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A speaking club by Oksana Hurbin
Мовні курси для дітей та молоді
ДЛЯ ДІТЕЙ 5-6 РОКІВ - Підготовка до


англійської мови


Підготовка до ЗНО / IELTS/ TOEFL

У ГРУПАХ ТА ІНДИВІДУАЛЬНО- Мрії здійснюються,а

Польська мова з англійською — ще
ДЛЯ БУДЬ-ЯКОГО ВІКУ - Індивідуальні
1. What does the mindset mean?

2. Connections between ability,

Today we're going to cover
challenge, fail and improve.

Agenda 3. Growth and fixed mindset

4. How to succeed, what should we
change at first
Discuss all the possible connections
between the words below.

Challenges can have a positive
effect on our abilities because
they make us better at what we
In what situations does a
mindset person’s mindset change?
the way a person thinks; a person’s opinions

Why is it sometimes difficult for

us to change our mindset?

Which of the heads in the picture represents

growth mindset and which represents fixed
mindset? What is the difference between
"fixed mindset’ & 'growth mindset’

Professor Carol Dweck uses the

term ‘mindset’ to describe the
way people think about ability
and talent. According to Dweck,
‘……………. mindset’ means that
we think our abilities can’t Fill in
change, and ‘……………. mindset’ gaps
means that we believe that we
can ……………. our abilities
through practice.
a) take a
b) solve a

Match c) be more likely 1) obstacle

the halves d) view critical feedback 2) problem

to create e) avoid 3) risk

phrases f) face an 4) as a personal attack

g) be less likely to 5) experiment
6) challenges
7) to succeed
A growth / fixed mindset
a) c) e)

views failure will probably sees life as a

as something choose a less journey of
negative b) complicated improvement
sees an
is less likely to
obstacle as a
view critical
chance to solve
feedback as a
a) Are people with a growth mindset more likely to ……….. than people with a fixed
mindset? Why/Why not?
1) succeed 2) success 3) succeeding
b) Can all abilities be ……….. through practice? Can you think of any situations in
which they can’t?
1) improvement 2) improve 3) improved
c) Is viewing critical feedback as a chance to ……….. always the best thing to do?
1) developed 2) development 3) develop
d) Is experimenting a good way of finding ……….. to problems? In what situations?
1) solves 2) solutions 3) solving
e) Do you agree that it is better to have a growth mindset? What can a person do
to ……….. it?
1) achievement 2) achieve 3) achieved
f) How can we use ……….. as a chance to learn?
1) failure 2) fail 3) failed
g) How do you feel about challenges? Do you try to ……….. them?
1) avoidance 2) avoided 3) avoid
a) Are people with a growth mindset more likely to succeed than people with a
fixed mindset? Why/Why not?

b) Can all abilities be improved through practice? Can you think of any
situations in which they can’t?
c) Is viewing critical feedback as a chance to develop always the best thing to
the do?

questions d) Is experimenting a good way of finding solutions to problems? In what


e) Do you agree that it is better to have a growth mindset? What can a person do
to achieve it?

f) How can we use failure as a chance to learn?

g) How do you feel about challenges? Do you try to avoid them?

"Growth mindset can refer not only to
individuals, but also to organizations"

• Do the employees feel they are an important part of

the organization? Are their ideas appreciated?

• Are the employees happy to improve their abilities?

Does the organization encourage them to do so?

• Does the organization experiment and take risks?

• How does the organization see achievement and


• What could the organization improve?

• Failure is never the end of the
• Every problem has a solution.
Can’t find one? Talk to people
you trust!
• Don’t avoid obstacles. Face
• There is no success without
• Work hard. Improve. Succeed.
Sell your weird gift
Trading Game

Each person has The game is to Once you've

ONE weird gift sell the gift at sold it, you
and 50 dollars the best price should buy
you can another one as
cheaply as

The goal is to make as much profit as possible

Thank you!
Feel free to reach out to us
if you have any questions.
Phone Number
+38098 827 15 56

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