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Unilever is a multinational company headquartered in London, England.

Unilever Manufactures food, beverages, cleansers, and body care. Unilever is

the third largest producer of household goods in the world. Unilever is one the
oldest operating companies in the world, and currently sells its products to more
than 190 countries. Uilever owns more than 400 trademark, of which 14 brands
have total sales, over $ 1 billoin

 Human Resources
increasing the capabilities and talents of human resources.
 Foods & Refreshment
We make food and Drink
 Beauty and Personal Care
We provide various beauty and personal care products
 Home care
Home Care describes household chores
 Finance
We take care of all financial matters
 Customer Development
We do development to increase customer
 Supply Chain
We help to find supply materials others globally
Unilever ia a multinational company headquartered in London, England.
Unilever Manufactures food, beverages, cleansers, and body care. Unilever is
the third largest producer of household goods in the world. Unilever is one the
oldest operating companies in the world, and currently sells its products to more
than 190 countries. Uilever owns more than 400 trademark, of which 14 brands
have total sales, over $ 1 billoin

Unilever adalah perusahaan multinasional yang berkantor pusat di London,

Inggris. Unilever memproduksi makanan, minuman, pembersih, dan perawatan
tubuh. Unilever adalah produsen barang rumah tangga terbesar ketiga di
dunia.Unilever adalah salah satu perusahaan paling tua di dunia yang masih
beroperasi, dan saat ini menjual produknya ke lebih dari 190 negara.Unilever
memiliki lebih dari 400 merek dagang, dengan 14 merek diantaranya memiliki
total penjualan lebih dari £1 milliar,

Sumber daya manusia

meningkatkan kemampuan dan bakat sumber daya manusia.

Makanan & Minuman

kami membuat makanan dan minuman

Kecantikan dan Perawatan Pribadi

Kami menyediakan berbagai produk kecantikan dan perawatan pribadi

Perawatan rumah
Home Care menggambarkan pekerjaan rumah tangga

Kami mengurus semua masalah keuangan

Pengembangan Pelanggan
kami melakukan pengembangan untuk meningkatkan pelanggan

Rantai pasokan
kami membantu untuk menemukan pasokan bahan lain secara global.

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