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Republic of the Philippines

Division of Rizal


SY 2018 – 2019


I. Listening Comprehension
A. Identify the main idea and supporting details for
a story heard 2 1-2 5.00
B. Infer traits of character based on what they do or
say in a story listened to 1 3 2.50
C. Give a possible ending to a story heard 1 4 2.50
D. Sequence events in a story listened to 2 5–6 5.00
E. Distinguish reality from fantasy 1 7 2.50

II. Vocabulary Development:

A. Distinguish a compound word 5.00
1. one-word compound 2 8-9 5.00
2. two-word compound 1 10 2.50
3. hyphenated compound 1 11 2.50
B. Identify meanings of unfamiliar words through
structural analysis (words and affixes) 4 12 - 15 10.00
III. Study Strategy
A. Fill-out forms following instructions
appropriately 5 16 - 20 12.50
IV. Grammar:
A. Identify and use personal pronoun in
1. Use pronoun that agrees in gender, 3 21 - 23 7. 50
number with the antecedent
B. Use possessive pronouns that agree in gender 2 24 - 25 5.00
with antecedents
C. Identify and use the –s form of the verb 3 26 - 28 5.00
D. Use the past form of:
1. regular verb 2 29, 33 5.00
2. irregular verb 3 30 - 32 7.50
V. Reading Comprehension:
A. Identify the important story elements such as 2 34 – 35 5.00
setting, character and plot
B. Predict outcomes of events in the story 1 36 2.50
VI. Writing Composition:
A. Write 2-3 sentences about the characters in a
literary text listened to or read 4 37 - 40 10.50
TOTAL 40 100%
Polly the Snail

Polly is a garden snail. She lives in a beautiful vegetable garden near a pond. She is one
of the many snails in the garden. She slides and plays with her friends everyday.
Polly and her friends eat the leaves of the vegetables in the garden. They are always
hungry. They like to know the different taste of leaves of the healthy and green vegetables there.
Polly goes around and takes small bites of each of the leaves every day. If she likes the taste of
the leaf, she eats it immediately. Soon, all of the vegetables had holes in their leaves.
One day, farmer Jane went to visit his garden. He looked at the vegetables and gave a
loud cry. “Who did this to my beautiful vegetable?” Polly saw Farmer Jane. She looked around
for somewhere to hide. She buried herself under a brown leaf and hid inside her shell.
Farmer Jane checked his garden and saw the many snails on it. He picked them one by
one and placed the snails in a plastic bag. He did not find Polly who was hiding in her shell.
Then, Farmer Jane went away.
Later that day, the farmer went back with a white duck. He happily left the duck in the
garden. Polly saw the white duck. The white duck saw Polly, too.

1. A 11. A 21. D
2. D 12. C 22. D
3. A 13. D 23. A
4. B 14. A 24. A
5. D 15. D 25. C
6. A 16. 26. B
7. B 17. 27. D
8. C 18. 28. C
9. B 19. 29. C
10. D 20. 30. A

16 – 20 answers vary
31. C
32. A
33. B
34. C
35. B
36. B
37 – 40 self-made rubric
Republic of the Philippines
Division of Rizal


SY 2018 – 2019

Name: _________________________________________ Date: ____________

Gr. & Sec.: ____________ Score: ___________

I. Listening Comprehension:

Directions: Listen as the teacher reads the story then answer the questions that
follow. Write only the letter of your answer.
1. What is the main idea in the story that you have just heard?
A. Polly is a garden snail who lives in a garden near the pond.
B. Polly and her friends eat the leaves of the vegetables in the garden.
C. Polly goes around and takes small bites of each of the leaves everyday.
D. Polly saw the white duck and the white duck saw Polly, too.
2. What is the supporting details from the main idea in number 1?
A. Polly and her friends are always hungry.
B. If Polly likes the taste of leaf, she will eat it immediately.
C. Farmer Jane went back with a white duck with her.
D. Polly is one of the many shells in the garden.
3. “Who did this to my beautiful vegetables?” What character trait was shown
by Farmer Jane in this line?
A. hatred B. patience C. persistent D. surrender
4. What do you think will happen to Polly?
A. Polly will hide on her shell.
B. Polly will be eaten by the duck.
C. Polly and her friends will eat the duck
D. Polly will be eaten by Farmer Jane.
5. Which of the following events do you think happened first?
A. Farmer Jane returned with a white duck.
B. The duck saw Polly and Polly saw the duck.
C. Farmer Jane picked all the snails that she could find in her garden.
D. Polly and her friends eat the leaves of the vegetables in the garden.
6. Which of the events given happened last?
A. The white duck saw Polly and Polly saw the white duck.
B. Farmer Jane checked her garden and saw the snails on it.
C. Polly and her friends eat the leaves of the vegetable in the garden.
D. Farmer Jane picked all the snails that she could find in her garden.
7. Which of the following sentences is a reality?
A. Polly is a white duck.
B. Polly is a garden snail.
C. Polly is Farmer Jane’s friend.
D. Polly is everybody’s friend.

II. Vocabulary Development:

A. Which of the following is a compound word? Write the letter only.

8. A. beautiful B. happily C. somewhere D. vegetable
9. A. beautiful B. birthday C. careless D. unhappy
10. A. cookies B. frying C. proudly D. report card
11. A. sister-in-law B. rocking C. immediately D. antenna
B. Read the following sentences carefully. Write the letter of the correct
answer on your answer sheet.
12. Two year old Bunjoy draws an imperfect circle. It looks like an egg.
What do you mean by imperfect?
A. irregular B. complete C. not perfect D. not complete
13. Typhoon Yolanda left many roofless homes. If the rain comes, they
will be wet because their house is roofless. Roofless homes mean
A. without home C. ruthless
B. home without roof D. roof without home
14. The story of the flying monkey is unbelievable. What is the meaning of
A. unimaginable C. imaginable
B. thinkable D. credible
15. Aubrey placed basket of eggs on her head. The eggs were not distributed
evenly. When she started to walk, the basket went sideways and fell. All
the eggs were broken because it was imbalanced. Imbalanced means
A. correct C. stable
B. dizzy D. unstable

III. Study Strategy:

Directions: Fill out this form for Alyssa P. Ocampo. She lives at 1515 Highway 10
in Apartment 117 in Makati City. Use today’s date to complete the form
and sign her name, too. (5 pts.)

Entrance Form

1. Last Name: ____________________________ First Name: _________________

2. Sex: Male Female
3. Address: ________________________________________________________________
4. Signature: _________________
5. Date: ____________

IV. Grammar:

Directions: Read the sentences carefully. Choose the letter of the best answer
and write it on your answer sheet.
21. My Mom used to support me in all my needs. _____ is very supportive.
A. Her B. Him C. He D. She
22. My pupils are all quiet during our class discussion. ________ are
trustworthy, too.
A. It B. He C. She D. They
23. Ben has a trolley bag that _______ pulls around.
A. he B. her C. his D. she
24. The biggest guava belongs to you. It is _______ guava.
A. her B. my C. our D. your
25. Today is our scheduled trip to the Science Park. I brought my pink lunch
box with me. This pink lunch box is _______.
A. hers B. his C. mine D. ours
26-27. Louise ______________ milk for breakfast. She ____________ it is
a good way to start the day.
A. drink –think C. drinks - think
B. drink – thinks D. drinks – thinks
28. The boy _____________ to see a mushroom grow.
A. brushes B. rises C. touches D. wishes
29. Last week, the whole family ____________ (visit) St. Claire de Monte
Falco Church.
A. visit B. visits C. visited D. has visited
30. On our way, we ______________ (bring) eggs and flowers for the saint.
A. brought B. bring C. brings D. have brought
31. Afterwards, we ____________ (buy) fruits like lanzones, rambutan and
A. buy B. buys C. bought D. has bought
32. Then, we _______________ (eat) our dinner in King Bee Restaurant.
A. ate B. eat C. eats D. eaten
33. My sister ______________ with joy because of her new MK bag.
A. dance B. danced C. dances D. dancing

V. Reading Comprehension:
Directions: Read the selection carefully then answer the questions that follow.
Write only the letter of the correct answer.

The King of the Forest and His Three Advisers

The Lion is called the king of the forest. He is big and strong. So, the
smaller animals are afraid of him except his wife, Queen Lioness.
One morning, the king of the forest was in his irritable mood. His wife, the
Queen Lioness had said something he did not like. Queen Lioness had told King
Lion that his breath was unpleasant. So, King called the animals. First, he
called sheep.
“Friend Sheep,” opening wide his big mouth, “Would you say that my
breath smells unpleasant?”
Believing that the Lion wanted an honest answer, the sheep gave it and
the King bit off his head. King Lion was very angry. He roared and called the
“Mr. Goat, tell me the truth. Do I have a bad smell? Do I have a bad
breath?” The Goat saw the sheep’s meat and bones. He was afraid of the Lion.
So, the Goat said, “Why, your majesty, you have a breath as sweet as the roses
in the garden”. Before he could finish, the Goat was torn to pieces. “I do not like
liars”, roared the Lion.
At last, the Lion called the Horse. The Horse walked slowly. He loo ked
sick. He coughed and coughed. “Friend Horse, tell me the truth. Queen
Lioness said I have a bad breath. She said I have a bad smell. Is it true?” The
Horse coughed and coughed.
Then, he said softly, “King Lion, I have a bad cold. It rained hard while I
was carrying crops for my master. I think I also have a head cold so I
cannot smell at all. I am sorry, I cannot answer your question”. King Lion
nodded, “Go home and rest. Get well soon.”

34. Who is the main character in the story?

A. Goat B. Horse C. Lion D. Sheep
35. Where do you think the story happened?
A. garden B. forest C. market D. palace
36. What do you think is the reason why the King did not hurt the Horse?
A. Because the horse is his cousin.
B. Because the horse looks pitiful.
C. Because the horse just tell the truth.
D. Because the horse is his best friend.

VI. Writing Composition:

Directions: Read the given selection below and write 2-3 sentences about the
characters. (4 pts.)

Buddy and the Cat

Little Buddy Cockroach is a house bug. Mother Bug always tells him to
stay in dark places and hide. He listens to her with half an ear not really believing
in what she says. “How could they not like me? I have beautiful, shiny wings and
long antenna. Surely, they would love me,” he thought. Then, Buddy saw a black
cat and said, “I will show Mother Cockroach that she is wrong.” But when the cat
saw him, it immediately jumped and started running after him with its sharp claws.
Buddy ran as fast as he could to the dark place under the cabinet and never ever
came out.

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