cut.

These are nail polishes. It is used to color and

decorate fingernails and toenails.

This is a nail polish remover. It helps remove old

nail polish with a cotton.
This is a base coat. It is applied to a nail
plate before applying a nail polish. It is used to
smoothen the surface of the nail plate for color
and promote healthier nails.

This is a top coat. It is used after applying

a nail polish. It is used for high gloss and help
protect the nails.

The equipments in nail care refer to the objects

needed for a particular activity or purpose. Here are some
of the examples.

This is a manicure table. It is used when giving

nail care to a client.

This is a supply tray. It holds necessary cosmetics.

Aside from these, there is another set of

objects that will definitely help our clients and service providers.

In this time of a pandemic, people should adhere to

safety protocols and standards.

It is essential that we have to wear a PPE or Personal

Protective Equipment and face masks in order to avoid being exposed to
different chemicals or dirt when giving or receiving nail care.
Values Integration:

These are the common objects in a nail care set.

Why do we have to take good care of our nails? We have to take care of
them to avoid getting dirt
in our nails.

Correct! Why is it important to identify these

objects for nail care? It is important to identify
these objects to know
what to use for a specific
Well done! Aside from that, what do you think
we should do in providing nail care services? We have to make sure that
the tools, equipment and
materials are sanitized and
in good condition.

Excellent! Let us all remember that nail

care is also a reflection of how we take care of our
bodies. Nail care is important because it is a part of
a good hygiene.

We should make this a habit. Aside from this,

we should also wash our hands frequently and wear our
face masks. In that way, we won’t get any dirt and

F. Application

( Show Me A Drama)

Let us have a short group activity. I will group you

into two.

I have here two activity cards. Read the directions

carefully and plan a short story about the topic assigned to

Before we continue, let us recall the guidelines in

doing a group activity. What is the first step? Read the directions

What are the next steps? Cooperate with your


Respect your groupmates.

Let us begin the activity.

Group One:

A group of five friends wanted to have the same

color of nail polish. Show the procedure how to properly
remove and change nail polishes.
Group Two:

A family wants their nails to be cut properly.

Show the proper procedure to cut and trim nails.

Let us examine your work. Here are the rubrics

for this activity.

The drama showed a The drama showed the The drama did not
THEME clear and excellent proper procedure but show the proper
procedure of nail care. with minimal errors. procedure of nail care.
All members Most members Few members
cooperated and cooperated and cooperated and
performed a role in the performed a role in the performed a role in the
activity. activity. activity.

G. Generalization

Let us recall our lesson for today. What is a tool

in a nail care set? The tools are durable and permanent

Correct. What is a material in a nail care set? Materials are consumable

objects and should be replaced from
time to time.

What is an equipment? An equipment is an object that holds a

specific purpose or activity.

Well done. What should we remember in

providing nail care services? We have to wear PPE’s and follow
health protocols.

What are other answers? Remember to sanitize the necessary

tools, materials and equipment.

Use and wear face masks.

Very good!

IV. Evaluation

Directions: Read each item carefully and choose the letter of the best answer.

1. Mrs. Garcia asks for a manicure service. Which of these equipment’s is needed?

A. Foot spa machine C. Paraffin war

B. Hand spa machine D. manicure table

2. What is the result of improper trimming?

A. Cracked nail C. Hangnails

B. Deformation D. Ingrown toenail
3. Mr. Reyes went to a salon for a pedicure. What organic compound should be used to sanitize the

A. Benzalkonium Chloride B. alcohol C. cuticle remover D. nail polish remover

4. Which among these objects is not a TOOL?

a. nail cutter b. nail polish c. cuticle nipper d. nail brush

5. This is a liquid formula applied to the nail to soften the nail cuticle.

A. Base coat B. Cuticle oil C. Cuticle remover D. Nail polish

V. Assignment


Paste your picture as your profile pic. You are going to post in your timeline at least one picture
or a drawing of a nail care tool. You are going to put a hashtag sign (#) before the picture of a tool.
Below the picture, write the correct procedure on how to use it.

Prepared by:

Niel M. Bajao

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