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The Thirteen British Colonies By 1750 there were 18 British colonies along the Atlantic o coast south of New France. > In the New England Colonies, people lived and worked in fishing villages, port cities, and small New France towns surrounded by modest family farms. ee + In the Middle Colonies, farms were larger and farmland more produ Lively wan centers were home to prosperous merchants ; leh pin carl 1064 ond and skilled artisans Engh pe cond e Southern Colonies, the large plant the coast grew single crops for trade at nearby port cities, Smaller towns and farms dotted the Foothills farther west along the Dlaware Rr English gain convoln 1068 Land Reions {Bl Plieand own In 1750 few colonies had a definite western boundaries. Oi Matted — Regional dnision Those not blocked by other fe coon Fal la: = Cote bounéary | coonesconinved a expr pais eee = Indie boindary | asters moved ves mo ER Sites + Colonial capital nen ety . 1a Date founded Waters rapt lon the eof he Fiera cated a Baer o nargaon cl the Fal Line. Tang tours grew where ods 0 be cried pst the al were uronded ram bats ERA Colonization and Settlement iseectves | 2 Official Religions ‘Other Religions ‘Anglican (Episcopal) of Baptist iy Pavitan (Congregational) of Lutheran ‘None (poi of of Mennonite relgoertoleance) ——f resyteran 190 20min Poet —— 4 Roman Catholic Wo A Rome Siew Uke European counties of he time, ‘most colons financial supported ‘one relgion, cal he “established church,” and not ethers. Four ‘other cleres encouraged all religions but gave money tonone seeurteotat ATLANTIC PETER KALM, SWEDISH IMMIGRANT DESCRIBING PENNSYLVANIA, 1738 ie ne a neew RI 3% BB scors-trish ‘NH 2% Gi Durch ‘DE 2% i scots GA% Enslaved Africans. ao ® : SOT IE Colonists tended to settle with others from the. arnage’ POPULATION BY COLONY, 1750 same part of Europe. By 1760 etal distinct Colonial boundary, 1760 PU titre svn cteradoesl Se ee oie ee | aie! Reena caer oe neal oe ee largest populations, ‘on page 23. ERA Colonization and Seitlement | 1585-1763 TB swedish ATLANTIC Town OCEAN 1626 Date founded Political Boundaries of toy atl French and Swedish settlements were trading poss. Engibh and Dutch settlements ee reat ‘mainly farming communities. As in Europe, many settlements incuded forts for defense. Usiiiscam| Jamestown, 1607 “otal colonists: 105 Children Plymouth, 1620 Total colonists: 101 QE e einai eco a hrc te ‘gardens and built board houses—some with thatched ‘0ofs—ke those atthe reconstructed historical ste above © Log cabins ware introduced by Swedish setters, @ Fx1y covonists Some colonies, suchas Jamestown, were founded with the goal of gaining wealth. In others, such as Phmouth, the main goal was to start. a new ie in a new lan. ‘ Compare these distinct groups af orgial settlers.

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