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Natural fibre reinforced composites: A review based on additive

manufacturing routes and biodegradability perspective

Article  in  Materials Today: Proceedings · March 2022

DOI: 10.1016/j.matpr.2022.02.607


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6 authors, including:

Shiv Shankar Ashish Das

RWTH Aachen University National Institute of Technology, Jamshedpur


Dr Mukul Shukla
Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad India


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Natural fibre reinforced composites: A review based on additive

manufacturing routes and biodegradability perspective
Anumoy Ganguly a, Shiv Shankar a, Ashish Das b, Mukul Shukla c, Chetan Swaroop d,⇑, Tarun Bhardwaj e
Division of material science and engineering, RWTH Aachen University, 52074, Germany
Department of Production and Industrial Engineering, National Institute of Technology Jamshedpur, Jharkhand, India
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad, Prayagraj, India
Department of Mechanical Engineering, United College of Engineering and Research, Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh, India
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Ajay Kumar Garg Engineering College, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Natural fibres derived from plants, animals, and minerals have been used by humans since the start of
Available online xxxx civilization. Since then, with the changing human needs, these naturally occurring fibres are finding
new applications and uses. Due to their high specific strength, low density, and biocompatibility, these
Keywords: natural fibres have found use as filler materials in advanced composite materials in the 21st century.
Natural fibres In an environment concerned and the energy-hungry world, another notable stride towards sustainable
Polymer engineering is the use of additive manufacturing. Due to its low energy consumption, minimal material
Additive manufacturing
wastage, and easy fabricability of complicated parts, additive manufacturing has gained attention as the
norm of the future. Hence, there has been increasing popularity to try and manufacture composite rein-
forced with natural fibres through the additive manufacturing route. In this paper, we have tried to sum-
marize the recent developments in the field of additive manufacturing of Natural fibre reinforced
composites. Comprehensive discussions regarding the different kinds of natural fibres, additive manufac-
turing routes, pre-processing of natural fibres and their biodegradability have been included. In the end,
we have drawn some conclusions and have suggested future directions to the research.
Copyright Ó 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the International Confer-
ence on Advances in Materials and Mechanical Engineering. (ICAMME-2022).

1. Introduction NFRCs are inexpensive when compared to glass or metal reinforce-

ments and are abundantly available. However, NFRCs are yet to be
In the wake of the 21st century, the world is becoming increas- incorporated into actual use due to their poor mechanical, thermal,
ingly concerned about the environmental impact of all the techno- and physical properties. Hence, more research and innovation are
logical progress mankind has made. Naturally, mankind has turned needed in these domains. Currently, NFRCs are being exclusively
to the scientific community for possible solutions for sustainable investigated for their lightweight and high stiffness to weight ratio,
growth. A major portion of this seemingly tough problem is solved biodegradable nature, and functional properties which have made
by the use of environmentally friendly materials and processes them a potential candidate for tissue engineering and specific parts
used to fabricate them. Hence, researchers all over the world are for automotive industries. Moreover, it has been found that NFRCs
trying to develop materials that are biodegradable yet meet the are among the most frugal energy consumers during their fabrica-
stringent demands of service. Natural fibre reinforced composites tion with high energy recovery at the end of their life [1,2].
have hence emerged as a key research area in material research. The global market for these Natural reinforced composites has
Various kinds of matrices have been used to fabricate natural grown tremendously in the past decade and is expected to grow
fibre reinforced composites (NFRCs), among which the ones with at a constant rate over the next few decades with the construction
thermo-plastic matrices have gained popularity. Moreover, these and biomedical sector being the largest consumers followed by the
automotive sector. The increasing awareness towards the use of
environmentally friendly materials will push the growth of NFRCs
⇑ Corresponding author. in the coming decades. Yet, there are several hurdles to overcome
E-mail address: (C. Swaroop).
2214-7853/Copyright Ó 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the International Conference on Advances in Materials and Mechanical Engineering. (ICAMME-

Please cite this article as: A. Ganguly, S. Shankar, A. Das et al., Natural fibre reinforced composites: A review based on additive manufacturing routes and
biodegradability perspective, Materials Today: Proceedings,
A. Ganguly, S. Shankar, A. Das et al. Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

for NFRCs especially those manufactured through additive manu- tective gears for military use due to its flexibility, high strength,
facturing. For the 3D printed NFRCs to perform under service con- and durability [3].
ditions, good interfacial properties of the natural fibre and the
polymer matrix are required apart from the problems of aniso-
3. Additive manufacturing routes for NFRCs
tropy, nonuniform distribution of fibres and varying quality of
fibres obtained from different sources. These problems require us
Additive manufacturing is a technique that uses layer-by-layer
to delve deeper into the understanding of the underlying mecha-
fabrication to build a 3D component from a computer-aided design
nism of additive manufacturing as well as composites in general.
fed to it through a computer. The computer model is divided into
horizontal layers and each layer is then fabricated on top of
2. Types of natural fibres another. Additive manufacturing has the advantage of being able
to fabricate components of complex geometry in less time with
Natural fibres can be broadly divided into two classes a) Animal minimal steps with almost no wastage of materials. Different kinds
fibre containing keratin b) plant fibre containing cellulose and c) of AM processes exist and are used for different products depend-
fibres obtained from minerals. Fibres can further be classified ing on the material, complexity, desired property, and size [4]. Now
according to their shape and size (aspect ratio) as long fibres and we shall discuss briefly the processes relevant to the manufactur-
short fibres. Long and short fibres play different roles when added ing of NFRCs.
to composites as reinforcements.

3.1. Different AM techniques for NFRCs

2.1. Plant-based fibres
Several AM techniques can be used to fabricate natural fibre
Plant-based fibres can be subdivided according to the part of reinforced polymer matrix composites. The selection of the appro-
the plant they are obtained from. Often the structural entities are priate techniques depends on the feedstock materials, geometric
different which leads to different mechanical properties when used complexity of the desired part, and the kind of natural fibres used.
as reinforcements in polymer composites. The most popular among these are the FFF, SLS, BJ, SLA, and DW
2.1.1. Seed fibres The FFF process is the most extensively used technique to man-
Cotton, kapok, rice husk, almond seed skin, and wheat can be ufacture polymer-based composites. It uses a feedstock in form of a
classified as seed fibres. They are predominantly made up of cellu- thin filament which is partially melted using a heat source,
lose and long-chain carbohydrate molecules. These fibres have a extruded through the nozzle and deposited onto the substrate fol-
higher degree of polymerization when compared to other naturally lowing the designated path specified by the CAM model. The pro-
occurring fibres [3]. However, these fibres do not show significant cess is hence fast with the advantage of being able to use multiple
elongation before failure. Cotton fibre is rarely used as a reinforcing filaments of different materials. Usually, two filaments is used, one
agent due to its soft nature. Almond skin fibres are used in biomed- that of the primary filler material and another composed of the
ical implants due to their biocompatibility. support material (which is then removed manually or by dissolu-
tion). However, the accuracy of FFF is not satisfactory for geomet-
rically intricate structures, where methods such as Selective laser
2.1.2. Stem fibres
sintering are used.
Stem fibres are obtained from the inner living tissues of the
Another process very similar to FFF is Direct writing (DW).
plant in between the inner cire to the dead bark. Flax, hemp, jute,
Direct writing is often referred to as inkjet 3D printing because it
nettle, okra, and ramie falls under this category. They are com-
uses a viscous solution contrary to ink in printing. The viscous liq-
prised almost 70% of cellulose and display high tensile strengths,
uid is deposited with the help of a nozzle and allowed to harden. A
hence are being extensively being investigated as reinforcements
post-fabrication treatment may be used where heating, UV ray, or
in polymer composites. Stem fibres have fibre diameters ranging
reactive feedstock may be used to harden the deposited solution.
from 12 lm to 17 lm.
The advantage of DW is that complex composites with a
functional and compositional gradient can be manufactured.
2.1.3. Leaf fibres The quality of the product obtained largely depends on the quality
Sisal, abaca and manila leaf fibres are commonly used in NFRCs. of the solvent.
They are especially popular in tissue engineering due to their bio- In the Selective laser sintering process, metal powders are sin-
compatibility. However, void and pore formation at the interface tered using directed energy beams (laser or electrons). SLS is
and poor bonding with matrix degrade the mechanical properties. extensively used to manufacture semicrystalline polymers which
Sisal fibres are hard and stretchy and have diameters from 200 lm do not require a separate support structure. The quality of the pro-
to 400 lm. Sisal fibres are extensively used as reinforcements in duct depends on the quality of the powder quality and hence pre-
polymer composites [3]. cise control has to be exercised over the molecular structure [5]. In
the case of NFRCs, the fibre can be blended with the feedstock to
2.2. Animal-based fibres create an in-situ NFRC composite, but the non-uniform distribution
of these reinforcements remains a problem. However, even with
Animal-based fibres can be classified into three types a) hair the advantage of being able to deliver intricate structures, only cer-
fibre b) wool fibre and c) silk fibre. tain kinds of polymer (with low viscosity, high IR absorption, and
Wool fibres are obtained from shearing animals like sheep and low surface tension) [5] are found to be suitable for SLS manufac-
goats. They are extremely durable and have great fatigue tough- turing because of the complex phenomenon of incipient fusion
ness. It has been found that wool fibres can flex back and forth involved.
20,000 times before failure and hence are used in polymer compos- Binder jet additive manufacturing is very similar to SLS except
ites requiring high strength. Wool fibres are also fire resistant and for using a binder to hold the feedstock powder. The binder is
hence can be used in conjecture with asbestos in fire resistance printed on the powder bed with the help of a printer according
composites. Wool is being extensively investigated for use in pro- to the CAD-CAM model and immediately heated by a heat source
A. Ganguly, S. Shankar, A. Das et al. Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

from beneath to dry off the binder. The sequential and timely exe- to the surface and may reduce the adhesion between the matrix
cution of drying steps is of utmost importance for the geometrical and reinforcements. Hence, all-natural fibres are washed thor-
integrity of that layer and the structure as a whole. After all the lay- oughly. Often cleaning agents like detergents are used to remove
ers have been solidified, the excess supporting powder is blown off. grease and oils from natural fibres derived from animals.
The final product may require post-manufacturing treatments to
harden the binder (by heating) and initiate polymerization using 3.2.2. Chemical treatments
UV rays. A binder of suitable viscosity and a low spreading ten- As mentioned before, natural fibres are found to be hydrophilic
dency is essential for the geometrical accuracy of the fabricated while polymers are hydrophobic, resulting in poor interfacial
part. The advantage of this process is that a very wide range of bonding. Plant fibre is mostly comprised of cellulose which has
polymers may be fabricated by the BJ process if they are available open hydroxyl groups in its structures. These hydroxyl groups form
in powdered form and a suitable binder is available [6]. Properties a polar bond with neighbouring hydroxyl groups from other mole-
of the powder such as its size distribution, morphology, and rheol- cules as well as moisture in the air. To inhibit these hydroxyl
ogy directly influence the quality of the product (see Fig. 1). groups, chemical reagents are used to replace the active hydroxyl
group. Nuno et al [9] has used a two-step process where diiso-
3.2. Pre-processing of natural fibres cyanate was used to mask the hydroxyl groups and in the second
step, polyol was added to form polyurethane moieties which
For sound mechanical and physical properties of the manufac- resulted in superior interface binding and improved mechanical
tured composite, the distribution of fibres within the polymer properties in the composite. A common practice is to add acetate
matrix and the fiber–matrix adhesion. However, it has been found group to replace active hydroxyl group to improve the hydropho-
that most natural fibres do not bound well with the polymer bicity. Heli cellulose and lignin another class of fibres found in ani-
matrix because of the hydrophilic nature of most natural fibres mal and plant-based natural fibre are often treated with NaOH
and the hydrophobic nature of the polymer matrix. Hence, the nat- followed by mildly acidic reagents to decompose the lignin and
ural fibre has to be treated to modify its surface properties before hemicellulose and thus improve the reinforcement-matrix bonding
being incorporated as reinforcements [10]. [11]. Acha et al [12], in their studies, have used lignin as a compat-
ibilizing agent to improve the interfacial bonding properties of
3.2.1. Washing jute-fibre and polypropylene and observed improvement in several
Natural fibres such as jute, hemp, cotton, and fleece may have parameters such as stiffness, tensile behaviour and impact proper-
been waxed to reduce friction while machining. The wax sticks ties (see Fig. 2).

Fig. 1. Schematic representation of different AM technologies used to fabricate polymer and polymer composites (a) FFF [7] (b) DW [8] (c) SLS [7].

A. Ganguly, S. Shankar, A. Das et al. Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 2. Schematic representation of chemical modification of bamboo fibres [9].

4. Recycling and biodegradability of NFRCs The animal fibre by the biomedical engineering fields where the
preparation of biomedical scaffolds can be performed by the rein-
One of the main reasons for the popularity of NFRCs is their forcement of the animal fibres in biodegradable thermoplastics.
biodegradable nature. Scientists and engineers have always been However, more scientific insights need to be collected with the
looking for composites that are stable during their service but adoption of suitable standards for testing, service parameters and
can be easily degraded in appropriate conditions. Natural fillers degradation of such composites. Systematic research and planning
that are hydrophilic and more biodegradable increase the adhesion for setting up treatment and composting facilities for degradation
of microorganisms to the composite material and facilitate degra- and reuse of NFRCs need to be put in place.
dation. Cellulose-based natural fibres which form the bulk of the
NFRCs are highly hygroscopic and come under bacterial attack
[13]. However, this feature also makes them susceptible to degra- Declaration of Competing Interest
dation during their service, hence the fraction of polymer matrix
and degradable reinforcements should be carefully tuned. The The authors declare that they have no known competing finan-
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