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Installation Information for CPE Document Rendering

April 7, 2010

Document Rendering:
Tpcpe.exe has to run on the client side for document rendering, put it somewhere with
Edit tpcpe.exe.config in notepad to set up some default values:
1. Log File Directory (c:\temp)
2. Download Directory (c:\temp or whatever)
3. BaseURL – on ProStar demo system this is
At a customer site, go thru the steps below to determine (see Determining BaseURL)
4. Check Seconds (300)
5. Push Port – we chose 10120, this can be any port and it only needs to be updated in this one
place. Ask the system admin, but it is very unlikely that anything else will ever be running on
that port. If something else is using the port, then TPCPE.exe will have an error when you click
6. Push Documents – The Push Documents option is more efficient. The only time you would set it
to false would be if there were a firewall that blocks the server from connecting to the client.

The "dirty cache" issue is actually more of a feature than a bug. The original version of TPCPE
didn't have it, but then the files had to be transferred each time they were displayed. To save
transfer time, the client side now checks to see if the file has already been saved to the temp
directory, and simply re-opens it if it has. As a result, the temp directory is no longer a temp
directory, really, it is a local document repository.

The conceptual problem with that is, if you update the documents on the server side, no one
who has seen an earlier version of the document will ever see the new version. The short-term
solution is to use different names for every document, and for every revision of every
document. The long-term solution would be to have the server side send enough information to
the client (i.e. file date/time, size, checksum) for the client to decide whether it needs to
download a new copy.

Another alternative would be to store the documents on a webserver or network share. One of
the unused features of TPCPE.exe is that, if you pass it a file name that starts with "http://", it
will download it from a webserver the network, and if you pass it a file name that starts with
"\\", it will look for it on a network share.

Determining BaseURL:
1. Open up c:\Program Files\QAD\QAD Applications\QAD.Applications.exe.config
2. Look for a line near the top that defines HomeServer. In your case, it would be
3. Open up internet explorer and put in a URL that looks like this (substituting the appropriate
HomeServer part)

This will return some XML data that will include a list of the available environments. For
you, the only one in the list is probably qaddemo.
4. Put a new URL in that looks like the following:

This will return some XML data that tells you everything about connecting to the
environment. The values that start with Desktop and Webspeed (as I recall) contain the parts of
the BaseURL.

Need tpcpe.exe to start automatically on the client

Testing info for debugging:

Cpe_session and cpe_queue tables – check them
To test a doc, in Progress editor run this:
Run tpcpeque.p (“ProDemo”, “/apps/prism/docs/1f1.pdf”) where ProDemo is the windows
Check c:\temp\cpe.log
The debugging system in CPE sends a log to /tmp
In the cmd, run “regedit” to see the registry settings – change CheckSeconds for testing to 2
To stop the service on the unix side:
Run tpcpemmq.p (“localhost”, “9990”) changing the 2 parms
Can also test by doing cmd in windows:
[BaseURL from above]user=prodemo&action=C

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