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Nature of Electricity - Yu. Tymoshchuk
Electric Currents and their Properties - A. Gukova, A. Korovenkova
Types of Electric Circuits - A. Gukova, A. Korovenkova

You will be able to:
1. name basic units of electricity;
2. demonstrate understanding of basic laws of electricity;
3. distinguish between main types of electric current;
4. describe different types of electrical circuits.
Essential competency: compare different types of circuits explaining what basic
laws of electricity can be applied to them.
Part 1
Basics of Electricity

Nature of electricity


Discuss the associations you have with the word “Electricity”.

Complete the mind map.


Language Study

1 Match the verbs with their definitions.

be the first to find or find out about something and to make

1 rub a
take or store electricity or (of an accumulator) to have
2 repel b
move (something) with pressure along, over, or against (a
3 charge c
ask (someone) for something; to request; to demand, to insist
4 investigate d
upon (having)
5 attract e pull toward without touching
6 require f keep or accumulate (something) for future use
7 store g force away by means of a repulsive force
1 ___ 2 ___ 3 ___ 4 ____ 5 ____ 6 ____ 7 ____

2 Ask and answer the question by the model.

A – What does “to rub” mean?
B – It means to …

3 Unscramble each of the clue words. Write down the key word.

4 Cross the odd out in each word line. Explain your choice.
a. thunderstorm, ground, lightning, sky;
b. forest, electric fish, grass, mushrooms;
c. power, cable, electricity, box;
d. investigate, discover, charge, open.

5 Fill in the gaps with the words.

rest, rub, require, charge, attracts

1) A magnet __________ iron pieces.

2) I____________ the cloth over the glass.
3) I need to __________ a plan for the next three weeks.
4) I need to get a good_________ tonight, because I kept watch last
5) A battery is low, we’d better ____________ it.


Answer the questions.

1. Who was the first to discover electricity?
2. What famous discoveries about the nature of electricity do you know?

6 Scan the text and choose the right word.

Nature of Electricity

It was known since the ancient Greeks that when a piece of amber or glass is
rubbed with silk or fur, it achieves/ charges the power of attracting light objects. Later on,
this phenomenon was studied and the word “electric” (after Greek “electric” – “amber”)
was put in use.
During the 18 - 19th centuries many discoveries/ inventions about the nature of
electricity were made: Charles Coulomb investigated/ found the forces between the
charged objects; Benjamin Franklin invented the lightning rod, etc.
There was developed the idea that there are two kinds of electricity, which were
called resinous electricity, and that opposite kinds of electricity attract/ leave one another,
whereas similar kinds repel/ require one another.
The study of electricity may be divided into three classes (or branches):
• Magnetism;
• Electrostatics;
• Electrodynamics.
Magnetism is the property of the molecules of iron and other certain substances due
to which they store energy in a field because of the arranged / unstable movement of the
electrons in their atoms.
Electrostatics is the study of electricity at rest, or static electricity. Examples of this
type of electricity are charges on condenser plates. Rubbing glass with silk produces/
develops static electricity.
Electrodynamics is the study of electricity in motion, or dynamic electricity. The
electricity which flows/ reacts through wires for light and power purposes is a good
example of the latter type of electricity.

7 Match the words with their definitions.

a. the branch of physics concerned with magnetic phenomena any

of a class of phenomena in which a field of force is caused by a
1. electrodynamics
moving electric charge something that remains after most of a
substance has gone
b. the branch of physics concerned with the interactions between
2. electrostatics
electrical and mechanical forces
c. the branch of physics concerned with static charges and the
3. magnetism
electrostatic field

8 Fill in the gaps.

produces, magnetism, dynamic, electricity (x2), power, rest

1) The study of ______________ may be divided into three classes.

2) _____________ is the property of the molecules of iron and other

certain substances to store energy in a field.
3) Electrostatics is the study of electricity at ______, or
4) Rubbing glass with silk _____________ static electricity.
5) Electrodynamics is the study of electricity in motion, or
__________ electricity.
6) The examples of it are wires for light and _____________purposes.

9 Answer the questions.

1) What happened in the 18th – 19th centuries?
2) What did famous people invent?
3) What classes can the study of electricity be divided into?
4) What is magnetism? Give the examples.

5) What is electrostatics? Give the examples.
6) What is electrodynamics? Give the examples.

Language Study

Grammar Spot
1. Look at the sentences and say what the difference between them is.
2. Explain when we use Active and Passive Voice.
Past Simple (Active) Past Simple (Passive)
1. Electric charge in motion formed 1. Electric current was formed by electric
electric current. charges in motion.
2. Electric charges in motion formed 2. Electric currents were formed by electric
electric current. charges in motion.

10 Tick the correct sentence. Justify your choice.

1.- The ancient Greeks rubbed glass or amber with silk or fur.
- The ancient Greeks were rubbed glass or amber with silk or fur.
2.- The power of attracting light objects was to discovered.
- The power of attracting light objects was discovered.
3.- During the 18 -19th centuries some phenomena of the nature of electricity were
- During the 18 -19th centuries some phenomena of the nature of electricity are
4.- Charles Coulomb investigated the forces between the charged objects.
- Charles Coulomb was investigated the forces between the charged objects.
5.- The lightning rod was invent by Benjamin Franklin.
- The lightning rod was invented by Benjamin Franklin.

11 Underline the correct form of the verb.

a) They were repaired/ repaired engine-room machinery yesterday.

b) The electrical power was supplied/ supplied to the engine room.
c) Electrical machinery operated/ was operated in good working conditions.
d) All crewmembers performed/ were performed their duties last voyage.
e) A resistance measured/ was measured just in time.

12 Ask and answer the questions.

Who was the first to invent the What discoveries were made in the
electricity? 18-19th centuries?

Where can you see examples of What branches of

electricity in the world? electricity are there?

Basic units of electricity


Look at the picture. Say if you agree with the statement. Prove your idea.

Language Study

13 Read the words with their definitions. Give the equivalents in your native

Definition Ukrainian equivalent

ampere – a unit of electric current

current – a flow of electric charge; a flow of electric charge

through a conductor
circuit – a closed path followed by an electric current

voltage – an electromotive force or potential difference

expressed in volts
resistance – the opposition to a flow of electric current
through a circuit component
electromotive force – a source of energy that can cause a
current to flow in an electrical circuit or device
strength – the state, property, or quality of being strong
measure – estimate by evaluation or comparison

14 Scan the text and underline the definitions for Ampere, Ohm and Volt.

Basic Units of Electricity

There exist three basic electrical units in any electrical circuit: ampere, ohm and
volt. The ampere is an electrical unit for measuring the strength of electric current in a
circuit. One ampere represents the amount of current generated by 1 volt acting through the
resistance of 1 ohm.

The ohm is an electrical unit for measuring the resistance or opposition to the flow
of current. One ohm represents such a resistance that a one-volt addition to the potential
produces 1 ampere of current.
The volt is an electrical unit measuring the external force applied to a circuit to
overcome the opposition to the flow of current. This force is called voltage and is also
referred to as electromotive force. The electromotive force that causes a current of 1
ampere to flow through a resistance of 1 ohm equals 1 volt.

Complete the mind-map.

Basic Units of Electricity

_______________ ________________ _______________

15 Match the columns.

An ampere voltage
A volt is a unit of measuring resistance
An ohm strength of current

16 Answer the questions.

1. What is the ampere?

2. What does one ampere represent?
3. What is resistance measured in?
4. What does one ohm represent?
5. What does 1 volt equal?

Language Study

17 Open the brackets using Past Simple Passive.

a) This phenomenon (study) many years ago.

b) Many discoveries about the nature of electricity (make) by Charles

c) The forces between the charged objects (investigate) by Charles Coulomb.

d) The special purpose machinery (inspect) by an Electrical Engineer.

e) The electricity (deliver) to the ship electrical appliances.

18 Rewrite the sentences using Past Simple Passive.

a) The cadets learnt the basics of electricity.

b) Engine-room crewmembers inspected the machinery defects.

c) We checked the operation of an electric motor yesterday.

d) The Electrical Engineer repaired the machinery immediately.

e) Scientists did many researches.

f) He knew the basic rules of electricity.



19 Answer the questions.

1. What have you heard about Benjamin Franklin?
2. What experiments did he make?
3. What is special about Franklin’s kite?

20 Put the sentences in correct order to get a story. Title it.


1. The key was connected to the lower end of the string.

2. The story about Franklin's famous kite is known all over the world.
3. They took some necessary things such as: a kite with a long string, a
key, and so on.

4. It was proved that lightning is a discharge of electricity.

5. It was a stormy day.
6. The electricity was conducted from the clouds down the string to the
7. The kite was flying high among the clouds.
8. The rain wetted the string.
9. Atmospheric electricity greatly interested Franklin.
10. The rain fell.

21 Arrange the pictures in correct order according to the story.

___________ ___________

_____________ ___________

_____________ ____________

22 Ask and answer the questions with your study partner or in small groups.

What are the basic units of What is an ampere/ an

electricity? ohm/

What does one volt

What does one ampere

23 Project work. Make a presentation about one of the most famous scientists in the
branch of electricity. Use the plan:
 name, surname of an inventor;
 branch of science the invention was made;
 specification of the invention.

Essential Laws of Electricity


Complete the mind-map. Write the laws of electricity you are familiar with.

Language Study

24 Read the words with their definitions. Give the equivalents in your native

1 flow into move, proceed

2 an electric connection
3 magnetic flux a magnetic flow or discharge
strength or energy; power of the
4 current force
a decrease in volume of electromotive
5 voltage drop force or potential difference expressed
in volts
6 wire a flexible metallic conductor
a property of transmitting heat,
7 conductivity
electricity, or sound

Ask and answer the question by the model.

Model: A – What does “electrical junction” mean?
B – Electrical junction means an electric connection.

25 Match the pictures with the words.

1. 3.
__________________ ________________

2. ____________________

___ electric junction
___ electric circuit
___ voltage
___ electromotive force
___ conductivity
___ resistance
___ current
5. ____________________ ___ current flow

6. _________________ 8. ________________
7. ___________________

26 Unscramble the words.

 cerurnt current
 rwie _____________
 vtagole _____________
 fwlo _____________
 bhaeviro _____________
 oprd _____________
 ctiojunn _____________

27 Fill in the gaps with the words.

current, watt, voltage, conductivity, electrical current
a. The unit of measuring ________________ is volt.
b. Ampere is a unit for measuring __________________.
c. Metals produce very good ______________.
d. The unit of measuring the power of current is ________________.
e. In the circuit ___________ ____________ flows from one element to another.


28 Answer the questions.

a. What do you know about Ohm?
b. What did he invent?
c. What can you measure knowing Ohm’s law?

29 Circle the right formula for the law.

R=I/U I=U/R I = UR

30 Read the text and title it. Change the symbols for the words.

Ohm George Simon (1787-1854) - German physicist. He researched in the field of

electricity, acoustics, optics, crystal optics. Discovered the basic law of I
(1826), binding current force, V and R
together (Ohm's law). This law made a base electrical circuits design. He
introduced the concepts of «electromotive force – emf», «voltage drop», «conductivity».
He first measured emf of current source in 1830.
George Simon Ohm (1787-1854) experimented with current flow in metallic
conductors. He found that the amount of current that flows through the wire that has
difference of potential between its ends varies directly as the amount of the potential
difference and inversely as the "resistance" of the wire. He changed the "resistance" of the
wire by change of the length only.
Ohm’s law states that the direct current flowing in a conductor is directly
proportional to the potential difference between its ends. It is usually formulated as V = IR,
where V is the potential difference, or voltage, I is the current, and R is the resistance of
the conductor.
Ohm's law is expressed mathematically as follows:

Volts U
Amperes = Ohms I=R

31 Solve the problems.

Problems Solution
a. A 70-ohm resistance is _____________________________________
connected to the circuit. How much is _____________________________________
the voltage if the current equals 4 A? ______________________________________

b. How much is the current in _____________________________________

the circuit if a 60 V source is _____________________________________
connected to a resistance of 1,600 ______________________________________

c. An electric heater has a ______________________________________

resistance of 20 ohms. How much ______________________________________
current will it carry when a potential ______________________________________
difference of 120 volts is applied to


Answer the questions.

a. What did Ohm contribute to electrical engineering?
b. What role does this law play nowadays?

32 Work in two groups. Group A Read about Kirchhoff's current law. Group B
Read about Kirchhoff’s voltage law.
Underline the key sentences about the law.

Kirchhoff's Current Law (KCL) Kirchhoff's Voltage Law (KVL)

The current entering any junction is equal

to the current leaving that junction. The sum of all the voltages around the loop
I2 + I3 = I1 + I4 is equal to zero.
V1+ V2 + V3 - V4 = 0
This law is also called Kirchhoff's first This law is also called Kirchhoff's second
law, Kirchhoff's point rule, or law, Kirchhoff's loop (or mesh) rule, and
Kirchhoff's junction rule (or nodal rule). Kirchhoff's second rule.
The principle of conservation of electric The principle of conservation of energy
charge implies that: implies that:
Kirchhoff’s First Law states that the total law states that for a closed loop series path
current entering a junction is equal to the the algebraic sum of all the voltages around
total current leaving the junction. OR any closed loop in a circuit is equal to zero.
The algebraic sum of currents at a junction This is because a circuit loop is a closed
is zero. conducting path, so no energy is lost.
The law is based on the conservation of The total amount of energy gained per unit
charge whereby the charge (measured in charge must equal the amount of energy lost
coulombs) is the product of the current (in per unit charge, as energy and charge are
amperes) and the time (in seconds). both conserved.
Kirchhoff's current law combined with
Ohm's Law is used innodal analysis.

33 Complete the chart according to your text.

Find a study-partner from another group. Interview each other about laws.

The Law


What does it state?

34 Suggest and explain the laws. The formulas below may help you.
1) I1+I2-I3+I4-I5 = 0;
2) E1= I1 R1+ I2R2;
3) El + E2 = I1 R1 + I3R3.

35 Ask and answer the questions.

 What laws are essential for your

 What situations are they useful?

 Where can the Ohm’s law be used on


 What do the Kirchhoff’s rules states?

Application of Laws

Fill in the mind map.

How/ Where can you apply the laws of electricity?


Language Study
36 Match the words with their meanings.
1. calculate a. having or involve several parts, elements, or members
2. press b. a structure, series, or process, the end of which is
connected to the beginning
3. drop c. determine (the amount or number of something)
4. multiply d. let or make (something) fall vertically
5. loop e. move or cause to move into a position of contact with
something by exerting continuous physical force
1.___ 2. ___ 3. ___ 4. ___ 5. ___

37 Label the pictures.

1_____________________ 2____________________

3_________________ 4___________________ 5__________________

38 Complete the sentences.

a) The fire was caused by someone who __________ed a lighted cigarette in
the port.
b) A __________ of wire held the gate shut.
c) He _____________ed the button for people to know the dangerous
d) To solve the problem he should ________________ the known numbers.
e) Suddenly the current in the net ___________ed twice.

39 Skim the text and choose the title for it. Prove your choice.
Let’s Apply the Laws
a) Kirchoff’s Current Law (KCL)
b) Ohm’s Law
c) Kirchoff’s Voltage Law (KVL)

Now, let’s apply _______________ to the circuit and calculate the voltage and current
supplied to each load. The schematic shows a supply circuit for a child’s bedtime toy. R1
presents the resistance value of the speaker and R2 shows the resistance value of the LEDs.
R1 is equal to 430 Ohms, R2 is equal to 284 Ohms and the supply is a battery with 5VDC and
5A. What is the voltage supplied to the LEDs and to the speaker? First, we need to find the
current in the loop once the belly is pressed and switch 1 (S1) closes. The supply offers 5
amps of current but the circuit will only use what is demanded by the loads. We can use the
formula to solve for current in the loop, or I (loop) = V (loop)/ R (loop). Using the supplied
meaning, we can calculate that I (loop current) = 5VDC/714Ω = 7mA.


This voltage drop principle leads to another important law in basic electrical engineering. This
law states that the algebraic sum of the voltages in a closed loop is always equal to zero. If we
only knew the supply potential and the voltage drop of R1, we could use KVL to find the
other voltage drop. With __________ you have to follow the current path and use the
polarities of the components shown. If current path is unknown you have to assume one. We
will use the positive to negative (clockwise) path.
V (supply) + V(1) + V(2) = 0 or -5VDC + (+3VDC) + (+V(2)). Solving for V(2), V(2) =
2VDC, which we know to be correct. _______________ really comes in handy when there are
multiple supplies in a loop or multiple loops.


This current varying in parallel circuits brought about big law in basic electrical engineering.
This law basically states that current into a node will equal the current out of the node. In
other words, the net current in a node is zero or 0 = I (in) – I(out). Looking at the node
(connection between two loops) in the diagram below, we already know that to be true: 0 =
29.23mA – (11.63mA + 17.6mA).
KVL and KCL are very useful in more advanced circuitry (e.g.toy car remote control).

40 Label the pictures with the corresponding laws.

_____________________________ ______________________________

Language Study

41 Transform the sentences into Past Passive.

a. Someone told me that he analyzed of current behavior at junction.
I ___________________that he analyzed of current behavior at junction.

b. They checked a point at which current entered or left an electrical device, such as
a battery or a circuit.
A point _________________ at which current entered or left an electrical device.

c. They often repaired the hole in this port.

The hole _____________________in this port.

d. They worked out a good electrical scheme.

A good electrical scheme ______________________ .

e. He did everything to get this job.

Everything ____________________by him to get this job.


42 Solve the problems.

• Using Kirchhoff's law how can you measure phase and series voltage?
• What is the current in winding junction of two-phase net?

43 Complete the table.

Symbol Definition Unit

Current ____ Current is a measure of how many e_ _ _ A (______)
_ _ _ _s are actually f_ _ _ _ _g round the
c_ _ _ _ _t
Voltage ____ Voltage is a measure of how much e_ _ _ V (______)
_y is being given to, or taken a_ _y from;
the electrons as they m_ _ e around the
Resistance ____ Resistance i_ _ _ c_ _ _s how difficult it Ω (______)
is for the c_ _ _ _ _t to pass through a c_
_ _ _ _ _ _t
Power ____ As before, power measures the rate of e_ W (______)
_ _ _y transfer from one form to another
(how f_ _ _t work is being done)

Ask and answer questions.

1. What are the basic units of electricity?
2. How are current/ voltage/ resistance measured?
3. What are the units of current/ voltage/ resistance/ power?

44 Quiz.

1) The current through a conductor between two points is directly

proportional to the voltage across the two points.
a) Ohm’s law
b) Watt’s law
c) Kirchoff’s current law
2) The basic Ohm’s formula is ___________.
a) V = IR
b) I=VR
c) R=I/V
3) The algebraic sum of ALL the currents entering and leaving a node
must be equal to zero concerns
a) Kirchoff’s voltage law
b) Kirchoff’s current law
c) Faraday’s law
4) The algebraic sum of all voltages within the loop must be equal to
a) Kirchoff’s voltage law
b) Kirchoff’s current law
c) Lenz’s law
5) Current must be expressed in __________, voltage must be
expressed in ___________, and resistance must be expressed in __________.


45 Write down 5-6 sentences about the Ohm’s law and its practical application.

Right-Hand (Grip) Rule


Explain what the formulas state. Define the laws they refer to.

- I= U / R ________________________
- I1+I2-I3+I4-I5 = 0 _________________
- E1= I1 R1+ I2R2, El + E2 = I1 R1 + I3R3 _______________________________________

Language Study

46 Write the synonyms to the words.

Rule –
Define –
Decode –
Occur –
Wrap –
Direction –

47 Fill in the gaps.

a. This ____________ is used in Physics.
b. We tried to __________ the way current flows.
c. It could _____________ due to misunderstanding.
d. ____________ your hand around the stick.


48 Answer the questions.

 What rules of electricity are you familiar with?
 Where may Right-Hand Rule be applied?

49 Scan the text and underline the key sentences. Check it with your study partner.
Right-Hand (Grip) Rule
A different form of the right-hand rule, sometimes called the right-hand grip rule or the
corkscrew-rule, is used either when a vector (such as the Euler vector) must be defined to
represent the rotation of a body, a magnetic field or a fluid, or vice versa when it is
necessary to decode the rotation vector, to understand how the corresponding rotation
This version of the rule is used in two applications of Ampère’s circuital law:
1. An electric current passes through a solenoid, resulting in a magnetic field. When
you wrap your right hand around the solenoid with your fingers in the direction of the

conventional current, your thumb points in the direction of the magnetic north pole.
2. An electric current passes through a straight wire. Here, the thumb points in the
direction of the conventional current (from positive to negative), and the fingers point in
the direction of the magnetic lines of flux.
The right-hand rule is just a convention. When applying the rule to current in a straight
wire for example, the direction of the magnetic field (counterclockwise instead of
clockwise when viewed from the tip of the thumb) is a result of this convention and not an
underlying physical phenomenon.

Prediction of direction of field (B), given The right-hand rule as applied to motion
that the current I flows in the direction of produced with screw threads
the thumb

50 Complete the definition.

Right-Hand (Grip) Rule states ________________________________________

51 Define the statements as True (T) or False (F). Correct false ones.

a. The right-hand rule must be defined to represent the rotation of a thumb.

b. An electric current passes through a solenoid is resulting in a magnetic field.
c. The thumb points in the direction of the conventional current and the fingers
point in the direction of the magnet.
d. When applying the rule to current in a straight wire, the direction of the magnetic
basis is a result of this convention.

Language Study

52 Rewrite the sentences using Past Passive.

a. We did not add any resistance to our wire.
b. They built new tugs in our Shipbuilding yard.
c. Did they publish her new manual last month?
d. They tested the resistance every 3 minutes.
e. I answered all questions of the Chief Engineer.
f. This cadet carried out the duty in time.


53 Describe the application of the right-hand rule.

• What picture shows you best the rule? Why?

54 Discuss the application of the laws of electricity on board the ship.


Part 2
Electric Currents and Their Properties

Types of currents
a Discuss the difference between these types of current.

b Discuss which of them is more widely used on board a ship.


1 Identify which of the statements are about direct current (dc), alternating current
(ac), pulsating current (pc).

1. An electric current that changes both direction and magnitude at fixed

intervals of time.________
2. The sources of this current may be either galvanic elements, or
thermoelements, or generators and accumulators. ________
3. It is produced when conversion of an alternating current into a direct current
in current rectifiers, in anode circuits of electronic lamps etc. takes place.
4. An electric current that flows in one direction only and doesn’t change its
direction and magnitude at a constant resistance of a circuit. _________
5. An electric current that changes its magnitude but is stable in it its direction.

2 Complete the conversation.

- What types of electrical current _____________________?

- There are: ________________, __________________ and
- What is the difference between ac and dc?
- Direct current is __________ in its direction and _________________.
- What are _____________ and ______________ used for?
- ______________ is used to change the current from dc to ac, but
_______________ - to change the current from ac to dc .

3 Read the text and check your guesses. Underline the information that wasn’t
mentioned before.

Electric charges in motion form electric current. Electric current is equal to

the quantity of electric charges passing a given point in unit time.
To make electrons move through a metal conductor, there exists a driving
force called electromotive force (emf), which moves electric charges from one
point in the circuit to another.
As it is impossible to see electric current, its existence is proved by its
effects. A current can heat a conductor, it can have a chemical action when passing
through a solution, or it can produce a magnetic effect. The currents are measured
by observing their heating, chemical or magnetic effects.
There exist several kinds of current: direct current, alternating current,
pulsating current.
Direct current (dc) is an electric current that flows in one direction only and
doesn’t change its direction and magnitude at a constant resistance of a circuit. The
sources of direct current may be either galvanic elements, or thermoelements, or
DC generators and accumulators. Besides, direct current may be obtained by
converting alternating current into direct one with the help of rectifiers.
Almost all current calculations in dc circuits are based on Ohm’s law.
According to this law, any circuit section, connecting two points of this circuit and
not having electromotive force, contains current,
where U – voltage or potential difference between these two points, R –
resistance of the circuit section connecting them.

Alternating current (ac) is an electric current that changes both direction and
magnitude at fixed intervals of time. The strength of the current in alternating
circuits, unlike that in direct ones, depends not only on the resistance of the entire
circuit and the voltage applied to it, but on the inductance and capacitance of the
circuit sections as well.
Inverter is used to change the current from dc to ac, but rectifier - to change
the current from ac to dc .
Pulsating current is an electric current, alternative in its magnitude and
stable in its direction. It is produced when conversion of an alternating current into
a direct current in current rectifiers, in anode circuits of electronic lamps etc. takes

4 Study the information given it the table and complete the sentences below.

a current a flow of electric charge through a conductor

an existence the fact or state of being
a magnitude a relative size
an emf a driving force, which moves electric charges from one point of
a circuit into another
a rectifier a device which changes the current from AC to DC
a capacitance the property of a system to store electric charge
an inverter a device which converts DC to AC

5 Complete the sentences using the pictures.

1. To convert ……..………….. to …………….……. we use a

…………………………………….….… .

2. An …….………..……. changes …………………………..….. to

………………………………….…… .

3. ………………….. is produced when conversion of an

……………………… into a ……………………

………………………………. takes place.

6 Mark the statements as True (T) or False (F). Correct the false ones.

1. Electric current is equal to the quantity of electric charges passing a given point
in unit time.
true false 
2. Electromotive force moves electric currents from one point in the circuit to
true false 
3. The currents can be measured by observing their heating, chemical or magnetic
true false 
4. Alternating current is an electric current that flows in one direction only.
true false 
5. The sources of direct current may be either galvanic elements, or
thermoelements, or AC generators and accumulators.
true false 
6. Pulsating current is an electric current that changes both direction and magnitude
at fixed intervals of time.
true false 

Language Study

Grammar Spot
In most cases, an adverb is formed by adding–ly to an adjective:
Careful – carefully, slow – slowly, bad – badly, quick – quickly.
Some adverbs have the same form as the adjective: early, fast, hard, high, late,
near, straight, & wrong.
Well is the adverb that corresponds to the adjective good.
 He is a good student.
 He studies well.
Adjective or Adverb?
Look at these sentences.
 He is a careful operator.
(careful = adjective. It describes a noun.)
 He operates carefully.
(carefully = adverb. It describes a verb.)

7 Choose the correct word.

1. Doris repaired the motor carefully / careful.
2. He studied hard / hardly last year and he passed.
3. The pilot speaks English good / well.
4. The Chief Engineer told me to speak quiet / quietly.
5. The Master looked at me angry / angrily.
6. I felt sad / sadly when I heard the news about the accident.
7. He wrote to the company and asked them polite / politely to give him the
money back.
8. The journey took a long time because the vessel went very slow / slowly.

8 Rewrite these sentences using an adverb instead of an adjective.

Model: Our captain has good English. Our captain speaks English

1. Martin is a good cook. Martin cooks _________

2. I’m a slow crane operator. ____________________
3. My father is a careful worker. ____________________
4. He is a dangerous driver. ____________________
5. David is a fast swimmer. ____________________


9 Describe common/distinguishing characteristics of dc/ac/pc .

10 Answer the questions.

1. What does current serve for?
2. What types of electrical current are distinguished?
3. What makes possible to prove the existence of electric current?
4. What is the difference between direct and alternating current?
5. When is pulsating current produced?

Application of ac


Identify what is presented in the images.


11 Write down the ideas about the ways of ac application.


12 Match the halves.

1. Alternating current is mainly used in

the industry of a) when it comes to powering electric
2. AC is also the more popular current b) this is because generating and
transporting AC across long distances
and relatively easy
3. Home and office outlets are almost c) the transportation and production of
always used in ac: electricity.

1._____ 2.______ 3.______

13 Read the text and complete the missing information with the words/word-
combinations from the box.
the energy lost, 3-phase, to be transmitted, reduce the size,
dishwashers , 220 V

A. Electrical energy is distributed as alternating current because ac voltage
may be increased or decreased with a transformer. This allows the power
_____________through power lines efficiently at high voltage, which reduces
____________as heat due to resistance of the wire, and transformed to a lower,
safer, voltage for use. Use of a higher voltage leads to significantly more efficient
transmission of power.
Home and office outlets are almost always used in ac. Ac is also capable of
powering electric motors. Motors and generators are the exact same device, but
motors convert electrical energy into mechanical energy. This is useful for many
large appliances like refrigerators, _______________, and so on, which run on ac.
B. The function of a ship’s electrical distribution system is to convey
electrical power to every item of equipment connected to it safely. Most ships have
a _________ ac, 3-wire, 440V insulated-neutral system. Ship’s with very large
electrical loads have generators operating at high voltages (HV) of 3.3KV, 6.6KV,
and even 11KV. By using these high voltages we can ____________of cables and
equipment. High voltage systems are becoming more common as ship size and
complexity increase. The frequency of an ac power system can be 50 Hz or 60Hz.
Lighting and low power single-phase supplies usually operate at ______. This
voltage is derived from a step down transformer connected to the 440 V system.
Why is ac popular on board ship?
1. Compact machine size, for a given kW
2. High power and high voltage ac generator can be easily manufactured
3. Voltage can be raised or lowered by transformer
4. Ac can be easily converted to dc
5. The reason is that ac is easy to generate (alternators), easy to convert
(transformers) and easy to interrupt (circuit breakers)

14 a) Read the text above and complete the chart. Group A – benefits of ashore
usage of AC, Group B – benefits of onboard usage of AC.

Benefits of ashore usage of ac Benefits of onboard usage of ac

b) Exchange information and complete the other column of the chart.

15 Add your own ways of using ac onboard and ashore.


Language Study

16 Match the synonyms.

1. to conduct a) accurately
2. to distribute b) transportation
3. efficiently c) to convey
4. transmission d) constructed
5. manufactured e) to share

1._______ 2._______ 3.________ 4.________ 5.________

17 Complete the sentences with the words from the previous exercise.
1. Ship’s electrical distribution system is used to _____________ electrical
power to every item of equipment connected to it safely.
2. _____________ of electrical energy is usually done as AC.
3. AC is transmitted through power lines _____________ at high voltage.
4. It is very beneficial to _______________ electrical energy as AC, because it
reduces the energy lost while transportation.
5. AC is popular on board, because high power and high voltage AC generator
can be easily _________________.


18 Rate the ways of ac application from the most to the least important into a list of

19 Debate on the issue of ac application.

Application of dc


a Discuss the ways of dc usage

b Write down these variants


20 Mark the statements as True (T) or False (F). Correct the false ones.

1. Any device that has a circuit board inside uses dc, because the chips within
these devices require a steady, unidirectional flow of electrons to operate and
store data.
True false 
2. Ac most frequently finds a home in battery-powered objects as well as home
electronics, while dc forms the basis for the most efficient long-range energy
True false 
3. Direct current isn’t popular in applications that contains batteries.
True false 
4. Ac provides unidirectional flow of electrons for many devices to operate and
store data.
True false 

21 Read the text and check your guesses. Highlight the information that wasn’t
mentioned before.

Direct current is used in any device that has a circuit board because the
chips within these devices require a steady, unidirectional flow of electrons to
operate and store data. Every home PC has a dc inverter built into the system,
which then provides dc style power to the rest of the devices inside the case. dc

current is also required to run the majority of electric motors; these motors run
everything from the optical disk drive and the spinning of its hard disk in a
computer, to the movements of a robotic arm at a manufacturing plant
Direct current is popular in applications that contains batteries, which are
charged by plugging an ac to dc adapter into a wall, or uses a USB cable to charge.
Examples of these products are flashlights, cell phones, modern televisions (these
contain an adapter which converts ac power to dc power), and hybrid cars. dc power
is widely used in low voltage applications such as charging batteries, automotive
applications, aircraft applications and other low voltage, low current applications.
Dc most frequently finds a home in battery-powered objects as well as
home electronics, while ac forms the basis for the most efficient long-range energy

22 Complete the sentences.

1. The usage of DC power is beneficial in _______________________________.
2. DC is usually applied for __________________________________________.
3. Direct current is used in many appliances because _____________________.
4. To make long-range energy transmission more efficient ________ is used.
5. DC is used in such devices as _____________________________________.

23 Read the abstract and comment on it by answering the questions in written form:
 Do you agree that DC systems on board ships have no advantages of
using? Why? Why not?
 What are the possible benefits of using DC systems on board ships?

One of the reasons why the ac system has prevailed over the dc one lies in the
use of a transformer, which can shift the voltage level up or down (but not the
frequency), depending on the ratio of primary and secondary coil turns. dc systems
required rotating devices to accomplish the same task, and that was uneconomical
and also unreliable from the maintenance point of view.

24 Insert the missing sentences a, b, c.

a I t is also of high importance to mention, that the choice between the ac or dc ship
power system will be strongly dependent on available technology and different
components developed by different manufacturers.

b Even though the dc concept has many benefits, this new technology introduces
challenges that must be quickly addressed and solved.

c On other vessel types, the transition from the ac to dc will move gradually via
hybrid solutions, which will simultaneously contain an ac main bus and a dc main bus,
each with its associated type of load.

1. _________. It is already certain that for some vessels with characteristic

operational profiles the dc systems will not be an optimal solution anytime soon.

2.____________. Some vessels which require a dc system are already either in
service, or in the commissioning phase or in a design phase. 3. ___________.

Language Study

25 Match the words with the definitions.

1. unidirectional a) toachieve or complete successfully.
2. a circuit board b) a phase of authorizing the production
of (something).
3. to accomplish c) moving or operating in a single
4. a commissioning phase d) a phase during which designs are
5. a design phase e) a thin rigid board containing an electric
circuit; a printed circuit.

26 Complete the sentences with the words from previous exercise.

1. Dc systems required rotating devices to _____________the same task as the
transformer does, and that was uneconomical and also unreliable from the
maintenance point of view.
2. Direct current is used in any device that has __________________.
3. The chips within these devices require a steady, ______________ flow of
electrons to operate and store data.
4. Some vessels which require a dc system are already either in service, or in
___________________ or in ____________________.


27 Study the abstract. Express your ideas on the issue of rising importance of dc ship
power system nowadays.
However, beginning from the mid-20th century, rapid development of
modern power electronics is today paving the road to dc ship power systems for the
following reasons:
• Improvement of prime mover efficiency and reduction of fuel costs,
•Weight and space savings,
• Generators operating with a unity power factor,
• Lower transmission losses,
• Faster and simpler parallel connection of generators,
Simpler implementation of energy storage.

28 Say if you agree or don’t with the reasons of rising importance of dc ship power
system mentioned above.

29 Suggest the ways of dc application ashore and on board a ship.

Advantages/Disadvantages of ac and dc


a Discuss the questions.

 Why do we need alternating and direct current?

 What type of current is widely used: ac or dc? Why?


30 Choose what dc and ac are produced by.

1. Dc is produced by:
a) dc generators b) ac generators c) batteries d) converters e) solar
photovoltaic cells
2. Ac is produced by:
a) electric motors b) converters c) dc generators (e.g. wind turbines) d) ac

31 Watch the video and check previous exercise.

32 Watch the video again and correct the mistakes.

1.In direct current electrons flows in reverse direction.
2. For grid ac must be converted into dc.
3. HVDC can be beneficial for moving small amounts of power long
4. Ac is produced by ac motors or convertors.
5. An alternating current changes direction 150 times per second.
6. Ac is easily converted from low voltage to high voltage.

33 Answer the questions.

What is direct current

produced by? What is alternating current
produced by?

What are the advantages of

alternating current? What are the disadvantages of direct

What type of current do all What type of current is used to deliver

electronic devices require? electricity to the device?


34 Discuss the questions:

 When the usage of dc is more advantageous?/ When not?
 When the usage of ac is more advantageous?/ When not?

35 Match the halves.

1. Nowadays for electric power a) re-converted to ac by another

distribution alternating current is terminal station and finally delivered to
mostly used, customers.
2. One of the biggest advantages of dc b) as it has significant advantages over
power is direct current in transmission and
3. Whenever ac power transmission is c) sub-sea high voltage dc transmission
not practically feasible or possible over lines.
long distances,
4. One such application are d) dc power is used.
5. Here, the electricity is produced in ac e) its ability to be used in special
form, converted to dc at a switching/ applications.
terminal station, transmitted by a
subsea network of cables,

1._____ 2._____ 3.______ 4._____ 5._____

36 Read the information above one more time and say if you agree or disagree with
the given advantages and disadvantage of using dc and ac.

Language Study

37 Find the synonyms to the words.

Reverse, a grid, beneficial, significant, feasible

38 Complete the sentences.

1. ____________ possible to do easily or conveniently.

2. _____________a network of lines that cross each other.
3. _____________ going in or turned towards the direction opposite to that
previously stated.
4. ______________resulting in good; favourable or advantageous.
5. _____________ having a particular meaning.


39 Add your own ideas about advantageous spheres of using dc and advantageous
spheres of using ac.

40 Debate on advantages\disadvantages of ac and dc.

Continuity testing


a Discuss the questions.

• Which device is used for measuring continuity?
• Have you ever measured it? Share your experience.


41 Complete the sentences with the steps of continuity testing procedure.

Prove _____________________________________________________________

42 Complete the text with the missing information.

continuity, operate, insulation tester, log, isolate, prove (2), switch,


An ______________normally also incorporates a low voltage continuity test facility.

This is a low resistance instrument for measuring the ____________of conductors. It
can be used to measure the low resistance of cables, motor windings, transformer
windings etc. The procedure for use is similar to that for the insulation tester.
 _________ the correct operation of the instrument.
 _________ and lock off the equipment to be tested.
 _________ the equipment to be dead.
 _________ the instrument to “Ω” or “continuity”.
 _________ the probes to the circuit.
 __________ the test switch and check the indication on the “Ω” scale. ______ all

43 Mark the statements as True (T) or False (F). Correct the false ones.

1. It is important to isolate and switch off all equipment around you before testing.
true  false 
2. You have to check the correct operation of the instrument prior to testing.
true  false 
3. An insulation tester is applied for measuring the continuity of conductors only.
true  false 
4. It is not advisable to log the readings all the time.
true  false 

44 Match the halves.

1. In the case of three-phase motors and a) this could indicate the possibility of short-
transformers circuited turns in that winding.
2. All readings b) the comparison between readings is usually
more important than the absolute value of the
3. If one reading is significantly smaller than c) a high resistance fault or an open-circuit.
the others
4. A high continuity resistance value d) it is necessary to use a micro-ohmmeter.
5. To measure very low continuity resistance e) should be identical.
values such as those between bus-bar joints
and circuit breaker contacts

1._____ 2._____ 3.______ 4._____ 5._____

45 Answer the questions.

1. Why is identity of readings important?
2. How can the possibility of short-circuited turns in winding be indicated?
3. What does a high continuity resistance value indicate?
4. What devices are used to measure the continuity?

Language Study

46 a) Write down definitions to the words.

- To incorporate - _________________________________________________
- Continuity - _____________________________________________________
- To lock off - ____________________________________________________
- Readings - ______________________________________________________
- To log - ________________________________________________________

b Compare your variants.

47 Complete the sentences using the words from previous exercise.

1. One should remember __________ the equipment to be tested.

2. An insulation tester normally _______________ a low voltage continuity test
3. In the case of three-phase motors and transformers, all ____________ should be
4. A high ___________ resistance value, in case of three-phase motors and transformers,
indicates a high resistance fault or an open-circuit.
5. It is important to __________ all the readings after the procedure of continuity testing.


48 Describe the procedure of continuity testing.

49 Debate on the issue of importance of continuity testing procedure.

Part 3
Types of Electric Circuits

Types of circuits according to elements


Discuss the questions:

 What is an electric circuit?

 What elements of electric circuits are there?
 Which of them refer to active and to passive?


1 Look at the pictures and label the elements as Active (A) or Passive (P).

1. _____________ 2.________________ 3.__________________

4._______________ 5._________________

2 Group the words from the previous exercise and add your variants.

Active components Passive components

3 a Read the text and check your ideas.

An electric circuit is a closed path for transmitting an electric current through the
medium of electrical and magnetic fields. A circuit is an interconnection of elements. They
are classified into active or passive elements, based on their capability to generate energy.
Active elements are those which can generate energy and supply it to a circuit.
Examples include batteries, generators, operational amplifiers and diodes. Note that in an
electrical circuit, the source elements are the most significant active elements.
Passive elements can be defined as elements which can control the flow of electrons
through them. They either increase or decrease the voltage (resistor, inductor, capacitor)

b Add the variants which were mentioned to the table above.

4 Complete the sentences with the words from the box.

battery, capacitor, resistor, transistor, inductor

1. A __________ is taken as a passive element since it can not deliver any

energy to a circuit. Instead it can only receive energy which it dissipates as heat as long as
current flows through it.
2. Example of an Independent source is the ________ which provides a
constant voltage to the circuit, irrespective of the current flowing through the terminals.
3. Example of a dependent source is a________, which provides current to the
circuit, depending upon the voltage applied to it.
4. A _________stores energy in form of the electrostatic field. The voltage
across it is proportional to the charge.
5. An ________stores energy in form of the electromagnetic field. The voltage
across it is proportional to the rate of change of current flowing through it.

Language Study

5 Match the words with the definitions.

1. capability a) disappear or cause to disappear.

2. an amplifier b)the power or ability to do something.
3. to dissipate c) an electronic device for increasing the amplitude of
electrical signals.
4. irrespective d) not taking (something) into account

1._____ 2._____ 3.______ 4._____

6 Fill in the gaps with the words from ex.5.

1. Active elements are those which can generate energy and supply it to a
circuit, e.g. batteries, generators, operational _____________ and diodes.
2. Example of an Independent source is the battery which provides a constant
voltage to the circuit, _______________ of the current flowing through the terminals.
3. A resistor is taken as a passive element which can only receive energy and
________ it as heat as long as current flows through it.
4. The elements are classified into active or passive elements, based on their
___________ to generate energy.


7 Say if you agree with the proposed division of circuit elements into active and
passive. Add criteria for their division.

8 Debate on the issue of importance of active and passive components in the

electric circuits.

Types of circuits by the operation


Look at the schemes and describe the difference between them.

a) b)


9 Look at the pictures and comment on:

 type of circuit
 elements it consists of

a) b)

с) d)

e) f)

10 Complete the chart about your type of circuit.

Group A
Does the current flow?
Is it a closed circuit?
Is it an open circuit?
Is it a series circuit?
Is it a parallel circuit?
Is it a compound circuit?
How many elements does it
How are the elements

Group B
Does the current flow?
Is it a closed circuit?
Is it an open circuit?
Is it a series circuit?
Is it a parallel circuit?
Is it a compound circuit?
How many elements does it
How are the elements

11 Read the text and match topics a-f with paragraphs 1-6.

_____a The short circuit _____d General information about circuit

_____b Compound (combination) circuit _____e Parallel circuit
_____c Series circuit _____f Open and closed circuits

Types of Electric Circuits

1. Circuit is a complete path, which carries the current from the source of supply to
the load and then carries it again from the load back to the source. There are various kinds
of electric circuits such as: open circuits, closed circuits, series circuits, parallel circuits,
compound and short circuits.
The purpose of the electrical source is to produce the necessary electromotive force
required for the flow of current through the circuit.
2. The path along which the electrons travel must be complete or no electric power
can be supplied from the source to the load. Thus we close the circuit when we switch on
our electric lamp. If the circuit is broken or “opened” the current is known to stop
anywhere. We break the current when we switch off our electrical devices.
3. Now compare the schemes of two electric circuits (a) and (b). Circuit (a) is a
series circuit. It includes a voltage source and four resistors. The elements in circuit (a) are
connected in series. The value of current in one resistor equals the value of current in the
second resistor. The value of current is the same in all the elements of any series circuit
while the value of voltage is different.
4. Circuit (b) is a parallel circuit. It includes a voltage source and four resistors. In
parallel circuit it can be more than four resistors which are connected in parallel. The value
of voltage in one resistor equals the value of voltage in resistors one and two. The value of
voltage is the same in all the elements of a parallel circuit while the value of current is

a) b)

5. A third type of circuit involves the dual use of series and parallel connections in
a circuit; such circuits are referred to as compound circuits or combination circuits. The
circuit below is an example of the use of both series and parallel connections within the
same circuit.

6. The short circuit is produced when the current is allowed to return to the source
of supply without control and without doing the work that we want it to do. The short
circuit often results from cable fault or wire fault. The short may cause fire because the
current flows where it was not supposed to flow. The fuse must be placed in every circuit
where there is a danger of overloading the line. Then all the current to be sent will pass
through the fuse.

12 Discuss the circuit of life using the questions below.

 What does this circuit show?
 What is the power source/load?
 What are additional components of a circuit?

13 Complete the sentences.

1. Any electrical circuit consists of __________________________________.
2. The difference between open and closed
3. The value of current is ___________ and voltage ___________ in series
4. There are some differences in the value of current and voltage in parallel
5. Usual reasons of short circuit
are__________________________________________. The short circuits may result

Language Study

14 Match the synonyms and antonyms.

provide, same, in parallel, prohibit, stream, allow, close, path, identical,

switch on, include, supply, alike, connect, full, exclude, complete, open,
equal, in series, trajectory, switch off, flow, disconnect
Synonyms Antonyms
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
5. 5.
6. 6.

15 Complete the sentences.

1. Electric circuit is a complete ……………………………. .

2. The resistors in a series circuit are
connected……………….……………………... .
3. The value of voltage in one resistor ……………………….…….the value of
voltage in resistors two and three.
4. The path along which the electrons travel must be …………………. or no
electric power can be supplied.
5. A parallel circuit …………………………….………...a voltage source and three
7. We break the current when we ……………….…………………….. our
electrical devices.


16 Discuss and write down ideas about cases when is better to use series
connections of elements in the circuit and when parallel connection.

17 Draw a circuit from the oral description using the plan:

- Type of circuit
- Type/types of connection
- Elements it has

Reading simple electrical circuits


Compare the circuits:

• What is common between them?
• How do they differ from each other?

a) b)


18 Look at the pictures and answer how the voltage is distributed.

19 Watch the video and check if you were right.

20 Watch the video again and complete the chart: group A- about a series circuit,
group B- about a parallel circuit.

Type of circuit Principle of work Advantages

21 Exchange the information about your type of circuit and complete the other
column of the chart.

22 Discuss the statements.

What is the principle of

What is the advantage of a
work of a series/parallel
series/parallel circuit?

Cadet A.Is circuit a complete path?
Cadet B. Yes, it is. It carries the current from the source of supply to the load
and then carries it again from the load back to the source.

1. A circuit is a complete path.

2. There are different types of circuits.
3. Difference between series and parallel circuit.
4. Circuit is a compound (combination) circuit.
5. The fuse must be placed in every circuit.

23 Look at the circuits and say:

 if the current flows
 what is wrong about them

a) b

Language Study

24 a Match the words with their definitions.

1. circuit a a numerical quantity that is assigned by calculation or

2. fuse b an apparatus which is used to switch on/off electrical devices
3. power c a protective device from short circuits
4. cell d a device or the resistance of a device to which power is delivered
5. value e a source of power such as a generator or mains outlet
6. load f it’s a power source, the unit of battery
7. switch g a complete path through which the current can flow

1.____ 2.____ 3.____ 4.____ 5.____ 6.____ 7.____

b Exchange information with your study partner

25 Сomplete the sentences.

1. We close the circuit when we _______________ our electric lamp.

2. When __________ is blown, it should be replaced by a new one.
3. There are various types of _________________ which supply power to
4. A battery usually consists of a number of _________________.
5. There several types of _______________: toggle, knife, pocket, etc.


26 Describe different types of electric circuits using the plan below.

 Type of the circuit
 Type of the connection(-s)
 Elements it has

a) b)

c) d)

27 Suggest the ways how this circuit can be modified.

Types of electrical diagrams


Discuss the questions:

• Have you ever heard about electrical diagrams? Can you name any types?
• What type of diagram do you see? Have you ever worked with such


28 Label the diagrams.

1._____________ 2. _______________ 3._______________

29 Read and match the type of diagram with its explanation.

1. ____ 2. ____ 3. ____

a) A circuit diagram shows in full the

functioning of a circuit. All essential parts and
connections are depicted by means of graphic
symbols arranged to show the operation but
without regard to the physical layout of the
various items, their parts or connections. Its use
is to enable the reader to understand the
operation of the circuit, to follow each sequence
in the operation from the moment of initiating
the operation to the final act.


b) A system diagram shows the main features of
a system and its bounds, without necessarily
showing cause-to-effect. Its main use is to
illustrate the ways of operating the system.
Details are omitted in order to make the diagram
as clear as possible, and so, easily to understood.

c) A wiring diagram shows the detailed
connections between components of equipment.
An equipment wiring diagram shows the
components in their approximate positions
occupied within the actual enclosure. The
component may be shown complete or simply
represented by a block with the necessary
terminals clearly marked. Its purpose is to
instruct the wiring installer how to construct and
connect the equipment.


30 Find and correct a mistake in each sentence.

1. All graphic symbols in a circuit diagram are arranged to show the operation with
regard to the physical layout of the various items, their parts or connections.
2. A system diagram shows the detailed connections between components of
3. The main use of wiring diagram is to illustrate the ways of operating the system.
4. In a circuit diagram details are omitted in order to make the diagram as clear as
5. The purpose of a system diagram is to instruct the wiring installer how to
construct and connect the equipment.

31 Tick the right variant. Explain your choice.

1. A system diagram …
illustrates the ways of operating the system.
shows detailed information about the system.
2. A wiring diagram shows…
in full the functioning of a circuit.
the detailed connections between components of equipment.
3. In a circuit diagram…
 all essential parts and connections are depicted by means of graphic symbols.
 all non-essential parts and connections are depicted by means of graphic


32 Study the diagram and comment on it.

33 Watch the video and identify 3 main principles for reading a diagram.

 _____________________________________________________________
 _____________________________________________________________
 _____________________________________________________________

34 Complete the sentences.

1. The “language” of diagrams include ______________________________.
2. The “power road” is the way directly to the load and it is always ________.
3. The “ground road” to the load is always
4. When there is an orange colour in the diagram, it means that
5. Yellow colour in the diagram means _______________________________.

Language Study

35 a Give definitions to the words:

essential, physical layout, a feature, to omit, approximate
b Exchange them with a study partner.

36 Fill in the gaps.

1. Wiring diagram shows the components in their _____________ positions.
2. A circuit diagram shows in full the functioning of a circuit, where
_________ parts and connections are depicted by means of graphic symbols.
3. A system diagram shows the main __________ of a system.
4. All essential parts and connections are depicted by means of graphic
symbols arranged to show the operation but without regard to the _____________ of the
various items, their parts or connections.
5. In a system diagram details are __________ in order to make the diagram as
clear as possible.


37 Describe the diagrams.

a) b)

Fault finding


a Look at the picture and comment on it.


38 Answer the questions:

1. What faults can you face with while working with electrical circuits?
2. What are the possible reasons of them?
3. Have you ever dealt with any of such problems? How have you fixed it/them?

39 Read the text and title the paragraphs.

a. Search strategy
b. Planning
c. Diagnostic performance
d. Background knowledge

_____ A good fault-finder has a mentally planned strategy. The evidence is

carefully considered before deciding what action to take.
_____ This is wide ranging and includes knowledge of components, methods and
systems together with their operational characteristics. The combination of
knowledge and direct practical experience with the equipment is a powerful aid to
fault finding.
_____ In addition to the necessary skills of the diagnostician, systematic use of “job
aids” will improve fault finding method.

_____Once the diagnostician can visualize the circuit or machine as a series of
functions and use a job aid, a search strategy can be applied to locate the fault in the
minimum time.
Fault finding is not easy. But a logical approach supported by knowledge and
experience will certainly help.

40 a Put the steps of fault finding in the correct order.

___ Rectify fault

___ Collect evidence (stop and think)
___ Check system
___ Locate fault (inspect and test)
___ Analyse evidence
___ Determine and remove cause

b Explain your point of view.

41 Look at the picture and identify the fault.

42 Read the abstract and check your answers.

The seriousness of the action to be taken on an earth fault depends on the part of the
electrical system it affects. Conventional ships which operate on 3 Phase, 440V, have earth
fault indicators installed on all three phases. Any earth fault on a 440V system is
considered to be a serious trouble and immediate action is required to identify the faulty
circuit. Any earth fault on 220V or any low voltage lighting circuit can be considered as
important but need not require immediate attention. However, attention should be paid at
the next earliest opportunity.

43 Match the parts of the sentences.

Finding Earth Fault on 440V circuit

1.When there is an earth fault alarm a) usually there will be a test button which
when pressed, resets the alarm and
rechecks the condition of the earth fault.
2. First action is to check the trueness of b) check on the computer the list of events
the alarm, after which the alarm has activated.
3. If the ship has IAS (Integrated c) steering gear and lubricating oil pumps
Automation System), can not be isolated when the ship is
4. If IAS facility is not available, d) immediately inform electrical officer.
5.Isolation of all machinery, which e) the standby one and thus the earth fault
operates on 440V, is not always possible, can be found.
because certain critical equipment like
6.However changeover can be done from f) there is only one option of isolating each
running machinery to and every machinery in the 440V circuit
and check whether the earth fault indication
returns back to normal.

1.___ 2.___ 3.____ 4.___ 5.___ 6.___

44 Mark the statements as True (T) or False (F). Correct the false ones.

1. Changeover from running machinery to the standby will give possibility to find the
earth fault.
true  false 
2. Integrated Automatic System isn’t very useful in detecting the reason of the earth
true  false 
3. Together with IAS facility it’s recommended to isolate all machinery in the 440V
true  false 
4. When the earth fault is detected, isolation of all machinery is not a big deal.
true  false 
5. Earth fault alarm should be checked by pressing a test button which will reset the
alarm and recheck the condition of the earth fault.
true  false 

45 Answer the questions.

1. Is the earth fault on board a serious problem? Why? /Why not?

2. Who should be immediately informed about the earth fault? Why?
3. What possibility is provided by IAS?
4. When is impossible to isolate the running machinery, what should be done?
5. What are possible reasons of the earth fault on board a ship?

Language Study

46 a Write down definitions to the words.

- IAS - ____________________________________________________
- Earth fault - _______________________________________________
- To rectify - ________________________________________________
- Changeover - _______________________________________________
- Operational characteristics - ___________________________________

b Compare your variants.

47 Complete the sentences with the words and word-combinations from ex.46.

1. To detect and _________ a fault is not an easy task to do.

2. _____________________should be carefully checked before working and
maintaining the machinery.
3. If the ship has ____________, check on the computer the list of events after
which the alarm has activated.

4. If it is not possible to isolate all machinery, _____________ can be done from
running machinery to the standby one and thus the earth fault can be found.
5. The seriousness of the action to be taken on an _____________ depends on the
part of the electrical system it affects.


48 Comment on the importance of each step of fault finding procedure.

49 Suggest the ideas why finding an earth fault on 220V circuit is more difficult than
on 440V circuit.

Check Your Competency

1. What scientists contributed to the scientific research on electricity?

2. What is the history of electricity?
3. What is electrostatics? Electrodynamics?
4. What is ampere/ ohm/ volt?
5. What does Ohm’s law state?
6. What did G.R. Kirchhoff contribute to electrical engineering?
7. What does his current law state?
8. What does the voltage law state?
9. What does the Right-hand (grip) rule state?
10. What does “an electric current” mean?
11. What forms the electric current?
12. What is the electromotive force?
13. What kind of current is called the direct one?
14. What are the sources of the direct current?
15. How can the alternating current be converted into the direct one?
16. How can Ohm’s law be applied to a circuit section? To an entire circuit?
17. What is the alternating current characterized by?
18. What does the strength of the current in ac circuits depend on?
19. What is an electrical circuit?
20. What electrical circuits do you know?
21. What does “a compound (combination) circuit” mean? \“a short circuit”?
22. What does a short circuit often result in?
23. Why must the fuse be placed in every circuit?

Word List
Module 1
Basics of electricity
amber /ˈambə/ n hard translucent fossilized resin originating from extinct coniferous trees
of the Tertiary period, typically yellowish in colour, it has been used in jewellery since
antiquity бурштин
amount /əˈmaʊnt/ n a quantity of something, especially the total of a thing or things in
number, size, value, or extent кількість, величина
anode /ˈænoʊd/ n is the negative electrode in a battery and the positive electrode in an
electrolytic cell анод
assume /əˈsjuːm/ v suppose to be the case, without proof приймати
assumed positive directions adopted as a basis of reasoning positive ways пропоновані
позитивні напрямки
at rest /æt rest/ not moving or exerting oneself у стані спокою
attract /əˈtrakt/ v exert a force on (an object) that is directed towards the source of the
force притягувати, принаджувати
bar magnet /bɑː ˈmaɡnɪt/ a magnet in the shape of a bar with poles at its ends
брусковий магніт, стержневий магніт
be based / beɪst/ adj if one thing is based on another, it is developed from it базуватися
calculation/ˌkælkjəˈleɪʃn/n the process of finding an amount or number using mathematics
capacitance /kəˈpæsɪtəns/n the ability of an object or material to store electricity ємність
carry out /ˈkariaʊt/ v to bring to a successful issue виконувати, здійснювати,
приводити у виконання
cell /sel/ n a power source, the unit of battery секція, відсік, камера, ланка
certain /ˈsəːt(ə)n/ adj able to be firmly relied on to happen or be the case певний
~ number of amperes /ˈampɛːz/ unit of electric current equal to a flow of one coulomb
per second певна кількість ампер
charged object /tʃɑːdʒd ˈɒbdʒɪkt/ having an electric charge заряджений предмет
charges on condenser plates /ˈtʃɑːdʒɪz on kənˈdɛnsə pleɪts/ an act or a period of storing
electrical energy on a container for condensing vapour walls заряди на пластинах
circuit/ˈsɜːkɪt/ n a complete path through which the current can flow електричний
closed ~ /sɜ:kət/ замкнений ланцюг
closed path /pɑːθ/ closed course or direction замкнений контур
coil /kɔɪl/ n an electrical device consisting of a coiled wire, for converting the level of a
voltage, producing a magnetic field, or adding inductance to a circuit котушка
compass needle /ˈkʌmpəs/ /ˈniːd(ə)l/ an arrow of an instrument containing a magnetized
pointer which shows the direction of magnetic north and bearings from it стрілка
complete/kəmˈpliːt/adjective finished закінчений
~ path /pɑːθ/ закінчена траєкторія
conductor /kənˈdʌktə/ n a material or device that conducts or transmits heat or electricity,
especially when regarded in terms of its capacity to do this провідник, провід, кабель
convert /kənˈvɜːt/ v to change from one type of current to another перетворювати
copper/ˈkɒpə/ n a chemical element that is a reddish brown metal, used especially for
making wire and coins мідь
cross section /ˈkrɔs/ /sekʃən/ a surface or shape exposed by making a straight cut through
something, especially at right angles to an axis поперечне січення
current /ˈkʌr(ə)nt/ n a flow of electricity which results from the ordered directional
movement of electrically charged particles струм
~ flow /fləʊ/ a steady, continuous stream or supply of electricity електричний струм
alternating ~ /ˈɒltəneɪtɪŋ / змінний струм
~ behavior /bɪˈheɪvjə/ the way in which current acts in response to a particular situation
поведінка струму
deliver /dɪˈlɪvər/ v bring and hand over to the proper recipient доставляти
direction of an arrow /dʌɪˈrɛkʃ(ə)n/ a course along which arrow moves напрямок
disarrangement /ˌdɪsəˈreɪn(d)ʒm(ə)nt/ n something untidy or disordered безлад
discovery /dɪˈskʌv(ə)rɪ/ n finding unexpectedly or during a search винахід, відкриття
efficiency /ɪˈfɪʃənsɪ/ n the ratio of the useful work performed by a machine or in a process
to the total energy expended or heat taken in коефіцієнт, ккд
either… or … /iːðəˈ(r)ɔː/ an unavoidable choice between alternatives або...або
electric /ɪˈlektrɪk/ adj powered by electricity електричний
~ line /laɪn/ електричний ланцюг
electrical engineering /ɪˈlɛktrɪk(ə)l ɛndʒɪˈnɪərɪŋ/ the occupation of, or the work done by,
an electrical engineer електромеханіка
electrical network /ˈnɛtwəːk/ a system of connected electrical conductors електрична
схема (ланцюг)
employ /ɛmˈplɔɪ/ v make use of використовувати
equation /ɪˈkweɪʒ(ə)n/ n a statement that the values of two mathematical expressions are
equal (indicated by the sign ‘=’) рівняння
exert a force on /ɪɡˈzəːt/ make a physical effort приводити в дію силу, викликати
flow /fləʊ/ v (of a liquid, gas, or electricity) move steadily and continuously in a current or
stream текти; впадати
~ through /fləʊ/ /θruː / move in a stream протікати через
for light and power purposes /fɔː lʌɪt ændˈpaʊə ˈpəːpəs/ a particular requirement or
consideration for a source of illumination and energy that is produced by mechanical,
electrical, or other means для освітлення та живлення силових установок
force /fɔːs/ n strength or energy as an attribute of physical action or movement сила
fur /fəː/ n the short, fine, soft hair of certain animals хутро
generator /ˈdʒɛnəreɪtə/ n a dynamo or similar machine for converting mechanical energy
into electricity генератор
get similar results /ɡɛt ˈsɪmɪlə rɪˈzʌlt/ have the same outcome отримувати подібний
give up /ˈɡɪvˈʌp/ v cease making an effort; admit defeat здаватися
hand /hænd/ v pick (something) up and give it to (someone) передавати, розносити
heater/ˈhiːtə/ n a device that produces heat нагрівач, підігрівач
hence /hɛns/ adv as a consequence; for this reason звідси
horseshoe magnet /ˈhɔːsʃuː ˈmaɡnɪt / a piece of iron or other material in form of a horse
shoe which has its component atoms so ordered that the material exhibits properties of
magnetism підковоподібний магніт
in a fashion /ˈfaʃ(ə)n/ in some way в деякий мірі, в деякому ступені
in a new orderly way /in ə ˈɔːdəli weɪ/ in not previously used state or arrangement
новим упорядкованим засобом
in motion /ɪn ˈməʊʃ(ə)n/ moving в русі
inductance /ɪnˈdʌktns/n the process in which a conductor creates an electrical current
when put in a changing magnetic field індуктивність
inefficient /ˌɪnɪˈfɪʃənt/ adj not achieving maximum productivity неефективний
installation/ˌɪnstəˈleɪʃn/ n an occasion when equipment is put into position or made ready
to use установлення, збирання
invent /ɪnˈvɛnt/ v create or design (something that has not existed before) винаходити
investigate /ɪnˈvɛstɪɡeɪt/ v carry out research or study into досліджувати
iron /ˈʌɪən/ n a strong, hard magnetic silvery-grey metal залізо
junction /ˈdʒʌŋ(k)ʃ(ə)n/ n a point where two or more things are joined з’єднання
Kirchhoff's current law /ˈkɪətʃɒfs/ закон струму Кірхгофа
law of conservation of energy /lɔː kɒnsəˈveɪʃ(ə)n / the system of rules for preservation of
energy закон збереження енергії
light object /lʌɪt ˈɒbdʒɪkt/ object of little weight, not heavy легкий предмет (об’єкт)
lightning rod /ˈlaɪtnɪŋ ˌrɑd/ a metal rod or wire fixed to an exposed part of a building or
other tall structure to divert lightning harmlessly into the ground світляна паличка,
стрижневий блискавковідвід
liquid /ˈlɪkwɪd/ n a substance, such as water, that is not solid or a gas and that can be
poured easily рідина
load /ləʊd/ n the amount of electrical power that is supplied завантаження /
loop /luːp/ n a shape produced by a curve that bends round and crosses itself петля
loss /lɒs/ n the fact or process of losing something or someone втрата
magnetic field /maɡˈnɛtɪk ˈfiːld/ a region around a magnetic material or a moving electric

charge within which the force of magnetism acts магнітне поле
magnetic lines of force / magnetic flux /maɡˈnɛtɪk flʌks/ lines of magnetic induction
passing through an area силові лінії магнітного поля
magnetism /ˈmaɡnətɪz(ə)m/ n a physical phenomenon produced by the motion of electric
charge, which results in attractive and repulsive forces between objects магнетизм,
магнітні властивості
magnetize /ˈmaɡnɪtʌɪz/ v give magnetic properties to; make magnetic намагнітити,
make reference to /ˈmeɪk ˈrɛf(ə)r(ə)ns tu/ make the action of mentioning посилатися на,
minute magnet /ˈmɪnɪt ˈmaɡnɪt/ extremely small piece of iron or other material which has
its component atoms so ordered that the material exhibits properties of magnetism
найдрібніший магніт
nature of electricity /ˈneɪtʃə ɒv ˌɪlɛkˈtrɪsɪtɪ/ the phenomena of the physical world for a
form of energy resulting from the existence of charged particles природа електрики
neutralize each other /ˈnjuːtrəlʌɪz/ make (something) ineffective by applying an opposite
force or effect нейтралізувати один одного
north and a south magnetic pole /maɡˈnɛtɪk ˈpəʊl/ each of the two points or regions of a
magnet to and from which the lines of magnetic force are directed північний та
південний магнітні полюси
on the one hand ... on the other (hand) used to present factors which are opposed or
which support opposing opinions з однієї сторони ... з іншої сторони …
open /ˈəʊpn/ adj an electrical circuit that is not complete розімкнений
~ circuit /ˈsɜːkɪt/ розімкнений ланцюг
opposing motion inside / əˈpəʊzɪŋ ˈməʊʃ(ə)n/ actively resist the action or process of
moving протидіяти руху з середини
overcurrent /ˈəʊvəkʌrənt/ n is an electrical current whose intensity is higher than a
specified amount перевантаження струмом
overloading/ˌəʊvəˈləʊdɪŋ/ n to put too much electricity through an electrical system
parallel connection/ˈpærəlel/ /kəˈnekʃn/ a closed circuit in which the current divides into
two or more paths before recombining to complete the circuit паралельне з’єднання
percent /pəˈsent/ n one part in every hundred відсоток
permanent magnet /ˈpəːm(ə)nənt ˈmaɡnɪt/ a magnet that retains its magnetic properties in
the absence of an inducing field or current постійний магніт
physicist /ˈfɪzɪsɪst/ n an expert in or student of physics фізик
physics of light and heat /ˈfɪzɪks/ the physical properties and phenomena of light and heat
фізика світла і тепла
point through and back through /pɔɪnt/ direct something or indicate through or back
направляти через чи назад
positive terminal /ˈtəːmɪn(ə)l/ a positive point of connection for closing an electric circuit
позитивна клема
possess /pəˈzɛs/ v have as belonging to one; own володіти, мати, володіти
potential difference /pə(ʊ)ˈtɛnʃ(ə)l ˈdɪf(ə)r(ə)ns/ the difference of electrical potential
between two points різниця потенціалів
potential rises and drops /pə(ʊ)ˈtɛnʃ(ə)lˈ rʌɪz ænˈdrɒp/ possible increase and decrease in
number, size, amount, or degree можливі підняття та падіння
power of attracting /əˈtraktɪŋ/ ability to exert a force on (an object) здатність
property /ˈprɒpətɪ/ n a thing or things belonging to someone; possessions collectively
prove /pruːv/ v demonstrate the truth or existence of (something) by evidence or argument

доказати, довести
range /reɪn(d)ʒ/ v vary or extend between specified limits класифікувати,
relation /rɪˈleɪʃ(ə)n/ n the way in which two or more people or things are connected
відношення, залежність
repel /rɪˈpɛl/ v something similarly magnetized or charged away from itself
respond /rɪˈspɒnd/ v say something in reply, react quickly or positively to a stimulus or
treatment реагувати, спрацьовувати
retain /rɪˈteɪn/ v continue to have (something); keep possession of зберігати
rotating generator / rə(ʊ)ˈteɪtɪŋ ˈdʒɛnəreɪtə/ moving dynamo or similar machine for
converting mechanical energy into electricity обертаючий генератор
rub /rʌb/ v apply firm pressure to the surface of (something), using a repeated back and
forth motion натирати
rubbing /ˈrʌbɪŋ/ n an action of applying firm pressure to the surface of (something), using
a repeated back and forth motion натирання
safety /ˈseɪftɪ/n the condition of not being in danger or of not being dangerous безпека
~ device /dɪˈvaɪs/ прилад безпеки
set up /ˈsɛt ʌp/ v to create, to install something створювати
short /ʃɔ:t/ adj having little length, distance, or height короткий
~ circuit /ˈsɜ:kət/ замкнений ланцюг
signify /ˈsɪɡnɪfʌɪ/ v be an indication of означати
source of voltage /ˈsɔːs əvˈəʊltɪdʒ/ a place from which an electromotive force or
potential difference expressed in volts originates or can be obtained джерелo напруги
starting point /ˈstɑːtɪŋ ˌpɔɪnt/ a place that marks the beginning початкова крапка
store energy /stɔː ˈɛnədʒi / keep or accumulate energy for future use накопичувати
streamline of the field /ˈstriːmlʌɪn/ a line along which the flow of a moving fluid is least
turbulent напрямок потоку поля
substance /ˈsʌbst(ə)ns/ n a particular kind of matter with uniform properties речовина
sum of all voltages /sʌm/ the total amount resulting from the addition of voltages
сумарний вольтаж
temporary magnet /ˈtɛmp(ə)rərɪ ˈmaɡnɪt/ a magnet that stays magnetized only for a
relatively short period of time електромагніт
transformer /transˈfɔːmə/ n an apparatus for reducing or increasing the voltage of an
alternating current трансформатор
unmagnified iron bar /ˈʌnmæɡnɪfaɪd ˈʌɪən bɑː / not magnified strong, hard magnetic
silvery-grey metal rigid piece of wood, metal, or similar material не намагнічений
сталевий прутик
vacuum/ˈvækjuːm/ n вакуум
voltage arrow /ˈarəʊ/ a mark or sign resembling an arrow, used to show direction or
position of voltage стріла напруги
voltage fall (drop) a fall in amount, quality, or rate of voltage спад напруги
wire /ˈwʌɪə/ n metal drawn out into the form of a thin flexible thread or rod дріт, провід
zero internal resistance /ˈzɪərəʊ ɪnˈtəːn(ə)l rɪˈzɪst(ə)ns/ the electrical resistance within a
voltage source (such as a cell, battery, or generator), as opposed to that in an external
circuit to which it is connected нульовий внутрішній опір
zero-resistance wire /ˈzɪərəʊ rɪˈzɪst(ə)ns ˈwaɪə/ zero voltage dropped between metal
thread, regardless of the magnitude of current провід нульового опору

What do you expect from your first voyage?
Reading for gist
Read the story, kindly provided by Derek Lewis, and describe his first trip aboard Furness
Withy's "QUEEN OF BERMUDA" as Junior Electrician.
It's October 1960 and I'm nearly at the end of my 6 year
apprenticeship. In those days we all know what happened when
you reached 21 and the end of your apprenticeship.
So, what do we do next? Well, living in Sunderland, once the
5 biggest shipbuilding town in the world, the thought of going to sea суднобудівний
crossed my mind. However, as I had worked in the building
industry side of the electrical services the nearest I had been to
ships was watching them launched and berthed in the River Weir. причалив
Never mind, being young and confident I wrote off to the big
10 shipping companies in London and enquired about going to sea as запитували
an electrician. It only took a couple of days for the application
forms to arrive.
Well, winches, capstans, generators and switchboards! What on генератори,
earth were they? All very strange to the building services розподільний
15 electrician. Being pretty cocky I ticked all the required boxes. щит
"Yes, I was familiar with all that lot!" and posted off the forms. самовпевнений
Next, off to Caslaws, with the list from the shipping company for
the measuring and ordering of the uniform plus all the other items
required for sea service.
20 "And what will you be doing in the MN sir?" "Electrician", I
replied proudly. "Ah yes, that will be a green stripe for you and
what company are you joining?" "Furness Withy" I replied. "Oh
yes, we can make up your complete uniform. And so it went on.
Scarf, Macintosh, overalls, engine room shoes etc. etc.
25 At this time in 1960, still an apprentice remember, I was earning
3/9d an hour. I think that was just over 8 quid a week, 32 pounds фунт стерлінгів
old money. So just how was I going to pay for all this fine uniform
and accessories. Back came the response, "No problem, sir. The відповідь
company will loan you the money and then deduct it from your
30 pay".
Ah, my first taste of the 'never-never'!
Then the letter arrived from the London office.
"Dear Mr. Lewis, would you like to join (not, you HAVE to join)
the QUEEN OF BERMUDA as a Junior Electrician?
35 11 p.m. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 4TH. 1960.
The beginning of my sea-going career!
There I was standing on the north end platform of Sunderland
railway station, mother crying by my side and me saying. "Mother,
I'm only going to work" but that was the last I was to see of

40 Sunderland for another 11 months.
So, arriving at Falmouth late in the afternoon I took off down to the
waterfront and saw this rather huge grey and white liner complete район порту
with three funnels.
Stores all over the deck, shipyard workies with their tools etc. робітникики(ро
45 Complete chaos, or so it seemed to this 'rookie'. зм.)
At the top of the gangway I was instructed to go to the purser's новенький
office to report and be assigned to a cabin. Boy, what a pleasant скарбник
surprise. Pretty well everything one could ask for.
Tuesday morning and breakfast in the main dining saloon along
50 with the rest of the engineers and our other departmental
'shipmates'. Deck officers and 'sparks'.
Again, this was to be temporary as segregation was the order of the сегрегація
day for the engineering staff aboard the "Empress". For the next 6
weeks it was a case of finding one's own way around the ship,
55 check the shipyard lads work and generally settle in for the voyage. хлопець
Middle of January 1961 and we sail from Falmouth on our way to
our base port of New York, 5 days of pure hell! I did eventually в кінці кінців
cross the North Atlantic a number of times but this first trip was the
worst. At the time of sailing we were instructed to close port holes
60 and dead lights. Soon some of the lads who either didn't hear the
order or chose to ignore it found out why they had to be closed.
For the sleeping watchkeepers it could get very wet.
We arrived at Pier 95, West 55th Street on a Wednesday morning
65 in the middle of January and New York was FREEZING! On
docking days the electricians usually worked until noon then, if not постановки на
on standby that day, we'd have the rest of the day off. So, a quick док
lunch and then off to see the "Big Apple". Broadway, Times
70 Square, all the sights and big attractions for first trippers. танцівники
By this time the routine of the day to day life was well established.
As I mentioned, segregation was still the order of the day as
regards who could go where on the ship. The engineers were only
75 allowed on deck between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. and, with the exception
of going to the movies, could not mix with passengers.
We had our own dining room and smoke room etc. The day time
electricians, working among the passengers and on the decks, had
80 the enviable job of 'checking out the talent' for the parties. Mix заздрісний
with the passengers? Well not officially, but you could bet there
would be a party in the engineers lounge most nights.
Monday 8-9 a.m. and docking at Hamilton, Bermuda. One big
85 difference from New York! Nice and warm although I would later
be saying otherwise in the summer months sweating down in the потіння
engine room. On docking days you would do your watchkeeping
hours and then, following breakfast, work from 9 to 12 with the
90 rest of the day off.
After 9 months we came back to Belfast for a 6 month refit which ремонт
included new boilers and new accommodation. Another big
change was the removal of two of her funnels.
People calling you 'Mr. Lewis'. There was even a time when this це було
was brought to a point... правилом

Comprehension check
1. How did Derek Lewis start his sea-going career?
2. What did he do in search of a job?
3. What vessel did he have his first apprenticeship?
4. What places did he visit?
5. What duties did he have on board the ship?

What do you think?

1. What helped Derek Lewis to succeed?
2. Was he satisfied with his first voyage? Prove your point with the text.
3. What did the author mean by the last passage?

Notes to proper names

Sunderland is a city in the North East of England.
The River Weir is a short stream and estuary that empties into Hingham Bay, part of
Boston Harbor in Massachusetts, United States. The name is attributed to the location of a
fishing weir in the stream.
Falmouth - several ships of the British Royal Navy.
Hamilton s a suburb of Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia, located 4 kilometres (2.5
mi) from Newcastle's central business district. The main commercial centre is located
around Beaumont Street and boasts a vibrant multicultural atmosphere providing an array
of restaurants, retail, fashion and commercial outlets along with day to day services such as
pharmacies, banks, florists, hairdressers, fruit shops and delicatessens.
Belfast is the capital of and largest city in Northern Ireland, as well as the second largest
city on the island of Ireland. It is the seat of devolved government and legislative Northern
Ireland Assembly.[13] The city forms part of the largest urban area in Northern Ireland, and
the main settlement in the province of Ulster. The city of Belfast has a population of
267,500[4] and lies at the heart of the Belfast urban area, which has a population of
483,418. The Larger Urban Zone, as defined by the European Union, has a total population
641,638. Belfast was granted city status in 1888.

"QUEEN OF Derek plus 'mates' aboard Derek today, no longer at
BERMUDA" Built 1933, "QUEEN OF BERMUDA" sea but with happy
22,501 grt - Courtesy memories........
Derek Lewis


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