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Semester: Fall 2020

Course: ENG1002
Instructor: Kristy Matthews

Research Notes
Source Type: A.P.A. Reference Details: * author's name, publication year, title, etc.
□ Website Kareem El-Assal, S. T. (2020). The top 5 Canadian immigration stories of
□ Book 2020. From CIC News:
□ Journal Article 5-canadian-immigration-stories-of-2020-1216559.html/amp
□ Newspaper
□ Other: ____________________

Kareem EI-Assai investigated five immigration stories that talk about a

pandemic period that has undergone havoc across the universe. Still, a
reason for hope is also built up. On 2 October, the Canadian government
announced a restriction to travelling due to the coronavirus. This remark
was described As a fifth point which is extended as a Canadian government
rule. After this, the fourth government rule after the travel restriction was a
stoppage to the international student's admission, which gradually rolled
The research I will use is: out a series of accommodations in Canada.
Copy and paste or hand-write the Moreover, the main reason that P.G.W.P. gave Is permanent residents that
research. international students want in Canada. Moreover, talking about the third
governmental rule that immigration and immigrants have to face is the
management of Express entry that manages applications of skilled workers.
On 16 March 2020, the announcement made by the Canadian government
related to travel restriction was further extended towards the uncertainty of
express entry, where the restriction was announced for overseas candidates.

I will use this research as a

□ Quote (The words are the same as in the original text. Nothing has been changed.)

□ Paraphrase (The words have been changed but the meaning is still the same.)

I will add this research to the following main idea (body paragraph in my essay).
□ Main Idea/Body Paragraph 1 □ Main Idea/Body Paragraph 2 □ Main Idea/Body Paragraph 3
o Supporting Detail 1 o Supporting Detail 1 o Supporting Detail 1
o Supporting Detail 2r o Supporting Detail 2 o Supporting Detail 2
My research is credible because it meets the criteria of C.R.A.A.P. (current, relevant, accurate, authority,
Semester: Fall 2020
Course: ENG1002
Instructor: Kristy Matthews

The content mentioned in the particular site came up with the current research of the year 2020 mentioned by the
author Kareem EI-Assal. It was said to be the coronavirus pandemic period that affected the economy of Canada
and came up with some new rules and regulations that are made for the immigration and immigrants. Moreover,
the experiences gathered after the Canadian government came up with some new rules and regulations related to
international students' travel restrictions or accommodation issues, in addition to this express entry scatteredness
in the record or further immigration plans which build up the outline by keeping The economic condition in mind
due to pandemic time.

Research Notes
Source Type: A.P.A. Reference Details: * author's name, publication year, title, etc.
□ Website Ontario Council of Agencies Serving Immigrants. (n.d.). What is the
□ Book Canadian Experience Class (CEC)? From Settlement.Org:
□ Journal Article
□ Newspaper to-ontario/immigration-categories/what-is-the-canadian-experience-
□ Other: ____________________ class-cec/ Came up with a Canadian experience class where some of

the eligibility criteria are being discussed with the in-depth description of
the C.E.C. It is being said that the class, which is named as Canadian
experience class, is just for the skilled workers. They have a certain amount
of knowledge related to work experience and want to achieve permanent
residence in Canada. Apart from this, certain eligibility criteria are related
The research I will use is:
to permanent residents where at least one year of certificate or experience
Copy and paste or hand-write the
is required under a full-time killed work in Canada. In addition to this,
within three years of experience, a person has to apply for P.R. Also, one
should have legal status while pursuing a study or working in Canada.
Therefore, an individual should also know a minimum of one language:
French or English. Moreover, a complete description is provided of how
and when to apply for permanent residence under the C.E.C. experience or
I will use this research as a

□ Quote (The words are the same as in the original text. Nothing has been changed.)

□ Paraphrase (The words have been changed but the meaning is still the same.)
Semester: Fall 2020
Course: ENG1002
Instructor: Kristy Matthews

I will add this research to the following main idea (body paragraph in my essay).
□ Main Idea/Body Paragraph 1 □ Main Idea/Body Paragraph 2 □ Main Idea/Body Paragraph 3
o Supporting Detail 1 o Supporting Detail 1 o Supporting Detail 1
o Supporting Detail 2r o Supporting Detail 2 o Supporting Detail 2
My research is credible because it meets the criteria of C.R.A.A.P. (current, relevant, accurate, authority,
The content mentioned in the site deals with the relevant approach in the research. Therefore, the
criteria related to the Canadian experience class is mentioned, which discuss the entire eligibility concept which
is applicable for a candidate to apply for P.R. Not only this, what kind of experience is needed to apply for
permanent residence is also represented with accurate information related to the national occupational
classification program. However, certain relevant questions related to the post-secondary program in Canada are
also mentioned for full-time students with eligible work experience. After all the eligibility and application
program concepts, the column where how a person can apply under the experience class is depicted.

Research Notes
Source Type: A.P.A. Reference Details: * author's name, publication year, title, etc.
□ Website
□ Book Uribe, K. M. (2021). Canada Looks to Immigration to Boost Economic Recovery.
□ Journal Article From The Wall street Journal :
□ Newspaper looks-to-immigration-to-boost-economic-recovery-11617105739
□ Other:

The research I will use is: In the Wall Street Journal, Kim's analysis came up with Canada's immigration
Copy and paste or hand- boost which deals with the economic recovery. Therefore, the government came up
write the research. with certain plans in Canada to make advancements in the economies and fulfill
the appropriate targets for a particular nation or Canada. However, in the year 2020
due to the loss in economy government has updated some of the plans where
Canada is betting to come up with a sharp Increment in immigration which will
bring a boost in the economic recovery. Furthermore, the prime minister of Canada
Justin Trudeau has come up with the new year plans which are applicable for the
next three years after 2021. In addition to this, certain approvals are been made
which deal with the permanent residence program to grow the economy of Canada
Semester: Fall 2020
Course: ENG1002
Instructor: Kristy Matthews

by boosting the plans of immigration. Moving further, with the boost in

immigration plans not only the economy gets an increment but Canada will get a
chance and opportunity to meet certain goals which were temporarily stopped due
to the pandemic period.
I will use this research as a

□ Quote (The words are the same as in the original text. Nothing has been changed.)

□ Paraphrase (The words have been changed but the meaning is still the same.)

I will add this research to the following main idea (body paragraph in my essay).
□ Main Idea/Body Paragraph 1 □ Main Idea/Body □ Main Idea/Body Paragraph 3
o Supporting Detail 1 Paragraph 2 o Supporting Detail 1
o Supporting Detail 2
o Supporting
o Supporting Detail 2
Detail 1
o Supporting
Detail 2
My research is credible because it meets the criteria of C.R.A.A.P. (current, relevant, accurate, authority,
The content of the appropriate site of Wall Street Journal deals with the current research, where Canada's
government makes some plans regarding the immigration criteria to boost the economic recovery concepts. Apart
from this, with the boost in the economic recovery of Canada, The nation is also looking forward to fulfilling
certain goals and meet appropriate targets. Not only this, but one of the immigration experts also discussed a few
specific plans that can boost the nation's economy, which was suffered in the year 2020. The entire data depicted
in the site team up with certain shop content that signifies how Canada's government is planning some
Appropriate rules and regulations to deal with the economic criteria.

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