Impact of Organizational Culture On Organizational Performance (A Case Study of Federal Polytechic Offa, Kwara State)

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This is to certify that this project has been read and approved as meeting one of the

requirements, for the award of Higher National Diploma (HND) in Business Administration,

in the School of Business and Management Studies, Federal Polytechnic Offa, Kwara State.

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___________________ ___________________



This research work is dedicated to Almighty God, the beginning and the end of everything
who make this research work out successfully. Also to my parent MR.& MRS HASSAN
who contributed immesely to the succes of my education. May Almiighty God reward her
abundantly (Amen.)


My sincere gratitude goes to the Almighty God, the pillar of the life, who has been
there for me throughout my programme to him alone be all glory.

I want to appreciate the effort of my supervisor, in person of MR.T.A USMAN for

his encouragement and motivation as regard the writing of this project, thank you and God
bless you sir.

I am grateful to my able and irreplaceable Head of Department of Business

Adminitration MRS B.A AJIBADE and to all my lecture for there initial encouragement and
friendly assitance in bringing me up to academic lime light.

It is also good to give honor to whom is due. My gratitude goes to my Parent, my late
father Mr. Gbadamosi Hassan and my mother Mrs. Hassan Mujidat for there financial
support and word of encouragement towards my educational pursuit, almighty God will be
with you and give you long life, you shall surely eat the fruit of your labour in the name
Almighty God. I love you mummy.

Am very glad to say thanks to my blood, like Mrs.Lukaman Kehinde, Mr.

Razak Kolawole, Mr Sodiq Tunde, and Mr. Abdullahi Hassan, Hassan Waliyat, Hassan
Ridwan, Mr Sikiru Olayiwola. thank you all for blood love over me, God bless you all.

If I ever remember the name offa shall always remember my best friend in school
like. Moses, Jummy,Awwau,,zainab basira, timoth.


This research work, impact of organizational culture on organizational performance with a

particular reference to a reputable institution and lecturing organization, federal polytechnic

Offa, kwara state. The objectives of this study are to: determine the impact of norms on

organizational performance. To examine the impact of beliefs on organizational

performance. To evaluate the impact of values on organizational performance. To identify

the impact of team work on organizational performance. The population of this study

comprises 787 management and staff of federal polytechnic Offa, kwara state of which 96

were randomly selected. The data used was collected through the use of questionnaires while

chi-square (X2) method was used to analyses the data. The findings of this research work

shows that Norms have a great impact on the performance of an organization. Also,

provision of incentives motivates employees to increase organizational performance. The

recommendations for this study are: that management of federal polytechnic Offa, kwara

state should give adequate incentives to the employees to induce them to increase their

performances. There should also be a spirit of teamwork. Both the management and staff

should work hand in hand in order to achieve the stated result.


1.1 Background to the Study

The existence of a business organization is to achieve goals and objectives. The goals

and objectives business organizations set to achieve determine how they managers allocate

tasks to employees. The allocated job are usually grouped into departments, nelson & Quick

Opine, that department in organizations can be categorized into various units such as

manufacturing, sales, marketing, advertising, and so on . They added that departments are

connected to shape the organizational structure. Quangyen &Yezhuang argued that structure

of an organization gives it the shape to carry out its purpose in the business environment.

‘Nelson & Quick posit that the organizations structure is meaningless unless

supported by appropriate system and a well-conceived culture. “Martinelli”, argued that the

type of organizational structure adopted by a firm will depend on the nature of the particular

organization in question. In addition, the form which the organizational structure takes may

be represented periodically by an organizational chart based on the significance of the

organization structure the study investigated more on the impact of organizational.

One pervasive feature that distinguishes contemporary life in the ancient times is the

domination by large formal and complex organization. Modern man is everywhere in

organization, lives in organization which makes these organizations to become inevitable

feature of life.

An organization is defined according to Afolabi (2006) as a group of people (large or small)

who collaborate in a structural and relatively permanent way in order to deliver one or more

goals which they shared in common and which they could not achieve by acting on their


An organization is a set up basically structured for carrying out a particular objective. For an

organization to achieve these goals, it has to put money things in order. One of these is to

adopt a culture in its system which is other rise known as “organizational culture”.

Under this concept, known as organizational concept, an organization develops and

implements a standard of behavior or code of conducts in its system. This code of conducts

will define how the employee will relate with each other on duty, the relationship between

management and employees, the salary scale for every level. It also defines the minimum

entry qualification for new incoming employee. The organizations culture is usually written

in a organizations manual or handbook which is usually given to every employee at the

beginning of their appointment.

This will enable all the management and employees of the organization to know the do’s and

don’ts of the organization and the appropriate punishment for each offence. Also, it gives the

organization a sound public image which increases it profit on the long run. This is because

the organization will deal with its customers ethically since there is a code of conducts

guiding its operations.

Finally, all the employees would have known the managerial style being practiced in the

organization. This will allow every employee to know how to interact with his or her

immediate boss.


Blunt (2013), George and Jones (2015) argued that all organizations everywhere function

within a specific culture and it is becoming widely recognized in contemporary discussions

of organizational performance that managers and other organizational practitioners have to

develop and understand their cultural settings if their organizations are to perform


Despite the fact that Federal Polytechnic Offa, Kwara State implements a strategic

organizational culture, the institution is still devilled by a lot of management problems which

have their root in the culture of the environment.

This problem usually happened in the recruitment exercise where a customer of the

organization would want his/her relations to be given appointment in the organization. The

management who is also the relatives have no choice than to offer him/ her the job. This

unjust and can impede the progress towards achieving high performance.

Another problem is delay of salary of the workers of the institution by the government, this

can have an impact on the and performance of the workers.

Another problem is when ASUP embark on strike, this can have an impact on the culture and

performance of the institution.

Finally, another problem is environmental challenges or crisis among two communities that

may be disastrous; this can have an impact on the performance of the institution


In order to arrive at precise answers to the impact of organizational culture on

organizational performance, the following research questions shall be formulated

i. Is there any significant relationship between Norms and organizational performance

in federal polytechnic Offa?

ii. Does Beliefs have any impact on organizational performance in federal polytechnic


iii. Does value have any impact on organizational performance in federal polytechnic


iv. Is there any significant relationship between employee’s orientation and

organizational performance in federal polytechnic Offa?

v. Does teamwork have any influence on the organizational performance in federal

polytechnic Offa


i. To determine the impact of norms on organizational performance in federal

polytechnic Offa

ii. To examine the impact of beliefs on organization performance in federal

polytechnic Offa

iii. To evaluate the impact of values on organizational performance in federal

polytechnic Offa.

iv. To identify the impact of team work on organizational performance in federal

polytechnic Offa.

v. To investigate the impact of employees’ orientation on organizational

performance in federal polytechnic Offa


The following formulated hypotheses would be tested to help provide answer to the research


i. There is no significant relationship between norms and organizational performance in

federal polytechnic Offa

ii. Belief does not have any impact on organizational performance in federal polytechnic


iii. Values does not have any impact on organizational performance in federal

polytechnic Offa

iv. There is no significant relationship between employees’ orientation and

organizational performance in federal polytechnic Offa

v. Team work does not have any impact on organizational performance in federal

polytechnic Offa.


One of the significance contributions which management of an organization can add to other

activities to tackle some problems within an organization and to prevent other problems from

arising is to come up with a culture which specifies the standard of behaviour in an

organization. One way of doing this is to examine how this culture affects impactive

performance of an organization.

The logical questions that may be asked is “to what extent does culture determine

organizational performance?” and again “what other variables interact between culture and

organizational performance?” The significance to this study is anchored in the answers to

those and to other related questions.

To begin with, Aldrich and Mansdeen (2006), Hofstede (2007), Tayeb (2007) and Zakaria

(2008) among others have argued that organization do not exist in a vacuum but with specific

culture. Those scholars and researchers have however argued that most of these researches

into organization neglects and fails to investigate the importance of the relationship between

organization culture and organization performance.

However, this study will reflect the importance of organization culture on the performance of

an organization.

Finally, this study will serve for future reference for research students and many other people

who will be interested in this topic.


The scope of this research work covers federal polytechnic Offa which is one of the best

polytechnic with standard of moral and academic performance in Nigeria. The research

intends to study the impact of organizational culture on organizational performance with a

particular reference of an institution (federal polytechnic Offa, kwara state), which the main

campus is located along Ilorin road Offa, and PS is located along Ojoku road Offa, kwara

state Nigeria

The entire premise on which the study is based is that organizational performance would be

greatly depended on organizational culture. It also covers how organizational cultures are

measured, the types of organization culture, organizational performance, types of

performance, and how organizational culture and organizational performance are interrelated.


 Culture: This is the total way of life of a particular society, an organization or any

social group. Culture differs from one group to another.

 Organization: An organization exists when two or more people agree to collaborate

over a period of time in order to achieve certain goals. It consists of a group of people

who collaborate in a structural and relatively permanent way in order to achieve one

or more goals.

 Organizational Culture: This is the stipulated rules, procedures, and practices laid

down by an organization. It is the code of conducts which everybody in the

organization must abide with.

 Hypothesis: This is a tentative statement or proposition that specifies a particular

relationship between two or more variables.

 Research: This is the process of arriving at dependable solution to problems through

planned and systematic collections, analysis, and interpretation of data.

 Social: Culture does not exist in isolation, neither is it an individual phenomenon; it is

a product of society. It originates and developed through social interactions.

 Dynamics and Adaptive: Though, culture is relatively stable, it is not altogether

static. It is subject to slow but constant change. Change and growth are latent in


 Population: This is the total number of conceivable elements, subject and

observations that are of primary interest to a researcher.

 Sample: This is the part of the population under study selected by some processes for

the purpose of statistical analysis.

 Performance: This is the execution of accomplishment of work, tasks, or goals to a

certain level of desired satisfaction.



The federal polytechnic Offa, came into existence in 1992. A presidential

pronouncement for its establishment was made at the palace of His Royal Highness, Olafa of

Offa, Oba Mustapha Olawoore Olanipekun Ariwajowe11, by the then military president,

Ibrahim Babangida during a state visit in 1991.

Consequently a local task force was then constituted by His Royal Highness, the

Olofa, under the chairman of Alhaji Tiamiyu Olatinwo with six (6) other eminent indigence

of offa and chief Ayotunde Raji as secretary.

This local task force prepared the ground for easy take off of the polytechnic. It identified the

premises of Olalomi comprehensive high school as a suitable temporary site and lease with

identified landlords, whose properties could be used by staff and students

The pioneer Rector of the polytechnic, Engr (Miss) Taiwo Adeife Oseekhan, administered

both administrative and academic matters in the polytechnic from February 1992 to year

2000, under the supervision of a federal ministry of education. The task force was

responsible for working major policy decision affecting the polytechnic and performing the

functions of the governing council, she handed over to the immediate past Rector, Dr Razaq

Bello from whom the past Rector, Dr mufftau Olatinwo, took over to pilot the affairs of the

polytechnic since 2006 as Ag. Rector, and later as the thirds substantive Rector in 2008

In February the year (2017) Dr. Lateef Ademola Olatunji took over the mantle as the new

elected Rector.

The first governing councils of the polytechnic was inaugurated alongside council of other

tertiary institution in year 2000, the second in 2005 while the third and the current council

headed by senator Engr. Onyeka Okoroafor was constituted in 2009.

The first batch of three hundred and sixty (360) students were admitted into the initial six

programmes viz

i. Financial studies

ii. Business studies

iii. Secretarial studies

iv. Science laboratory technology

v. Electrical/ electronic Engineering

vi. Computer science

From this humble beginning, the polytechnic has developed to its present state with

20 courses offered at National Diploma (ND) level, and 22 courses at higher National

Diploma (HND) level and pre-ND programmes in Arts and science

The institution is proud of over 5,000 students in its cares location. Temporarily, the

polytechnic is located at the southern ends of the town along the Offa-Oshogbo way, while

its permanent site is currently being rapidly developed along Ojoku road, Offa kwara state

Organizational structure

At the apex of the organizational structure of the polytechnic is the minister of education and

visitor of the polytechnic. Next in line is the governing council headed by senator Engr-

Onyeka Okorofor followed by the Academic Board

Staff strength and students population

The federal polytechnic Offa total population of staff is 1043, in which they have the

strength 464 academics staff and 473 of non academics staff and also have the strength of

143 junior staff. In the current academics session the polytechnic has a student population of

twenty five thousand, six hundred and forty six (25,646) students’ studying at different levels

of its various programmes of study are:


i. School of applied science and technology

ii. School of business and management studies

iii. School of communication and information technology

iv. School of Engineering technology

v. School of Environmental studies

i. The school have successfully moved some departments to permanent site (PS). In

year 2010, school of business and management studies (SBMS) was moved to the

permanent site and later other department like library and information, mass

communication, building technology, Architectural, and Estate management

ii. The school has achieved standard way of pasting result of students online rather than

the formal way of pasting it on notice board.




2.0 Introduction

This chapter focused on explicit literature review of organization culture and

organization performance. The conceptual framework which the study operationlise to

achieve balance and agreement among the research questions, objectives and hypotheses was

established at the end of the relationship between organization culture and organization

performance. In 2.1.1 and 2.1.2 the concept of organizational culture and overview of

organizational performance respectively. Moreover, in 2.2 and 2.3 the theoretical framework

and empirical review were high lighted.



Organizational culture is a system of shared assumptions, values, norms, beliefs and benefits

which governs how people behave in organizations. These shared values have a strong

influence on the people in the organization and dictate how they dress, act and perform their


Needle (2017), organizational culture represents the collective values beliefs and principles

of organizational members and it is a product of such factors as history, products, market,

type of employee, management style and national culture.

Organizational culture includes the organizations vision, value, norms, system, symbols,

beliefs and habits.

Ravasi and Schutz (2017) sees organizational culture as a set of share assumptions that guide

what happens in organizations by defining appropriate behaviour for various situations.

Organizational culture encompasses values and behaviors that contribute to the unique social

and psychological environment of an organization. Every organization develops and

maintains a unique culture which provides guidelines and boundaries for the behaviour of the

member of the organization. Every organization has it unique personally just like people do.

This unique personality of an organization is referred to as its culture. Organization culture is

also known as “corporate culture” and it shows the way organization conducts its business,

treats it customers, employees and the wider community.

It also deals with the extent to which freedom is allowed in decision making, developing new

ideas and personal expression. Organizational culture also deals with how power and

information flow through its hierarchy and how committed employees are towards collective

objectives. Organizational culture affects the organizations productivity and performance and

provide guidelines on customers care and services, products quality and safety, attendance

and punctuality, and concern for the environment.


According to Zakariya (2017), there are two models which companies fall into; Strong and

Weak culture. In a strong culture, employees have a sense of empowerment and

understanding of the company’s goals, regulation and philosophy. This type of culture allows

employees to be driving and feel respected which benefit the overall health of the

organization. In a weak organizational culture, employees are lost, unmotivated and operate

under a regime of fear.

However, he identified the following types of organizational culture.

Academy Culture: This organizational culture depends on employees who are highly

skilled, studious and welcome further training and advancement. This type of work place

environment thrives of intense training for employees being brought on board and ongoing

training for the employee already there. Organization that choose to follow this culture are

very particular about who they hire, their existing skills, and their willingness to learn and

grow. This format of management in turn is rate low and the employees eager to do their jobs

to the best of their ability. Many hospitals, universities and other educational institutions rely

on this type of culture to stay up to date on the newest information and technology.

Normative Culture: Normative culture is very cut and dry, following strict regulations and

guidelines that uphold the policies of the organization. Employees rarely deviate from their

specific job role, break rule, or do anything other than what is asked of them. This type of

organization runs a tight ship and are not suited for every type of employee.

Pragmatic Culture: Here, the customer or client comes before anything or anyone else

because every customer is different. These types of workplaces are very opposite of the

normative culture environment as employee does not adhere to strict rules. Whatever the

customers want, they get it.

Process Culture: This type of office culture provides a set of regulations and procedure that

the employees follow. It is different from normative culture as the regulations are not a bullet

pointed list of do’s and don’t so much as it is an ideology that the employees adhere to.

Club Culture: This types of culture requires employees to be very skilled, competent in their

niche of work. Educational qualifications, prior work experience and even personal interest

are taken into consideration before an employee is hired.

Fortress Culture: This type of culture environment is all about the numbers. If the

organization is doing well as a result the employee’s productivity, then, the employee

continues to have a job. If the organization begins to see a down fall, in success, then, these

individuals that are not pulling their weight are terminated.

An example of a company that follows this structure are World strides and specifically their

sales department. Sales persons have a lot to do, they seek out business, secure business and
retain business. If a sale persons cannot fulfill their quota or cannot meet the demand of the

department, then, the company with replace them in hopes of a better outcome with someone




According to George and Jones (2007), organizational characteristics are the attributes that

are necessary to be found in organizational cultural environmental. However, they identified

the following features of organizational culture.

Innovation (Risk Orientation): organization with culture that places a high value on

innovation encourages their employees to take risks and innovate in the performance of their


Attention to Detail (Precision Orientation): This characteristic of organizational culture

dictates the degree to which employees are expected to be accurate in their work. A culture

that places a high value on attention to detail expects their employees to perform their work

with precision.

Emphasis on Outcome (Achievement Orientation): Organizations that focus on result, but

not on how the results are achieved, placed a high emphasis on this value of organizational

culture. A company that instructs its sales force to do whatever it takes to get sales order has

a culture that places a high value on the outcome characteristics.

Emphasis on People (Fairness Orientation): Companies that places a high value on this

characteristic of organizational culture placed a great deal of importance on how their

decisions will affect the people in their organizations. For these organizations, it is important

to treat their employees with respect and dignity.

Team Work (Collaboration Orientation): Organizations that organize work activities

around teams instead of individuals place a high value on this characteristic of organizational


People who work for this type of organization tend to have a positive relationship with their

workers and management

Aggressiveness (Competitiveness Orientation): This characteristic of organizational

culture dictates whether group members are expected to be assertive or easy going when

dealing with companies they compete with in the market place.

Companies with an aggressive culture place a high value on competitiveness and

outperforming the competition at all cost.

Stability (Rule - Orientation): A organization whose culture place a high value on stability

are rule–orientated, predictable and bureaucratic in nature.

These types of companies typically provide consistent and predictable level of output and

operate best in non–chasing market.

This can be presented in the diagram below


According to Needle (2005), organizational culture refers to the collective values, norms,

beliefs, and principles of organizational members. Culture in this study refers to the share

assumptions, values, norms that guide the behaviour of people in an organization. It is

measured in terms of the attitudes, beliefs norms and value which govern the behaviour of

individuals in a given organization. The point at this study is on how this concept influences

behaviour at work and how this, in turn, influences organizational performance.


Common Organizational Culture Problems Can Include Ambiguity

Communication and inconsistency. These can contribute to the experience of a hostel and

unpleasant workplace, which can make workers less loyal and may contribute to issues like

 Harassment, bullying and high turnover. Organization with concern about their

structure and organization can use outside consultants to get a fresh look at their

culture and may also want to consider the use of employee evaluations to get


 Personnel: This tools can help organization identify and address problems with

organizational culture

 Ambiguity is a common issues, employees may not understand what is excepted to

them, or could feel as though stated policies are in conflict with actual practices. For

example, workplace policies may state that management supports healthy work-life

balance, but the organization may only promote single people who are willing to

work long hours without complaint

Inconsistency: can be another contributor to organizational culture problems. Employee may

feel like policies are not applied evenly and fairly; management may not be penalized for
activity employees would except to see punished, for example. Employees. Organization may

also be inconsistent across department of resentments, people in human resource, for

example, might want to know why the information technology department has better office

or always seems to be vacation.

Poor communication: is another common problem with organizational culture at

organization of all sizes. Employee may not communicate well with each other and would

feel uncomfortable about approaching supervisors with ideals, suggestions, and concerns,

from top to down, organization might not clearly articulate expectations and goals, which can

make staff members confused about what they are supposed to be doing

Poor leadership: can be another issue, Employees may have trouble following people they

do not respect, or taking order from supervisors who do not appear to know what they are

doing. If leadership is weak, inconsistent, or disreputable, it can contribute to organizational

culture problems



While hiring based on culture fit is still open to interpretation, there are some things

that can be done to guide the debate in the right direction. Here are some of our


 Define your culture: let’s be honest, first and foremost, organization need to have a

clear understand on what constitutes their organization culture and have a set of

defined metrics that determine whethere is not a potential hire will mesh will with the

team and the rest of the organization. Measuring a candidate against these metric vs.

leaving the hiring decision up to personal interpretation is the first step in the bright


 Determine your strategy: once the organization culture is defined and everyone

agrees on its main elements. The next logical step is to set a strategy. How open is

your organization to different styles, values, and approaches? If your employees are

expected to be available 24/7, then it will be hard for someone who is used to a strict

work-life balance to perform their duties.

 Give power to the people: After an extensive probationary period, employees get to

vote on whether or not a new hire should, come on board full-time. This type of

consensus-building process results in collective buy-in and team camaraclerie. It

attempts to prevent personal judgment and unilateral decision making by the

management. Its promotes mutual accountability and expect. Not only feel

empowered and will ultimately enjoy working with their teammates. This approach

fosters a positive attitude and attracts employees who are likely to do whatever it

takes to demonstrate how valuable they are to the employer.

 Let candidates decide on their own: using tools and questionnaires that help people

determine the own suitability for the job is also a great way to weed out those who

may not fit the organization culture. For example, Zappos, an organization that prides

itself on creating the ‘happiness culture’ bask candidates to determine how weirs they

are on a scale from 1 to 10. Southwest, on the other hand, uses scenario-simulation

exercise to estimate a candidate’s problem-solving and critical thinking abilities. The

results are monitored and reviewed by a group of experienced employees. These

tactics not only help eliminate bias in hiring decision but also provide are excellent

opportunity for candidate to understand what is expected of them and help them to

determine whether they can make it in the organization or not.



Organizational performance has been defined as the ability of an organization to fulfill its

mission through sound management. Strong governance and a persistent rededication to

achieving results.

The Oxford Dictionary defines performance as the action or process of performing a task or

function seen in term of how successfully it is performed. However, for the purpose of this

study, organization performance is how successfully an organization is after putting different

strategies into impact. Specialist in many fields is so concerned with organizational

performance including strategic planners, operations, and finance, legal and organizational


In recent years, many organizations attempted to manage organizational performance using

the balance score card methodology where performance is tracked and measured in multiple

dimension such as financial performance (shareholders return), social responsibility,

corporate citizenship, community outreach.


Performance system allow the management to categorize employees into performers and

non-performers, it is primarily done to estimate the employees worth.

There are different variations of performance appraisal system.

 Behavioural Checklist: Behavioural checklist has a list of criteria that an employee

should work up to be a diligent worker the behaviour differs according to the type of

job been assessed. This method is considered favourable as the evaluation is done on

the basis of individual employee performance without comparison.

 360-Degree Appraisal: 360-degree appraisal involves feedback of the manager,

supervisor, team members and any direct reports. In this method of appraisal,

employees’ complete profile has to be collected and assessed. In addition to

evaluating the employees work, performance and technical skills set, an appraisal

collects an in-depth feedback of the employee.

 Management by Objective (MBO): According to Afolaranmi (2015), management

by objective is a process whereby a subordinate and his superior set a mutually agreed

upon goal for the subordinate to achieve within a given period of time at the end of

which the subordinate performance is appraised. This is an objective type of

evaluation which falls under modern approach of performance appraisal. Manager

and employee agreed upon a specific and obtainable goal with a set deadline.

 Psychological: This method evaluates the employees intellects, emotional stability,

analytical skills and other psychological traits. This method makes it easy for the

manager in placing the employee in appropriate teams.


Performance is the execution or accomplishment of works, tasks or goals to a certain level of

desired satisfactions. In this study, however, organizational performance is defined in terms

of the ability of an organization to satisfy the desired expectations of three main stakeholders

comprising of owners, employees and customers.

This is measured in terms of the following parameters

 Owner satisfaction with financial return or profit from organization.

 Employees satisfaction with the conditions of work, such as wages and salaries, style

of supervision, rapid promotion and the ability of the organizational to guarantee job

securities, employee express a desire to stay with the organization. i.e. retain its

workers; and finally,

 Customers express satisfaction with the quality of the products of the organization.



Employees differ in their personalities and these difference influence the way react to

the external and internal pressures that exist in any organization. It is important for an

organization to identify the factors that have a crippling impact on the performance of an

employee at the workplace and make suitable correction. The following are the factors that

lead to poor performance of employees at the workplace.

 Poor leadership from the top management: A supervisor motivates his

subordinates, instills confidence, and evokes enthusiasm with regard to their work.

But if the same supervisor engages in aggressive and punitive behavior, it results in

harassment at the workplace.

 Lack of role clarity: This happen when two different workers are given incompatible

roles at the same time this lack of clarity the employees and result in conflicts

 Lack of transparency: when employee is not informed about decisions, they will

make own assumptions which can spread rumors, this can hurt the image of the

organization and destroy trust in the management.

 GOSSIP: Research has shown that office gossips creates great loss to the

organization and also affect the individual productivity of employees at work.

 Outdated Technology: To make an employee productive and efficient, it is

important to equip them with the right tools. Ignoring the potential benefit of

technology up gradation in the workplace may diminish the productivity and

performance of the employee

 Poor Selection or pairing of term members: Employee tied with a wrong partner

prove detrimental to the overall health of the organization. A lion’s share of their time

will be consumed jostling against each other without any improvement in their

overall performance

 Inadequate Resource: Adequate time and material resources should be available to

employees to enable them perform their work easily. This will help them perform to

the best of their ability and be proud of their achievement.


There is always room for improvement, especially in a organization that want to stay

visible, and maintain its competitive edge. The following will improve employee

organization performance.

 Communicate your expectations and emphasize personal accountability: No

matter what type of business you run or how many employees you have, it is essential

that every employee understands how he respective contribution towards a common

goal define the organization’s value, success and longevity. Hold regular staff

meetings to track the status of pending projects, make new assignment and encourage

brainstorming on existing or potential problems. Hold your workers accountable for

the responsibilities they assume, the choice they make and the deadlines they have

agreed to meet

 Monitor and evaluate job performance through annual or twice-yearly written

appraisal: These provide workers with the functional equivalent of a report card to

identify what they are doing well, what areas need improvement and weather training

classes would benefit an existing job or assist in the transition to a new one. Invite

employees to prepare self-evaluations, which allow them to highlight recent

achievements, disuses issues that they believe are inhibiting them from doing their

best work and request future training and development assignments. Encourage

feedback throughout the year, not just during the review period.

 Create and administer a fair and consistent system of acknowledging merit: No

matter what position a person holds in your organization, he wants to know that his

work is being noticed and appreciated. A successful organization culture is one that

rewards initiative, performance and dedication through bonuses, promotions, merit

certificates and perks as well as compliments and good old-fashioned thank-you.

Donald Kirkpatrick, author of ‘improving employee performance through appraisal

and coaching’’ also emphasizes the importance of monitoring and coaching as a way

to demonstrate that management is committed to helping workers achieve their

highest potential by providing them access to the best advice on how to advance their


 Lead by setting a positive example: Ways great leaders inspire results, emphasizes

that managers who engage in active listening, respect the unique talent of their staff,

instill confidence in others and know both when and how to delegate responsibilities

achieve better results than egotistical leaders who believe that there is the only ‘right’

way to get anything done. The first step in improving any organization is establishing

and enforcing the concept that there aren’t different sets of rules that govern the

activities of supervisor and subordinates. Managers must be held just as accountable

for their own mistakes and shortcoming as anyone who works for them in order to

foster a healthy and truthful workplace.



This study was specifically carried out to examine the extent to which organizational culture

influences organizational performance. To this end, organization culture was used as the

independent variable while performance serves as the dependent variable.

According to Jones (2005), doubt about the reliability of any single indicator of organization

culture and organizational performance encourage the identification of substitutes for those
fund wanting or alternative measure. As it is likely what any single indicator may measure a

concept implicitly, as in the case of organizational culture and performance.

The error may be minimized by using multiple measure of each concept. In compliance with

the strategy, multiple indicators were used to assess the impact of organizational culture on

organizational performance.

Zakaria (2016) has contended that one of the relevant determinants of organizational

performance is employee behaviour. To this end, questions were asked on the factors that

determine employee’s behaviour such as the family background, beliefs and religion, value,

attitude and perception of work, commitment to work, and norms.

The result obtained from the analysis of data collected shows that workers exhibited positive

work value and attitudes, the incident of lateness to work, absenteeism, and labour turn-over

are very low. Also, the level of commitment to work is relatively high and finally, the

premium and emphasis placed on the achievement of power, wealth and prestige made the

workers made more effort at work. The result of the logistics chi-square shows that the

concern which workers show about the problem of fellow worker has a significant

relationship with organizational performance. This indicates that collectivism is significantly

related to organizational performance. The empirical evidenced in this study shows that all

the indices of organizational culture used, exhibit a correlation, positive and significant

relationship with organizational performance.

This information can be presented in the table below


Source: Aluko Muheedeen Ajayi (2010)

The notion that organizations may have specific cultures is found sprinkled in a vast

array of publications on strategy and business policy, on organizational behavior and theory.

Although the abuses of a solid theoretical grounding for concept of organizational culture has

been frequently laminated, little effort has been exerted to bring within the perimeter of the

management and organizational field the relevant concept found in cultural anthropology.

The purpose of this paper is therefore three-fold.

To provide a typology of schools of the thought in cultural anthropology in order to

understand the diverse and complex theories of culture advanced is this field.

To relate this different point of view to the emerging notions of organizational culture

found explicitly or implicitly in the management and organization literature.

To pull together the insights and findings derived from this enquiry in order to

propose an integrative concept of organizational culture as useful metaphor for

studying the processes of decay, adaptation and radical change in complex




In today‟s economy, firms are challenged to continuously offer a portfolio of innovative

products and services. Despite the key role of portfolio innovativeness for corporate
performance, firms differ in their focus on building innovation capabilities and generating
innovation outcomes (Hambrick, 2007; Hambrick and Mason, 1984). Research of the link
between organizational culture and performance had increased substantially during the past
two decades (Lim,1995). In the 1980s, there were „obsessions‟ by researchers to focus on the
Strong Theory- a search for strong shared values in organization which were supposed to
result in performance for the organization. Perters and Waterman (1982) claimed that high
performance firms could be distinguished from low performance firms because they
possessed certain cultural traits and „strong culture‟. 

Similarly, Deal and Kennedy (1982) suggested that organizational performance can be
enhanced by strong shared values. Their suggestions were criticized by Carrol (1982),
Reyonds (1986), and Saffold (1988) who commented that „a simple model‟ relating
organizational culture to


Performance measurement has its roots in early accounting systems of how a pre-
industrial organization could maintain a good account of external transactions and stock.
Thus, before the 1980‟s, performance measurement was largely evolved within the large
industrial firms focusing on the achievement of a limited number of key financial measures
(Johnson & Kaplan, 1987). But by the early 1980‟s, as the increasing complexity of
organizations and the markets in which companies compete, it was no longer appropriate to
use financial measures as the sole criteria for assessing success (Kennerley & Neely 2002).
According to Ghalayini and Noble (1996), the literature concerning performance
measurement evolved in two phases, the first which began in the late 1880‟s and concluded
in the 1980‟s. In this phase, the emphasis was on financial measures such as profit, return on
investment, and productivity. The second phase started in the late 1980‟s as a result of
changes in the world market, specifically in the corporate environments.



3.0 Introduction
Methodology is a programme that guides the researchers in the process of collecting,

analysis and interpretation data. It is a model of proves that allows the researchers to draw

valid conclusion concerning casual relationship among the variable under investigation.


According to Ibrahim (2012) research design is the master plan upon which a research is


Research design can take several forms and there is no best research design. The type of

research design to be used in a particular research depends on the nature of the researchable


Research design can also be described as the act of identifying and explaining the techniques

and procedures of acquiring information to solve a specific problem.

However, for the purpose of this study a descriptive research design was employed because it

is the design that is appropriate for this nature of researchable problem. This will ensure that

required data are collected at a very accurate and economically rate


According to Aboaba, Oyerinde and Yusuf (2012), population is described as all conceivable

element, subjects or observations that are of primary interest to a study. It is the total number

of inhabitant that share common characteristics in a particular place.

However, what constitute the population in this research work is the management and staff of

Federal Polytechnic Offa, kwara state. The total population of the staff is 1043 in which they
have 463 Academics staff and 473 non Academics staff and 143 Junior staff


According to Aboaba, Oyerinde and Yusuf (2012), a sample is the part or portion of the

population under study choosing or selected by some process for the propose of statistical


According to Ibrahim (2012), sampling is a process used in statistical analysis in which a

predetermined number of a large number or population and the result obtained would be

generalized on others. It is also a method of studying from a few selected items instead of the

entered big number of unit, the small selected is called “population”

In this study, the researcher employed a simple random sampling technique. This is a method

of sampling in which each possible sampling combination has an equal chance of being

included in the sampling process. The researcher chooses a sample size of 100.


According to Aboaba (2012), data collection instruments are those which are used to collect

data for the purpose of testing hypotheses or answering research questions. This is an

instrument used by a researcher to carry out a research on a particular problem in order to

arrive at a conclusion. In this study, questionnaire was used to collect information from the

sampled population of (100).

According to Aboaba, Oyerinde & Yusuf (2010), a questionnaire is an instrument for

collection information or data beyond the ordinary reach of the researcher. It contains a set of

questions designed to get the model information or data for analysis where the result so reach

is used to answer questions and test the relevant hypotheses.

In this study, 100 questionnaires were distributed to the sample population of federal

polytechnic offa, kwara state to collect the needed information on impact of organizational

culture on the organizational performance.


Validity: According to Handy (2006) Validity is the characteristics used to describe

research which quality what is claims to measure. It is the characteristics of research

methodology which allow researcher to the be repeated by the same and even different

research but always come out with the same results, for the sake to validity of this study, the

researcher used questionnaire to collect information from the sample population and also

consulted text books and journal of previous authors.

Reliability: According to Osuola (2006) Reliabilty refers to the consistency of a

measurement; it is defined as anything that may be trusted and dependable. It is the stability,

dependability, and practicability of a measurement instruments, that is to say, reliability is

any method of data collection that is trusted to be accurate and dependable.

Nevertheless, the best techniques is the practical approach. In this research work, to establish

the reliability of the questionnaire, this is done by asking the respondents to cooperate and

complete the question with the primary choice for consistency, reliability and standardization

of the design of the questionnaire.


According to Aboaba (2012), data collection instruments are those which are used to collect

data for the purpose of testing hypotheses or answering research questions. This is an

instrument used by a researcher to carry out a research on a particular problem in order to

arrive at a conclusion. In this study, questionnaire was used to collect information from the

sampled population of (100).

According to Aboaba, Oyerinde & Yusuf (2010), a questionnaire is an instrument for

collection information or data beyond the ordinary reach of the researcher. It contains a set of

questions designed to get the model information or data for analysis where the result so reach

is used to answer questions and test the relevant hypotheses.

In this study, 100 questionnaires were distributed to the sample population of federal

polytechnic offa, kwara state, out of which 96 were filled and returned to collect the needed

information on impact of organizational culture on the organizational performance.


In order to ensure the simplicity and clarity to the research work. The researcher used the

sample percentage as a statistical technique to analyze and interpret the data collected.

However, the reason for the use of this kind of techniques was as a result of the types of

questionnaire used that called for complex questions.

For the purpose of simplicity and clarity of the research work, each question will be analyzed

in statistical form, the analytical procedure deal with the population of statistical formula.

These formulas are as follows:

Mean: This is a measure of central tendency and it is obtained by adding the

scores of all subjects together and divide it by the number of subject.

Formula X=
∑ fx

Where X = Mean
f = frequency
x = value
Σ = Summation
Standard Deviation: This tells as how widely the score in distribution are spread out and the
mean of the score.

Formula δ =√ X −X ∨
√ X −X
where δ = Standard Deviation
n = number of sample
X = mean of X

In calculating the population standard deviation form, from a given sample, the denominator

in above formula is replaced by (n-1) and (f-1).

Formula Z=
√ ( X− X )2

Where Z = Statistical Score

X = Population Mean
X = Sample Mean
n = sample size

The hypotheses would be tested under the level of confidence of 95% and significant level of



4.0 Introduction

This chapter amid to present the data collected making appropriate interpretation of

the analysis with view to ensure that the research objective are achieved. This analysis of the

data in this chapter is detail of data collected through the use of questionnaire.

Research investigation are not computed until the finding has been made available to

the people concerned with them for the purpose of the study, a total of 100 questionnaire

were administered, and only 96 were filled and returned.

The 96 questionnaire collected serve as basis of statistical analysis to be used in

carrying out testing of hypothesis depends on raw data collected for the purpose of this study

the chi-sqaure and sample percentage method will be used


For the purpose of this study, respondents refer to the people that completed the
questionnaires and at the same time, return such questionnaires. The question were processed
normally and data were reported inform of tables which show responses in percentages (%).

The questions were divided into three parts (section A, B and C). Section A deals with
personal information about that respondents while section B and C deals with the subject
matter, that is, purpose of the questionnaires. The question were show processed normally
and data were reported inform of table which show responses in percentage%

Table 4.1.1: Gender Distribution of Respondents

Alternatives Respondents Percentages (%)

Male 72 75
Female 24 25
Total 96 100
Source: Field Survey, 2020
It c can be seen from the above figure 4.1.1 that 72 respondents representing 75% are male.

while 24 respondents representing 25% are female.

This shows that there are more male respondents than their female counterpart in the


Table 4.1.2 Age Distribution of Respondents

Alternatives Respondents Percentages (%)

Less than 30years 5 5.20

35-40years 16 16.67

41-45years 15 15.62

46-50years 40 41.67

51years and above 20 20.84

Total 96 100

Source: Field Survey, 2020

Figure 4.1.2 reveals that 5 respondents representing 5.2% are less than 30 years, 16

respondents representing 16.67% fall within the age bracket of 35-40 years. 15 respondent

representing 15.62% are between the age of 41-45years, 40 respondents representing 41.67%

fall within the age bracket of 46-50years.While 20 respondents which represents 20.85% are

51 years and above. The majority of respondents fall within the age bracket of 46-50 years

Table 4.1.3: Marital Status of Respondents

Alternatives Respondents Percentages (%)

Married 60 62.5
Single 36 37.5
Others -
Total 96 100
Source: Field Survey, 2020
It can be seen from the above figure 4.1.3 that 60 respondents representing 62.5% are

married, 36 respondents representing 37.5% are single. While there were no others

respondents. The numbers of married are more in the organization.

Table 4.1.4: Educational Qualification

Alternatives Respondents Percentages (%)

SSCE 3 3.13

ND/NCE 18 18.75

HND/BSC 50 52.1

MBA/MSC/MA 17 17.7

PHD 8 8.3

Total 96 100

Source: Field Survey, 2020

From the above figure 4.1.4, it can be seen that 3 respondents representing 3.13% have

SSCE, 18 respondents representing 18.75% are ND/NCE holder, 50 respondents representing

52.1% have HND/BSC while 17 respondents which represent 17.5% are MBA/MSC/MA

holder and 8 respondent represent 8.3 are PHD holder, It can be seen that the number of

MBA/MSC/MA is more in the organization.

Table 4.1.5: Position in the Organization

Alternatives Respondents Percentages (%)

Management staff 17 17.70

Senior staff 58 60.42

Junior staff 21 21.58

Total 96 100

Source: Field Survey, 2020

Figure 4.1.5 above reveals that 17 respondents representing 17.70% are management staff, 58

respondents representing 60.42% are senior staff, while 21 respondents which represents

21.88% are junior staff. It can be seen that the majority of the respondents are senior staff.


Table 4.2.1: The extenot to which Norms affect the performance of your organization
is very high.

Alternatives Respondents Percentages (%)

Strongly disagreed 10 10.42
Disagreed 12 12.5
Undecided 4 4.17
Strongly agreed 50 52.08
Agreed 20 20.83
Total 96 100
Source: Field Survey, 2020

Table 4.2.1 reveals that10 respondent representing 10.42% strongly disagreed, 12

respondents agreed, 4 respondents are indifferent in their responses, 50 respondents

representing 52.08% strong agreed. While 20 respondents representing 20.83% agreed. It is

therefore concluded that strongly agreed option will be preferred.

Table 4.2.2: Beliefs does not affect organizational performances of your organization.

Alternatives Respondents Percentages (%)

Strongly disagreed 50 52.08
Disagreed 19 19.79
Undecided 2 20.08
Strong agreed 15 15.63
Agreed 10 10.42
Total 96 100
Source: Field Survey, 2020

It can be seen from the above table 4.2.2 that 50 respondents representing52.08% strongly

disagree that beliefs does not affect organizational performance of their organization, 19

respondents representing 19.79% disagree, only 2 respondents representing 2.08% are

indecision in their responses. 15 respondents representing 15.63% strong agreed while 10

respondents representing 10.45% agreed.

Table 4.2.3: Values have impact on the performance of your organization.

Alternatives Respondents Percentages (%)

Strongly disagreed 10 10.42
Disagreed 12 12.5
Undecided 4 4.17
Strongly agreed 45 46.88
Agreed 25 26.02
Total 96 100
Source: Field Survey, 2020

Table 4.2.3 reveals that majority of the respondents fall within the strongly agree and agree

options which means that values have impact on the performance of their organization.

Table 4.2.4: Teamwork has helped your organization to attain the desired level of
organizational performance.

Alternatives Respondents Percentages (%)

Strongly disagreed 7 7.29
Disagree 9 9.38
Undecided 2 2.08
Strongly agree 61 63.54
Agree 20 20.83
Total 96 100
Source: Field Survey, 2020

Tables 4.2.4 reveal that 7 respondents representing 7.29% strongly disagreed, 9 respondents

representing 9.38% disagree, 2 respondents are indecision in their responses, 20 respondents

representing 20.83% strong agreed. While 61 respondents which represent 63.54% agree.
That teamwork has helped their organization to attain the desired level of organizational

performance. The number of strongly agree is more and it will be preferred.

Table 4.2.5: The impactiveness of employees’ orientation has made your organization to
maintain it desired level of organization performance.

Alternatives Respondents Percentages (%)

Strongly disagreed 10 10.42

Disagreed 20 20.83

Undecided 6 6.25

Strongly agreed 40 41.67

Agreed 20 20.83

Total 96 100
Source: Field Survey, 2020

From the above table 4.2.5 it can be seen that majority of the respondent chose agree and

strongly agree options which shows positive responses. It is therefore concluded that the

impactiveness of employees’ orientation has made their company to achieve the desired level

of organizational performance.

Table 4.2.6: Attitudes affect organizational performance in your organization

Alternatives Respondents Percentages (%)

Strongly disagreed 34 35.42
Disagreed 25 26.04
Undecided 5 5.20
Strongly agreed 17 17.71
Agreed 15 15.63
Total 96 100
Source: Field Survey, 2020

The table 4.2.6 above shows that 34 respondents representing 35.45%choose strongly

disagree that attitudes affect organizational performance in their organization, 25 which

represent26.04% disagree, 5 respondent are indifferent in their responses, 17 respondents

representing17.71% strongly agree while 15 respondents which represents 15.63% agree.,

Majority of the respondents choose disagree and strongly disagree option which shows a

negative response.

Table 4.2.7: Aggressive orientation has helped your organization to perform up to the

Alternatives Respondents Percentages (%)

Strongly disagreed 43 44.79
Disagreed 30 31.25
Undecided 8 8.33
Strongly agreed 10 10.42
Agreed 5 5.21
Total 96 100
Source: Field Survey, 2020

The above table 4.2.7 revealed that 43 respondents which represent 44.79% strongly

disagree, 30 respondents with 31.25% choose disagree option, 8 respondents which form

8.33% are undecided,10 respondents which represents 10.42% strongly agree while 5

respondents which represent5..21% are agree that aggressive orientation has helped their

organization to perform up to the expectation.

Table 4.2.8: Fairness orientation influences fairness orientation influence
organizational performance in your organization.

Alternatives Respondents Percentages (%)

Strongly disagreed 10 10.43
Disagreed 8 8.33
Undecided 2 2.08
Strongly agreed 50 52.08
Agreed 26 27.08
Total 96 100
Source: Field Survey, 2020

It can be seen from the above table 4.2.8 that the larger number of respondents choose

strongly agree and agree options. This shows positive responses, that is, fairness orientation

influences organizational performance in their organization.

Table 4.2.9: Outcome orientation has contributed immensely in achieving the desired
level of organizational performance in your organization.

Alternatives Respondents Percentages (%)

Strongly disagreed 38 39.58
Disagreed 25 26.04
Undecided 5 5.21
Strongly agreed 15 15..63
Agreed 13 13.54
Total 96 100
Source: Field Survey, 2020

The above table 4.2.9 shows that 38 respondents representing 39.58% choose strongly

disagree option that outcome orientation has contributed in achieving the desired level of

organizational performance of their organization, 25 respondents representing 26.04% agree.

5 respondents which form 5.21% are undecided, 15 respondents which takes 15.63% strongly

agreed. While 13 respondents which is 13.54% are agreed.

Table 4.2.10: The level of stability of the organizational culture of your organization is
very high.

Alternatives Respondents Percentages (%)

Strongly disagreed 10 10.41
Disagreed 12 12.5
Undecided 4 4.17
Strongly agreed 40 41.67
Agreed 30 31.25
Total 96 100
Source: Field Survey, 2020

From the above table 4.2.10, it can be seen that 10 respondents representing 10.41% choose

strongly disagree. 12 respondents representing 12.5% choose disagree option. Only 4

respondents representing 4.17% are undecided. 40 respondents representing 41.67%

disagreed. While 30 respondents representing 31.25 % strongly agreed that the level of

stability of the organizational culture of federal polytechnic Offa, kwara state, is not stable.

Since the majority of the respondents choose agree and strongly agree, it has a positive


Table 4.2.11: The extents of innovation and risk an organization can take determine
the performance standard of the organization.

Alternatives Respondents Percentages (%)

Strongly disagreed 20 20.83
Disagreed 33 34.35
Undecided 6 6.25
Strongly agreed 20 20.83
Agreed 17 17.71
Total 96 100
Source: Field Survey, 2020

The tables 4.2.11 shows that 20 respondents representing 20.83 % choose strongly disagree,

33 respondents representing 34.35% choose disagree, 6 respondents representing 6.25% are

undecided. 20 respondents representing 20.83% strongly agreed While 17 respondent

representing 17.71% are agreed. Since the majority of the33 respondents disagree the

response show a negative response.

Table 4.2.12: Environmental force has impact on the organizational performance of

your organization.

Alternatives Respondents Percentages (%)

Strongly disagreed 7 7.29
Disagreed 9 9.38
Undecided 4 4.17
Strongly agreed 48 50
Agreed 28 29.16
Total 96 100
Source: Field Survey, 2020

Table 4.2.12 above reveals that 7 respondents which represent 7.29% chose strongly

disagree, 9 respondents which represent 9.38 disagreed, 4 respondent representing 4.17% are

undecided, 48 respondents representing 50% strongly agreed that environmental force have

impact on organizational performance.

. While 28 respondents which represent 29.16 % agreed

Table 4.2.13: Provision of incentives motivates you to put in your best performance in
order to achieve the desired level of organizational performance

Alternatives Respondents Percentages (%)

Strongly disagreed 10 10.42
Disagreed 13 13.54
Undecided 5 5.21
Strongly agreed 48 50
Agreed 20 20.83
Total 96 100
Source: Field Survey, 2020

The above table 4.2.13 show that 10 respondents representing 10.42% choose strongly

disagree, 13 respondents representing 13.54% disagreed, 5 respondents representing 5.21%

are undecided, 48 respondents which represent 13.54% strongly agreed that provision of

incentives motivates them to put in their best performance in order to achieve the desired

level of organizational performance, While 20 respondents which represents 20.83% agreed

Table 4.2.14: Employee personality determines organizational performance in your


Alternatives Respondents Percentages (%)

Strongly disagreed 22 22.92
Disagreed 31 32.29
Undecided 5 5.21
Strongly agreed 20 20.83
Agreed 18 18.75
Total 96 100
Source: Field Survey, 2020

The above table 4.2.14 reveals that 22 respondents representing 22.92% strongly disagreed,

31 respondents representing 32.29% disagreed, only 5 respondents representing 5.21% are

undecided in their responses.20 respondents representing 20..83% strongly agreed. While 18

respondent representing 18.75% are agreed

Table 4.2.15: The degree to which job satisfaction encourages you to put in your best
performance to achieve the desired level of organizational performance is
very high.

Alternatives Respondents Percentages (%)

Strongly disagreed 7 7.29
Disagreed 10 10.42
Undecided 7 7.29
Strongly agreed 42 43.75
Agreed 30 31.25
Total 96 100
Source: Field Survey, 2020

The above table 4.2.15 reveals that 7 respondents representing 7.29% strongly disagreed 10

respondents which represents 10.42% disagree, 7 respondents which represents 7.29% are

indifference in their responses, 42 respondents representing 43.75% disagreed that the extent

to which job satisfaction encourage them to put in their best performances to achieve the

desired level of performance is high,. While 30 respondents which represent 31.25% of the

respondents chose strongly disagree option.

Table 4.2.16: Prompt payments of wages and salaries induces you to perform better

Alternatives Respondents Percentages (%)

Strongly disagreed 5 5.20
Disagreed 15 15.63
Undecided 3 3.13
Strongly agreed 45 46.88
Agreed 28 29.15
Total 96 100
Source: Field Survey, 2020

Table 4.2.16 reveals that5 respondents representing 5.20 % choose strongly disagree, 15

respondents representing 15.63% disagree, 3 respondents representing 3.13 are undecided.45

respondents representing 46.88% strongly agreed. While 28 respondents representing

29.15% agreed. The number of strongly agree option is more which means that the prompt

payment of wages and salaries induce them to perform better.


This section deals with how to test and validate the hypotheses formulated in chapter one,

section 1.5 of this study. The statistical method used is chi-square method (X2). The

hypothesis is measured at 5% or 0.05%level of significant.

The decision is that if the x2 computed value is greater than the x2 table, the null (H0)

hypotheses should be rejected.

On the other hand, if the x2 computed is less than the x2 table value , the null ( H0 )

hypothesis should be accepted and reject the alternative (H1) hypotheses.

The chi- squared is the appropriate inferential test for the distribution of subject across a

minimal variable. In this test, an hypothesized population distribution is prepared with a

distribution generated by a sample.


O1=observed number of cases (respondents)

E1= expected number of cases (respondents)

X2=chi-square computed

O1-E1= different between observed and expected value

(01- E1)2

Test of Hypotheses I:

The extent to which norms affect the performance of your organization is very high

Expected frequency =Total number of respondent

Number of alternative proved

E1= 96/5 =19.2

Alternatives 01 E1 0-E1 (O-E1)2 (0-E1)2
Strongly agreed 50 19.2 30.8 912.04 47.5
Agreed 20 19.2 0.8 0.64 0.03
Undecided 4 19.2 15.2 231.04 12.03
Disagreed 12 19.2 -7.2 51.84 2.7
Strongly Disagreed 10 19.2 -9.2 84.64 4.41
Total 96 66.67
X2Computed Value = 66.67

X2= Table value = 26.269

Level of significant = 5% or 0.05

DF = 16 (-1) (r-1) = (5 -1) (5-1) = 4 x 4 = 16

Decision rule:Reject the null (H0) hypotheses if the X2Computed value is greater than the

X2table value.

Conclusion: Since theX2computed value (66.67) is greater than theX 2table value (26.269),

the null (H0) hypotheses, should be rejected which otherwise means that the

extent to which norms affect organizational performance is Unilever Nigeria

Plc is very high. Test of hypotheses

Test of Hypotheses II:

Beliefs does not have any influence on organizational performance

Alternatives 01 E1 0-E1 (O-E1)2 (0-E1)2

Strongly disagreed 15 19.2 -4.2 17.64 0.92
Disagreed 10 19.2 -9.2 84.64 4.41
Undecided 2 19.2 -17.2 295.8 15.41
Strongly agreed 19 19.2 -0.2 0.04 0.02
Agreed 50 19.2 30.8 948.6 49.41
Total 96 70.17

X2computed = 70.17

X2table = 26.296

Df = 16 (c-1)(r-1) = (5-1)(5-1)=4x4=16

Decision rule:Reject null (HO) hypothesis if theX2 computed value is greater than

theX2table value.

Conclusion: Since the x2 computed value (70.17) is greater than x2 table value (22.296), the

null (ho) hypothesis should be rejected which otherwise means that beliefs

have influence on the organizational performance.

Test of Hypotheses III:

Values have influence on the performance of your organization

Alternatives 01 E1 0-E1 (O-E1)2 (0-E1)2

Strongly disagreed 45 19.2 25.8 665.64 34.67
Disagreed 25 19.2 5.8 33.64 1.75
Undecided 4 19.2 -15.2 231.04 12.03
Strongly agreed 12 19.2 -7.2 51.84 2.55
Agreed 10 19.2 -9.2 84.64 4.41
Total 96 55.41

X2computed value = 55.41

X2table = 26.296

Df=16 (c-1)(r-1) = (5-1)(5-1)=4x4=16

Decision rule: Rejected the null (ho) hypotheses if the X2computed value is greater than the


Conclusion: Since theX2computed value (55.41) is greater than the X2table value (26.296),

the null (ho) hypotheses would be rejected which means that values have

influence on the performance of an organization.

Test of Hypotheses IV
Team work has helped your company to attain the desired level of organizational


Alternatives 01 E1 0-E1 (O-E1)2 (0-E1)2


Strongly disagreed 61 19.2 41.8 1747.2 91

Disagreed 20 19.2 0.8 0.64 0.64

Undecided 2 19.2 -17.8 -316.84 16.50

Strongly agreed 9 19.2 -10.2 -104.04 5.42

Agreed 7 19.2 -17.2 -148.8 7.75

Total 96 121.31

X2computed value = 121.31

X2 table = 26.296

Df=16 (c-1)(r-1) = (5-1)(5-1)=4x4=16

Decision rule:Rejected the null (ho) hypotheses if the x 2 computed value is greater than the

X2 tabulated value.

Conclusion: Since the x2 computed value (121.31) is greater than the X 2 table value

(26.296), the null (H0) hypotheses would be rejected which otherwise means

that teamwork has helped them to attain the desired level of organizational


Test of Hypotheses V

The impactiveness of employee orientation has made your organization to maintain it desired

level of organizational performance

Alternatives 01 E1 0-E1 (O-E1)2 (0-E1)2

Strongly disagreed 40 19.2 20.8 432.6 22.5
disagreed 20 19.2 0.2 0.04 0.02
Undecided 6 19.2 -13.2 174.2 9.07
Strongly agreed 20 19.2 0.8 0.64 0.03
Agreed 10 19.2 -9.2 84.64 4.41
Total 96 36.03

X2computed value = 36.03

X2 table value = 26.296

Df=16 (c-1)(r-1) = (5-1)(5-1)=4x4=16

Level of significant = 5%

Decision rule: Reject the null (H0) hypotheses of the x2 computed value is greater than the x2

table value.

Conclusion: since x2 computed value (36.03) is greater than the x2 table value (26.296), the

null (H0) hypotheses should be rejected which means that the impactiveness of employee

orientation has made Unilever Nigeria Plc, Lagos to maintain it desire level of organizational



Questionnaire, which were the main source of data collection instruments, were obtained

from the respondents and questions that were not answered properly, all the mistakes were

analyzed and poorly answered questionnaire exampled from the analyses process. The

increased accuracy consistency and reliability of the gathered facts.

Data completeness and uniformly was maintained and this facilities application of

other data analysis techniques such as data organization, data classification and tabulation.

As such at course of the study it was notice that:-

 Organization must determine the impact of norms on organizational performance

 To examine the impact of belief on organizational performance.

 To evaluate the impact of value on organizational performance

 To investigate the impact of employee’s orientation on organizational performance.

 To identify the impact of teamwork on organizational performance.


5.0 Introduction
The summary of the research work based on major findings of the study’s objection is

presented in this chapter, conclusions was dram from questionnaire administered, on impact

of organizational culture and organizational performance.


The primary aim of this chapter is to bring together the empirical findings which have been

presented in the preceding chapter. The study set out to establish the relationship between

organizational culture and organizational performance.

The study made some specific relations.

- Firstly, it was found out that the respondents say that by fairness orientation, that is

when they are treated justly and equally, their performance will be enhanced.

- Also many respondents agreed that provision of incentives by the management has a

significant impact on their organizational performance.

- The study also revealed that most of the respondents agreed that outcome orientation

cannot get them to give their best performance in achieving organizational


- It was also found out that majority of employees strongly agreed that prompt payment

of wages and salaries induces them to put in their best.

- The study also reveals that most of the respondents are of the opinion that aggressive

orientation will not enable them to achieve high organizational performance.

- The impactiveness of employee orientation has contributed immensely in achieving

the organizational performance of Unilever Nigeria Plc, Lagos.

- Finally, the study revealed that norms, values, beliefs and all the dimensions of

organizational culture has a great impact on organizational performance of federal

polytechnic Offa, kwara state.


Employees in an organization increase their performance due to the incentives they

get from the management, beliefs do not have any influences on the perform of the


When the management of the organization pay the employees promptly, it also makes the

worker improve in their performance. The environmental forces will have a great influence

on the performance of the organization.

Workers do not also like to work under pressure. So by engaging in outcome orientation,

worker can overuse themselves order to achieve the aim and goals of the organization.

And finally, workers and management of federal polytechnic Offa, kwara state like to be

treated justly without any prejudice.


In carrying out a research of this magnitude, obviously, a lot of problems must be

encountered. The quality of data collected depends largely on the level of qualifications and

experience of both the managers and subordinates to whom the questionnaires were

distributed and their personal views. To this end, the data has some subjectivity.

Also, most of the respondents showed bad attitude to the researcher. Most of them have a lot

of commitment as at the time being contacted while those who did not are biased in

answering the question. This makes the research work to be quite difficult.
Financial constraint is another problem, limitation encountered by the researcher. The

finance to cover up the scope of the study is huge. These include the cost of collecting

relevance information, gathering information and printing the information needed.

Another limitation to this study is time constrain. There was delay in answering the questions

on time as was expected from the respondents. Despite a lot of persuasions, at times, the

researcher had to wait for them to finish attending to their customers before he is attended to.

All these constitute constraints or limitations in carrying out this research work.


The study established the relationship between organization culture and

organizational performance. For the study to be relevant, some recommendations on the

possible means of increasing organizational performance by practicing impactive

organizational culture.

In course of this study, the following recommendations are made.

 Firstly, management should give adequate incentives to the employees to induce them

to put in their best performance.

 Also outcome orientation policy should be drastically discouraged in the


 Fairness orientation should be included in the culture of the organization.

 Also, federal polytechnic Offa, kwara state should pay prompt and adequate wages

and salaries to his workers so as to perform better.

 Also, aggressive orientation should be embarked upon in order to achieve the best
organizational performance.

Finally, federal polytechnic Offa, kwara state should work and be able to build the spirit of
oneness among themselves. That is, there should be a high spirit to achieve its desired goals
and objectives.


Aboada K.O. (2012), Foundation of Behaloural Research Offa

Afolabi Y.A. (2008), Organization Behavior Mokola Printers’ Ibadan

Aluko M.A. (2010), Applied Management Principles; 2nd Edition

Blunt and Jones (2003), Modern Business Management; 3rd Edition London

Gearge and Jones (2005), Fundamental of Modern Marketing; 6th Edition London

Hoftede G. (2007), Principles of Management; 5th Edition New York

Ibrahim B.G, (2012), Scientific Research Method; Kola Salau, Offa

Needle (2005), Organizational Behaviors; Integrated Readings London Prentice Hall Inc

Osuola (2006), Textile Testing and Quality Control; Nigerian Chritom Press Lagos

Richard et al (2009), Fundamental Marketing Concept (6th Edition); New York

Ravassi And Schutz (2006) Human Resource Management 3 rd Edition; Irwin, McGraw-Hill

Zakariyah (2008), Entrepreneurship and Small business management, London


Department of Business


Federal Polytechnic, Offa

Kwara State.

The Respondent,

I humbly request for your kind assistance and concern in completing this questionnaire.

I am a final year student in the above named institution. This questionnaire is desired
toward impact of organizational culture on organizational performance. And am assuring you
that any information provided would be treated with strict confidence and shall be used for
the purpose of this research only.

Thanks for your mature cooperation

Yours faithfully




Section A: Personal Information

Please ticks the appropriate options by marking “X” in the boxes provided ( ).


Male ( )

Female ( )


Less than 25years ( )

35 - 40years ( )

41- 45years ( )

46 - 50years ( )

51years and above ( )

Marital Status

Married ( )

Single ( )

Others ( )

Academic Qualification

SSCE ( )

ND/NCE ( )



PHD ( )

Position Held in the Organization

Management staff ( )

Senior staff ( )

Junior staff ( )

Section B: Organizational Culture.

The extent to which Norms affect the performance of your organization is high.
Strongly disagree ( )
Disagree ( )
Undecided ( )
Strong agreed ( )
Agree ( )

Beliefs does not affect organizational performance of federal polytechnic offa kwara
Strongly disagreed ( )
Disagreed ( )
Undecided ( )
Strong agreed ( )
Agreed ( )

Values have impact on the performance of your organization

Strongly disagreed ( )
Disagreed ( )
Undecided ( )
Strong agreed ( )
Agreed ( )

Team work has helped your organization to attain the desired level of organizational
Strongly disagreed ( )
Disagreed ( )
Undecided ( )
Strong agreed ( )
Agreed ( )

The impactiveness of employee’s orientation has made your organization to maintain

it desired level of organizational performance.
Strongly disagreed ( )
Disagreed ( )
Undecided ( )
Strong agreed ( )
Agreed ( )

Attitudes affect organizational performance in your organization.

Strongly disagreed ( )
Disagreed ( )
Undecided ( )
Strong agreed ( )
Agreed ( )

Aggressive orientation has helped your organization to performance up to the

Strongly disagreed ( )
Disagreed ( )
Undecided ( )
Strong agreed ( )
Agreed ( )

Fairness orientation influences organizational performance of your organization.

Strongly disagreed ( )
Disagreed ( )
Undecided ( )
Strong agreed ( )
Agreed ( )

Outcome orientation has contributed immensely in achieving the desired level of

performance in your organization.
Strongly disagreed ( )
Disagreed ( )
Undecided ( )
Strong agreed ( )
Agreed ( )

The level of stability of the organizational culture of your organization is very high.
Strongly disagreed ( )
Disagreed ( )
Undecided ( )
Strong agreed ( )
Agreed ( )
The extent of innovation and risk an organization can take determines the
performance standard of the organization.
Strongly disagreed ( )
Disagreed ( )
Undecided ( )
Strong agreed ( )
Agreed ( )

Section C: Organizational Performance.

An environmental force has impact on the organizational performance of your

Strongly disagreed ( )
Disagreed ( )
Undecided ( )
Strong agree ( )
Agreed ( )

Provision of incentives motivates you to put in your best performance in order to

achieve the desired level of organizational performance.
Strongly disagreed ( )
Disagreed ( )
Undecided ( )
Strong agreed ( )
Agreed ( )

Employee’s personality determines organizational performance in your organization.

Strongly disagreed ( )
Disagreed ( )
Undecided ( )
Strong agreed ( )
Agreed ( )

The degree to which job satisfaction encourages you to put in your best to achieve the
desired organizational performance is very high.
Strongly disagreed ( )
Disagreed ( )
Undecided ( )
Disagreed ( )
Strongly disagreed ( )

Prompt payment of wages and salaries includes you to perform better.

Strongly disagreed ( )
Disagreed ( )
Undecided ( )
Strong agreed ( )
Agreed ( )


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