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What is Lean Management?

Lean focuses on eliminating waste in processes (i.e. the waste of work in process and finished goods inventories). Lean is not about
eliminating people. Lean is about expanding capacity by reducing costs and shortening cycle times. Lean is about understanding what
is important to the customer. Thinking Lean means:

 Specify value from the perspective of the ultimate customer.

 Identify the value stream to expose waste.
 Create flow to reduce batch size and work-in-process.
 Make only what the customer has ordered.
 Seek perfection by continuously improving quality and eliminating waste.

The problem lean thinking attacks is waste. Looking for the Seven Forms of  Waste will identify them. The tools of lean thinking will
fix them. Here are some of the many Lean Enterprise tools:

 5S & Visual Factory

 Cellular Manufacturing
 Jidoka
 Kaizen
 Poka Yoke & Mistake Proofing
 Quick Changeover & SMED
 Production Preparation Process (3P)
 Pull Manufacturing & Just In Time
 Standard Work
 Theory of Constraints
 Total Productive Maintenance
 Training Within Industry (TWI)
 Value Streams

The Bottom Line

Better, faster, lower cost processes that make products and services easier to design, control and deliver.

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