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Name: Shelley Ysabel P.

Busa Subject: HBSE 1

Course/Year/Section: BSSW 2-B Instructor: Mr. Engelldy Ignacio

My Takeaways on Social Welfare and Philippine Realities:

Social Welfare covers everything and anything the needs of each individuals including
us. As mentioned in the Notion of Social Welfare, the goal of the Social Welfare is to
meet every human’s needs from womb to tomb. Needs like physical, emotional, and
mental health needs are provided by Social Welfare. Social Welfare contibutes to the
growth and development of the community and the society. The Quantum and Quality of
Social Welfare can’t be the same in different countries because of the variations in their
population, stages of their development, forms of government and their policies.

It’s important for us, Social Workers, to understand what Social Welfare and Philippine
Realities is. Because as a training Social Worker, we need to learn on how to asses
individuals and their problems and it guides us about the government programs that
assists people in need so that we learn to understand fully what needs is suitable for the
specific group of people or individual. Always remember our main goal: understanding
and aiming to improve the lives of people in society.

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