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Name: Shelley Ysabel P.

Busa Date: September 18, 2022

Course/Year/Section: BSSW 2-B Subject: HBSE 1

My Expectations in this Subject:

I expect that this subject will give me more learnings and knowledge about my chosen field and
to deeply know its scopes.

My Expectations on our Instructor:

I expect that our instructor will give us an enough and very informational lessons that could help
us. And I also expect that our instructor will help us build ourselves to become an effective social
worker someday. And lastly, I expect that our instructor will be kind and considerate but at the
same time, will not spoon-fed us.

Reflection on Social Issues:

Homelessness in the Philippines

Everytime we go outside from our houses, everytime we ride on jeepneys, we always see a
numerous homeless people/family on the streets, seeking for help. And they’re scattered
everywhere on the streets/roads where they’re also sleeps. The roads/streets are their shelter. But
when the Pandemic started, the number of homeless people increased due to Unemployment and
other reasons such as people renting apartments got kicked out because of financial shortage.
According to Philippine Statistics Agency (PSA), they estimated that some 4.5 million Filipinos
are homeless out of the Philippines’ 106 million total population since the Pandemic starts.

Whenever i see homeless people on the streets seeking for food, i felt pity on my heart. I can’t do
anything to help them meet their needs so i pray for them. I hope that the Government should
also focus more on meeting the needs of the homeless people/family, like implementing feeding
programs, free access to healthcare, building more houses for them to have a shelter and free
education for the kids/youth and help adult homeless people get in the training program of
TESDA for free for them to start a new life with their business.

When i learned the true meaning of homelessness, i realize that this issue is serious and cannot
be avoided. We need to help the unpriviledge people because what they’re experiencing is quite
hard. When i become a Social Worker, i will do all things just to help the people who are in
really need of help.

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