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Eye and Orbit
EYELIDS a. Large sebaceous glands (Zies glands) which
open at the lid margin closely associated with
Each eye presents with a pair of eyelids, one upper and
one lower. Eyelids are folds of skin and mucus membrane
b. Modified sweat glands (Moll’glands) which lie
present in front of the eyeball in the form of movable
curtains. They help protect the eye from injury, foreign along the lid margin closely associated with Zies
bodies and bright light by approximating together and glands.
blinking of eyelids helps to spread the tear film and keep c. Skin of upper eyelid receives the insertion of
the cornea moist and clean. levator palpebral superioris.
The upper eyelid is larger and is seen to overlap upper

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2. Superficial fascia: The subcutaneous tissue is thin
part of cornea while lower eyelid lies at the lower margin and devoid of fat and contains the palpebral part of
of cornea when the eye is open. When eye closes the upper orbicularis oculi muscle.
eyelid moves towards the lower eyelid covering the entire
3. Tarsal plate: It is a sheet of dense fibrous tissue
present adjacent to and parallel to the palpebral
The space between the two eyelids is known as
margins. It provides support to the lid. The upper
palpebral fissure. Margins of the upper and lower eyelids
tarsal plate is bigger (10 mm in height) than the lower
meet at an angle at their lateral and medial ends
tarsal plates (4 mm in height). The plates are convex
respectively. These are named as medial and lateral
anteriorly, their lower margins are just adjacent to
the lid margins while their upper margins are
The eyelids are covered with skin externally and
attached to the orbital septum. Upper tarsal plate
conjunctiva internally which meet at the lid margin. The
also receives insertion of levator palpebrae
lateral 5/6th of the margin presents with an outer and an
inner lip. A grey line is present between the outer and
inner lips which is the mucocutaneous junction. The outer Tarsal glands (meibomian glands) are embedded
lip has 2 or more layers of eyelashes or cilia and the in the posterior surface of the tarsal plate. They open
associated openings of sweat glands and sebaceous by channels in a row behind the cilia along the inner
glands. Medial end of the margin does not have cilia. At lip of margin of eyelid.
the junction of medial 1/6th and lateral 5/6th it presents The upper and lower tarsal plates fuse medially and
with a small elevation known as the papilla which has laterally to form the medial and lateral palpebral
the lacrimal punctum (opening) at its summit. This ligaments respectively.
punctum leads to the lacrimal canaliculus medially 4. Palpebral fascia (orbital septum): It is a sheet of
which drains the lacrimal fluid (tears) into the fascia which connects the anterior surface of each
lacrimal sac. tarsal plate with the corresponding periosteum of
the bony orbital margin.
Structure of the Eyelid (Fig. 20.1)
5. Conjunctiva (palpebral part): It is the inner most
Each eyelid made up of five layers. From without layer which lines the posterior surface of the tarsal
inwards these are: plate and continues over the sclera at the fornices.
1. Skin: It is thin and continues with the conjunctiva Upper palpebral conjunctiva receives the insertion
at the margin of the eyelid. It consists of: of levator palpebrae superioris.
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Fig. 20.1: Structure of eyelids with conjunctiva seen in section

Blood Supply of Eyelids CONJUNCTIVA (Fig. 20.1)

Eyelids are supplied by the following arteries: It is a transparent mucus membrane lining the external
1. Palpebral branch of ophthalmic artery. anterior surface of eyeball (except cornea) and inner
2. Palpebral branch of lacrimal artery. aspect of eyelids. It is accordingly named as:
The veins from eyelids are present along the arteries 1. Palpebral conjunctiva: It is the conjunctiva which
and drain into ophthalmic vein and facial vein. lines the inner aspect of eyelids and continues with
the skin of eyelids, lacrimal canaliculi and lacrimal
Lymphatic Drainage of Eyelids
sac at the lid margins. It is highly vascular.
1. Submandibular lymph nodes: These drain from 2. Bulbar conjunctiva: It covers the anterior aspect of
medial half of eyelids. the outer most coat or sclera of the eyeball. It is thin
2. Preauricular lymph nodes: These drain lateral half and has minimal vascularity. It continues with the
of eyelids. epithelium of cornea in front. The junction of cornea
and conjunctiva is known as limbus. The bulbar
Nerve Supply of Eyelids conjunctiva reflects onto the inner aspect of eyelids
Upper eyelid receives branches of infratrochlear, along the superior and inferior fornices. Ducts of
supratrochlear, supraorbital and lacrimal nerves while lacrimal gland open into the lateral part of superior
lower eyelid receives supply from infraorbital and fornix. Glands of Krusae and Wolfring are also
infratrochlear nerves. present in relation to superior fornix.
Eye and Orbit 273


• Stye is an acute suppurative inflammation of a Zies
gland. The pus of stye points near the base of the
cilia. It requires hot compresses and antibiotics.
Epilation of the eyelash may help to drain the pus.
• Chalazion (internal stye) is the inflammation of a
tarsal (meibomian) gland. The swelling points on
the inner aspect of the eyelid. It is usually a chronic
condition and requires surgery to remove it.

The structures concerned with the production and
drainage of lacrimal (tear) fluid constitute the lacrimal
Components of Lacrimal Apparatus (Fig. 20.2)
1. Lacrimal gland and its ducts.
Fig. 20.2: Lacrimal apparatus of right side
2. Accessory lacrimal glands. Glands of Krusae and
3. Conjunctival sac. • About a dozen ducts from the gland open into the
4. Lacrimal puncta and canaliculi, common canali-
superior fornix of the conjunctiva and pour lacrimal

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fluid into the conjunctival sac.
5. Lacrimal sac
6. Nasolacrimal duct Nerve supply to lacrimal gland (Fig. 20.3): Lacrimal gland
7. Tears is supplied by secretomotor parasympathetic and
sympathetic fibers.
Lacrimal Gland 1. Parasympathetic secretomotor supply: The pre
• It is a serous gland about the size of an almond. ganglionic fibers arise from superior salivatory
• It is situated in the lacrimal fossa of the antero-lateral nucleus in the pons and carried by greater petrosal
part of the orbital roof (orbital part) and upper eyelid nerve a branch of facial nerve. These fibers are carried
(palpebral part). by facial nerve. Pathway is shown below:

Pre ganglionic parasympathetic fibers relay in the carotid artery. These fibers give rise to the deep
pterygopalatine ganglion and post ganglionic fibers petrosal nerve which joins greater petrosal nerve to
are carried by zygomatic branch of the maxillary form nerve to pterygoid canal. Sympathetic fibers
nerve. pass through the pterygopalatine ganglion without
2. Sympathetic supply: Post ganglionic fibers from relay and supply the gland.
superior cervical ganglion are carried along internal
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Fig. 20.3: Nerve supply to lacrimal gland

Conjunctival Sac (Fig. 20.2) Lacrimal Sac (Fig. 20.2)

• It is a potential space present between the palpebral • It is a membranous sac, 12 mm long and 8 mm wide,
conjunctiva and bulbar conjunctiva. located in the lacrimal groove on the medial wall of
• The periodic blinking of eyelids helps in spreading the orbit, behind the medial palpebral ligament.
the lacrimal fluid over the eye that keeps the cornea • The lacrimal sac continues inferiorly with the
moist and prevents it from drying. nasolacrimal duct.
• Most of the fluid evaporates and the remaining fluid
is drained by the lacrimal canaliculi.
Nasolacrimal Duct (Fig. 20.2)
Lacrimal Puncta and Canaliculi (Fig. 20.2) • It is a membranous duct, 18 mm long which runs
• Each lacrimal canaliculus begins from a lacrimal downwards, backwards and laterally from the
punctum present at the summit of the lacrimal lacrimal sac and opens in the inferior meatus of the
papilla located at the medial end of the free margin nose.
of eyelid. • It is lodged in the nasolacrimal canal formed by the
• The superior canaliculus of upper eyelid, first runs articulation of maxilla, lacrimal bone and inferior
upwards and then downwards and medially while nasal concha.
the lower canaliculus, in lower eyelid first runs • It drains the lacrimal fluid from lacrimal sac to the
downwards and then horizontally and medially to nose. Its opening in the nose is guarded by a fold of
open into the common canaliculus. mucous membrane called lacrimal fold or valve of
• Each is 10 mm long. Hasner. This prevents retrograde entry of air and
• The common canaliculus drains into the lacrimal sac. nasal secretions into the eye when one blows his
• These canaliculi drain the lacrimal fluid from the nose.
conjunctival sac to the lacrimal sac.
Eye and Orbit 275

Tears or Tear Film Lateral wall: It is strongest and is formed by two bones:
1. Zygomatic bone, in front.
Tear film consists of following three layers: 2. Orbital surface of greater wing of sphenoid, behind.
1. Superficial lipid layer, secreted by Meibomian glands
Floor: It is formed by three bones:
of tarsal plate. 1. Orbital surface of the body of maxilla.
2. Middle aqueous layer, secreted by accessory lacrimal 2. Zygomatic bone, anterolaterally.
glands and main lacrimal gland. 3. Orbital process of palatine bone, posteromedially.
3. Basal mucus layer, secreted by goblet cells of Roof: It is formed by two bones:
conjunctiva. 1. Orbital plate of frontal bone, in front.
2. Lesser wing of sphenoid, behind.
CLINICAL AND APPLIED ANATOMY Apex of the orbit: It is formed by the centre of the bony
bridge between optic canal and superior orbital fissure.
• Inflammation of lacrimal sac is called dacryocystitis. Base: It is open and quadrangular in shape. Its boundaries
It hampers the drainage of lacrimal fluid into the form the orbital margins.
nose. This causes overflow of the lacrimal fluid from
the conjunctival sac on to the face, a condition called Presenting Features
Medial wall presents two features:
• Dry eye: Decrease secretion of tear film leads to dry 1. Lacrimal fossa, bounded in front by the anterior
eye syndrome. It is often seen in allergic conditions, lacrimal crest of frontal process and behind by the
computer operators and in dry weather conditions. posterior lacrimal crest of the lacrimal bone. The
lacrimal fossa lodges the lacrimal sac and
BONY ORBIT (Fig. 20. 4) communicates with the nasal cavity through naso-

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lacrimal duct.
The orbits are a pair of bony cavities, situated one on 2. Anterior and posterior ethmoidal foramina. They lie
either side of the root of the nose in the skull. Each orbit is at the junction of medial wall and roof of the orbit.
a four sided pyramid with its apex directed behind at the
optic canal and base in front, represented by the orbital Lateral wall presents two features
margin. The medial walls of the two orbital cavities are 1. Two small foramina, for zygomaticofacial and
parallel to each other but the lateral walls are set at right zygomatico-temporal nerves.
angle to each other. 2. Whitnall’s tubercle, a small bony tubercle lying just
behind the lateral orbital margin and slightly below
the fronto-zygomatic suture.
Floor presents two features
1. Infraorbital groove and canal which transmits the
nerve and vessels of same name.
2. A small rough impression at the antero-medial angle
for origin of inferior oblique muscle.
Roof presents three features
1. Fossa for lacrimal gland, in the antero-lateral part
2. Trochlear notch or spine at the antero-medial angle
3. Optic canal, at the extreme posterior part of the roof
between the lesser wing and body of sphenoid. This
canal transmits the optic nerve to middle cranial
fossa. Ophthalmic artery enters orbit through the
optic canal.

Fig. 20.4: Bony orbits showing lateral and medial walls

Contents of the Orbit (Fig. 20.7)
Boundaries of the Orbit (Figs 20.5 and 20.6) 1. Eyeball
2. Fascia bulbi
Medial wall: It is the thinnest and is formed by four bones. 3. Muscles of orbit
They are, from before backwards: 4. Nerves:
1. Frontal process of maxilla.
a. Optic nerve
2. Lacrimal bone.
3. Orbital plate of ethmoid. b. 3rd, 4th and 6th cranial nerves
4. Body of sphenoid. c. Ophthalmic nerve
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Fig. 20.5: Right bony orbit

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Fig. 20.6: Right bony orbit-diagrammatic representation

Fig. 20.7: Sagittal section of orbit showing contents of orbit

Eye and Orbit 277

d. Infraorbital nerve 3. Frontal nerve

e. Zygomatic nerve 4. Superior ophthalmic vein
5. Ciliary ganglion 5. Recurrent meningeal branch of lacrimal artery
6. Ophthalmic and infraorbital arteries
In intermediate/central compartment
7. Superior and inferior ophthalmic veins
8. Lacrimal gland 1. Upper and lower divisions of oculomotor nerve
9. Lymphatics 2. Nasociliary nerve
10. Orbital fat 3. Abducent nerve
Major Openings in Relation to Orbit In inferomedial compartment
1. Superior orbital fissure Inferior ophthalmic vein
2. Inferior orbital fissure
3. Optic canal
Inferior Orbital Fissure (Fig. 20.5 and 20.6)
Superior Orbital Fissure (Figs 20.5, 20.6 and 20.8) It is a gap present between the posterior part of lateral
It is a retort shaped gap between the posterior part of surface and floor of bony orbit. It connects orbit to the
lateral wall and roof of the bony orbit. It connects the infratemporal and pterygo-palatine fossae.
orbit to middle cranial fossa.
Boundaries Anteromedial : Posterior border of orbital surface of
Superior : Lower surface of lesser wing of maxilla.
sphenoid. Posterolateral : Lower margin of orbital surface of
Inferior : Medial margin of orbital surface of greater wing of sphenoid.

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greater wing of sphenoid. Lateral : Orbital surface of zygomatic bone
Medial : Body of sphenoid. where it meets the maxilla.
The fissure is divided into three parts by a tendinous ring Medial : It meets with the bulb like medial end
attached in a circular manner. This ring extends from a of the superior orbital fissure in the
small tubercle on the inferior margin of the fissure upto form of a V-shape.
the undersurface of lesser wing of sphenoid around the
Structures passing through inferior orbital fissure
upper and medial margins of optic canal. The ring
1. Infraorbital vessels.
provides a common origin for the four extraocular muscles
2. Infraorbital nerve.
of the eyeball.
3. Zygomatic nerve.
Structures passing through superior orbital fissure. 4. Orbital branch of pterygopalatine ganglion.
In superolateral compartment 5. Communicating vessels between inferior ophthal-
1. Lacrimal nerve mic veins and pterygoid venous plexus.
2. Trochlear nerve

Fig. 20.8: Superior orbital fissure, optic canal and origin of extraocular muscles
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Optic Canal Oblique Muscles

Optic canal is a passage bounded by anterior and 1. Superior oblique
posterior roots of lesser wing of sphenoid, laterally and Origin (Fig. 20.8): From body of sphenoid
body of sphenoid, medially. It connects the orbit to middle superomedial to the optic canal.
cranial fossa. Insertion (Fig. 20.20): Into sclera behind the equator
in the posterior superior quadrant of the eye ball,
Structures passing through optic canal between the superior rectus and lateral rectus. The
1. Optic nerve tendon of superior oblique passes through a
2. Ophthalmic artery: It lies inferolateral to optic nerve fibrocarti-laginous pulley attached to the trochlear
in the canal. notch in the antero medial part of the roof of the orbit
before insertion.
MUSCLES OF THE ORBIT 2. Inferior oblique
Origin: From the rough impression in the antero-
There are seven voluntary and three involuntary muscles medial angle of the floor of orbit, lateral to the lacrimal
in the orbit. Voluntary muslces consist of 4 recti, 2 oblique groove.
and 1 levator palpebrae superioris muscles. Insertion (Fig. 20.23): Into the sclera behind the
Extraocular Muscles of the Eyeball (Fig. 20.8 and equator in the postero-superior quadrant of the
20.9) eyeball a little below and posterior to the insertion of
superior oblique.
Six muscles move the eyeball and one muscle moves the
upper eyelid. These consist of: Nerve supply of extra-ocular muscles
1. Four recti muscles 1. Medial rectus: Oculomotor nerve (Inferior division)
a. Superior rectus
2. Lateral rectus: Abducent nerve
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b. Inferior rectus
3. Superior rectus: Oculomotor nerve (Superior
c. Medial rectus
d. Lateral rectus
4. Inferior rectus: Oculomotor nerve (Inferior division)
2. Two oblique muscles
a. Superior oblique 5. Superior oblique: Trochlear nerve
b. Inferior oblique 6. Inferior oblique: Oculomotor (Inferior division)
Movements of the eyeball: Movements of eyeball are
Recti Muscles
considered in relation to three axes. These are vertical,
Origin (Fig. 20.8): A common tendinous ring encloses the transverse and anteroposterior (Fig. 20.10) Primary
optic canal and middle part of the superior orbital fissure. position of eye ball is shown in Fig. 20.11.
It is attached medially to apex of orbit and laterally to a
small tubercle (tubercle of Zinn) on the lower border of
superior orbital fissure. All the recti arise from the
corresponding margins of the common tendinous ring.
The lateral rectus arises by two heads.
Insertion (Fig. 20.9): All are inserted into the sclera a little
posterior to the limbus, in front of equator of the eyeball.
Average distance of each muscle from the limbus is medial
rectus, 5.5 mm, inferior rectus, 6.5 mm, lateral rectus, 6.9
mm, superior rectus, 7.7 mm.

Fig. 20.10: Axes of movements of eye ball

Fig. 20.9: Insertion of recti muscles Fig. 20.11: Primary position of eye ball
Eye and Orbit 279

Action of Extraocular Muscles c. Elevation in abducted eye, this the position of

1. Medial rectus (Fig. 20.12): Adduction in primary test.

Fig. 20.12: Action of right medial rectus (Adduction) Fig. 20.16: Action of right superior rectus in abducted eye
(Elevation only): Position of test
2. Lateral rectus (Fig. 20.13): Abduction in primary
4. Inferior rectus (Figs 20.17 to 20.19)
a. Depression, adduction and extorsion in primary

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Fig. 20.13: Action of right lateral rectus (Abduction)

3. Superior rectus (Figs 20.14 to 20.16)

a. Elevation, adduction and intorsion in primary
Fig. 20.17: Action of right inferior rectus in primary position
(Depression, adduction and extorsion)

b. Extorsion in adducted eye

Fig. 20.14: Action of right superior rectus in primary position

(Elevation, adduction and intorsion)
Fig. 20.18: Action of right inferior rectus in adducted eye
(Extorsion only)
b. Intorsion in adducted eye
c. Depression in abducted eye, this is the position
of test.

Fig. 20.15: Action of right superior rectus in adducted eye Fig. 20.19: Action of right inferior rectus in abducted eye
(Intorsion only) (Depression only): Position of test
280 Human Anatomy For Dental Students

5. Superior oblique (Fig. 20.20 to 20.22) b. Elevation and extorsion in adducted eye, this is
a. Intorsion, abduction and depression in primary the position of test.

Fig. 20.20: Action of right superior oblique in primary position Fig. 20.24: Action of right inferior oblique in adducted eye
(Intorsion, abduction and depression) (Elevation and extorsion): Position of test
c. Extorsion in abducted eye.
b. Depression and intorsion in adducted eye, this
is the position of test.
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Fig. 20.25: Action of right inferior oblique in abducted eye

Fig. 20.21: Action of right superior oblique in adducted eye
(Depression and intorsion): Position of test

c. Intorsion in abducted eye

Fig. 20.22: Action of right superior oblique in abducted eye


6. Inferior oblique (Figs 20.23 to 20.25)

a. Extorsion, abduction and elevation in primary

Fig. 20.23: Action of right inferior oblique in primary position Fig. 20.26: Method of testing of action of various muscles on
(Extorsion, abduction and elevation) movement of eyeball in right eye
Eye and Orbit 281

Movements of the eyeball (Figs 20.10 to 20.25)

Movement Muscle responsible Axis

1. Elevation 1. Superior rectus Transverse axis through equator.
2. Inferior oblique
2. Depression 1. Inferior rectus Transverse axis through equator.
2. Superior oblique
3. Adduction 1. Medial rectus Vertical axis through equator.
2. Inferior rectus
3. Superior rectus
4. Abduction 1. Lateral rectus Vertical axis through equator.
2. Inferior oblique
3. Superior oblique
5. Rotatory movements Anteroposterior axis from anterior to posterior pole of eyeball.
a. Intorsion 1. Superior rectus Medial rotation of the 12’o clock
2. Superior oblique position of cornea.
b. Extorsion 1. Inferior rectus Lateral rotation of the 12’o clock
2. Inferior oblique position of cornea.

Associated movements of the two eyeballs (Fig. 20.27) 3. Lower lamella is inserted on to the superior fornix of
1. Conjugate movements: When both the eyes move the conjunctiva.

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in same direction with their visual axes being parallel Nerve supply: Superior ramus of oculomotor nerve.
to each other. Action: Elevation of upper eyelid.

Involuntary Extra Ocular Muscles

1. Superior tarsal muscle: It extends from the
intermediate lamella of levator palpebrae superioris
to the superior tarsus.
2. Inferior tarsal muscle: It extends from the fascia of
Fig. 20.27: Conjugate eye movement
inferior rectus and oblique muscles to the inferior
2. Disconjugate movements (Fig. 20.28): When the 3. Orbitalis muscles: Consists of few muscle fibers
axes of both eyes converge or diverge in one bridging the inferior orbital fissure
movement. Nerve supply: These three muscles are supplied by post-
ganglionic sympathetic fibers from superior cervical


Fig. 20.28: Disconjugate eye movement • Unilateral paralysis of an individual muscle, due to
involvement of the corresponding nerve, produces
Levator Palpebrae Superioris Muscle (Fig. 20.7) strabismus or squint and may result in diplopia
(double vision). Diplopia occurs because light from
Origin: From undersurface of the lesser wing of sphenoid
an object is not focussed on identical areas of both
above the common tendinous ring, by a narrow tendon.
retinae. The real image falls on the macula of the
Insertion: It forms three lamellae which are inserted as
unaffected eye while the false image falls on some
peripheral part of the retina in the paralysed eye
1. Upper lamella penetrates the orbital septum and
passes through the fibers of orbicularis oculi to be leading to diplopia.
inserted into the skin of upper eyelid. • Paralysis of levator palpebrae superioris leads to
2. Intermediate lamella forms the unstriped superior ptosis, i.e., drooping of upper eyelid. This can be
tarsal muscle which is inserted on to the upper due to either, involvement of oculomotor nerve or of
margin of the superior tarsus. the cervical sympathetic chain (as in Horner’s
282 Human Anatomy For Dental Students

NERVES OF ORBIT Peculiarities of Optic Nerve

Optic Nerve (Fig. 20.29) 1. Developmentally and structurally, optic nerve is the
prolongation of the white matter of brain itself.
This is the nerve of sight and is made up of axons of
Retina is a part of the central nervous system and
ganglion cells of the retina. It is made up of about 1 million grows out from the diencephalon during embryonic
myelinated Fibers. development carrying with it the optic nerve fibers
to the eyeball.
Functional Components 2. The nerve is enclosed in the three meninges i.e.,
1. Special somatic afferent: For sense of vision. duramater, arachnoid and piamater. Thus it is highly
2. Afferent for visual reflex susceptible to changes in the intracranial
3. Few efferents (exact function not known) cerebrospinal fluid pressures.
3. It does not have neurolemmal sheath and thus
cannot regenerate if damaged.
• The fibers of this special sensory nerve arise from Oculomotor Nerve (Fig. 20.30)
the axons of ganglion cells of retina.
• They converge in the region of the optic disc which Oculomotor is the third cranial nerve.
lies 3 mm towards the nasal side of the posterior
pole of eyeball. Functional Components
• The Fibers group together and form the optic nerve. 1. General visceral efferent: Conveys preganglionic
parasympathetic fibers for constriction of pupil and
Course accommodation.
• The nerve runs backwards and medially in the orbit 2. General somatic efferent: Motor to extraocular
muscles of the eyeball
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and enters the cranial cavity through the optic canal.

3. General somatic afferent: Receives proprioceptive
In the canal it is enclosed in three meninges i.e. dura, impulses from the muscles of the eyeball.
arachnoid and pia. It continues as the optic pathway.
Parts of optic nerve: Nuclear Origin
1. Intraorbital: 2.5 cm long.
2. Intra-canalicular: 0.6 cm long. • Fibers arise from the oculomotor nuclear complex
3. Intra-cranial: 1.0 cm long. situated in the periaqueductal grey matter of upper
part of the midbrain at the level of superior colliculus.
Relations of Optic Nerve • This nuclear complex consists of two components:
The central artery and vein of retina pierce the dural sheath 1. Somatic efferent (motor nucleus): The fibers
over optic nerve inferomedially about 1.25 cm behind the arising from the somatic efferent component
eyeball and then run forwards towards the eyeball. The supply all the extraocular muscles except
optic nerve is crossed superiorly, from lateral to medial superior oblique and lateral rectus.
side in the orbit by: 2. Visceral efferent (nucleus of Edinger-
1. Superior ophthalmic vein Westphal): The fibers arising from Edinger-
2. Nasociliary nerve Westphal nucleus relay in the ciliary ganglion.
3. Ophthalmic artery. From there the postganglionic fibers supply the
sphincter pupillae and the ciliary muscle.
• After arising from the nuclear complex, the fibers
run forwards through the substance of the midbrain
to emerge on the anteromedial side of the cerebral

• The nerve emerges as a single trunk from the
oculomotor sulcus of midbrain and runs in front of
the crus cerebri between the posterior cerebral and
superior cerebellar arteries. Here it lies in the
interpeduncular cistern.
• It then pierces the arachnoid and runs forwards and
laterally to reach the triangular interval between the
free and attached margins of the tentorium cerebelli.
Fig. 20.29: Optic nerve
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Fig. 20.30: Oculomotor nerve and its distribution

• It passes lateral to the posterior clinoid process and rectus (which it pierces) and the levator palpebrae
pierces the dura mater to enter the roof of the superioris.
cavernous sinus. 2. The large inferior ramus divides into 3 branches:
a. One branch passes below the optic nerve and
• Now, it runs forwards in the lateral wall of the
supplies the medial rectus.
cavernous sinus. b. The second branch supplies inferior rectus.
• In the anterior part of the cavernous sinus the nerve c. The third branch passes between inferior rectus
divides into superior and inferior rami which enter and lateral rectus to supply inferior oblique.
the orbit by passing through the superior orbital 3. The nerve to inferior oblique gives a motor root to the
fissure within the common tendinous ring. ciliary ganglion. From the ganglion short ciliary
Distribution nerves arise and supply the ciliary muscle and
1. The smaller superior ramus passes upwards on the sphincter pupillae.
lateral side of the optic nerve to supply the superior
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Ciliary Ganglion Trochlear Nerve (Fig. 20.31)

It is a peripheral parasympathetic ganglion, topho- Trochlear is the fourth cranial nerve. It is the most slender
graphically connnected with the nasociliary nerve, of all the cranial nerves and the only one which arises
branch of ophthalmic division of trigeminal nerve. from the dorsal aspect of the brain.
However, functionally it is connected to the oculomotor
nerve. Functional Components
Situation: It lies near the apex of the orbit, between the
1. Somatic efferent: Motor to superior oblique muscle.
optic nerve and lateral rectus muscle. The ophthalmic
artery is medial to it. 2. General somatic afferent: Receives proprioceptive
impulses from the superior oblique muscle.
Nuclear Origin
1. Motor (parasympathetic) root: It is derived from the
• Fibers arise from the trochlear nerve nucleus
nerve to inferior oblique and consists of pre-
situated in the lower part of the midbrain at the level
ganglionic parasympathetic fibers from Edinger-
of inferior colliculus. It lies in the ventro-medial part
Westphal nucleus. These fibers relay in the ganglion.
The postganglionic parasympathetic fibers arise of the central grey mater around the cerebral
from the cells of the ganglion and pass through short aqueduct.
ciliary nerves to supply the ciliary muscle and • The Fibers wind backwards around the central gray
sphincter pupillae. matter and decussate with the nerve fibers of the
2. Sensory root: It is derived from the nasociliary nerve. opposite side in the superior medullary velum.
It consists of sensory fibers for pain, touch and • They finally emerge on the dorsal surface of the brain
temperature from the eyeball which pass through as a single trunk, one on either side of the frenulum.
S E C T I O N-2

the ciliary ganglion without relaying in it.

3. Sympathetic root: It is derived from the sympathetic Course
plexus around internal carotid artery. It consists of • The two trochlear nerves arise from the dorsal surface
postganglionic sympathetic fibers from the superior of brain stem, one on each site of the frenulum veli
cervical sympathetic ganglion. These fibers pass (Fig. 49.2).
through the ganglion without relay, into the long • Each passes laterally crossing the superior cerebellar
ciliary nerves to supply the dilator pupillae and peduncle.
blood vessels of the eyeball. • Then it winds forward between the temporal lobe
and cerebral peduncle.
Branches of Ciliary Ganglion • Now it passes between the posterior cerebral and
Short ciliary nerves (8 to 10 in number). They contain superior cerebellar arteries and appears in the
fibers from all the three roots. The nerves run above and triangular area of dura mater in front of the crossing
below the optic nerve towards the eyeball. On reaching of the attached and free margins of the tentorium
the eyeball they pierce the sclera around the attachment cerebelli.
of optic nerve and pass forward in the space between the • It pierces the dura mater lateral to the posterior
sclera and choroid to reach the target organs. clinoid process and passses forward in the lateral
wall of the cavernous sinus below the oculomotor
• In the anterior part of the sinus the nerve passes
Complete involvement of the oculomotor nerve by a lateral to the oculomotor nerve and enters the orbit
lesion will result in the following signs and symptoms: through the lateral part of superior orbital fissure.
1. Ptosis (drooping of upper eyelid), due to paralysis • In the orbit, the nerve passes forwards and medially
of levator palpebrae superioris. above the levator palpebrae superioris and supplies
2. Lateral squint, due to unopposed action of lateral the superior oblique muscle from its orbital surface.
3. Dilatation of pupil, due to unopposed action of
dilator pupillae. It supplies the superior oblique muscle.
4. Loss of accommodation, convergence and light Peculiarity of Trochlear Nerve
reflex, due to, paralysis of ciliary muscle, medial
rectus and constrictor pupillae. 1. It is the only cranial nerve which emerges from the
5. Diplopia (double vision), where the false image is dorsal aspect of the brain stem. This dorsal
higher than the true image. emergence represents the position of the nerve in
Eye and Orbit 285

C H A P T E R-20
Fig. 20.31: Trochlear nerve and its distribution

early phylogeny, where it supplied the extraocular Abducent Nerve (Fig. 20.32)
muscle of the 3rd (pineal) eye. It is the 6th cranial nerve.
2. It is the only peripheral nerve that undergoes
complete decussation with the nerve of opposite side Functional Components
before emerging. 1. Somatic efferent: Responsible for lateral movement
of the eyeball. (Motor to lateral rectus).
2. General somatic afferent: Receives proprioceptive
CLINICAL AND APPLIED ANATOMY impulses from the lateral rectus muscle.
Complete damage to trochlear nerve results in inability
Nuclear Origin
to turn the eye downwards and laterally due to paralysis
of superior oblique muscle. • Fibers arise from the abducent nerve nucleus located
in the lower part of pons beneath the floor of 4th
286 Human Anatomy For Dental Students

Fig. 20.32: Abducent nerve and its distribution

S E C T I O N-2

ventricle. The nucleus is surrounded by the internal • The nerve supplies lateral rectus muscle from its
genu of facial nerve fibers which produce an ocular surface.
elevation in the floor of the 4th ventricle called facial
• The fibers of abducent nerve pass forwards and It supplies the lateral rectus muscle.
downwards through the medial lemniscus and
basilar part of the pons to appear on the surface of CLINICAL AND APPLIED ANATOMY
brain stem between the lower border of the pons and
the upper end of the pyramid of the medulla The abducent nerve is commonly involved in cases of
oblongata. increased intracranial pressure due to the following
Course 1. The nerve is very slender and takes a long intracranial
course from the pontomedullary junction to the orbit.
• The abducent nerve arises from the ventral aspect of 2. At the upper border of the petrous temporal bone, the
the brain stem at the junction of pons and the nerve makes a sharp bend.
pyramid of the medulla. 3. Downward shift of the brainstem through foramen
• It takes a long intracranial course. First it runs magnum results in stretching of the nerve.
forwards, upwards and laterally in the cisterna Abducent nerve palsy results in medial or convergent
pontis usually dorsal to the anterior inferior squint and diplopia due to paralysis of lateral rectus.
cerebellar artery.
• It pierces dura mater lateral to the dorsum sellae of
Ophthalmic Nerve (Fig. 23.2)
the sphenoid and bends sharply forwards across
the sharp upper border of the petrous temporal bone It is the smallest of the three divisions of trigeminal nerve.
below the petrosphenoid ligament to enter the It is purely sensory and is given off in the beginning. It
cavernous sinus. arises from the medial part of the convex anterior border
• The nerve traverses the cavernous sinus lying at first of the trigeminal ganglion.
lateral and then inferolateral to the internal carotid • Then it pierces the duramater of the trigeminal cave
artery. and enters into the lateral wall of cavernous sinus
• Finally, it enters the orbit by passing through the where it lies below the trochlear nerve.
superior orbital fissure within the common • Finally, it enters the orbit through the superior orbital
tendinous ring inferolateral to the oculomotor and fissure and divides into three branches namely
nasociliary nerve. lacrimal, frontal and nasociliary.
Eye and Orbit 287

Branches nerve. They pass forward to enter the eyeball and

supply sensory Fibers to the ciliary body, iris and
1. Lacrimal nerve
cornea.The long ciliary nerves also carry
— It is the smallest branch and enters the orbit via
postganglionic sympathetic fibers to the dilator
superior orbital fissure lateral to the tendinous
c. Posterior ethmoidal nerve: This enters the
— It runs along the lateral wall of the orbit and ends
posterior ethmoidal foramen and supplies the
in the lacrimal gland (hence its name).
ethmoidal and sphenoidal air sinuses.
— It is joined by a communicating twig from the
d. Anterior ethmoidal nerve: It enters the anterior
zygomatico-temporal branch of the maxillary
ethmoidal foramen and then passes through
nerve carrying postganglionic secretomotor
anterior ethmoidal canal to reach the anterior
fibers to the lacrimal gland.
cranial fossa. Now it runs forwards over the
— The lacrimal nerve supplies lacrimal gland and
cribriform plate of ethmoid and enters the nasal
conjunctiva and finally pierces the orbital septum
cavity by passing through a slit at the side of
to also supply the lateral part of upper eyelid.
crista galli. In the nasal cavity the nerve lies in a
2. Frontal nerve groove on the posterior surface of the nasal bone
— It is the largest branch and it enters the orbit via and gives of internal nasal branches to the nasal
the superior orbital fissure, lateral to the common septum and lateral wall of the nose. At the lower
tendinous ring. It runs forwards between the border of the nasal bone, the nerve leaves the
levator palpebrae superioris and the periosteum nasal cavity and appears on the dorsum of nose
lining the roof of orbit. as the external nasal nerve.
— In the middle of orbit it divides into two branches: e. Infratrochlear nerve: This runs forwards on the

C H A P T E R-20
a. Supraorbital nerve: This continues along the medial wall of the orbit and ends by supplying
line of the frontal nerve and passes through the skin of both eyelids and adjoining part of the
the supraorbital notch along with the vessels. nose.
It then turns upwards into the forehead
supplies the conjunctiva and upper eyelid and Infraorbital Nerve
then divides into medial and lateral branches. • It is the terminal, sensory branch of maxillary nerve
These supply the scalp as far back as the which enters the orbit from the pterygopalatine fossa
lambdoid suture. via the inferior orbital fissure.
b. Supratrochlear nerve: It runs forwards medial • It lies in the infraorbital groove and canal in the floor
to the supraorbital nerve. It passes above the of the orbit and appears on the face via the
trochlea for the tendon of superior oblique infraorbital foramen.
muscle and then turns upwards along the • It gives rise to palpebral branches to lower eyelid,
superior orbital margin. It supplies the nasal branches to the side of the nose and labial
conjuctiva, upper lid and finally the skin of branches to anterior part of cheek and the upper lip.
the lower part of forehead.
3. Nasociliary nerve Zygomatic Nerve
— It enters orbit within the tendinous ring of • It is a branch of maxillary nerve given in the pterygo-
superior orbital fissure and runs forwards and palatine fossa and enters the lateral wall of orbit via
medially, crossing above the optic nerve from inferior orbital fissure.
lateral to medial side along with the ophthalmic • It immediately divides into zygomaticotemporal and
artery. zygomaticofacial nerves.
— On reaching the medial wall of the orbit it ends • These nerves exit the orbit passing through
by dividing into anterior ethmoidal and infra- zygomatic bone and supply skin over temple and
trochlear nerves. cheek.

Branches of nasociliary nerve: OPHTHALMIC ARTERY (Fig. 20.33)

a. Sensory communicating branch to the ciliary It is a branch of internal carotid artery and arises from it,
ganglion is given just before crossing the optic medial to the anterior clinoid process close to the optic
nerve. canal.
b. Long ciliary nerves: 2 or 3 in number. These arise Course
from the nasociliary nerve as it crosses the optic
288 Human Anatomy For Dental Students

Fig. 20.33: Right ophthalmic artery and its branches

• It enters the orbit from its origin through the optic d. Recurrent meningeal branch: It runs backwards
S E C T I O N-2

canal, inferolateral to the optic nerve in a common to enter the middle cranial fossa through the
dural sheath. superior orbital fissure.
• It pierces the duramater and ascends over the lateral 3. Muscular arteries: These branches arise from
side of the optic nerve. It crosses the nerve superiorly common trunk to form superior and inferior group.
from lateral to medial side along with the nasociliary Inferior group gives rise to anterior ciliary arteries.
nerve. 4. Posterior ciliary arteries: These consist of two sets
• It then runs forwards along the medial wall of the namely, long and short ciliary arteries. Both of these
orbit and terminates near the medial angle of the eye pierce the sclera around the optic nerve and chiefly
by dividing into supratrochlear and dorsal nasal supply the choroid and sclera. Long ciliary arteries
branches. are usually two and short ciliary arteries are usually
in 7 in number. (Remember anterior ciliary arteries
Branches of Ophthalmic Artery arise from muscular arteries).
5. Supraorbital artery: This accompanies the supra-
1. Central artery of retina: It arises from ophthalmic orbital nerve.
artery (while still in dural sheath) below the optic 6. Posterior ethmoidal artery: It enters the posterior
nerve. ethmoidal foramen in the medial wall.
It runs forwards in the dural sheath and pierces the 7. Anterior ethmoidal artery: It enters the anterior
optic nerve inferomedially about 1.25 cm behind the ethmoidal foramen in the medial wall.
eyeball. The central artery reaches the optic disc 8. Dorsal nasal artery: This supplies the upper part of
through the central part of the nerve. It supplies the the nose.
optic nerve and inner 6/7 layers of retina. 9. Supratrochlear artery: It accompanies the
2. Lacrimal artery: It arises from ophthalmic artery just supratrochlear nerve to supply the forehead.
before it crosses the optic nerve. It passes forwards 10. Medial palpebral branches: One for each eyelid.
along the upper border of lateral rectus and supplies
the lacrimal gland, eyelids and conjunctiva.
Branches of lacrimal artery
a. Glandular branches to lacrimal gland. It is a branch of maxillary artery and enters orbit through
b. 2 lateral palpebral arteries, one to each eyelid. the posterior part of inferior orbital fissure. It gives of
c. 2 zygomatic branches–zygomatico-facial and branches in infraorbital groove and supply inferior rectus,
zygomatico-temporal. inferior oblique, nasolacrimal sac and lacrimal gland.
Eye and Orbit 289

CLINICAL AND APPLIED ANATOMY The fascia bulbi is pierced by:

a. Tendons of 4 recti and 2 oblique muscles of the
The central artery of retina is an end artery and eyeball.
obstruction of this artery by an embolism or pressure b. Ciliary nerves and vessels around the entrance of
results in sudden total blindness. optic nerve.
Suspensory ligament of the eye (suspensory ligament
1. Superior ophthalmic vein: It runs above the optic • The fascia bulbi provides a tubular sheath around
nerve accompanying the ophthalmic artery and each muscle which pierces it.
passes through the superior orbital fissure to drain • From the sheath of lateral rectus a triangular
into the cavernous sinus. It communicates anteri- expansion known as the lateral check ligament
orly with the supraorbital and angular veins. extends laterally for attachment to the lateral wall of
2. Inferior ophthalmic vein: It runs below the optic the orbit on Whitnall’s tubercle.
nerve and ends either by joining the superior • Similarly, a triangular expansion from the sheath
ophthalmic vein or drains directly into the cavernous over medial rectus extends medially for attachment
sinus. It communicates with the pterygoid venous to the medial wall of the orbit on the posterior
plexus by small veins passing through the inferior lacrimal crest of lacrimal bone. This is the medial
orbital fissure. check ligament.
• Both the check ligaments are connected to the eyeball
LYMPHATIC DRAINAGE OF ORBIT below, by a fascial thickening of the lower part of the
Tenon’s capsule.
Lymphatics from orbit drain into preauricular lymph • It encloses the inferior rectus and inferior oblique
nodes. muscles.

C H A P T E R-20
• This forms the suspensory ligament of the eye or
FASCIAL SHEATH OF EYEBALL OR FASCIA BULBI suspensory ligament of Lockwood.
(Fig. 20.7) • It is expanded in the centre and is narrow at its
• The fascia bulbi (Tenon’s capsule) is a membranous extremities.
envelope of the eyeball. • It forms a sling like a hammock below the eyeball by
• It extends from the optic nerve behind to the sclero- the union of the margins of the sheaths of the inferior
corneal junction in front. rectus and the inferior oblique muscles with the
• It is separated from the sclera by the episcleral space medial and lateral check ligaments.
and forms a socket for the eyeball to facilitate free
ocular movements. EYE BALL (BULBUS OCULI) (Fig. 20.34)
• At the posterior pole of the eyeball the fascia bulbi
becomes continuous with the dural sheath of the Eyeball is the organ of sight. It functions like a camera
optic nerve. and has a lens system for focussing images.

Fig. 20.34: Structure of eye ball in sagittal section.

290 Human Anatomy For Dental Students

Location: The eyeball occupies anterior half of the orbital Structure of Cornea (Fig. 20.35)
cavity. Optic nerve emerges from it, a little medial to its
Cornea consists of five layers. From outside inwards these
posterior pole.
are as follows:
Shape and size: It is almost spherical in shape and has a 1. Corneal epithelium: It consists of five layers of cells.
diameter of about 24 mm. It is made up of stratified squamous epithelium.
Middle cells are polyhedral with peripheral
Tunics of eyeball: The eyeball consists of three concentric
processes. These cells are known as wing cells.
2. Anterior limiting membrane (Bowman’s membrane):
1. An outer fibrous coat consisting of sclera and cornea.
It is made up of a structureless homogenous mass
2. A middle vascular coat consisting of choroid, ciliary without any elastic fibers.
body and iris. 3. Substantia propria: It is made up of lamellae of dense
3. An inner nervous coat consisting of the retina. connective tissue which cross each other at right
angles to form corneal spaces.
4. Posterior elastic lamina (Descemet’s membrane):
It consists of a structureless homogenous mass
• Sclera forms the posterior five-sixths of the outer coat. containing elastic fibers.
• It is opaque and consists of dens fibrous tissue. 5. Mesothelium of anterior chamber (Corneal endo-
• A small portion of it is visible as the ‘white of the thelium): It is formed by squamous epithelium.
eye’ in the palpebral fissure.
• It is continuous anteriorly with the cornea.
• Functions of sclera:
a. Helps to maintain the shape of the eyeball.
S E C T I O N-2

b. Protects internal structures.

c. Provides attachment to muscles that move the
• Structures piercing the sclera
a. Optic nerve pierces the sclera a little inferomedial
to the posterior pole of the eyeball.
b. Long and short ciliary nerves.
c. Long and short ciliary arteries pierce the sclera
around the emergence of the optic nerve.
d. 4 choroidal veins (also called venae vorticosae)
pierce the sclera just behind the equator.
e. Anterior ciliary arteries enter the eyeball around

• The cornea forms the anterior one-sixths of the outer
• It is transparent and more convex than the sclera.
• It is avascular and is nourished primarily by
permeation from the periphery.
• It not only permits the light to enter the eye but also
refracts the entering light.
• It is highly sensitive and is supplied by the
ophthalmic division of trigeminal nerve.
• These nerves form the afferent limb of the corneal
reflex. Closure of eyelids on stimulation of the cornea
is known as corneal reflex.

Fig. 20.35: Layers of cornea (seen under 10x)

Eye and Orbit 291

CLINICAL AND APPLIED ANATOMY 3. Capillary lamina: It consists of fine network of

• Due to ageing there is fatty degeneration along the 4. Basal lamina or membrane of Bruch: It is a thin,
periphery of the cornea. This becomes visible as a transparent membrane which provides attachment
white ring in old people and is known as arcus to the pigment layer of retina.
senilus. Functions: The inner surface of choroid is firmly attached
• Transparency of cornea is essential for adequate to the retina and nourishes the rods and cones of the
vision. It can be affected by following conditions. retina by diffusion.
1. Injuries: This is the most common cause of
corneal opacities as any injury heals by fibrosis. Ciliary Body (Fig. 20.36)
2. Inappropriate contact lens use: Semisoft lenses
• Ciliary body is present in the form of a circular
should not be worn for long periods as they are
thickening in the vascular tunic.
impermeable to gases. The central part of cornea
• It extends from the choroid posteriorly at the level of
receives oxygen from air by diffusion and this
ora-serrata of retina to the iris anteriorly, at the level
gets cut off by these lenses. Soft lenses are
of corneo-scleral junction.
relatively more permeable to gases and can be
• The iris is attached along its lateral margin.
used for longer hours.
• The ciliary body suspends the lens via suspensory
3. Vitamin A deficiency in childhood leads to
ligaments or zonules.
destruction of cornea which is known as
keratomalacia. This heals by fibrosis and Features of Ciliary Body
opacification. 1. The ciliary body is triangular in cross section, thick
• Loss of normal curvature of cornea is known as in front and thin behind.

C H A P T E R-20
astigmatism. In this case the cornea is more curved 2. Its outer surface lines the inner aspect of the sclera
in one meridian than the other. It leads to eye strain 3. The inner surface consists of following features:
due to irregular refraction of light. a. Ciliary ring or pars plana: It is an outer fibrous
ring which is continuous with the choroid.
Middle Coat of Eyeball (Fig. 20.34) b. Ciliary processes or pars plicata: These are a
group of 60 to 90 folds present on the inner aspect
The middle coat is often called as the vascular coat because
of the ciliary body. They are arranged radially
it contains most of the blood vessels of the eyeball. This
between the ciliary ring and the iris. The grooves
coat also contains a large number of melanin-containing
between the processes provide attachment to the
fibers of the suspensory ligament of the lens. The
It is divided into three parts: From behind forwards these
ciliary processes are a complex of capillaries
are, choroid, cillary body and iris. These three parts
which secrete aqueous humor. They may be
together form the uvea or uveal tract.
compared with the choroidal plexuses of the
ventricles in brain which are involved in the
Choroid secretion of cerebro spinal fluid.
• Choroid is the larger posterior part of the vascular
coat of eyeball.
• It is a brown, thin and highly vascular membrane
lining the inner surface of the sclera.
• Anteriorly, it is connected to iris by the ciliary body
and posteriorly, it is pierced by the optic nerve.
Structure of choroid: It presents with following layers
from outside inwards:
1. Supra-choroid lamina: It is a loose network of elastic
and collagen fibers which separate it from the sclera.
2. Vascular lamina: It is formed by blood vessels within
the connective tissue.
Arteries: They are derived from short ciliary arteries
which pierce the sclera around the optic nerve.
Veins: They are arranged in the form of whorls which
converge to form 4 or 5 venae vorticosae which pierce Fig. 20.36: Irido-corneal angle (sagittal section)
the sclera to open into the ophthalmic vein.
292 Human Anatomy For Dental Students

Structure of ciliary body: It is made up of the following: • It is attached along periphery to the choroid by the
1. Stroma: It consists of loose collagen fibers ciliary body. In the centre it presents with an opening
supporting the ciliary vessels, nerves and muscles. called the pupil.
2. Ciliary muscle: It is a small unstriped muscle mass
consisting of mainly two types of fibers: Structure of iris: The iris consists of 4 layers. From
anteroposterior these are:
a. Outer radial fibers
1. Anterior mesothelial lining.
b. Inner circular fibers and longitudnal fibers.
2. Connective tissue stroma containing pigment cells
It is supplied by the parasympathetic nerves via short and blood vessels.
ciliary nerves. 3. Layer of smooth muscle which consists of two parts,
Action: The ciliary muscle as a whole acts as a namely:
sphincter. Therefore, when its fibers, both radial and a. Constrictor pupillae: An annular band of muscle
circular contract, the choroid is pulled towards the fibers encircling the pupil. It constricts the pupil in
lens reducing the tension on the suspensory response to parasympathetic stimulation.
ligaments. This allows the lens to assume a more b. Dilator pupillae: It constists of radially arranged
spherical form because of its own elastic nature and fibers from circumferance of the pupil. It dilates
results in an increase in the refraction.This process the pupil in response to sympathetic stimulation.
is called accommodation that allows a person to 4. Posterior layer of pigmented cells which is conti-
nuous with the ciliary part of retina.
adjust for near vision.
3. Bilaminar ciliary epithelium linning the inner
surface of the ciliary body. Retina—The Inner Nervous Coat of Eyeball (Figs 20.34
and 20.37)
S E C T I O N-2

Iris (Figs 20.34 and 20.36) Retina is the innermost coat of the eyeball. It lies between
the choroid externally and the hyaloid membrane of the
• Iris is a pigmented contractile diaphragm present
vitreous internally. The thickness of retina decreases
between the cornea and the lens. gradually from behind forwards.

Fig. 20.37: Layers of retina

Eye and Orbit 293

Structure of retina: It is primarily made up of two layers

namely, outer retinal pigment epithelium and inner neuro
sensory layer. The inner sensory layer of retina is sensitive
to light and is made up photoreceptor cells called rods
and cones as well as numerous relay neurons viz. bipolar
neurons and ganglion cells. This layer ends at a crenated
margin anteriorly, called the ora serrata. Retina is divided
into ten layers for the purpose of description. These layers
are (Fig. 20.37):
1. Retinal pigment epithelium: It is insensitive to light
and is made up of pigmented cuboidal epithelium.
This is the outer most layer lying next to choroid. It
prevents scattering of light and provide nutrition to
rods and cones.
2. Layer of rods and cones: They are photoreceptors.
3. Outer limiting membrane: It is made up of processes Fig. 20.38: Appearance of retina seen through ophthalmo-
of Muller’s cells which are connective tissue cells of scope
4. Outer nuclear layer: It is formed by the nuclei of • The following features are observed on the retina as
rods and cones. seen through the ophtahalmoscope (Fig. 20.38).
5. Outer plexiform layer: It is formed by the connec- a. Macula lutea, a pale yellowish area seen near

C H A P T E R-20
tions of rods and cones with bipolar cells and the posterior pole.
horizontal cells. — It is approximately 5 mm in diameter. A small
6. Inner nuclear layer: It is formed by nuclei of bipolar pit in its center is called the fovea centralis.
cells. This is the point where light is normally
7. Inner plexiform layer: It is formed by connections focussed.
of bipolar cells with the ganglion cell and amacrine — The fovea is that portion of retina which has
cells. the maximum concentration of cones. Hence,
8. Ganglion cell layer: It is formed by ganglion cells. it is the site of greatest visual acuity, i.e., the
ability to see fine images.
9. Nerve fibre layer: It is formed by axons of ganglion
b. Optic disc, a white spot seen about 3 mm medial
cells which form optic nerve.
to the macula. It has a depressed area in the center
10. Internal limiting membrane: It is formed by process
called the ‘physiological cup’. Nerve fibers from
of Muller’s cells.
retina meet and pass through this region of the
eyeball and form the optic nerve. The blood
Blood Supply of the Retina
vessels of retina also pass through this spot.
1. The deeper part of the retina, i.e., up to the bipolar There are no photoreceptor cells in the optic disc.
neurons is supplied by the central artery of the retina, Hence, it does not respond to light. Therefore,
a branch of ophthalmic artery. the optic disc is also called as the ‘blind spot’.
2. The superficial part of the retina upto the rods and c. Central artery of the retina: It enters the eye
cones is nourished by diffusion from the capillaries through center of the optic disc. It divides into
of the choroid. superior and inferior branches, each of which
then divides into temporal and nasal branches.
Venous Drainage of Retina The retinal veins follow the arteries. The branches
of the central artery of retina are seen radiating
It is by the central vein of retina which drains into the
over the edges of the optic disc. They are smaller
cavernous sinus.
and paler than veins. At points where they cross
the veins, the wall of the veins can be seen
through them. In patients with high blood
CLINICAL AND APPLIED ANATOMY pressure the arteries may appear narrowed.
• In retinal detachment there is separation of the two Haemorrhages may be seen around the arteries.
layers of retina. Retinal pigment epithelium •. Normal optic disc seen on ophthalmoscopy
separates from the neurosensory layer of retina. appearce as a cup shaped area, paler than the
294 Human Anatomy For Dental Students

surrounding area i.e., the fundus. The edges of the CLINICAL AND APPLIED ANATOMY
cup are sharp and well defined. In patients with
raised intracranial pressure the optic disc is Glaucoma: An abnormal increase in intraocular
congested and the cup gets obscured and the disc pressure leads to the condition called glaucoma. This
margin is blurred. This is known as papilloedema. occurs due to a block in the circulation and drainage of
The intracranial pressure gets transmitted to the disc the aqueous humor. In acute conditions there is severe
via the meningeal coverings which continue over pain due to pressure on the highly sensitive cornea.
the optic nerve. The raised pressure also compresses Glaucoma results in pressure necrosis of the retina and
the central retinal artery which lies in the eventually can cause blindness.
subarachnoid space around the optic nerve.
LENS (Fig. 20.39)
COMPARTMENTS OF EYE BALL • The lens is an unusual biological structure. It is also
known as crystalline lens.
The interior of the eyeball is divided into two • It is transparent and biconvex in shape.
compartments by the lens. • It is placed between the anterior and posterior
1. Anterior compartment compartments of the eyeball and is suspended from
— It is further divided into two chambers by the iris the ciliary body by zonular fibers.
namely anterior and posterior chambers. • External features: It presents with:
— The anterior chamber lies between the iris and a. Anterior and posterior surfaces.
cornea (Fig. 20.34). b. Anterior and posterior poles: These are the centre
— The posterior chamber lies between iris and lens points of the respective surfaces. The line
(Fig. 20.34). connecting anterior and posterior poles forms the
— The two chambers are filled with aqueous humor axis of the lens.
S E C T I O N-2

which helps in maintaining the intraocular c. The equator, which constitutes the circumference
pressure. The aqueous humor is rich in ascorbic of the lens.
acid, glucose and aminoacids. It nourishes the
cornea and the lens which are otherwise Structure of lens: Lens consists of the following layers:
avascular. 1. Lens capsule: It is a transparent, elastic membrane
that envelops the lens all around.
Circulation of aqueous humor
2. Anterior epithelium: Under the anterior surface of
— The aqueous humor is secreted in the posterior
capsule the lens is lined by a single layer of cuboidal
chamber by the vessels in the ciliary processes.
cells in the centre. These cells elongate as they
— From here it passes into the anterior chamber
approach the equator of lens and give rise to lens
through the pupil.
— Then it passes through the spaces in the irido-
corneal angle, located between the fibers of
ligamentum pectinatum, to enter the canal of
Schlemm, a venous ring.
— Finally, it drains into the anterior ciliary veins.
2. Posterior compartment
— It lies behind the lens and is much larger than
the anterior compartment.
— It constitutes posterior 4/5th of the inner part of
— It is surrounded almost completely by the retina
and is filled with a colourless, transparent gelly
like substance called vitreous humour/vitreous
body. The vitreous humour is enclosed in a
delicate hyaloid membrane.
— The vitreous humour also helps in maintaining
the intraocular pressure and the shape of the
eyeball. Further it holds the lens and the retina
in place.

Fig. 20.39: Structure of lens

Eye and Orbit 295

3. Lens fibers: They are arranged concentrically and • Presbyopia is the gradual loss of power of
form the substance of the lens. accommodation of the lens due to changes
— The centre of the lens is hard as it contains the secondary to ageing as mentioned above. The lens
oldest fibers. It is called the nucleus. Here the plays an important role in accommodation and as it
fibers loose their nucleus and organelles and
hardens with age it looses its flexibility. Spectacles
accumulate a special protein known as
are prescribed for near vision.
— The periphery of lens or cortex is soft and is made
up of more recently formed fibers. FUNCTIONS OF THE EYE
As mentioned before the eye functions much like a camera.
Suspensory ligaments of the lens (zonules of Zinn) The iris allows light to enter the eye through its aperture
The lens is suspended between the anterior and posterior
called pupil. The light rays are focussed by the lens (also
compartments of the eye by the suspensory liga-
by cornea and humour) on the photosensitive retina. The
ments.These ligaments extend from the ciliary body to
light striking the retina is converted into action potentials
the lens capsule and are present mostly in front of the
equator. that are relayed through optic pathways to the visual
cortex of the brain and an image is perceived.
CLINICAL AND APPLIED ANATOMY Refractive Media of the Eye
• The change in focal length of the lens of the eye when These include:
it focuses on a nearby object is called 1. Cornea: It is highly refractile but not adjustable
accommodation. 2. Aqueous humour
This occurs by the contraction of ciliary muscles and 3. Lens: Refractive and adjustable
enables us to see both the far and near objects with

C H A P T E R-20
4. Vitreous humour/vitreous body.
the same lens.
• Opacification of the lens is known as cataract. The
most common cause is senile cataract. The lens OPTICS OF EYE
absorbs much of the ultraviolet rays and • Emmetropia: It is the normal focussing eye in which
increasingly becomes yellow with ageing. It also parallel rays of light from infinity are focussed on
becomes hard and ultimately opaque so that light the neurosensory layer of retina, when accommoda-
cannot pass through. This results in blindness tion is at rest (Fig. 20.40).
which is easily cured by surgery.

Fig. 20.40: Optics of eye and refractive errors

296 Human Anatomy For Dental Students

• Refractive error (Ametropia) (Fig. 20.40): This is a • Presbyopia: It is the inability to clearly see the near
clinical condition characterised by defect in the objects. This occurs in old age due to gradual loss of
image forming mechanism of the eye in which the power of accommodation of eye and increase in
rays coming from an object are not focussed on the opacification of the lens. The primary complaint is
retina. It can be classified into the following types: difficulty in reading. It is treated by using appro-
a. Myopia or near sightedness: This occurs when priate convex lenses.
the axial length of eye ball is increased or the • Accommodation: Change in focal length of the lens
refractive power of lens is increased. The light of the eye when it focuses on a nearby object is called
rays from a distant object are focused in front of accommodation. This occurs by the contraction of
the retina and hence the image appears blurred. ciliary muscles and enables us to see both the far
It can be treated by using appropriate concave and near objects with the same lens.
b. Hypermetropia or far sightedness: This occurs VISUAL PATHWAY (Fig. 20.41)
when the axial length of eye ball is decreased or
the refractive power of lens is decreased. The light The retina is the photoreceptive layer of the eye and
rays from an object are focused behind the retina impulses generated in rods and cones of retina are finally
and hence appears blurred. It can be treated by transmitted along the axons of ganglion cells of retina
using appropriate convex lenses. which converge to the optic disc and exit the eyeball as
c. Astigmatism: In this there is defective focussing optic nerve.
of an image on the retina due to alteration in the • The impulses course through optic nerve, optic
horizontal and vertical curvatures of the cornea. chiasma and optic tract to relay in lateral geniculate
It is treated by using cylindrical lenses. body of corresponding side.
S E C T I O N-2

Fig. 20.41: Visual pathway

Eye and Orbit 297

C H A P T E R-20
Fig. 20.42: Lesions of visual pathway

• The fibers originating from nasal halves of the retina PUPILLARY LIGHT REFLEX PATHWAY (Fig. 20.43)
cross to opposite side at the chiasma. Hence, each
optic tract consists of fibers from temporal region of Pupillary light reflex is defined as constriction of the
retina of ipsilateral side and nasal region of retina of pupil of the eye when it is exposed to bright illumination.
contralateral side. The path of nerve impulses causing this reflex is as
• The fibers from nuclei of lateral geniculate body follows:
extend to the visual cortex in the medial aspect of • On stimulation with bright light the nerve impulses
occipital lobe via the optic radiation. pass through ganglion cells of retina, optic nerve,
• Image is perceived in visual area of occipital cortex. optic chiasma and optic tract to pretectal nucleus of
mid brain.
CLINICAL AND APPLIED ANATOMY • Fibers of secondary neurons from pretectal nuclei
then convey impulses to the Edinger-Westphal nuclei
Lesions of visual pathway (Fig. 20.42):
1. Optic nerve lesion causes total blindness of
corresponding eye. • Preganglionic fibers from Edinger-Wesphal nuclei
2. Lesions of optic chiasma causes bitemporal carry impulses to ciliary ganglia via oculomotor
hemianopia. nerve.
3. Lesion of optic tract causes contralateral homony- • Post ganglionic fibers from ciliary ganglion on each
mous hemianopia. side travel along short ciliary nerves to supply
4. Lesion of pretectal region causes Argyll-Robertson sphincter pupillae muscle which contracts in
pupil. response. Hence, the pupil constricts.
5. Partial lesion of visual cortex causes upper or lower
quadrantic homonymous hemianopia.
S E C T I O N-2 298 Human Anatomy For Dental Students

Fig. 20.43: Light reflex pathway

• Thus, when one eye is exposed to a beam of light, the 3. Constriction of pupils to increase depth of focus.
pupil of both eyes contract together and equally. Afferent path is along optic nerves, optic chiasma, optic
Constriction of pupil which is exposed to beam of tracts, lateral geniculate bodies, optic radiation to the
light is called direct light reflex while simultaneous visual areas in cerebral cortex. Then impulses are
constriction of pupil of opposite eye is called transmitted to pretectal region and Edinger-Westphal and
consensual or indirect light reflex. motor nuclei of oculomotor nerve via superior
longitudinal fasciculus, frontal eye field and internal
NEAR VISION REFLEX PATHWAY (Fig. 20.44) capsule.
Efferent path consists of parasympathetic fibers which
In order to view near objects the eyes respond by:
arise from the Edinger-Westphal nucleus and travel along
1. Convergence of eyes.
oculomotor nerve to relay in ciliary ganglion. Post
2. Contraction of ciliary muscles leading to change in
ganglionic fibers from the ganglion supply ciliary muscle
shape of anterior surface of lens known as acco-
and sphincter pupillae via short ciliary nerves. They lead
mmodation reflex.
Eye and Orbit 299

C H A P T E R-20
Fig. 20.44: Near vision reflex pathway

to accommodation and constriction of pupil. medial nucleus of thalamus and relay in post central
Efferent fibers from oculomotor nerve also supply the gyrus of cortex.
medial rectus muscle of eyeball which causes con- • Efferent impluses travel down from motor cortex to
vergence. facial nerve nucleus, along facial nerve and via its
branches to the orbicularis occuli muscles causing
its contraction and blinking of eyelids.
On touching the cornea or conjunctiva there is blinking
of eyes. This is known as corneal and conjunctival reflex.
This reflex helps to protect the eyes against any foreign
body. It is the extent to which the eye can seen the outside world.
• Afferent impluses are transmitted by ophthalmic The field of vision of each eye is limited by more medially
and eyebrow superiorly. Visual fields are tested by the
division of trigeminal nerve to ventral posterior
perimeter (Fig. 20.45).
300 Human Anatomy For Dental Students

Fig. 20.45: Diagrammatic representation of visual fields and binocular vision


• There are three primary colours namely, red, green
• The visual impulses from one object are carried by and blue. The red light has a wavelength of 723 to
optic pathway of both the eyes and the images from 647 nm green light wavelength is 575 to 492 nm and
them are fused into one at the level of visual cortex. blue light wavelength is 492 to 450 nm.
• Mixing of wavelengths of these colours in variable
S E C T I O N-2

• When two corresponding points of the retina are

proportion produces the full spectrum of colours.
stimulated, single image is seen. This is binocular • Colour vision is the function of cones of retina. There
single vision. are three types of cones namely, red sensitive, green
• Binocular single vision provides us with ability to sensitive and blue sensitive and the sensations are
appreciate depth and proportion of an object. integrated by the ganglion cells of retina, lateral
geniculate bodies and the visual cortex (area no. 19).

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